Exemple #1
        // Analyze
        public void Analyze(cDTED SRTM, cDTED DTED)
            if (SRTM.posts.Count != DTED.posts.Count)
                Debug.WriteLine("Analysis:Analyze() - SRTM and DTED sizes do not agree");

            var csv = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            Post largest = new Post(-10000, 0, 0);

            double average_delta = 0;

            //for (int m = 0; m < SRTM.posts.Count; m++)
            for (int m = 400000; m < 440000; m++)
                int difference = SRTM.posts[m]._alt_ft - DTED.posts[m]._alt_ft;
                //Debug.WriteLine("SRTM: " + SRTM.posts[m]._alt_ft + "- DTED: " + DTED.posts[m]._alt_ft + " = " + difference);

                if (m % 1000 == 0)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Writing: " + m);

                var newLine = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}", SRTM.posts[m]._lat, SRTM.posts[m]._lon, SRTM.posts[m]._alt_ft, DTED.posts[m]._lat, DTED.posts[m]._lon, DTED.posts[m]._alt_ft, difference);

                File.WriteAllText("CompareTest.csv", csv.ToString());
Exemple #2
        // Compare
        public void Compare(double startLat, double startLon, double endLat, double endLon, string SRTM_fold, string DTED_fold)
            string extension = ".dt2";

            if (startLat > endLat)
                Debug.WriteLine("startLat needs to be less than endLat");

            if (startLon > endLon)
                Debug.WriteLine("startLon needs to be less than endLon");

            int roundStartLat = (int)Math.Floor(startLat);
            int roundEndLat   = (int)Math.Floor(endLat);

            int roundStartLon = (int)Math.Floor(startLon);
            int roundEndLon   = (int)Math.Floor(endLon);

            for (int curLon = roundStartLon; curLon <= roundEndLon; curLon++)
                //TODO: May need to add leading zeros
                string curLonStr;
                if (curLon < 0)
                    curLonStr = "W" + (-1 * curLon).ToString("D3");
                    curLonStr = "E" + curLon.ToString("D3");

                for (int curLat = roundStartLat; curLat <= roundEndLat; curLat++)
                    //TODO: May need to add leading zeros
                    string curLatStr;
                    if (curLat < 0)
                        curLatStr = "S" + (-1 * curLat).ToString("D2");
                        curLatStr = "N" + curLat.ToString("D2");

                    string SRTM_path = SRTM_fold + curLonStr + "\\" + curLatStr + extension;
                    string DTED_path = DTED_fold + curLonStr + "\\" + curLatStr + extension;

                    Debug.WriteLine("Analysis::Compare(): SRTM Path: " + SRTM_path);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Analysis::Compare(): DTED Path: " + DTED_path);

                    cDTED SRTM = new cDTED();
                    cDTED DTED = new cDTED();

                    Debug.WriteLine("Analysis::Compare(): Loading SRTM File...");

                    Debug.WriteLine("Analysis::Compare(): Loading DTED File...");

                    Debug.WriteLine("SRTM Size: " + SRTM.posts.Count + " DTED Size: " + DTED.posts.Count);

                    AnalyzeArea(SRTM, DTED, startLat, endLon, 250);
                    //Analyze(SRTM, DTED);
Exemple #3
        public void AnalyzeArea(cDTED SRTM, cDTED DTED, double startLat, double endLon, int size)
            int[,] DTED_points = new int[size, size];
            int[,] SRTM_points = new int[size, size];

            double[] longitudes = new double[size];
            double[] latitudes  = new double[size];

            int lonIndex = -1;

            //Find first point
            for (int i = 0; i <= SRTM.posts.Count; i++) //Loop through Lon
                if (SRTM.posts[i]._lon >= endLon)       //File is index to west, so find furthest west of the two (start/end)
                    lonIndex = i;
            if (lonIndex == -1)
                Debug.WriteLine("Analysis:AnalyzeArea() - Start Longitude not found.");

            int latIndex = -1;

            //Find first point
            for (int i = 0; i <= SRTM.posts.Count; i++) //Loop through Lon
                if (SRTM.posts[i]._lat >= startLat)
                    latIndex = i;
            if (latIndex == -1)
                Debug.WriteLine("Analysis:AnalyzeArea() - Start Latitude not found.");

            Debug.WriteLine("LatIdx: " + latIndex + " LonIdx: " + lonIndex);

            //Actually pull at points
            for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) //Loop through Lon
                int row_idx = lonIndex + i * DTED.lon_cnt;

                //for (int j = size - 1; j >= 0; j--) //Loop through lat
                for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) //Loop through lat
                    int idx = row_idx + latIndex + j;

                    //Debug.WriteLine("SRTM: (" + SRTM.posts[idx]._lat + "," + SRTM.posts[idx]._lon + "): " + SRTM.posts[idx]._alt_ft );
                    SRTM_points[j, i] = SRTM.posts[idx]._alt_ft;
                    DTED_points[j, i] = DTED.posts[idx]._alt_ft;

            //Doing this seperate to try to save some processing time
            for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) //Loop through Lon
                int idx = lonIndex + i * DTED.lon_cnt;
                longitudes[i] = SRTM.posts[idx]._lon;
            //for (int j = size - 1; j >= 0; j--) //Loop through lat
            for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) //Loop through lat
                int idx = latIndex + j;
                latitudes[j] = SRTM.posts[idx]._lat;

             * for(int i = 0;i < size;i++)
             * {
             *  Debug.WriteLine("Latitudes: " + i + " " + latitudes[i]);
             *  Debug.WriteLine("Longitudes: " + i + " " + longitudes[i]);
             * }

            var SRTM_CSV = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            var DTED_CSV = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            var Diff_CSV = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            string line = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                line = line + "," + longitudes[i];

            string dted_line = "";
            string srtm_line = "";
            string diff_line = "";

            //lat, lon is order
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                srtm_line = latitudes[i] + ",";
                dted_line = latitudes[i] + ",";
                diff_line = latitudes[i] + ",";

                for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
                    srtm_line = srtm_line + SRTM_points[i, j] + ",";
                    dted_line = dted_line + DTED_points[i, j] + ",";
                    diff_line = diff_line + (SRTM_points[i, j] - DTED_points[i, j]) + ",";


            File.WriteAllText("SRTM_Area.csv", SRTM_CSV.ToString());
            File.WriteAllText("DTED_Area.csv", DTED_CSV.ToString());
            File.WriteAllText("Diff_Area.csv", Diff_CSV.ToString());