Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the input file into an MPEG DASH representation with multiple bitrates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inFile">The video file to convert.</param>
        /// <param name="outFilename">The base filename to use for the output files. Files will be overwritten if they exist.</param>
        /// <param name="framerate">Output video stream framerate. Pass zero to make this automatic based on the input file.</param>
        /// <param name="keyframeInterval">Output video keyframe interval. Pass zero to make this automatically 3x the framerate.</param>
        /// <param name="qualities">Parameters to pass to ffmpeg when performing the preparation encoding. Bitrates must be distinct, an exception will be thrown if they are not.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options for the ffmpeg encode.</param>
        /// <param name="outDirectory">The directory to place output files and intermediary files in.</param>
        /// <param name="progress">A callback for progress events. The collection will contain values with the Name property of "Encode", "DASHify", "Post Process"</param>
        /// <param name="cancel">Allows cancellation of the operation.</param>
        /// <returns>An object containing a representation of the generated MPD file, it's path, and the associated filenames, or null if no file generated.</returns>
        public DashEncodeResult GenerateDash(string inFile, string outFilename, int framerate, int keyframeInterval,
                                             IEnumerable <IQuality> qualities, IEncodeOptions options = null, string outDirectory = null, IProgress <IEnumerable <EncodeStageProgress> > progress = null, CancellationToken cancel = default(CancellationToken))

            options      = options ?? new H264EncodeOptions();
            outDirectory = outDirectory ?? WorkingDirectory;

            // Input validation.
            if (inFile == null || !File.Exists(inFile))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Input path does not exist.");
            if (!Directory.Exists(outDirectory))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Output directory does not exist.");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outFilename))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Output filename is null or empty.");
            if (qualities == null || qualities.Count() == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("No qualitied specified. At least one quality is required.");

            // Check for invalid characters and remove them.
            outFilename = RemoveSymbols(outFilename, '#', '&', '*', '<', '>', '/', '?', ':', '"');
            // Another check to ensure we didn't remove all the characters.
            if (outFilename.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Output filename is null or empty.");

            // Check bitrate distinction.
            if (qualities.GroupBy(x => x.Bitrate).Count() != qualities.Count())
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Duplicate bitrates found. Bitrates must be distinct.");

            var inputStats = ProbeFile(inFile);

            if (inputStats == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("ffprobe query returned a null result.");
            int inputBitrate = (int)(inputStats.Bitrate / 1024);

            if (!DisableQualityCrushing)
                qualities = QualityCrusher.CrushQualities(qualities, inputBitrate);
            var  compareQuality   = qualities.First();
            bool enableStreamCopy = EnableStreamCopying && compareQuality.Bitrate == 0 &&
                                    Copyable264Infer.DetermineCopyCanBeDone(compareQuality.PixelFormat, compareQuality.Level, compareQuality.Profile, inputStats.VideoStreams);

            var progressList = new List <EncodeStageProgress>()
                new EncodeStageProgress("Encode", 0),
                new EncodeStageProgress("DASHify", 0),
                new EncodeStageProgress("Post Process", 0)
            const int encodeStage = 0;
            const int dashStage   = 1;
            const int postStage   = 2;

            var stdErrShim = stderrLog;

            if (progress != null)
                stdErrShim = new Action <string>(x =>
                    if (x != null)
                        var match = Encode.Regexes.ParseProgress.Match(x);
                        if (match.Success && TimeSpan.TryParse(match.Value, out TimeSpan p))
                            ReportProgress(progress, progressList, encodeStage, Math.Min(1, (float)(p.TotalMilliseconds / 1000) / inputStats.Duration));

            framerate        = framerate <= 0 ? (int)Math.Round(inputStats.Framerate) : framerate;
            keyframeInterval = keyframeInterval <= 0 ? framerate * 3 : keyframeInterval;

            // Build task definitions.
            var ffmpegCommand = CommandBuilder.BuildFfmpegCommand(
                inPath: inFile,
                outDirectory: WorkingDirectory,
                outFilename: outFilename,
                options: options,
                framerate: framerate,
                keyframeInterval: keyframeInterval,
                qualities: qualities.OrderByDescending(x => x.Bitrate),
                metadata: inputStats,
                defaultBitrate: inputBitrate,
                enableStreamCopying: enableStreamCopy);


