Exemple #1
 private int FindHelper(kdnode node, Point3D pt)
     if (node == null)
         return -1;
     else if (Math.Abs(pt.X - node.Pt.X) < mEpsilon &&
              Math.Abs(pt.Y - node.Pt.Y) < mEpsilon &&
              Math.Abs(pt.Z - node.Pt.Z) < mEpsilon)
         return node.Idx;
     else if (pt.X < node.Pt.X - mEpsilon)
         return FindHelper(node.Left, new Point3D(pt.Y, pt.Z, pt.X));
     else if (pt.X > node.Pt.X + mEpsilon)
         return FindHelper(node.Right, new Point3D(pt.Y, pt.Z, pt.X));
         int leftresult = FindHelper(node.Left, new Point3D(pt.Y, pt.Z, pt.X));
         if (leftresult != -1)
             return leftresult;
         return FindHelper(node.Right, new Point3D(pt.Y, pt.Z, pt.X));
        public static void ConvexHull(ref Surface surf)
            if (surf.NumPoints < 4)

            //add the middle point to make a tetrahedron for some numerical stability
            Point3D Middle = new Point3D();
            for (int i = 0; i < surf.NumPoints; i++)
                Middle += surf.Point(i);
            Middle /= surf.NumPoints;
            int mid = surf.AddPoint(Middle);

            //clean out the faces, and add faces of a tetrahedron using the first 3 pts and the middle.
            Point3D inside = (surf.Point(0) + surf.Point(1) + surf.Point(2) + surf.Point(mid)) / 4.0;
            while (surf.NumFaces > 0)
            surf.AddFace(0, 1, 2, inside);
            surf.AddFace(0, 1, mid, inside);
            surf.AddFace(0, 2, mid, inside);
            surf.AddFace(1, 2, mid, inside);

            // add in points one at a time, remove and replace faces as necessary
            for (int i = 3; i < surf.NumPoints; i++)
                List<Edge> Edges = new List<Edge>();
                //for the ith point...

                //go through the each existing face,
                for (int j = surf.NumFaces - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    //if a triangle is facing our new point, remove the face, add its edges to a list.
                    double tmp = Point3D.Dot(surf.FaceNormal(j), surf.Point(i) - surf.Point(surf.Face(j).I));
                    if (Point3D.Dot(surf.FaceNormal(j), (surf.Point(i) - surf.Point(surf.Face(j).I)).Normalized) > -DMS.EPSILON)
                        Edges.Add(new Edge(surf.Face(j).I, surf.Face(j).J));
                        Edges.Add(new Edge(surf.Face(j).J, surf.Face(j).K));
                        Edges.Add(new Edge(surf.Face(j).K, surf.Face(j).I));

                //now add a triangle using any non duplicated edges together with our new point.
                for (int j = 0; j < Edges.Count(); j++)
                    if (j != Edges.Count() - 1 && Edges[j] == Edges[j + 1])
                        //this edge is a duplicate, do nothing.
                        j++; //we'll skip the next one which is a duplicate too.

                    surf.AddFace(Edges[j].I, Edges[j].J, i, inside);
        public Rotation(double Angle, Point3D Axis)
            mQ0 = Math.Cos(Angle / 2.0);
            Axis.Scale(Math.Sin(Angle / 2.0));
            mQX = Axis.X;
            mQY = Axis.Y;
            mQZ = Axis.Z;
        public Color GetSpherePixel(Point3D point)
            //look up theta and phi "directly" from X, Y.
            double X = point.Theta / DMS.TAU;
            double Y = point.Phi / DMS.HALFTAU; //but really 0 is at the north pole.

