Exemple #1
        static void CalculateCurrentArgument(NewExpression nex,
                                             ArgumentsResolutionResult res,
                                             CodeLocation caretLocation,
                                             ResolutionContext ctxt,
                                             IEnumerable <AbstractType> resultBases = null)
            if (nex.Arguments != null)
                res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = nex.Arguments.Length;

             * int i = 0;
             * foreach (var arg in nex.Arguments)
             * {
             *      if (caretLocation >= arg.Location && caretLocation <= arg.EndLocation)
             *      {
             *              res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = i;
             *              break;
             *      }
             *      i++;
             * }
             * }*/
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reparses the given method's fucntion body until the cursor position,
        /// searches the last occurring method call or template instantiation,
        /// counts its already typed arguments
        /// and returns a wrapper containing all the information.
        /// </summary>
        public static ArgumentsResolutionResult ResolveArgumentContext(
            IEditorData Editor,
            ResolutionContext ctxt)
            ParserTrackerVariables trackVars;
            IBlockNode             curBlock = null;
            IStatement             curStmt;

            var sr = CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider.FindCurrentCaretContext(Editor, out trackVars, ref curBlock, out curStmt);

            IExpression lastParamExpression = null;

            var parsedStmtBlock = sr as IStatement;

            if (parsedStmtBlock != null)
                // Search the returned statement block (i.e. function body) for the current statement;
                if (parsedStmtBlock is StatementContainingStatement)
                    parsedStmtBlock = (parsedStmtBlock as StatementContainingStatement).SearchStatementDeeply(Editor.CaretLocation);

                lastParamExpression = ExpressionHelper.SearchForMethodCallsOrTemplateInstances(parsedStmtBlock, Editor.CaretLocation);
            else if (trackVars != null && trackVars.IsParsingInitializer)
                if (trackVars.InitializedNode is DVariable)
                    lastParamExpression =
                        ExpressionHelper.SearchExpressionDeeply((trackVars.InitializedNode as DVariable).Initializer, Editor.CaretLocation);

            if (lastParamExpression == null)
                // Give it a last chance by handling the lastly parsed object
                // - which is a TemplateInstanceExpression in quite all cases
                lastParamExpression = trackVars.LastParsedObject as IExpression;

             * Then handle the lastly found expression regarding the following points:
             * 1) foo(			-- normal arguments only
             * 2) foo!(...)(	-- normal arguments + template args
             * 3) foo!(		-- template args only
             * 4) new myclass(  -- ctor call
             * 5) new myclass!( -- ditto
             * 6) new myclass!(...)(
             * 7) mystruct(		-- opCall call

            var res = new ArgumentsResolutionResult()
                ParsedExpression = lastParamExpression

            // 1), 2)
            if (lastParamExpression is PostfixExpression_MethodCall)
                res.IsMethodArguments = true;
                var call = (PostfixExpression_MethodCall)lastParamExpression;

                res.MethodIdentifier       = call.PostfixForeExpression;
                res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = Evaluation.GetUnfilteredMethodOverloads(call.PostfixForeExpression, ctxt, call);

                if (call.Arguments != null)
                    res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = call.ArgumentCount;
            // 3)
            else if (lastParamExpression is TemplateInstanceExpression)
                var templ = (TemplateInstanceExpression)lastParamExpression;

                res.IsTemplateInstanceArguments = true;

                res.MethodIdentifier       = templ;
                res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = Evaluation.GetOverloads(templ, ctxt, null, false);

                if (templ.Arguments != null)
                    res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = templ.Arguments.Length;
                    res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = 0;
            else if (lastParamExpression is PostfixExpression_Access)
                var acc = (PostfixExpression_Access)lastParamExpression;

                res.MethodIdentifier       = acc.PostfixForeExpression;
                res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = Evaluation.GetUnfilteredMethodOverloads(acc.PostfixForeExpression, ctxt, acc);

                if (res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods == null)

                if (acc.AccessExpression is NewExpression)
                    CalculateCurrentArgument(acc.AccessExpression as NewExpression, res, Editor.CaretLocation, ctxt, res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods);
            else if (lastParamExpression is NewExpression)
                HandleNewExpression((NewExpression)lastParamExpression, res, Editor, ctxt, curBlock);