            // Generate intermediates
                ExecutionResult ffResult;
                stderrLog.Invoke($"Running ffmpeg with arguments: {ffmpegCommand.RenderedCommand}");
                ffResult = ManagedExecution.Start(FFmpegPath, ffmpegCommand.RenderedCommand, stdoutLog, stdErrShim, cancel);

                // Detect error in ffmpeg process and cleanup, then return null.
                if (ffResult.ExitCode != 0)
                    stderrLog.Invoke($"ERROR: ffmpeg returned code {ffResult.ExitCode}. File: {inFile}");
                    CleanOutputFiles(ffmpegCommand.CommandPieces.Select(x => x.Path));
            catch (Exception ex)
                CleanOutputFiles(ffmpegCommand.CommandPieces.Select(x => x.Path));

                if (ex is OperationCanceledException)
                    throw new OperationCanceledException($"Exception running ffmpeg on {inFile}", ex);
                    throw new Exception($"Exception running ffmpeg on {inFile}", ex);

            var audioVideoFiles = ffmpegCommand.CommandPieces.Where(x => x.Type == StreamType.Video || x.Type == StreamType.Audio);

            var mp4boxCommand = CommandBuilder.BuildMp4boxMpdCommand(
                inFiles: audioVideoFiles.Select(x => x.Path),
                outFilePath: Path.Combine(outDirectory, outFilename) + ".mpd",
                keyInterval: (keyframeInterval / framerate) * 1000);

            // Generate DASH files.
            ExecutionResult mpdResult;

            stderrLog.Invoke($"Running MP4Box with arguments: {mp4boxCommand.RenderedCommand}");
                mpdResult = ManagedExecution.Start(BoxPath, mp4boxCommand.RenderedCommand, stdoutLog, stderrLog, cancel);
            catch (Exception ex)
                CleanOutputFiles(audioVideoFiles.Select(x => x.Path));

                if (ex is OperationCanceledException)
                    throw new OperationCanceledException($"Exception running MP4box on {inFile}", ex);
                    throw new Exception($"Exception running MP4box on {inFile}", ex);

            // Report DASH complete.
            if (mpdResult.ExitCode == 0)
                ReportProgress(progress, progressList, dashStage, 1);

            // Cleanup intermediates.
            CleanOutputFiles(audioVideoFiles.Select(x => x.Path));

            ReportProgress(progress, progressList, postStage, 0.33);

            // Move subtitles found in media
            List <StreamFile> subtitles = new List <StreamFile>();

            foreach (var subFile in ffmpegCommand.CommandPieces.Where(x => x.Type == StreamType.Subtitle))
                string oldPath = subFile.Path;
                subFile.Path = Path.Combine(outDirectory, Path.GetFileName(subFile.Path));
                if (oldPath != subFile.Path)
                    if (File.Exists(subFile.Path))
                    File.Move(oldPath, subFile.Path);
            // Add external subtitles
            int    originIndex  = ffmpegCommand.CommandPieces.Max(x => x.Origin) + 1;
            string baseFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inFile);

            foreach (var vttFile in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(inFile), baseFilename + "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                if (vttFile.EndsWith(".vtt"))
                    string vttFilename   = Path.GetFileName(vttFile);
                    string vttName       = GetSubtitleName(vttFilename);
                    string vttOutputPath = Path.Combine(outDirectory, $"{outFilename}_subtitle_{vttName}_{originIndex}.vtt");

                    var subFile = new StreamFile()
                        Type   = StreamType.Subtitle,
                        Origin = originIndex,
                        Path   = vttOutputPath,
                        Name   = $"{vttName}_{originIndex}"
                    File.Copy(vttFile, vttOutputPath, true);

            ReportProgress(progress, progressList, postStage, 0.66);

                string mpdFilepath = mp4boxCommand.CommandPieces.FirstOrDefault().Path;
                if (File.Exists(mpdFilepath))
                    MPD mpd = PostProcessMpdFile(mpdFilepath, subtitles);

                    var result = new DashEncodeResult(mpd, inputStats.Metadata, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((inputStats.VideoStreams.FirstOrDefault()?.duration ?? 0) * 1000), mpdFilepath);