            if (X < 0.0) X += 1.0;

            return GetPixel( (int)(X * m_Size.Width), (int)(Y * m_Size.Height) );
 public OctahedronUnit(Size size, DMSImage Source, Point3D center, Point3D topRight)
     : base(size, Source)
     O = center.Normalized;
     F = Point3D.Cross(center, topRight).Normalized;
     A = Point3D.Cross(F, O);
     H = -A;
     C = -F;
     B = (O + A + C).ScaledTo(2.0 / Math.Sqrt(3.0));
     E = (O + C + H).ScaledTo(2.0 / Math.Sqrt(3.0));
     G = (O + F + H).ScaledTo(2.0 / Math.Sqrt(3.0));
     D = (O + F + A).ScaledTo(2.0 / Math.Sqrt(3.0));
Exemple #6
        public Cylinder(Point3D Center, Point3D Direction, double Height, double Radius, int nPoints)
            //create cylinder centered at 0, along z axis, with given length and radius.
            for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
                AddPoint(Point3D.FromCylindricalCoords(Radius, Height / 2.0, Math.PI * 2.0 * ((double)i / nPoints)));
                AddPoint(Point3D.FromCylindricalCoords(Radius, -Height / 2.0, Math.PI * 2.0 * ((double)i / nPoints)));
            AddPoint(new Point3D(0, 0, Height / 2.0));
            AddPoint(new Point3D(0, 0, -Height / 2.0));

            //add faces
            for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
                int next = (i + 1) % nPoints;
                AddFace(nPoints, i * 2, next * 2, Point3D.Origin);
                AddFace(nPoints + 1, i * 2 + 1, next * 2 + 1, Point3D.Origin);
                AddFace(next * 2, i * 2 + 1, i * 2, Point3D.Origin);
                AddFace(next * 2, i * 2 + 1, next * 2 + 1, Point3D.Origin);

            if (Radius < 0)
                foreach (Triangle tri in mFaces)

            //transform points
            if (Direction.R > DMS.EPSILON && Direction.Phi > DMS.EPSILON)
                Rotation rot = new Rotation(Direction.Normalized.Phi,
                                             new Point3D(-Direction.Y, Direction.X, 0));
                for (int i = 0; i < mPts.Count(); i++)
                    mPts[i] = rot.Rotate(mPts[i]);

            //add offset
            for (int i = 0; i < mPts.Count(); i++)
                mPts[i] += Center;
        public override Color GetPixel(int x, int y)
            Point3D Q;
            if (m_bOrthographic)
                //if outside circle
                if ((new Point2D(x, y) - m_center).R > m_radius)
                    return m_Blank;

                double u = (double)(x - m_radius) / m_radius;
                double v = (double)(y - m_radius) / m_radius;
                double w = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(1.0 - u * u - v * v, 0.0));

                Q = new Point3D(u, v, w);

                Q = m_sphereRot.Rotate(Q);
                double u = (double)(x) / (double)(m_Size.Width) * DMS.TAU;
                double v = (double)(y) / (double)(m_Size.Height) * DMS.HALFTAU;
                Q = Point3D.FromSphericalCoords(1.0, v, u);

            if( m_Source != null )
                return m_Source.GetPixel( new Point2D( DMS.FixAnglePositive(-Q.Theta) / DMS.TAU,
                                                       Q.Phi / DMS.HALFTAU) );

            RelativePosition RP = m_Skeleton.NearestSegmentOnSphere( Q );
            Segment S = RP.Segment;
            int nIdx = m_Skeleton.IndexOf(S);

            //draw skeleton line
            if( RP.Distance < 0.4 * DMS.TAU/360.0 )
                return Color.Black;

            return Globemaker.colorFromRandomIndex(nIdx);
        public override Color GetPixel(int x, int y)
            //convert x,y to 0 to 1
            double remapX = (double)x / (double)Size.Width;
            double remapY = (double)y / (double)Size.Width;

            if (remapX + remapY > 1.5 ||
                remapX + remapY < 0.5 ||
                remapX - remapY < -0.5 ||
                remapX - remapY > 0.5)
                return m_Blank;

