public void Paint(DGraphics dg, Figure backgroundFigure, IList<Figure> figures, Figure[] controlFigures) { // set antialias value dg.AntiAlias = AntiAlias; // draw backround and transform canvas accordind to the pagesize if (Preview) dg.Scale(Width / PageSize.X, Height / PageSize.Y); // scale to width & height as this is a preview viewer else { dg.FillRect(0, 0, Width, Height, DColor.LightGray, 1); // gray background DPoint offset = CanvasOffset(); dg.Translate(offset.X, offset.Y); // center drawing dg.Scale(scale, scale); // scale canvas dg.FillRect(SHADOW_OFFSET, SHADOW_OFFSET, PageSize.X, PageSize.Y, DColor.Black, 1); // draw black canvas shadow } // paint figures if (backgroundFigure != null) { backgroundFigure.Width = PageSize.X; backgroundFigure.Height = PageSize.Y; backgroundFigure.Paint(dg); } if (!Preview && Grid > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < (PageSize.X / Grid); i++) dg.DrawLine(new DPoint(i * grid, 0), new DPoint(i * grid, PageSize.Y), DColor.LightGray, 1, DStrokeStyle.Solid, 1, DStrokeCap.Butt); for (int i = 1; i < (PageSize.Y / Grid); i++) dg.DrawLine(new DPoint(0, i * grid), new DPoint(PageSize.X, i * grid), DColor.LightGray, 1, DStrokeStyle.Solid, 1, DStrokeCap.Butt); } double invScale = 1 / scale; foreach (Figure figure in figures) { figure._controlScale = invScale; figure.GlyphsVisible = editFigures; figure.Paint(dg); } if (editFigures) { foreach (Figure figure in figures) figure.PaintSelectionChrome(dg); if (controlFigures != null) foreach (Figure figure in controlFigures) { figure._controlScale = invScale; figure.Paint(dg); } } }
private void PaintWmf(DGraphics dg) { dg.Save(); dg.Clip(Rect); // store current matrix DMatrix m = dg.SaveTransform(); // clear gdi objects WmfGdiObjects.Clear(); // check for placeable key if (WmfIsPlaceable) { bytesRead = 0; // read placeable header placeable = GetWmfPlaceable(); // checksum int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Wmf.Placeable)) - 2 /* WmfPlaceable.Checksum is UInt16 */) / 2; i++) sum = sum ^ BitConverter.ToUInt16(ImageData, i * 2); if (sum != placeable.Checksum) System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("checksum failed"); // init matrix WmfUpdateMaxtrix(dg, m); // read header header = GetWmfHeader(); // iterate draw commands bool records = true; while (records) { int bytesReadPlusFuncHeaderSize = bytesRead; Wmf.FuncHeader fh = GetWmfFuncHeader(); bytesReadPlusFuncHeaderSize += (int)fh.Size * 2; bool breakme = false; switch (fh.Function) { case Wmf.SaveDC: break; case Wmf.CreatePalette: break; case Wmf.SetBkMode: int bkMode = GetInt16(); break; case Wmf.SetMapMode: int mapMode = GetInt16(); break; case Wmf.SetROP2: break; case Wmf.SetRelabs: break; case Wmf.SetPolyFillMode: int polyfillMode = GetInt16(); if (polyfillMode == Wmf.PfmAlernate) fillRule = DFillRule.EvenOdd; else fillRule = DFillRule.Winding; break; case Wmf.SetStretchBltMode: break; case Wmf.DeleteObject: WmfDeleteGdiObject(GetInt16()); break; case Wmf.RestoreDC: break; case Wmf.SelectObject: WmfSelectGdiObject(GetInt16()); break; case Wmf.SetTextAlign: break; case Wmf.SetBkColor: break; case Wmf.SetTextColor: break; case Wmf.SetWindowOrg: winY = GetInt16(); winX = GetInt16(); WmfUpdateMaxtrix(dg, m); break; case Wmf.SetWindowExt: winHeight = GetInt16(); winWidth = GetInt16(); WmfUpdateMaxtrix(dg, m); break; case Wmf.SetViewportOrg: viewY = GetInt16(); viewX = GetInt16(); //wmfUpdateMaxtrix(dg, m); break; case Wmf.SetViewportExt: viewHeight = GetInt16(); viewWidth = GetInt16(); //wmfUpdateMaxtrix(dg, m); break; case Wmf.LineTo: DPoint pt = GetPoint(); if (StrokeValid) dg.DrawLine(curPoint, pt, stroke, 1, strokeStyle, strokeWidth, strokeCap); curPoint = pt; break; case Wmf.MoveTo: curPoint = GetPoint(); break; case Wmf.SelectPalette: break; case Wmf.CreatePenIndirect: int gdiPenStyle = GetInt16(); int widthX = GetInt16(); int widthY = GetInt16(); DColor penColor = GetColor(); double penWidth = widthX; WmfApplyTransforms(ref penWidth); DStrokeStyle penStyle = DStrokeStyle.Solid; DStrokeCap penCap = DStrokeCap.Round; DStrokeJoin penJoin = DStrokeJoin.Round; if ((gdiPenStyle & Wmf.PS_DASHDOTDOT) == Wmf.PS_DASHDOTDOT) penStyle = DStrokeStyle.DashDotDot; else if ((gdiPenStyle & Wmf.PS_DASHDOT) == Wmf.PS_DASHDOT) penStyle = DStrokeStyle.DashDot; else if ((gdiPenStyle & Wmf.PS_DOT) == Wmf.PS_DOT) penStyle = DStrokeStyle.Dot; else if ((gdiPenStyle & Wmf.PS_DASH) == Wmf.PS_DASH) penStyle = DStrokeStyle.Dash; else penStyle = DStrokeStyle.Solid; if ((gdiPenStyle & Wmf.PS_ENDCAP_FLAT) == Wmf.PS_ENDCAP_FLAT) penCap = DStrokeCap.Butt; else if ((gdiPenStyle & Wmf.PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE) == Wmf.PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE) penCap = DStrokeCap.Square; else penCap = DStrokeCap.Round; if ((gdiPenStyle & Wmf.PS_JOIN_MITER) == Wmf.PS_JOIN_MITER) penJoin = DStrokeJoin.Mitre; else if ((gdiPenStyle & Wmf.PS_JOIN_BEVEL) == Wmf.PS_JOIN_BEVEL) penJoin = DStrokeJoin.Bevel; else penJoin = DStrokeJoin.Round; if ((gdiPenStyle & Wmf.PS_NULL) == Wmf.PS_NULL) WmfAddGdiObject(new WmfGdiPen(DColor.Empty, penWidth, penStyle, penCap, penJoin)); else WmfAddGdiObject(new WmfGdiPen(penColor, penWidth, penStyle, penCap, penJoin)); break; case Wmf.CreateFontIndirect: WmfAddGdiObject("font"); break; case Wmf.CreateBrushIndirect: int brushStyle = GetInt16(); DColor brushColor = GetColor(); int brushHatch = GetInt16(); if ((brushStyle & Wmf.BS_NULL) == Wmf.BS_NULL) WmfAddGdiObject(new WmfGdiBrush(DColor.Empty)); else WmfAddGdiObject(new WmfGdiBrush(brushColor)); break; case Wmf.Polygon: DPoints polygonPts = GetPolyPoints(GetInt16(), true); if (FillValid) dg.FillPolygon(polygonPts, fill, 1, fillRule); if (StrokeValid) dg.DrawPolyline(polygonPts, stroke, 1, strokeWidth, strokeStyle, strokeJoin, strokeCap); break; case Wmf.Polyline: DPoints polylinePts = GetPolyPoints(GetInt16(), false); if (StrokeValid) dg.DrawPolyline(polylinePts, stroke, 1, strokeWidth, strokeStyle, strokeJoin, strokeCap); break; case Wmf.Ellipse: goto case Wmf.Rectangle; case Wmf.Rectangle: DPoint br = GetPoint(); DPoint tl = GetPoint(); if (FillValid) { if (fh.Function == Wmf.Rectangle) dg.FillRect(tl.X, tl.Y, br.X - tl.X, br.Y - tl.Y, fill, 1); else if (fh.Function == Wmf.Ellipse) dg.FillEllipse(tl.X, tl.Y, br.X - tl.X, br.Y - tl.Y, fill, 1); } if (StrokeValid) { if (fh.Function == Wmf.Rectangle) dg.DrawRect(tl.X, tl.Y, br.X - tl.X, br.Y - tl.Y, stroke, 1, strokeWidth, strokeStyle, strokeJoin); else if (fh.Function == Wmf.Ellipse) dg.DrawEllipse(tl.X, tl.Y, br.X - tl.X, br.Y - tl.Y, stroke, 1, strokeWidth, strokeStyle); } break; case Wmf.PolyPolygon: // find out how many points int numPolygons = GetInt16(); int[] numPoints = new int[numPolygons]; for (int i = 0; i < numPolygons; i++) numPoints[i] = GetInt16(); // join polygons together DPoints polyPolyPoints = new DPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < numPolygons; i++) foreach (DPoint polyPolyPt in GetPolyPoints(numPoints[i], true)) polyPolyPoints.Add(polyPolyPt); // draw if (FillValid) dg.FillPolygon(polyPolyPoints, fill, 1, fillRule); if (StrokeValid) dg.DrawPolyline(polyPolyPoints, stroke, 1, strokeWidth, strokeStyle, strokeJoin, strokeCap); break; case Wmf.Escape: break; default: breakme = true; break; } if (bytesRead != bytesReadPlusFuncHeaderSize) bytesRead = bytesReadPlusFuncHeaderSize; if (breakme) break; } } dg.Restore(); }
