public void CreateTween() { if ( == null) { Debug.LogWarning($"{} :: This tween's target is NULL, because the animation was created with a DOTween Pro version older than 0.9.255. To fix this, exit Play mode then simply select this object, and it will update automatically", base.gameObject); return; } if (this.forcedTargetType != null) { this.targetType = this.forcedTargetType; } if (this.targetType == null) { this.targetType = TypeToDOTargetType(; } switch (this.animationType) { case 1: if (this.useTargetAsV3) { this.isRelative = false; if (this.endValueTransform == null) { Debug.LogWarning($"{} :: This tween's TO target is NULL, a Vector3 of (0,0,0) will be used instead", base.gameObject); this.endValueV3 =; } else { if (this.targetType != 5) { this.endValueV3 = this.endValueTransform.position; break; } RectTransform endValueTransform = this.endValueTransform as RectTransform; if (endValueTransform == null) { Debug.LogWarning($"{} :: This tween's TO target should be a RectTransform, a Vector3 of (0,0,0) will be used instead", base.gameObject); this.endValueV3 =; } else { RectTransform target = as RectTransform; if (target == null) { Debug.LogWarning($"{} :: This tween's target and TO target are not of the same type. Please reassign the values", base.gameObject); } else { this.endValueV3 = (Vector3)DOTweenUtils46.SwitchToRectTransform(endValueTransform, target); } } } } break; case 2: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOLocalMove(base.transform, this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalBool0); goto Label_09D4; case 3: { TargetType targetType = this.targetType; if (targetType == 11) { base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DORotate((Transform), this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalRotationMode); } else if (targetType == 9) { base.tween = ShortcutExtensions43.DORotate((Rigidbody2D), this.endValueFloat, this.duration); } else if (targetType == 8) { base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DORotate((Rigidbody), this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalRotationMode); } goto Label_09D4; } case 4: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOLocalRotate(base.transform, this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalRotationMode); goto Label_09D4; case 5: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOScale(base.transform, !this.optionalBool0 ? this.endValueV3 : new Vector3(this.endValueFloat, this.endValueFloat, this.endValueFloat), this.duration); goto Label_09D4; case 6: this.isRelative = false; switch (this.targetType) { case 3: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions46.DOColor((Image), this.endValueColor, this.duration); break; case 4: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOColor((Light), this.endValueColor, this.duration); break; case 6: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOColor(((Renderer), this.endValueColor, this.duration); break; case 7: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions43.DOColor((SpriteRenderer), this.endValueColor, this.duration); break; case 10: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions46.DOColor((Text), this.endValueColor, this.duration); break; } goto Label_09D4; case 7: this.isRelative = false; switch (this.targetType) { case 2: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions46.DOFade((CanvasGroup), this.endValueFloat, this.duration); break; case 3: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions46.DOFade((Image), this.endValueFloat, this.duration); break; case 4: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOIntensity((Light), this.endValueFloat, this.duration); break; case 6: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOFade(((Renderer), this.endValueFloat, this.duration); break; case 7: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions43.DOFade((SpriteRenderer), this.endValueFloat, this.duration); break; case 10: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions46.DOFade((Text), this.endValueFloat, this.duration); break; } goto Label_09D4; case 8: if (this.targetType == 10) { base.tween = ShortcutExtensions46.DOText((Text), this.endValueString, this.duration, this.optionalBool0, this.optionalScrambleMode, this.optionalString); } goto Label_09D4; case 9: { TargetType targetType = this.targetType; if (targetType == 5) { base.tween = ShortcutExtensions46.DOPunchAnchorPos((RectTransform), this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0, this.optionalBool0); } else if (targetType == 11) { base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOPunchPosition((Transform), this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0, this.optionalBool0); } goto