            Point3D O = new Point3D(2, 1, 0);
            Point3D U = new Point3D(-2, 0, 2);
            Point3D V = new Point3D(-2, 0, -2);
            Point3D src = O + remapX*U + remapY*V;

            return m_Source.GetSpherePixel(src);
Exemple #9
 private bool InsertHelper(ref kdnode node, Point3D pt, int idx)
     if (node == null)
         node = new kdnode(pt, idx);
         return true;
     else if( Math.Abs(pt.X - node.Pt.X) < mEpsilon &&
              Math.Abs(pt.Y - node.Pt.Y) < mEpsilon &&
              Math.Abs(pt.Z - node.Pt.Z) < mEpsilon )
         return false;
         if (pt.X < node.Pt.X)
             return InsertHelper(ref node.Left, new Point3D(pt.Y, pt.Z, pt.X), idx);
             return InsertHelper(ref node.Right, new Point3D(pt.Y, pt.Z, pt.X), idx);
Exemple #10
        private Segment m_Segment; //which segment we're talking about

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        //point on sphere
        public RelativePosition( Point3D p, Segment seg )
            m_Segment = seg;
            Point3D PosOnSphere = m_Segment.Arot.Inverse.Rotate( p );  //we think of our segment starting at z and rotating towards x;
            double fAngle = DMS.FixAnglePositive(Math.Atan2(PosOnSphere.X, PosOnSphere.Z));

            //test if closest orthoganally
            if( fAngle < m_Segment.Length )
                m_fTheta = PosOnSphere.Y > 0 ? DMS.QUARTERTAU : -DMS.QUARTERTAU;
                m_fClosestPt = fAngle;
                m_fDistance = Math.Abs(Math.Asin( PosOnSphere.Y ));
            } /* if */

            //angle to A (z-axis) is TWO_PI-fAngle, angle to B (end of rot.) is fAngle-length
            // test if point on sphere is closer to z axis then to end of rot.
            else if( (DMS.TAU - fAngle) < (fAngle - m_Segment.Length) )
                m_fTheta = PosOnSphere.Theta;
                m_fClosestPt = 0.0;
                m_fDistance = PosOnSphere.Phi;
            } /* else if */

            // otherwise point on sphere is closer to end of rotation then to z axis
                //rotate posonsphere about y (from x to z) by grSegments[dtCurrent.nIdx].length
                PosOnSphere = new Point3D(
                    Math.Sin(Math.Atan2(PosOnSphere.X, PosOnSphere.Z)-m_Segment.Length) * Math.Sqrt(1.0-PosOnSphere.Y*PosOnSphere.Y),
                    Math.Cos(Math.Atan2(PosOnSphere.X, PosOnSphere.Z)-m_Segment.Length) * Math.Sqrt(1.0-PosOnSphere.Y*PosOnSphere.Y) );

                //now it's same as before except for fClosestPt
                m_fTheta = PosOnSphere.Theta;
                m_fClosestPt = m_Segment.Length;
                m_fDistance = PosOnSphere.Phi;
            } /* else if */
Exemple #11
        private void AddCity()
            Point3D city;
            double greyval;

                city = new Point3D( m_rand.NextDouble()-0.5,
                                    m_rand.NextDouble() - 0.5,
                                    m_rand.NextDouble() - 0.5);

                if( city.R > 0.5 ) continue; //go from uniform random cube to uniform random random sphere.

                greyval = GetGreyValue(city);
                if( greyval < 0.0 ) //don't add cities to empty spaces

                if( m_rand.NextDouble() * greyval * greyval > 0.01 )


            m_SumGreyValues += greyval;

Exemple #12
        public RelativePosition NearestSegmentOnSphere(Point3D pos)
            RelativePosition result = null;

            foreach( Segment seg in m_Segments )
                RelativePosition current = new RelativePosition(pos, seg);

                if( result == null ||
                    current.Distance * current.Segment.Strength + DMS.EPSILON <
                        result.Distance * result.Segment.Strength )
                    result = current;
                } /* if */
            } /* foreach */

            return result;
        private Point2D coordsInFundDomain(Point3D p)
            //want baricentric coords (u,v) st. B + u*(A-B) + v*(C-B) = p'
            //where p' is p projected to X=1.0 plane.
            p.Scale(1.0 / p.X);

            Point3D A = domainCorner(0);
            Point3D B = domainCorner(1);
            Point3D C = domainCorner(2);

