protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MembershipUser mu = MembershipWrapper.GetUser(); if (mu == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["vidid"]) ) Response.Redirect("~/account/logon"); string vidid = Request.QueryString["vidid"]; string vtype = Request.QueryString["vtype"]; char vtypeAction = Convert.ToChar(vtype); var vid = new Video(vidid.Substring(0, 2), vidid.Substring(3, vidid.Length - 3)); switch (vtypeAction) { case 'P': // adding to playlist var plylst = new Playlist(); plylst.GetUserPlaylist(Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey)); var plyvid = new PlaylistVideo(); if (plylst.PlaylistID == 0) { plylst.CreatedByUserID = Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey); plylst.UserAccountID = Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey); plylst.Create(); plyvid.RankOrder = 1; } else { var plyvids = new PlaylistVideos(); plyvids.GetPlaylistVideosForPlaylist(plylst.PlaylistID); if (mu.UserName.ToLower() != GeneralConfigs.AdminUserName.ToLower() && plyvids.Count >= 25) { // cannot have not than 10 Response.Redirect("~/account/playlist/" + mu.UserName); } plyvid.RankOrder = plyvids.Count + 1; } plyvid.PlaylistID = plylst.PlaylistID; plyvid.VideoID = vid.VideoID; if (!PlaylistVideo.IsPlaylistVideo(plyvid.PlaylistID, vid.VideoID)) { plyvid.CreatedByUserID = Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey); plyvid.Create(); } Response.Redirect("~/account/playlist/" + mu.UserName); break; default: var uav = new UserAccountVideo(); uav.UserAccountID = Convert.ToInt32(mu.ProviderUserKey); uav.VideoID = vid.VideoID; uav.VideoType = vtypeAction; uav.Create(); Response.Redirect("~/" + mu.UserName); break; } }
public ActionResult Playlist() { ViewBag.VideoHeight = (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice) ? 100 : 277; ViewBag.VideoWidth = (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice) ? 225 : 400; if (_mu != null) _ua = new UserAccount(Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey)); ViewBag.UserName = _ua.UserName; var plyst = new Playlist(); plyst.GetUserPlaylist(_ua.UserAccountID); ViewBag.AutoPlay = plyst.AutoPlay; ViewBag.AutoPlayNumber = (plyst.AutoPlay) ? 1 : 0; ViewBag.UserPlaylistID = plyst.PlaylistID; var plyvids = new PlaylistVideos(); plyvids.GetPlaylistVideosForPlaylist(plyst.PlaylistID); var vids = new Videos(); vids.AddRange(plyvids.Select(plv => new Video(plv.VideoID))); var sngrcs = new SongRecords(); sngrcs.AddRange(vids.Select(vi => new SongRecord(vi))); ViewBag.PlaylistVideos = sngrcs.VideoPlaylist(); return View(); }
private void GetUserPlaylist() { // playlist var plyst = new Playlist(); plyst.GetUserPlaylist(_ua.UserAccountID); if (plyst.PlaylistID <= 0 || PlaylistVideos.GetCountOfVideosInPlaylist(plyst.PlaylistID) <= 0) return; ViewBag.AutoPlay = plyst.AutoPlay; ViewBag.AutoPlayNumber = (plyst.AutoPlay) ? 1 : 0; ViewBag.UserPlaylistID = plyst.PlaylistID; }
public ActionResult Playlist(NameValueCollection nvc) { if (nvc == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("nvc"); if (_mu != null) _ua = new UserAccount(Convert.ToInt32(_mu.ProviderUserKey)); ViewBag.UserName = _ua.UserName; var plyst = new Playlist(); plyst.GetUserPlaylist(_ua.UserAccountID); ViewBag.UserPlaylistID = plyst.PlaylistID; var plyvids = new PlaylistVideos(); plyvids.GetPlaylistVideosForPlaylist(plyst.PlaylistID); nvc = Request.Form; PlaylistVideo plv = null; if (nvc["video_delete_id"] != null) { foreach (PlaylistVideo plv1 in plyvids) { if (plv != null && plv1.RankOrder > plv.RankOrder) { plv1.RankOrder--; plv1.UpdatedByUserID = _ua.UserAccountID; plv1.Update(); } if (plv1.PlaylistID != plyst.PlaylistID || Convert.ToInt32(nvc["video_delete_id"]) != plv1.VideoID) continue; plv = new PlaylistVideo(plv1.PlaylistVideoID); if (PlaylistVideo.Delete(plyst.PlaylistID, Convert.ToInt32(nvc["video_delete_id"]))) { // deleted } } } else if (nvc["video_down_id"] != null) { plv = new PlaylistVideo(); plv.Get(plyst.PlaylistID, Convert.ToInt32(nvc["video_down_id"])); foreach (PlaylistVideo plv1 in plyvids.Where(plv1 => plv1.RankOrder == (plv.RankOrder + 1))) { plv1.RankOrder--; plv1.UpdatedByUserID = _ua.UserAccountID; plv1.Update(); } plv.RankOrder++; plv.UpdatedByUserID = _ua.UserAccountID; plv.Update(); } else if (nvc["video_up_id"] != null) { plv = new PlaylistVideo(); plv.Get(plyst.PlaylistID, Convert.ToInt32(nvc["video_up_id"])); foreach (PlaylistVideo plv1 in plyvids.Where(plv1 => plv1.RankOrder == (plv.RankOrder - 1))) { plv1.RankOrder++; plv1.UpdatedByUserID = _ua.UserAccountID; plv1.Update(); } plv.RankOrder--; plv.UpdatedByUserID = _ua.UserAccountID; plv.Update(); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nvc["selected_autoplay"]) && nvc["selected_autoplay"] == "on") { plyst.AutoPlay = true; } else plyst.AutoPlay = false; plyst.Update(); } Response.Redirect("~/account/playlist"); return new EmptyResult(); }