Exemple #1
        //Check if the lines are interescting in 2d space
        //Alternative version from http://thirdpartyninjas.com/blog/2008/10/07/line-segment-intersection/
        public static bool LineLineIntersection(out GeoPoint intersection, GeoSegment line1, GeoSegment line2)
            bool isIntersecting = false;

            intersection = GeoPoint.Zero;

            //3d -> 2d
            double p1_x = line1.Start.Longitude;
            double p1_y = line1.Start.Latitude;
            double p2_x = line1.End.Longitude;
            double p2_y = line1.End.Latitude;
            double p3_x = line2.Start.Longitude;
            double p3_y = line2.Start.Latitude;
            double p4_x = line2.End.Longitude;
            double p4_y = line2.End.Latitude;

            double denominator = (p4_y - p3_y) * (p2_x - p1_x) - (p4_x - p3_x) * (p2_y - p1_y);

            //Make sure the denominator is > 0, if so the lines are parallel
            if (denominator != 0)
                double u_a = ((p4_x - p3_x) * (p1_y - p3_y) - (p4_y - p3_y) * (p1_x - p3_x)) / denominator;
                double u_b = ((p2_x - p1_x) * (p1_y - p3_y) - (p2_y - p1_y) * (p1_x - p3_x)) / denominator;

                //Is intersecting if u_a and u_b are between 0 and 1
                if (u_a >= 0 && u_a <= 1 && u_b >= 0 && u_b <= 1)
                    intersection   = new GeoPoint(p1_y + u_a * (p2_y - p1_y), p1_x + u_a * (p2_x - p1_x));
                    isIntersecting = true;

        public IEnumerable <GeoSegment> GetDEMNorthSouthLines(List <FileMetadata> segTiles, GeoPoint westernSegPoint, GeoPoint easternSegPoint)
            // Get the first north west tile and last south east tile.
            // The lines are bounded by those tiles

            foreach (var tilesByX in segTiles.GroupBy(t => t.StartLon).OrderBy(g => g.Key))
                List <FileMetadata> NSTilesOrdered = tilesByX.OrderByDescending(t => t.StartLat).ToList();

                FileMetadata top    = NSTilesOrdered.First();
                FileMetadata bottom = NSTilesOrdered.Last();

                // TIP: can optimize here starting with min(westernSegPoint, startlon) but careful !
                GeoPoint curPoint = new GeoPoint(top.StartLat, top.StartLon);

                // X Index in tile coords
                int curIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling((curPoint.Longitude - top.StartLon) / top.PixelScaleX);
                while (IsPointInTile(top, curPoint))
                    if (curIndex >= top.Width)

                    curPoint.Longitude = top.StartLon + (top.pixelSizeX * curIndex);
                    if (curPoint.Longitude > easternSegPoint.Longitude)
                    GeoSegment line = new GeoSegment(new GeoPoint(top.OriginLatitude, curPoint.Longitude), new GeoPoint(bottom.EndLatitude, curPoint.Longitude));
                    yield return(line);
        public IEnumerable <GeoSegment> GetDEMWestEastLines(List <FileMetadata> segTiles, GeoPoint northernSegPoint, GeoPoint southernSegPoint)
            // Get the first north west tile and last south east tile.
            // The lines are bounded by those tiles

            foreach (var tilesByY in segTiles.GroupBy(t => t.StartLat).OrderByDescending(g => g.Key))
                List <FileMetadata> WETilesOrdered = tilesByY.OrderBy(t => t.StartLon).ToList();

                FileMetadata left  = WETilesOrdered.First();
                FileMetadata right = WETilesOrdered.Last();

                GeoPoint curPoint = new GeoPoint(left.StartLat, left.StartLon);

                // Y Index in tile coords
                int curIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling((left.StartLat - curPoint.Latitude) / left.PixelScaleY);
                while (IsPointInTile(left, curPoint))
                    if (curIndex >= left.Height)

                    curPoint.Latitude = left.StartLat + (left.pixelSizeY * curIndex);
                    if (curPoint.Latitude < southernSegPoint.Latitude)
                    GeoSegment line = new GeoSegment(new GeoPoint(curPoint.Latitude, left.OriginLongitude), new GeoPoint(curPoint.Latitude, right.EndLongitude));
                    yield return(line);
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all intersections between given segment and DEM grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startLon">Segment start longitude</param>
        /// <param name="startLat">Segment start latitude</param>
        /// <param name="endLon">Segment end longitude</param>
        /// <param name="endLat">Segment end latitude</param>
        /// <param name="segTiles">Metadata files <see cref="GeoTiffService.GetCoveringFiles"/> to see how to get them relative to segment geometry</param>
        /// <param name="returnStartPoint">If true, the segment starting point will be returned. Useful when processing a line segment by segment.</param>
        /// <param name="returnEndPoind">If true, the segment end point will be returned. Useful when processing a line segment by segment.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <GeoPoint> FindSegmentIntersections(double startLon, double startLat, double endLon, double endLat, List <FileMetadata> segTiles, bool returnStartPoint, bool returnEndPoind)
            List <GeoPoint> segmentPointsWithDEMPoints;
            // Find intersections with north/south lines,
            // starting form segment western point to easternmost point
            GeoPoint   westernSegPoint = startLon < endLon ? new GeoPoint(startLat, startLon) : new GeoPoint(endLat, endLon);
            GeoPoint   easternSegPoint = startLon > endLon ? new GeoPoint(startLat, startLon) : new GeoPoint(endLat, endLon);
            GeoSegment inputSegment    = new GeoSegment(westernSegPoint, easternSegPoint);

            if (segTiles.Any())
                int estimatedCapacity = (segTiles.Select(t => t.OriginLongitude).Distinct().Count()  // num horizontal tiles * width
                                         * segTiles.First().Width)
                                        + (segTiles.Select(t => t.OriginLatitude).Distinct().Count() // num vertical tiles * height
                                           * segTiles.First().Height);
                segmentPointsWithDEMPoints = new List <GeoPoint>(estimatedCapacity);
                bool yAxisDown = segTiles.First().pixelSizeY < 0;
                if (yAxisDown == false)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("DEM with y axis upwards not supported.");

                foreach (GeoSegment demSegment in this.GetDEMNorthSouthLines(segTiles, westernSegPoint, easternSegPoint))
                    GeoPoint intersectionPoint = null;
                    if (GeometryService.LineLineIntersection(out intersectionPoint, inputSegment, demSegment))

                // Find intersections with west/east lines,
                // starting form segment northernmost point to southernmost point
                GeoPoint northernSegPoint = startLat > endLat ? new GeoPoint(startLat, startLon) : new GeoPoint(endLat, endLon);
                GeoPoint southernSegPoint = startLat < endLat ? new GeoPoint(startLat, startLon) : new GeoPoint(endLat, endLon);
                inputSegment = new GeoSegment(northernSegPoint, southernSegPoint);
                foreach (GeoSegment demSegment in this.GetDEMWestEastLines(segTiles, northernSegPoint, southernSegPoint))
                    GeoPoint intersectionPoint = null;
                    if (GeometryService.LineLineIntersection(out intersectionPoint, inputSegment, demSegment))
                // No DEM coverage
                segmentPointsWithDEMPoints = new List <GeoPoint>(2);

            // add start and/or end point
            if (returnStartPoint)
            if (returnEndPoind)

            // sort points in segment order
            segmentPointsWithDEMPoints.Sort(new DistanceFromPointComparer(new GeoPoint(startLat, startLon)));