            Point2D v0 = new Point2D(A.Y - B.Y, A.Z - B.Z);
            Point2D v1 = new Point2D(C.Y - B.Y, C.Z - B.Z);
            Point2D v2 = new Point2D(p.Y - B.Y, p.Z - B.Z);

            double dot00 = Point2D.Dot(v0, v0);
            double dot01 = Point2D.Dot(v0, v1);
            double dot02 = Point2D.Dot(v0, v2);
            double dot11 = Point2D.Dot(v1, v1);
            double dot12 = Point2D.Dot(v1, v2);

            double invDenom = 1.0 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01);
            return new Point2D( (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom,
                                (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom);
Exemple #14
 public PixelInfo(int u, int v, Point3D color)
     _U = u;
     _V = v;
     _color = color;
     Up = Down = Left = Right = 0;
Exemple #15
        private double MinWeightedDist(Point3D a, Point3D b)
            double greyvalueA = GetGreyValue(a);
            double greyvalueB = GetGreyValue(b);

            double result = Math.Acos(Point3D.Dot(a, b));
            result -= m_GlobalRadius * GetGreyValue(a);
            result -= m_GlobalRadius * GetGreyValue(b);

            return result / Math.Max(greyvalueA, greyvalueB);
Exemple #16
 private bool IsInThirt(Point3D pt)
     Point3D[] thirt = new Point3D[]
                   { new Point3D(-3.662782754263035300e-01, 7.559006998770361200e-01, 5.426364868640331000e-01),
                     new Point3D(-9.408369689587646700e-01, 3.266601753606225300e-01, -9.010509238579085500e-02),
                     new Point3D(2.949031158172585300e-01, -6.086014011689210300e-01, -7.366386405670685100e-01),
                     new Point3D(-7.408675404485654300e-20, 1.131011890285944400e-19, 1.000000000000000000e+00),
                     new Point3D(-7.559006998770361200e-01, -3.662782754263035300e-01, 5.426364868640331000e-01),
                     new Point3D(-3.266601753606225300e-01, -9.408369689587646700e-01, -9.010509238579085500e-02),
                     new Point3D(6.086014011689210300e-01, 2.949031158172585300e-01, -7.366386405670685100e-01),
                     new Point3D(3.662782754263035300e-01, -7.559006998770361200e-01, 5.426364868640331000e-01),
                     new Point3D(9.408369689587646700e-01, -3.266601753606225300e-01, -9.010509238579085500e-02),
                     new Point3D(-2.949031158172585300e-01, 6.086014011689210300e-01, -7.366386405670685100e-01),
                     new Point3D(7.559006998770361200e-01, 3.662782754263035300e-01, 5.426364868640331000e-01),
                     new Point3D(3.266601753606225300e-01, 9.408369689587646700e-01, -9.010509238579085500e-02),
                     new Point3D(-6.086014011689210300e-01, -2.949031158172585300e-01, -7.366386405670685100e-01) };
     for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
         if (Math.Acos(Point3D.Dot(thirt[i], pt.Normalized)) < 57.1367031 / 2.0 * Math.PI / 180.0)
             return true;
     return false;
Exemple #17
        private List<Point3D> Interpolate(int idx, int pieces, bool bSpline)
            List<Point3D> result = new List<Point3D>();

            if (!bSpline)
                //line segment
                Point3D dir = (m_Cities[(idx + 1) % m_Cities.Count] - m_Cities[idx]) / (double)pieces;
                for (int i = 0; i <= pieces; i++)
                    result.Add(m_Cities[idx] + dir * i);
                Point3D p4 = m_Cities[idx];
                Point3D p3 = m_Cities[(idx - 1 + m_Cities.Count) % m_Cities.Count];
                Point3D p2 = m_Cities[(idx - 2 + m_Cities.Count) % m_Cities.Count];
                Point3D p1 = m_Cities[(idx - 3 + m_Cities.Count) % m_Cities.Count];
                double[] a = new double[5];
                double[] b = new double[5];
                Point3D[] A = new Point3D[5];
                A[0] = (-p1 + 3.0 * p2 - 3.0 * p3 + p4) / 6.0;
                A[1] = (3.0 * p1 - 6.0 * p2 + 3.0 * p3) / 6.0;
                A[2] = (-3.0 * p1 + 3.0 * p3) / 6.0;
                A[3] = (p1 + 4 * p2 + p3) / 6.0;
                for (int i = 0; i <= pieces; i++)
                    float t = (float)i / pieces;
                    result.Add((A[2] + t * (A[1] + t * A[0])) * t + A[3]);
            return result;
Exemple #18
 private double Dist( Point3D a, Point3D b )
     double result = Math.Acos(Point3D.Dot(a, b));
     result -= m_GlobalRadius * GetGreyValue(a);
     result -= m_GlobalRadius * GetGreyValue(b);
     return result;
Exemple #19
        private double GetGreyValue(Point3D pt)
            if (m_Source == null)
            #if false
                if( IsInThirt( pt ) )
                    return 0.1; //dark
                    return -1.0; //so light it's not there.
            #elif true
                if( IsInCox53( pt ) )
                    return 0.1; //dark
                    return -1.0; //so light it's not there.
                return 1.0;