protected override void PaintBody(DGraphics dg) { #if BEHAVIOURS // select paint properties DColor Fill = this.Fill; ; DColor Stroke = this.Stroke; double Alpha = this.Alpha; if (MouseOver) { if (MouseOverBehaviour.SetFill) Fill = MouseOverBehaviour.Fill; if (MouseOverBehaviour.SetStroke) Stroke = MouseOverBehaviour.Stroke; if (MouseOverBehaviour.SetAlpha) Alpha = MouseOverBehaviour.Alpha; } #endif // do painting DRect r = GetClockRect(); const int baseSize = 100; if (editing) dg.FillRect(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, DColor.Black, 1, DFillStyle.ForwardDiagonalHatch); dg.FillEllipse(r, Fill, Alpha); dg.DrawEllipse(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, Stroke, Alpha, StrokeWidth, StrokeStyle); double offset = 0.5 * Width / baseSize; string[] nums = new string[] { "12", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11" }; string font = "Arial"; double fontSz = 6 * Width / baseSize; if (fontSz <= 0) fontSz = 6; for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; i++) { string text = nums[i]; DPoint textPos = TextPoint(r, i); DPoint textSz = dg.MeasureText(text, font, fontSz); dg.Save(); dg.Translate(offset, offset); dg.DrawText(text, font, fontSz, new DPoint(textPos.X - textSz.X / 2, textPos.Y - textSz.Y / 2), DColor.Black, Alpha); dg.Restore(); dg.DrawText(text, font, fontSz, new DPoint(textPos.X - textSz.X / 2, textPos.Y - textSz.Y / 2), DColor.White, Alpha); } double handWidth = 3 * Width / baseSize; dg.Save(); dg.Translate(offset, offset); dg.DrawLine(r.Center, FirstHandPoint(r), DColor.Black, Alpha, DStrokeStyle.Solid, handWidth, DStrokeCap.Round); dg.DrawLine(r.Center, SecondHandPoint(r), DColor.Black, Alpha, DStrokeStyle.Solid, handWidth, DStrokeCap.Round); dg.Restore(); dg.DrawLine(r.Center, FirstHandPoint(r), DColor.Red, Alpha, DStrokeStyle.Solid, handWidth, DStrokeCap.Round); dg.DrawLine(r.Center, SecondHandPoint(r), DColor.Blue, Alpha, DStrokeStyle.Solid, handWidth, DStrokeCap.Round); }
protected override void PaintBody(DGraphics dg) { dg.FillRect(X, Y, Width, Height, Fill, Alpha); base.PaintBody(dg); }
protected override void PaintBody(DGraphics dg) { // paint border DRect r = Rect; dg.FillRect(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, DColor.Black, 1, DFillStyle.ForwardDiagonalHatch); dg.FillRect(r.X + border, r.Y + border, r.Width - border - border, r.Height - border - border, DColor.White, 1); // paint text double alpha = 1; if (f is IAlphaBlendable) { alpha = ((IAlphaBlendable)f).Alpha; ((IAlphaBlendable)f).Alpha = 1; } double rot = f.Rotation; f.Rotation = 0; bool flipX = f.FlipX, flipY = f.FlipY; f.FlipX = false; f.FlipY = false; f.Paint(dg); f.FlipX = flipX; f.FlipY = flipY; if (f is IAlphaBlendable) ((IAlphaBlendable)f).Alpha = alpha; f.Rotation = rot; // paint text wrap handle r = TextWrapHandleRect; if (WrapText) dg.FillEllipse(r, DColor.White); else dg.FillEllipse(r, DColor.LightGray); dg.DrawEllipse(r, DColor.Black); // paint selection & cursor string[] lines = Lines; DPoint offset = itext.TextOffset; DPoint pt = f.Rect.TopLeft.Offset(offset.X, offset.Y); double height = LineHeight(dg, lines); DPoint cpt = MeasureCursorPosition(lines, height); DRect[] selRects = MeasureSelectionRects(dg, lines, height); foreach (DRect sr in selRects) dg.FillRect(pt.X + sr.X, pt.Y + sr.Y, sr.Width, sr.Height, DColor.LightGray, 0.5); dg.DrawLine(new DPoint(pt.X + cpt.X, pt.Y + cpt.Y), new DPoint(pt.X + cpt.X, pt.Y + cpt.Y + height), DColor.Black, 1, DStrokeStyle.Solid, 2, DStrokeCap.Butt); }
protected override void PaintBody(DGraphics dg) { #if BEHAVIOURS // select paint properties DColor Fill = this.Fill; DColor Stroke = this.Stroke; double Alpha = this.Alpha; if (MouseOver) { if (MouseOverBehaviour.SetFill) Fill = MouseOverBehaviour.Fill; if (MouseOverBehaviour.SetStroke) Stroke = MouseOverBehaviour.Stroke; if (MouseOverBehaviour.SetAlpha) Alpha = MouseOverBehaviour.Alpha; } #endif // do painting if (UseRealAlpha && Alpha != 1 && StrokeWidth > 0) { dg.StartGroup(X, Y, Width + StrokeWidth, Height + StrokeWidth, SwHalf, SwHalf); dg.FillRect(X, Y, Width, Height, Fill, 1); dg.DrawRect(X, Y, Width, Height, Stroke, 1, StrokeWidth, StrokeStyle, StrokeJoin); dg.DrawGroup(Alpha); } else { dg.FillRect(X, Y, Width, Height, Fill, Alpha); dg.DrawRect(X, Y, Width, Height, Stroke, Alpha, StrokeWidth, StrokeStyle, StrokeJoin); } }