public HTTPResponse GetResponse(HTTPRequest request) //Response Function
            HTTPResponse  response = null;
            StringBuilder sb       = new StringBuilder();                                                                     //Create web page
            string        data     = request.ClientInfo;                                                                      //Request data from client(In these case we need : browser infomation,accept language,accept encoding)

            string[] line            = Regex.Split(data, "\\n");                                                              //Split data into line with \\n
            string   ClientIPandPort = request.getip();                                                                       //Request IPandPort from client

            string[] IPandPort = Regex.Split(ClientIPandPort, ":");                                                           //Split ClientIPandPort into line with :
            sb.Append("<html><body>Client IP: " + IPandPort[0] + "<br><br>Client Port: " + IPandPort[1]);                     //Show Cilent IP and Client Port
            sb.Append("<br><br>Browser Information: " + line[5].Substring(12) + "<br><br>" + line[8] + "<br><br>" + line[7]); //Show Browser Information ,Accept Language and Accept Encoding
            //This is multi thread information showing that we not use now
            //sb.Append("<br><br>Thread ID: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); //Show thread ID
            //sb.Append("<br><br>Thread state: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadState); //Show thread state
            //sb.Append("<br><br>Current number of thread: " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads.Count); //Show number of thread
            //Below these will be thread pool information showing which the code is guide by these reference
            ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out int available, out int ioCompletion);
            ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out int Minworker, out int MinioCompletion);
            ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out int Maxworker, out int MaxioCompletion);
            sb.Append("<br><br>Thread ID: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
            sb.Append("<br><br>Min Thread: " + Minworker);
            sb.Append("<br><br>Max Thread: " + Maxworker);
            sb.Append("<br><br>Available Thread: " + available);
            sb.Append("<br><br>Current running Thread: " + (Maxworker - available));
            response      = new HTTPResponse(200); //Response with code 200 (mean ok)
            response.body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString());