private static void BuildUrlIndexes(int portalId, UrlRedirectProvider provider, FriendlyUrlOptions options, out Hashtable friendlyUrlIndex, out List <RedirectInfo> regexIndex, ref List <string> messages)
            friendlyUrlIndex = new Hashtable();
            regexIndex       = new List <RedirectInfo>();
            //call database procedure to get list of redirects
            List <RedirectInfo> redirects = GetUrlRedirects(portalId);

            if (redirects != null)
                foreach (RedirectInfo redirect in redirects)
                    string validationMessage;
                    if (redirect.IsValid(out validationMessage))
                        if (redirect.IsRegex == false)
                            string url = redirect.MatchUrl.ToLower();
                            friendlyUrlIndex.Add(url, redirect);
                        //invalid redirect, don't add to list
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a friendly url index from the cache or database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tabId"></param>
        /// <param name="portalId"></param>
        /// <param name="UrlRedirectModuleProvider"></param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static void GetRedirectIndexes(int portalId, UrlRedirectProvider provider, FriendlyUrlOptions options, out Hashtable redirectIndex, out List <RedirectInfo> regexIndex, ref List <string> messages)
            var redirectCacheKey = GetRedirectIndexKeyForPortal(portalId);
            var regexCacheKey    = GetRegexIndexKeyForPortal(portalId);

            redirectIndex = (Hashtable)DataCache.GetCache(redirectCacheKey);
            regexIndex    = (List <RedirectInfo>)DataCache.GetCache(regexCacheKey);
            if (redirectIndex == null || regexIndex == null)
                //build index for tab
                BuildUrlIndexes(portalId, provider, options, out redirectIndex, out regexIndex, ref messages);
                StoreIndexes(redirectIndex, redirectCacheKey, regexIndex, regexCacheKey);
 internal static void CheckRegexRule(UrlRedirectProvider provider, RedirectInfo regexRedirect, string requestedUrl, string requestedScheme, NameValueCollection queryStringCol, out bool doRedirect, out string redirectLocation, ref List <string> messages)
     doRedirect       = false;
     redirectLocation = null;
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(regexRedirect.RedirectUrl) == false)
         string pattern  = regexRedirect.RedirectUrl;
         string replace  = regexRedirect.DestUrl;
         Regex  urlRegex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
         if (urlRegex.IsMatch(requestedUrl))
             messages.Add("URP : Regex Match on " + requestedUrl + " with pattern " + pattern);
             string replacedUrl = urlRegex.Replace(requestedUrl, replace);
             redirectLocation = RedirectLocation(provider, regexRedirect, requestedUrl, requestedScheme, queryStringCol, ref messages);
             doRedirect       = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a rule, returns a redirect location
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="redirectInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="redirectUrl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string RedirectLocation(UrlRedirectProvider provider, RedirectInfo redirectInfo, string redirectUrl, string scheme, NameValueCollection queryString, ref List <string> messages)
            string destinationUrl = "";

            switch (redirectInfo.DestType.ToLower())
            case "tab":
                string path = redirectInfo.DestUrl;

                if (redirectInfo.DestTabId > -1)
                    //construct the portal settings required for the destination
                    PortalAliasController pac = new PortalAliasController();
                    PortalAliasInfo       pa  = null;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirectInfo.HttpAlias))
                        var aliases = pac.GetPortalAliasArrayByPortalID(redirectInfo.PortalId);
                        foreach (PortalAliasInfo alias in aliases)
                            if (alias.IsPrimary)
                                pa = alias;

                        //safety check for failed alias
                        if (pa == null)
                            throw new NullReferenceException(
                                      "Either Redirect HttpAlias must be specified for DestType of 'Tab', or this portal must have a primary alias.  Redirect Id : " +
                        //get this specific alias
                        pa = pac.GetPortalAlias(redirectInfo.HttpAlias, redirectInfo.PortalId);
                    //create a new portal settings object with this alias
                    PortalSettings ps = new PortalSettings(redirectInfo.DestTabId, pa);
                    //build the redirect path
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) == false)
                        //add a url path onto the url created for the tab
                        string qs;
                        SplitPathAndQuerystring(path, out path, out qs);
                        path = provider.EnsureNotLeadingChar("/", path);
                        //now call down to the navigate url
                        destinationUrl = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(redirectInfo.DestTabId, ps, "", path);
                        if (queryString != null && queryString.Count > 0)
                            destinationUrl = AddQueryString(destinationUrl, queryString);
                        //check for querystring preservation
                        if (redirectInfo.KeepQueryString && qs != null)
                            //put the querystring back on, if it existed
                            destinationUrl = AddQueryString(destinationUrl, qs);
                            messages.Add("URP: Redirecting " + redirectUrl + " to " + destinationUrl + " by tab + path + qs. RuleId: " + redirectInfo.RedirectId.ToString());
                            messages.Add("URP: Redirecting " + redirectUrl + " to " + destinationUrl + " by tab + path. RuleId: " + redirectInfo.RedirectId.ToString());
                        //no path -just the tab
                        destinationUrl = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(redirectInfo.DestTabId, ps, "");
                        if (redirectInfo.KeepQueryString && queryString != null && queryString.Count > 0)
                            destinationUrl = AddQueryString(destinationUrl, queryString);
                            messages.Add("URP: Redirecting " + redirectUrl + " to " + destinationUrl + " by tab + qs. RuleId: " + redirectInfo.RedirectId.ToString());
                            messages.Add("URP: Redirecting " + redirectUrl + " to " + destinationUrl + " by tab. RuleId: " + redirectInfo.RedirectId.ToString());

            case "url":
                destinationUrl = redirectInfo.DestUrl;
                if (Regex.IsMatch(destinationUrl, @"^https?://", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant) == false)
                    //no scheme, add on supplied scheme
                    destinationUrl = scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + destinationUrl;
                //keep query string from redirect destination
                if (redirectInfo.KeepQueryString)
                    destinationUrl = AddQueryString(destinationUrl, queryString);
                    messages.Add("URP: Redirecting " + redirectUrl + " to " + destinationUrl +
                                 " by url + qs. RuleId: " + redirectInfo.RedirectId.ToString());
                    messages.Add("URP: Redirecting " + redirectUrl + " to " + destinationUrl + " by url. RuleId: " +
                    Uri redirectUri = new Uri(destinationUrl);
                catch (Exception invalidEx)
                    messages.Add("Invalid redirect URL '" + redirectUrl + "'.  Message: " + invalidEx.Message);