            double result;

            lock (m_Source)
                result = m_Source.GetSpherePixel(pt).GetBrightness();

            if (result == 1.0)
                return -1.0;

            return (0.1 + 0.9 * result);
Exemple #20
 public static Point3D Cross( Point3D A, Point3D B )
     return new Point3D( A.Y*B.Z - A.Z*B.Y,
                         A.Z*B.X - A.X*B.Z,
                         A.X*B.Y - A.Y*B.X );
Exemple #21
        private bool IsInCox53(Point3D pt)
            bool result = true;
            Point3D[] planenorms = new Point3D[]
                          { new Point3D(0,0,1),
                            new Point3D(0,1,0),
                            new Point3D(0.309016994,-0.809016994,-0.5),
                            new Point3D(0.309016994,-0.809016994,0.5),
                            new Point3D(0.309016994,0.809016994,-0.5),
                            new Point3D(0.309016994,0.809016994,0.5),
                            new Point3D(0.5,-0.309016994,-0.809016994),
                            new Point3D(0.5,-0.309016994,0.809016994),
                            new Point3D(0.5,0.309016994,-0.809016994),
                            new Point3D(0.5,0.309016994,0.809016994),
                            new Point3D(0.809016994,-0.5,-0.309016994),
                            new Point3D(0.809016994,-0.5,0.309016994),
                            new Point3D(0.809016994,0.5,-0.309016994),
                            new Point3D(0.809016994,0.5,0.309016994),
                            new Point3D(1,0,0) };

            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                if (Point3D.Dot(planenorms[i], pt.Normalized) < 0.0)
                    result = !result;
            return result;
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// returns the angle between 
        /// the plane containing points ABO and 
        /// the plane containing points CBO 
        /// where O is the origin
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A"></param>
        /// <param name="B"></param>
        /// <param name="C"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double DihedralAngle(Point3D A, Point3D B, Point3D C)
            double result = -1.0;
                Point3D normal1 = Point3D.Cross(A - B, B );
                Point3D normal2 = Point3D.Cross(C - B, B);
                result = Point3D.Angle(normal1, Point3D.Origin, normal2);
            catch {}

            return result;
Exemple #23
        private Point3D JitterPt(Point3D pt)
            double oneminuscosjitterradius = 1.0 - Math.Cos(m_JitterRadius * GetGreyValue(pt));
            //First we get a random point within spherical cap centered at (0,0,1) with a radius of max
            Point3D jitteredpt = Point3D.FromSphericalCoords(1.0,
                                                             Math.Acos(1.0 - m_rand.NextDouble() * oneminuscosjitterradius),
                                                             m_rand.NextDouble() * 2.0 * Math.PI );