                    // Detect error in MP4Box process and cleanup, then return null.
                    if (mpdResult.ExitCode != 0)
                        stderrLog.Invoke($"ERROR: MP4Box returned code {mpdResult.ExitCode}. File: {inFile}");
                        CleanOutputFiles(result.MediaFiles.Select(x => Path.Combine(outDirectory, x)));


                    // Success.

                stderrLog.Invoke($"ERROR: MP4Box did not produce the expected mpd file at path {mpdFilepath}. File: {inFile}");
                ReportProgress(progress, progressList, postStage, 1);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// oOnverts the input file into an MPEG DASH representations.
        /// This includes multiple bitrates, subtitle tracks, audio tracks, and an MPD manifest.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        /// <param name="cancel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DashEncodeResult GenerateDash(DashConfig config, IProgress <Dictionary <EncodingStage, double> > progress = null, CancellationToken cancel = default(CancellationToken))
            if (!Directory.Exists(WorkingDirectory))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("The given path for the working directory doesn't exist.");

            //Field declarations
            MediaMetadata inputStats;
            IQuality      compareQuality;
            int           inputBitrate;
            bool          enableStreamCopy = false;

            inputStats = ProbeFile(config.InputFilePath);
            if (inputStats == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("ffprobe query returned a null result.");

            inputBitrate = (int)(inputStats.Bitrate / 1024);
            if (!DisableQualityCrushing)
                config.Qualities = QualityCrusher.CrushQualities(config.Qualities, inputBitrate);
            compareQuality = config.Qualities.First();

            if (EnableStreamCopying && compareQuality.Bitrate == 0)
                enableStreamCopy = Copyable264Infer.DetermineCopyCanBeDone(compareQuality.PixelFormat, compareQuality.Level, compareQuality.Profile.ToString(), inputStats.VideoStreams);

            // Set the framerate interval to match input if user has not already set
            if (config.Framerate <= 0)
                config.Framerate = (int)Math.Round(inputStats.Framerate);

            // Set the keyframe interval to match input if user has not already set
            if (config.KeyframeInterval <= 0)
                config.KeyframeInterval = config.Framerate * 3;

            //This is not really the proper place to have this
            // Logging shim for ffmpeg to get progress info
            var ffmpegLogShim = new Action <string>(x =>
                if (x != null)
                    var match = Encode.Regexes.ParseProgress.Match(x);
                    if (match.Success && TimeSpan.TryParse(match.Value, out TimeSpan p))
                        float progressFloat = Math.Min(1, (float)(p.TotalMilliseconds / 1000) / inputStats.Duration);
                        if (progress != null)
                            ReportProgress(progress, EncodingStage.Encode, progressFloat);

            FfmpegRenderedCommand ffmpgCommand = EncodeVideo(config, inputStats, inputBitrate, enableStreamCopy, ffmpegLogShim, cancel);

            if (ffmpgCommand is null)

            Mp4BoxRenderedCommand mp4BoxCommand = GenerateDashManifest(config, ffmpgCommand.VideoPieces, ffmpgCommand.AudioPieces, cancel);

            if (mp4BoxCommand is null)

            ReportProgress(progress, EncodingStage.DASHify, 1);
            ReportProgress(progress, EncodingStage.PostProcess, 0.3);

            int maxFileIndex = ffmpgCommand.AllPieces.Max(x => x.Index);
            List <StreamSubtitleFile> allSubtitles = ProcessSubtitles(config, ffmpgCommand.SubtitlePieces, maxFileIndex + 1);

            ReportProgress(progress, EncodingStage.PostProcess, 0.66);

                string mpdFilepath = mp4BoxCommand.MpdPath;
                if (File.Exists(mpdFilepath))
                    MPD mpd = PostProcessMpdFile(mpdFilepath, allSubtitles);

                    var result = new DashEncodeResult(mpd, inputStats.Metadata, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((inputStats.VideoStreams.FirstOrDefault()?.duration ?? 0) * 1000), mpdFilepath);

                    // Success.

                stderrLog.Invoke($"ERROR: MP4Box did not produce the expected mpd file at path {mpdFilepath}. File: {config.InputFilePath}");
                ReportProgress(progress, EncodingStage.PostProcess, 1);