             * alias int function(int a, bool b) myDeleg;
             * alias myDeleg myDeleg2;
             * myDeleg dg;
             * dg( -- it's not needed to have myDeleg but the base type for what it stands for
             * ISSUE:
             * myDeleg( -- not allowed though
             * myDeleg2( -- allowed neither!
            if (res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods != null)
                res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = DResolver.StripAliasSymbols(res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods);

Exemple #3
        static void HandleNewExpression(NewExpression nex,
                                        ArgumentsResolutionResult res,
                                        IEditorData Editor,
                                        ResolutionContext ctxt,
                                        IBlockNode curBlock)
            res.MethodIdentifier = nex;
            CalculateCurrentArgument(nex, res, Editor.CaretLocation, ctxt);

            var type = TypeDeclarationResolver.Resolve(nex.Type, ctxt);

            if (type != null)
                var _ctors = new List <AbstractType>();

                foreach (var t in type)
                    //TODO: Inform the user that only classes can be instantiated
                    if (t is ClassType || t is StructType)
                        var  udt = t as TemplateIntermediateType;
                        bool explicitCtorFound = false;
                        var  constructors      = new List <DMethod>();

                        foreach (var member in udt.Definition)
                            var dm = member as DMethod;

                            if (dm != null && dm.SpecialType == DMethod.MethodType.Constructor)
                                explicitCtorFound = true;
                                if (!dm.IsPublic)
                                    var  curNode = curBlock;
                                    bool pass    = false;
                                        if (curNode == udt.Definition)
                                            pass = true;
                                    }while ((curNode = curNode.Parent as IBlockNode) != curNode);

                                    if (!pass)


                        if (constructors.Count == 0)
                            if (explicitCtorFound)
                                // TODO: Somehow inform the user that the current class can't be instantiated
                                // Introduce default constructor
                                constructors.Add(new DMethod(DMethod.MethodType.Constructor)
                                    Description = "Конструктор по умолчанию для " + udt.Name,
                                    Parent      = udt.Definition

                        // Wrapp all ctor members in MemberSymbols
                        foreach (var ctor in constructors)
                            _ctors.Add(new MemberSymbol(ctor, t, nex.Type));

                res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = _ctors.ToArray();

                //TODO: Probably pre-select the current ctor by handling previously typed arguments etc.
		/// <summary>
		/// Reparses the given method's fucntion body until the cursor position,
		/// searches the last occurring method call or template instantiation,
		/// counts its already typed arguments
		/// and returns a wrapper containing all the information.
		/// </summary>
		public static ArgumentsResolutionResult ResolveArgumentContext(
			IEditorData Editor,
			ResolutionContext ctxt)
			ParserTrackerVariables trackVars;
			IBlockNode curBlock = null;
			IStatement curStmt;

			var sr = CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider.FindCurrentCaretContext(Editor, out trackVars, ref curBlock, out curStmt);

			IExpression lastParamExpression = null;

			var parsedStmtBlock = sr as IStatement;
			if (parsedStmtBlock != null)
				// Search the returned statement block (i.e. function body) for the current statement;
				if (parsedStmtBlock is StatementContainingStatement)
					parsedStmtBlock = (parsedStmtBlock as StatementContainingStatement).SearchStatementDeeply (Editor.CaretLocation);

				lastParamExpression = ExpressionHelper.SearchForMethodCallsOrTemplateInstances(parsedStmtBlock, Editor.CaretLocation);
			else if (trackVars != null && trackVars.IsParsingInitializer)
				if (trackVars.InitializedNode is DVariable)
					lastParamExpression = 
						ExpressionHelper.SearchExpressionDeeply((trackVars.InitializedNode as DVariable).Initializer, Editor.CaretLocation);

			if (lastParamExpression == null)
				// Give it a last chance by handling the lastly parsed object 
				// - which is a TemplateInstanceExpression in quite all cases
				lastParamExpression = trackVars.LastParsedObject as IExpression;

			 * Then handle the lastly found expression regarding the following points:
			 * 1) foo(			-- normal arguments only
			 * 2) foo!(...)(	-- normal arguments + template args
			 * 3) foo!(		-- template args only
			 * 4) new myclass(  -- ctor call
			 * 5) new myclass!( -- ditto
			 * 6) new myclass!(...)(
			 * 7) mystruct(		-- opCall call

			var res = new ArgumentsResolutionResult() { 
				ParsedExpression = lastParamExpression

