public void Truck_persistence_test()
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            // Get datetime without milliseconds
            now = new DateTime(now.Ticks - (now.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond), now.Kind);
            var _regionalagent_currentlocation_truck = new DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.GeoCoordinates
                Latitude  = 222.222f,
                Longitude = 222.222f,
            var _regionalagent_regionalagent_trucks = new DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.RegionalAgent
                AgencyCode        = "RegionalAgent_AgencyCode",
                AgencyDescription = "RegionalAgent_AgencyDescription",
                AgencyAddress     = "RegionalAgent_AgencyAddress",
                IsSelected        = true,
                Rating            = 2190,
            var _truck_truckdriver_truck = new DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.TruckDriver
                UserName             = "******",
                PasswordHash         = "TruckDriver_PasswordHash",
                SecurityStamp        = "TruckDriver_SecurityStamp",
                EmailConfirmed       = true,
                LockoutEnabled       = true,
                PhoneNumberConfirmed = true,
                TwoFactorEnabled     = true,
                AccessFailedCount    = 3282,
                Name           = "TruckDriver_Name",
                Email          = "TruckDriver_Email",
                PhoneNumber    = "TruckDriver_PhoneNumber",
                LockoutEndDate = now,

            new PersistenceSpecification <DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.Truck>(Session)
            .CheckProperty(p => p.PlateNumber, "Truck_PlateNumber")
            .CheckProperty(p => p.Type, "Truck_Type")
            .CheckReference(p => p.CurrentLocation, _regionalagent_currentlocation_truck)
            .CheckReference(p => p.RegionalAgent, _regionalagent_regionalagent_trucks)
            .CheckReference(p => p.TruckDriver, _truck_truckdriver_truck)
Exemple #2
        public void ProofOfDelivery_persistence_test()
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            // Get datetime without milliseconds
            now = new DateTime(now.Ticks - (now.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond), now.Kind);
            var _order_truckdriver_proofofdelivery = new DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.TruckDriver
                UserName             = "******",
                PasswordHash         = "TruckDriver_PasswordHash",
                SecurityStamp        = "TruckDriver_SecurityStamp",
                EmailConfirmed       = true,
                LockoutEnabled       = true,
                PhoneNumberConfirmed = true,
                TwoFactorEnabled     = true,
                AccessFailedCount    = 4146,
                Name           = "TruckDriver_Name",
                Email          = "TruckDriver_Email",
                PhoneNumber    = "TruckDriver_PhoneNumber",
                LockoutEndDate = now,
            var _order_orderwms_proofofdelivery = new DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.OrderWMS
                OrdID                 = 2278,
                OrdOrderID_Remote     = 5488,
                OrdOrderExternalCode  = "OrderWMS_OrdOrderExternalCode",
                OrdOrderDescr         = "OrderWMS_OrdOrderDescr",
                OrdRegDateTime        = now,
                OrdDateTime           = now,
                OrdDeliveryDateTime   = now,
                OrdDepositorCode      = "OrderWMS_OrdDepositorCode",
                OrdDepositorFullName  = "OrderWMS_OrdDepositorFullName",
                OrdCustomerCode       = "OrderWMS_OrdCustomerCode",
                OrdCustomerFullName   = "OrderWMS_OrdCustomerFullName",
                OrdStatus             = 8366,
                OrdMemo               = "OrderWMS_OrdMemo",
                OrdPurpose            = "OrderWMS_OrdPurpose",
                OrdDeliveryValue      = 222.222f,
                OrdDeliveryNotes      = "OrderWMS_OrdDeliveryNotes",
                OrdIsReturn           = 8057,
                OrdPrdTypeDescr       = "OrderWMS_OrdPrdTypeDescr",
                OrdWrhRoutingCode     = "OrderWMS_OrdWrhRoutingCode",
                OrdDlsId              = 8986,
                OrdDlsDescr           = "OrderWMS_OrdDlsDescr",
                OrdDlsAddress         = "OrderWMS_OrdDlsAddress",
                OrdDlsZipCode         = "OrderWMS_OrdDlsZipCode",
                OrdDlsCity            = "OrderWMS_OrdDlsCity",
                OrdDlsArea            = "OrderWMS_OrdDlsArea",
                OrdRoutingStatus      = 1780,