            Rotation ToPt = new Rotation(pt.Theta, pt.Phi, 0);
            return ToPt.Rotate( jitteredpt );
Exemple #24
 public static double Dot(Point3D A, Point3D B)
     return A.X*B.X + A.Y*B.Y + A.Z*B.Z;
Exemple #25
        private double SetAvgColour(PixelInfo pixel)
            Point3D NewColor = new Point3D();
            Point3D tmp;
            int count = 0;

            pixel.SetNeighbors(m_Source, m_resolution);

            if (pixel.Up != 0)
                tmp = GetPixelHelper(pixel.U, pixel.V - pixel.Up);
                if (tmp != null)
                    NewColor += tmp;
            if (pixel.Down != 0)
                tmp = GetPixelHelper(pixel.U, pixel.V + pixel.Down);
                if (tmp != null)
                    NewColor += tmp;

            if (pixel.Left != 0)
                tmp = GetPixelHelper(pixel.U - pixel.Left, pixel.V);
                if (tmp != null)
                    NewColor += tmp;

            if (pixel.Up != 0)
                tmp = GetPixelHelper(pixel.U + pixel.Right, pixel.V);
                if (tmp != null)
                    NewColor += tmp;


            if (count == 0)
                NewColor = new Point3D(128, 128, 128);
                NewColor /= (double)count;

            double Result = (pixel.color - NewColor).R;
            pixel.color = NewColor;
            return Result;
Exemple #26
 public Point3D(Point3D A)
     : this(A.X, A.Y, A.Z)
Exemple #27
        public override Color GetPixel(int x, int y)
            Point3D result = GetPixelHelper(x, y);
            if (result == null)
                int u = x - (x % m_resolution);
                int v = y - (y % m_resolution);

                Point3D A = GetPixelHelper(u, v);
                Point3D B = GetPixelHelper(u, v + m_resolution);
                Point3D C = GetPixelHelper(u + m_resolution, v);
                Point3D D = GetPixelHelper(u + m_resolution, v + m_resolution);

                double U = (double)(x - u) / m_resolution;
                double V = (double)(y - v) / m_resolution;
                result = new Point3D();
                double count = 0.0;
                if (A != null) { result += (1.0 - U) * (1.0 - V) * A; count += (1.0 - U) * (1.0 - V); }
                if (B != null) { result += (1.0 - U) * V * B; count += (1.0 - U) * V; }
                if (C != null) { result += U * (1.0 - V) * C; count += U * (1.0 - V); }
                if (D != null) { result += U * V * D; count += U * V; }

                if (count == 0.0)
                    result = new Point3D(128, 128, 128);
                    result /= count;

            if (result.X < 0.0) result.X = 0.0;
            if (result.Y < 0.0) result.Y = 0.0;
            if (result.Z < 0.0) result.Z = 0.0;
            if (result.X > 255.0) result.X = 255.0;
            if (result.Y > 255.0) result.Y = 255.0;
            if (result.Z > 255.0) result.Z = 255.0;

            // we add a dither
            return Color.FromArgb(Dither(result.X),
Exemple #28
 public Point3D ScaledTo(double newLength )
     Point3D result = new Point3D(this);
     result.R = newLength;
     return result;
Exemple #29
        public Color GetSpherePixel(Point3D point)
            if (mSourceType == DMSImageType.Equirectangular)
                //latitude and longitude are pulled straight from spherical coordinates of the 3d pooint
                double longitude = point.Theta / DMS.TAU;
                double latitude = point.Phi / DMS.HALFTAU; //but really 0 is at the north pole.

                if (longitude < 0.0 ) longitude += 1.0;

                Point2D EquirectangularLocation = new Point2D( longitude, latitude );
                return GetPixel(EquirectangularLocation);
                // we can get the location on a mirror ball image from the spherical coordinates by taking the sin of phi.
                Point2D MirrorBallLocation = Point2D.FromPolar(Math.Sin(point.Phi/2.0), point.Theta);

                //the coordinates are from -1 to 1, we need to convert them to 0 to 1
                MirrorBallLocation += new Point2D(1, 1);
                return GetPixel(MirrorBallLocation);
Exemple #30
        public bool bNearerSegmentOnSphereExists( Point3D pos, double fCriteria )
            if( m_LastCloserSegment != null &&
                RelativePosition.IsNearerOnSphere( pos, m_LastCloserSegment, fCriteria ) )
                return true;

            foreach( Segment seg in m_Segments )
                if (RelativePosition.IsNearerOnSphere(pos, seg, fCriteria))
                    m_LastCloserSegment = seg;
                    return true;

            return false;