Label_09D4; } case 10: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOPunchRotation(base.transform, this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0); goto Label_09D4; case 11: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOPunchScale(base.transform, this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0); goto Label_09D4; case 12: { TargetType targetType = this.targetType; if (targetType == 5) { base.tween = ShortcutExtensions46.DOShakeAnchorPos((RectTransform), this.duration, this.endValueV3, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0, this.optionalBool0, true); } else if (targetType == 11) { base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOShakePosition((Transform), this.duration, this.endValueV3, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0, this.optionalBool0, true); } goto Label_09D4; } case 13: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOShakeRotation(base.transform, this.duration, this.endValueV3, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0, true); goto Label_09D4; case 14: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOShakeScale(base.transform, this.duration, this.endValueV3, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0, true); goto Label_09D4; case 15: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOAspect((Camera), this.endValueFloat, this.duration); goto Label_09D4; case 0x10: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOColor((Camera), this.endValueColor, this.duration); goto Label_09D4; case 0x11: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOFieldOfView((Camera), this.endValueFloat, this.duration); goto Label_09D4; case 0x12: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOOrthoSize((Camera), this.endValueFloat, this.duration); goto Label_09D4; case 0x13: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOPixelRect((Camera), this.endValueRect, this.duration); goto Label_09D4; case 20: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DORect((Camera), this.endValueRect, this.duration); goto Label_09D4; case 0x15: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions46.DOSizeDelta((RectTransform), !this.optionalBool0 ? this.endValueV2 : new Vector2(this.endValueFloat, this.endValueFloat), this.duration, false); goto Label_09D4; default: goto Label_09D4; } switch (this.targetType) { case 5: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions46.DOAnchorPos3D((RectTransform), this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalBool0); break; case 8: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOMove((Rigidbody), this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalBool0); break; case 9: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions43.DOMove((Rigidbody2D), this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalBool0); break; case 11: base.tween = ShortcutExtensions.DOMove((Transform), this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalBool0); break; } Label_09D4: if (base.tween == null) { return; } if (this.isFrom) { TweenSettingsExtensions.From <Tweener>((Tweener)base.tween, this.isRelative); } else { TweenSettingsExtensions.SetRelative <Tween>(base.tween, this.isRelative); } TweenSettingsExtensions.OnKill <Tween>(TweenSettingsExtensions.SetAutoKill <Tween>(TweenSettingsExtensions.SetLoops <Tween>(TweenSettingsExtensions.SetDelay <Tween>(TweenSettingsExtensions.SetTarget <Tween>(base.tween, base.gameObject), this.delay), this.loops, this.loopType), this.autoKill), new TweenCallback(this, this.< CreateTween > m__0)); if (base.isSpeedBased) { TweenSettingsExtensions.SetSpeedBased <Tween>(base.tween); } if (this.easeType == 0x25) { TweenSettingsExtensions.SetEase <Tween>(base.tween, this.easeCurve); } else { TweenSettingsExtensions.SetEase <Tween>(base.tween, this.easeType); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { TweenSettingsExtensions.SetId <Tween>(base.tween,; } TweenSettingsExtensions.SetUpdate <Tween>(base.tween, this.isIndependentUpdate); if (base.hasOnStart) { if (base.onStart != null) { TweenSettingsExtensions.OnStart <Tween>(base.tween, new TweenCallback(base.onStart, this.Invoke)); } } else { base.onStart = null; } if (base.hasOnPlay) { if (base.onPlay != null) { TweenSettingsExtensions.OnPlay <Tween>(base.tween, new TweenCallback(base.onPlay, this.Invoke)); } } else { base.onPlay = null; } if (base.hasOnUpdate) { if (base.onUpdate != null) { TweenSettingsExtensions.OnUpdate <Tween>(base.tween, new TweenCallback(base.onUpdate, this.Invoke)); } } else { base.onUpdate = null; } if (base.hasOnStepComplete) { if (base.onStepComplete != null) { TweenSettingsExtensions.OnStepComplete <Tween>(base.tween, new TweenCallback(base.onStepComplete, this.Invoke)); } } else { base.onStepComplete = null; } if (base.hasOnComplete) { if (base.onComplete != null) { TweenSettingsExtensions.OnComplete <Tween>(base.tween, new TweenCallback(base.onComplete, this.Invoke)); } } else { base.onComplete = null; } if (base.hasOnRewind) { if (base.onRewind != null) { TweenSettingsExtensions.OnRewind <Tween>(base.tween, new TweenCallback(base.onRewind, this.Invoke)); } } else { base.onRewind = null; } if (this.autoPlay) { TweenExtensions.Play <Tween>(base.tween); } else { TweenExtensions.Pause <Tween>(base.tween); } if (base.hasOnTweenCreated && (base.onTweenCreated != null)) { base.onTweenCreated.Invoke(); } }
// Used also by DOTweenAnimationInspector when applying runtime changes and restarting public void CreateTween() { if (target == null) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0} :: This tween's target is NULL, because the animation was created with a DOTween Pro version older than 0.9.255. To fix this, exit Play mode then simply select this object, and it will update automatically",, this.gameObject); return; } if (forcedTargetType != TargetType.Unset) { targetType = forcedTargetType; } if (targetType == TargetType.Unset) { // Legacy DOTweenAnimation (made with a version older than 0.9.450) without stored targetType > assign it now targetType = TypeToDOTargetType(target.GetType()); } switch (animationType) { case DOTweenAnimationType.None: break; case DOTweenAnimationType.Move: if (useTargetAsV3) { isRelative = false; if (endValueTransform == null) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0} :: This tween's TO target is NULL, a Vector3 of (0,0,0) will be used instead",, this.gameObject); endValueV3 =; } else { if (targetType == TargetType.RectTransform) { RectTransform endValueT = endValueTransform as RectTransform; if (endValueT == null) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0} :: This tween's TO target should be a RectTransform, a Vector3 of (0,0,0) will be used instead",, this.gameObject); endValueV3 =; } else { RectTransform rTarget = target as RectTransform; if (rTarget == null) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0} :: This tween's target and TO target are not of the same type. Please reassign the values",, this.gameObject); } else { // Problem: doesn't work inside Awake (ararargh!) endValueV3 = DOTweenUtils46.SwitchToRectTransform(endValueT, rTarget); } } } else { endValueV3 = endValueTransform.position; } } } switch (targetType) { case TargetType.RectTransform: tween = ((RectTransform)target).DOAnchorPos3D(endValueV3, duration, optionalBool0); break; case TargetType.Transform: tween = ((Transform)target).DOMove(endValueV3, duration, optionalBool0); break; case TargetType.Rigidbody2D: tween = ((Rigidbody2D)target).DOMove(endValueV3, duration, optionalBool0); break; case TargetType.Rigidbody: tween = ((Rigidbody)target).DOMove(endValueV3, duration, optionalBool0); break; } break; case DOTweenAnimationType.LocalMove: tween = transform.DOLocalMove(endValueV3, duration, optionalBool0); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.Rotate: switch (targetType) { case TargetType.Transform: tween = ((Transform)target).DORotate(endValueV3, duration, optionalRotationMode); break; case TargetType.Rigidbody2D: tween = ((Rigidbody2D)target).DORotate(endValueFloat, duration); break; case TargetType.Rigidbody: tween = ((Rigidbody)target).DORotate(endValueV3, duration, optionalRotationMode); break; } break; case DOTweenAnimationType.LocalRotate: tween = transform.DOLocalRotate(endValueV3, duration, optionalRotationMode); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.Scale: tween = transform.DOScale(optionalBool0 ? new Vector3(endValueFloat, endValueFloat, endValueFloat) : endValueV3, duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.UIWidthHeight: tween = ((RectTransform)target).DOSizeDelta(optionalBool0 ? new Vector2(endValueFloat, endValueFloat) : endValueV2, duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.Color: isRelative = false; switch (targetType) { case TargetType.SpriteRenderer: tween = ((SpriteRenderer)target).DOColor(endValueColor, duration); break; case TargetType.Renderer: tween = ((Renderer)target).material.DOColor(endValueColor, duration); break; case TargetType.Image: tween = ((Image)target).DOColor(endValueColor, duration); break; case TargetType.Text: tween = ((Text)target).DOColor(endValueColor, duration); break; case TargetType.Light: tween = ((Light)target).DOColor(endValueColor, duration); break; #if