                OrdLfdWeight          = 222.222f,
                OrdLfdVol             = 222.222f,
                OrdLfdCtn             = 4656,
                OrdLfdBar             = 5560,
                OrdLfdPalEuro         = 125,
                OrdLfdPalInd          = 5995,
                OrdLfdPalElsa         = 7619,
                OrdLfdParOU           = 9209,
                OrdLfdVar             = 6875,
                OrdVoucherDateTime    = now,
                OrdVoucherNumber      = "OrderWMS_OrdVoucherN",
                OrdVoucherSeries      = "OrderWMS_OrdVoucherS",
                OrdVoucherId          = 8674,
                OrdAgencyCode         = "OrderWMS_OrdAgencyCode",
                OrdAgencyDescr        = "OrderWMS_OrdAgencyDescr",
                OrdAgencyAddress      = "OrderWMS_OrdAgencyAddress",
                OrdTelRouteId         = 8028,
                OrdVchPlateNr         = "OrderWMS_OrdVchPlateNr",
                OrdVchRouteNr         = 7075,
                OrdVhrDate            = now,
                OrdVhrID              = 8017,
                OrdLastUpdateDateTime = now,
                OrdReadyForLoading    = 4850,
                Polyline              = "OrderWMS_Polyline",
                Warehouse             = "OrderWMS_Warehouse",
                Truck                 = "OrderWMS_Truck",
                WarehouseAddress      = "OrderWMS_WarehouseAddress",
                ETA      = "OrderWMS_ETA",
                ATA      = now,
                DestLat  = 222.222f,
                DestLong = 222.222f,
                COE      = 222.222f,

            new PersistenceSpecification <DSS3_LogisticsPoolingForUrbanDistribution.BO.ProofOfDelivery>(Session)
            .CheckProperty(p => p.DateIssued, now)
            .CheckProperty(p => p.PODNumber, 3476)
            .CheckProperty(p => p.QualityStatus, "ProofOfDelivery_QualityStatus")
            .CheckProperty(p => p.QuantityStatus, "ProofOfDelivery_QuantityStatus")
            .CheckProperty(p => p.DeliveryStatus, "ProofOfDelivery_DeliveryStatus")
            .CheckProperty(p => p.PODAttachment, "ProofOfDelivery_PODAttachment")
            .CheckProperty(p => p.Comments, "ProofOfDelivery_Comments")
            .CheckProperty(p => p.DamagedPackaging, true)
            .CheckProperty(p => p.DamagedProducts, true)
            .CheckProperty(p => p.CloseToExpiry, true)
            .CheckReference(p => p.TruckDriver, _order_truckdriver_proofofdelivery)
            .CheckReference(p => p.OrderWMS, _order_orderwms_proofofdelivery)
/// <summary>
/// Copies the current object to a new instance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deep">Copy members that refer to objects external to this class (not dependent)</param>
/// <param name="copiedObjects">Objects that should be reused</param>
/// <param name="asNew">Copy the current object as a new one, ready to be persisted, along all its members.</param>
/// <param name="reuseNestedObjects">If asNew is true, this flag if set, forces the reuse of all external objects.</param>
/// <param name="copy">Optional - An existing [TruckDriver] instance to use as the destination.</param>
/// <returns>A copy of the object</returns>
        public virtual TruckDriver Copy(bool deep = false, Hashtable copiedObjects = null, bool asNew = false, bool reuseNestedObjects = false, TruckDriver copy = null)
            if (copiedObjects == null)
                copiedObjects = new Hashtable();
            if (copy == null && copiedObjects.Contains(this))
            copy = copy ?? new TruckDriver();
            if (!asNew)
                copy.TransientId = this.TransientId;
            if (!copiedObjects.Contains(this))
                copiedObjects.Add(this, copy);
            copy.proofOfDelivery = new List <ProofOfDelivery>();
            if (deep && this.proofOfDelivery != null)
                foreach (var __item in this.proofOfDelivery)
                    if (!copiedObjects.Contains(__item))
                        if (asNew && reuseNestedObjects)
                            copy.AddProofOfDelivery(__item.Copy(deep, copiedObjects, asNew));
            if (deep && this.truck != null)
                if (!copiedObjects.Contains(this.truck))
                    if (asNew && reuseNestedObjects)
                        copy.Truck = this.Truck;
                    else if (asNew)
                        copy.Truck = this.Truck.Copy(deep, copiedObjects, true);
                        copy.truck = this.truck.Copy(deep, copiedObjects, false);
                    if (asNew)
                        copy.Truck = (Truck)copiedObjects[this.Truck];
                        copy.truck = (Truck)copiedObjects[this.Truck];
            base.Copy(deep, copiedObjects, asNew, reuseNestedObjects, copy);