			// 1), 2)
			if (lastParamExpression is PostfixExpression_MethodCall)
				res.IsMethodArguments = true;
				var call = (PostfixExpression_MethodCall) lastParamExpression;

				res.MethodIdentifier = call.PostfixForeExpression;
				res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = Evaluation.GetUnfilteredMethodOverloads(call.PostfixForeExpression, ctxt, call);

				if (call.Arguments != null)
					res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = call.ArgumentCount;
			// 3)
			else if (lastParamExpression is TemplateInstanceExpression)
				var templ = (TemplateInstanceExpression)lastParamExpression;

				res.IsTemplateInstanceArguments = true;

				res.MethodIdentifier = templ;
				res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = Evaluation.GetOverloads(templ, ctxt, null, false);

				if (templ.Arguments != null)
					res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = templ.Arguments.Length;
					res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = 0;
			else if (lastParamExpression is PostfixExpression_Access)
				var acc = (PostfixExpression_Access)lastParamExpression;

				res.MethodIdentifier = acc.PostfixForeExpression;
				res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = Evaluation.GetUnfilteredMethodOverloads(acc.PostfixForeExpression, ctxt, acc);

				if (res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods == null)
					return res;

				if (acc.AccessExpression is NewExpression)
					CalculateCurrentArgument(acc.AccessExpression as NewExpression, res, Editor.CaretLocation, ctxt, res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods);
			else if (lastParamExpression is NewExpression)

			 * alias int function(int a, bool b) myDeleg;
			 * alias myDeleg myDeleg2;
			 * myDeleg dg;
			 * dg( -- it's not needed to have myDeleg but the base type for what it stands for
			 * ISSUE:
			 * myDeleg( -- not allowed though
			 * myDeleg2( -- allowed neither!
			if (res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods != null)
				res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = DResolver.StripAliasSymbols(res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods);

			return res;
		static void CalculateCurrentArgument(NewExpression nex, 
			ArgumentsResolutionResult res, 
			CodeLocation caretLocation, 
			ResolutionContext ctxt,
			IEnumerable<AbstractType> resultBases=null)
			if (nex.Arguments != null)
				res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = nex.Arguments.Length;
				int i = 0;
				foreach (var arg in nex.Arguments)
					if (caretLocation >= arg.Location && caretLocation <= arg.EndLocation)
						res.CurrentlyTypedArgumentIndex = i;
		static void HandleNewExpression(NewExpression nex, 
			ArgumentsResolutionResult res, 
			IEditorData Editor, 
			ResolutionContext ctxt,
			IBlockNode curBlock)
			res.MethodIdentifier = nex;
			CalculateCurrentArgument(nex, res, Editor.CaretLocation, ctxt);

			var type = TypeDeclarationResolver.Resolve(nex.Type, ctxt);
			if(type != null)
				var _ctors = new List<AbstractType>();
				foreach(var t in type)
					//TODO: Inform the user that only classes can be instantiated
					if (t is ClassType || t is StructType)
						var udt = t as TemplateIntermediateType;
						bool explicitCtorFound = false;
						var constructors = new List<DMethod>();
						foreach (var member in udt.Definition)
							var dm = member as DMethod;
							if (dm != null && dm.SpecialType == DMethod.MethodType.Constructor)
								explicitCtorFound = true;
								if (!dm.IsPublic)
									var curNode = curBlock;
									bool pass = false;
										if (curNode == udt.Definition)
											pass = true;
									while ((curNode = curNode.Parent as IBlockNode) != curNode);
									if (!pass)
						if (constructors.Count == 0)
							if (explicitCtorFound)
								// TODO: Somehow inform the user that the current class can't be instantiated
								// Introduce default constructor
								constructors.Add(new DMethod(DMethod.MethodType.Constructor)
									Description = "Конструктор по умолчанию для " + udt.Name,
									Parent = udt.Definition
						// Wrapp all ctor members in MemberSymbols
						foreach (var ctor in constructors)
							_ctors.Add(new MemberSymbol(ctor, t, nex.Type));
				res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = _ctors.ToArray();

				//TODO: Probably pre-select the current ctor by handling previously typed arguments etc.