DOTWEEN_TK2D case TargetType.tk2dTextMesh: tween = ((tk2dTextMesh)target).DOColor(endValueColor, duration); break; case TargetType.tk2dBaseSprite: tween = ((tk2dBaseSprite)target).DOColor(endValueColor, duration); break; #endif #if DOTWEEN_TMP case TargetType.TextMeshProUGUI: tween = ((TextMeshProUGUI)target).DOColor(endValueColor, duration); break; case TargetType.TextMeshPro: tween = ((TextMeshPro)target).DOColor(endValueColor, duration); break; #endif } break; case DOTweenAnimationType.Fade: isRelative = false; switch (targetType) { case TargetType.SpriteRenderer: tween = ((SpriteRenderer)target).DOFade(endValueFloat, duration); break; case TargetType.Renderer: tween = ((Renderer)target).material.DOFade(endValueFloat, duration); break; case TargetType.Image: tween = ((Image)target).DOFade(endValueFloat, duration); break; case TargetType.Text: tween = ((Text)target).DOFade(endValueFloat, duration); break; case TargetType.Light: tween = ((Light)target).DOIntensity(endValueFloat, duration); break; case TargetType.CanvasGroup: tween = ((CanvasGroup)target).DOFade(endValueFloat, duration); break; #if DOTWEEN_TK2D case TargetType.tk2dTextMesh: tween = ((tk2dTextMesh)target).DOFade(endValueFloat, duration); break; case TargetType.tk2dBaseSprite: tween = ((tk2dBaseSprite)target).DOFade(endValueFloat, duration); break; #endif #if DOTWEEN_TMP case TargetType.TextMeshProUGUI: tween = ((TextMeshProUGUI)target).DOFade(endValueFloat, duration); break; case TargetType.TextMeshPro: tween = ((TextMeshPro)target).DOFade(endValueFloat, duration); break; #endif } break; case DOTweenAnimationType.Text: switch (targetType) { case TargetType.Text: tween = ((Text)target).DOText(endValueString, duration, optionalBool0, optionalScrambleMode, optionalString); break; #if DOTWEEN_TK2D case TargetType.tk2dTextMesh: tween = ((tk2dTextMesh)target).DOText(endValueString, duration, optionalBool0, optionalScrambleMode, optionalString); break; #endif #if DOTWEEN_TMP case TargetType.TextMeshProUGUI: tween = ((TextMeshProUGUI)target).DOText(endValueString, duration, optionalBool0, optionalScrambleMode, optionalString); break; case TargetType.TextMeshPro: tween = ((TextMeshPro)target).DOText(endValueString, duration, optionalBool0, optionalScrambleMode, optionalString); break; #endif } break; case DOTweenAnimationType.PunchPosition: switch (targetType) { case TargetType.RectTransform: tween = ((RectTransform)target).DOPunchAnchorPos(endValueV3, duration, optionalInt0, optionalFloat0, optionalBool0); break; case TargetType.Transform: tween = ((Transform)target).DOPunchPosition(endValueV3, duration, optionalInt0, optionalFloat0, optionalBool0); break; } break; case DOTweenAnimationType.PunchScale: tween = transform.DOPunchScale(endValueV3, duration, optionalInt0, optionalFloat0); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.PunchRotation: tween = transform.DOPunchRotation(endValueV3, duration, optionalInt0, optionalFloat0); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.ShakePosition: switch (targetType) { case TargetType.RectTransform: tween = ((RectTransform)target).DOShakeAnchorPos(duration, endValueV3, optionalInt0, optionalFloat0, optionalBool0); break; case TargetType.Transform: tween = ((Transform)target).DOShakePosition(duration, endValueV3, optionalInt0, optionalFloat0, optionalBool0); break; } break; case DOTweenAnimationType.ShakeScale: tween = transform.DOShakeScale(duration, endValueV3, optionalInt0, optionalFloat0); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.ShakeRotation: tween = transform.DOShakeRotation(duration, endValueV3, optionalInt0, optionalFloat0); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.CameraAspect: tween = ((Camera)target).DOAspect(endValueFloat, duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.CameraBackgroundColor: tween = ((Camera)target).DOColor(endValueColor, duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.CameraFieldOfView: tween = ((Camera)target).DOFieldOfView(endValueFloat, duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.CameraOrthoSize: tween = ((Camera)target).DOOrthoSize(endValueFloat, duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.CameraPixelRect: tween = ((Camera)target).DOPixelRect(endValueRect, duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.CameraRect: tween = ((Camera)target).DORect(endValueRect, duration); break; } if (tween == null) { return; } if (isFrom) { ((Tweener)tween).From(isRelative); } else { tween.SetRelative(isRelative); } tween.SetTarget(this.gameObject).SetDelay(delay).SetLoops(loops, loopType).SetAutoKill(autoKill) .OnKill(() => tween = null); if (isSpeedBased) { tween.SetSpeedBased(); } if (easeType == Ease.INTERNAL_Custom) { tween.SetEase(easeCurve); } else { tween.SetEase(easeType); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { tween.SetId(id); } tween.SetUpdate(isIndependentUpdate); if (hasOnStart) { if (onStart != null) { tween.OnStart(onStart.Invoke); } } else { onStart = null; } if (hasOnPlay) { if (onPlay != null) { tween.OnPlay(onPlay.Invoke); } } else { onPlay = null; } if (hasOnUpdate) { if (onUpdate != null) { tween.OnUpdate(onUpdate.Invoke); } } else { onUpdate = null; } if (hasOnStepComplete) { if (onStepComplete != null) { tween.OnStepComplete(onStepComplete.Invoke); } } else { onStepComplete = null; } if (hasOnComplete) { if (onComplete != null) { tween.OnComplete(onComplete.Invoke); } } else { onComplete = null; } if (autoPlay) { tween.Play(); } else { tween.Pause(); } if (hasOnTweenCreated && onTweenCreated != null) { onTweenCreated.Invoke(); } }
// Token: 0x06000157 RID: 343 RVA: 0x000074F8 File Offset: 0x000058F8 public void CreateTween() { if ( == null) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0} :: This tween's target is NULL, because the animation was created with a DOTween Pro version older than 0.9.255. To fix this, exit Play mode then simply select this object, and it will update automatically",, base.gameObject); return; } if (this.forcedTargetType != TargetType.Unset) { this.targetType = this.forcedTargetType; } if (this.targetType == TargetType.Unset) { this.targetType = DOTweenAnimation.TypeToDOTargetType(; } switch (this.animationType) { case DOTweenAnimationType.Move: if (this.useTargetAsV3) { this.isRelative = false; if (this.endValueTransform == null) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0} :: This tween's TO target is NULL, a Vector3 of (0,0,0) will be used instead",, base.gameObject); this.endValueV3 =; } else if (this.targetType == TargetType.RectTransform) { RectTransform rectTransform = this.endValueTransform as RectTransform; if (rectTransform == null) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0} :: This tween's TO target should be a RectTransform, a Vector3 of (0,0,0) will be used instead",, base.gameObject); this.endValueV3 =; } else { RectTransform rectTransform2 = as RectTransform; if (rectTransform2 == null) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0} :: This tween's target and TO target are not of the same type. Please reassign the values",, base.gameObject); } else { this.endValueV3 = DOTweenUtils46.SwitchToRectTransform(rectTransform, rectTransform2); } } } else { this.endValueV3 = this.endValueTransform.position; } } switch (this.targetType) { case TargetType.RectTransform: this.tween = ((RectTransform), this.duration, this.optionalBool0); break; case TargetType.Rigidbody: this.tween = ((Rigidbody), this.duration, this.optionalBool0); break; case TargetType.Rigidbody2D: this.tween = ((Rigidbody2D), this.duration, this.optionalBool0); break; case TargetType.Transform: this.tween = ((Transform), this.duration, this.optionalBool0); break; } break; case DOTweenAnimationType.LocalMove: this.tween = base.transform.DOLocalMove(this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalBool0); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.Rotate: { TargetType targetType = this.targetType; if (targetType != TargetType.Transform) { if (targetType != TargetType.Rigidbody2D) { if (targetType == TargetType.Rigidbody) { this.tween = ((Rigidbody), this.duration, this.optionalRotationMode); } } else { this.tween = ((Rigidbody2D), this.duration); } } else { this.tween = ((Transform), this.duration, this.optionalRotationMode); } break; } case DOTweenAnimationType.LocalRotate: this.tween = base.transform.DOLocalRotate(this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalRotationMode); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.Scale: this.tween = base.transform.DOScale((!this.optionalBool0) ? this.endValueV3 : new Vector3(this.endValueFloat, this.endValueFloat, this.endValueFloat), this.duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.Color: this.isRelative = false; switch (this.targetType) { case TargetType.Image: this.tween = ((Image), this.duration); break; case TargetType.Light: this.tween = ((Light), this.duration); break; case TargetType.Renderer: this.tween = ((Renderer), this.duration); break; case TargetType.SpriteRenderer: this.tween = ((SpriteRenderer), this.duration); break; case TargetType.Text: this.tween = ((Text), this.duration); break; } break; case DOTweenAnimationType.Fade: this.isRelative = false; switch (this.targetType) { case TargetType.CanvasGroup: this.tween = ((CanvasGroup), this.duration); break; case