public static void CreateNewProject()
     InputForm iForm = new InputForm();
     string projectName = iForm.GetInput("Please enter the name of your project");
     if (projectName != null)
         CurrentProject = ProjectManager.CreateNewProject(projectName);
 public bool New(string name)
     Project project = new Project();
     project.Name = name;
     project.WorkingDirectory = ProjectController.RootDirectory;
     CurrentProject = project;
     if (ProjectLoaded != null)
         ProjectLoaded(this, new TEventArgs<Project>(CurrentProject));
     return true;
 public bool Load(string filename)
     XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(filename);
     XElement projEl = xDoc.Element("project");
     Project p = new Project();
     CurrentProject = p;
     if (ProjectLoaded != null)
         ProjectLoaded(this, new TEventArgs<Project>(CurrentProject));
     return true;