public ActionResult StartOAuth()
            smugmug myMug = new smugmug();

            var serviceProvider = myMug.GetServiceDescription();
            var consumer = new WebConsumer(serviceProvider, myMug.InMemoryTokenManager);

            // Url to redirect to
            var authUrl = new Uri(Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/OAuth/OAuthCallBack/");

            // request access

            consumer.Channel.Send(consumer.PrepareRequestUserAuthorization(authUrl, null, null));

            // This will not get hit!
            return null;
        public ActionResult OAuthCallback()
            smugmug myMug = new smugmug();
            // Process result from the service provider
            var serviceProvider = myMug.GetServiceDescription();
            var consumer = new WebConsumer(serviceProvider, myMug.InMemoryTokenManager);
            var accessTokenResponse = consumer.ProcessUserAuthorization(this.HttpContext.Request);
            var test = this.HttpContext.Request;
            // If we didn't have an access token response, this wasn't called by the service provider
            if (accessTokenResponse == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            // Extract the access token
            string accessToken = accessTokenResponse.AccessToken;

            ViewBag.Token = accessToken;
            ViewBag.Secret = myMug.InMemoryTokenManager.GetTokenSecret(accessToken);
            return View();