TargetType.Image: this.tween = ((Image), this.duration); break; case TargetType.Light: this.tween = ((Light), this.duration); break; case TargetType.Renderer: this.tween = ((Renderer), this.duration); break; case TargetType.SpriteRenderer: this.tween = ((SpriteRenderer), this.duration); break; case TargetType.Text: this.tween = ((Text), this.duration); break; } break; case DOTweenAnimationType.Text: { TargetType targetType2 = this.targetType; if (targetType2 == TargetType.Text) { this.tween = ((Text), this.duration, this.optionalBool0, this.optionalScrambleMode, this.optionalString); } break; } case DOTweenAnimationType.PunchPosition: { TargetType targetType3 = this.targetType; if (targetType3 != TargetType.RectTransform) { if (targetType3 == TargetType.Transform) { this.tween = ((Transform), this.duration, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0, this.optionalBool0); } } else { this.tween = ((RectTransform), this.duration, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0, this.optionalBool0); } break; } case DOTweenAnimationType.PunchRotation: this.tween = base.transform.DOPunchRotation(this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.PunchScale: this.tween = base.transform.DOPunchScale(this.endValueV3, this.duration, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.ShakePosition: { TargetType targetType4 = this.targetType; if (targetType4 != TargetType.RectTransform) { if (targetType4 == TargetType.Transform) { this.tween = ((Transform), this.endValueV3, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0, this.optionalBool0, true); } } else { this.tween = ((RectTransform), this.endValueV3, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0, this.optionalBool0, true); } break; } case DOTweenAnimationType.ShakeRotation: this.tween = base.transform.DOShakeRotation(this.duration, this.endValueV3, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0, true); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.ShakeScale: this.tween = base.transform.DOShakeScale(this.duration, this.endValueV3, this.optionalInt0, this.optionalFloat0, true); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.CameraAspect: this.tween = ((Camera), this.duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.CameraBackgroundColor: this.tween = ((Camera), this.duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.CameraFieldOfView: this.tween = ((Camera), this.duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.CameraOrthoSize: this.tween = ((Camera), this.duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.CameraPixelRect: this.tween = ((Camera), this.duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.CameraRect: this.tween = ((Camera), this.duration); break; case DOTweenAnimationType.UIWidthHeight: this.tween = ((RectTransform)!this.optionalBool0) ? this.endValueV2 : new Vector2(this.endValueFloat, this.endValueFloat), this.duration, false); break; } if (this.tween == null) { return; } if (this.isFrom) { ((Tweener)this.tween).From(this.isRelative); } else { this.tween.SetRelative(this.isRelative); } this.tween.SetTarget(base.gameObject).SetDelay(this.delay).SetLoops(this.loops, this.loopType).SetAutoKill(this.autoKill).OnKill(delegate { this.tween = null; }); if (this.isSpeedBased) { this.tween.SetSpeedBased <Tween>(); } if (this.easeType == Ease.INTERNAL_Custom) { this.tween.SetEase(this.easeCurve); } else { this.tween.SetEase(this.easeType); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { this.tween.SetId(; } this.tween.SetUpdate(this.isIndependentUpdate); if (this.hasOnStart) { if (this.onStart != null) { this.tween.OnStart(new TweenCallback(this.onStart.Invoke)); } } else { this.onStart = null; } if (this.hasOnPlay) { if (this.onPlay != null) { this.tween.OnPlay(new TweenCallback(this.onPlay.Invoke)); } } else { this.onPlay = null; } if (this.hasOnUpdate) { if (this.onUpdate != null) { this.tween.OnUpdate(new TweenCallback(this.onUpdate.Invoke)); } } else { this.onUpdate = null; } if (this.hasOnStepComplete) { if (this.onStepComplete != null) { this.tween.OnStepComplete(new TweenCallback(this.onStepComplete.Invoke)); } } else { this.onStepComplete = null; } if (this.hasOnComplete) { if (this.onComplete != null) { this.tween.OnComplete(new TweenCallback(this.onComplete.Invoke)); } } else { this.onComplete = null; } if (this.hasOnRewind) { if (this.onRewind != null) { this.tween.OnRewind(new TweenCallback(this.onRewind.Invoke)); } } else { this.onRewind = null; } if (this.autoPlay) { this.tween.Play <Tween>(); } else { this.tween.Pause <Tween>(); } if (this.hasOnTweenCreated && this.onTweenCreated != null) { this.onTweenCreated.Invoke(); } }