public void WhenParserCalledWithCommentOnlyDoesNotGenerateInstructionSet()
			Parser parser = new Parser ();
			ushort[] instructionSet = parser.Parse (new string[]{"; Try some basic stuff"});
			Assert.IsNull (instructionSet);
		public void WhenParserCalledWithEmptySourceDoesNotGenerateInstructionSet()
			Parser parser = new Parser ();
			ushort[] instructionSet = parser.Parse (new string[]{""});
			Assert.IsNull (instructionSet);
		public void WhenParserCalledWithSetRegisterWithHexLiteralGenertesCorrectInstructionSet()
			Parser parser = new Parser ();
			ushort[] instructionSet = parser.Parse (new string[]{"SET A 0x2000"});
			string convertedInstructionSet = ConvertInstructionSetToString (instructionSet); 
			Assert.AreEqual ("7c01 2000".ToUpper (), convertedInstructionSet.ToUpper());
		public void WhenParserCalledWithSetMemoryAddressWithLiteralGenertesCorrectInstructionSet()
			Parser parser = new Parser ();
			ushort[] instructionSet = parser.Parse (new string[]{"SET [0x1000], 0x20"});
			string convertedInstructionSet = ConvertInstructionSetToString (instructionSet); 
			Assert.AreEqual ("7de1 1000 0020".ToUpper (), convertedInstructionSet.ToUpper ());
		public void WhenParserCalledWithNotchSampleGenertesCorrectInstructionSet()
			Parser parser = new Parser ();
			string source = @"
			; Try some basic stuff
            			SET A, 0x30				; 7c01 0030
                		SET [0x1000], 0x20		; 7de1 1000 0020
                		SUB A, [0x1000]			; 7803 1000
                		IFN A, 0x10				; c00d 
                   			SET PC, crash		; 7dc1 001a [*]
	        ; Do a loopy thing
	        			SET I, 10				; a861
	        			SET A, 0x2000			; 7c01 2000
	        :loop		SET [0x2000+I], [A]		; 2161 2000
	        			SUB I, 1				; 8463
	        			IFN I, 0				; 806d
	        			SET PC, loop			; 7dc1 000d [*]
	        ; Call a subroutine
		        		SET X, 0x4				; 9031
		        		JSR testsub				; 7c10 0018 [*]
		        		SET PC, crash			; 7dc1 001a [*]
	        :testsub	SHL X, 4				; 9037
	        			SET PC, POP				; 61c1
	        ; Hang forever. X should now be 0x40 if everything went right.
	        :crash		SET PC, crash			; 7dc1 001a [*]";
			string[] lines = source.Split('\n');
			ushort[] instructionSet = parser.Parse(lines);
			string convertedInstructionSet = ConvertInstructionSetToString(instructionSet);
			string memoryDump = "";
			memoryDump += "7c01 0030 7de1 1000 0020 7803 1000 c00d ";
			memoryDump += "7dc1 001a a861 7c01 2000 2161 2000 8463 ";
        	memoryDump += "806d 7dc1 000d 9031 7c10 0018 7dc1 001a ";
        	memoryDump += "9037 61c1 7dc1 001a";
			Assert.AreEqual (memoryDump.ToUpper (), convertedInstructionSet.ToUpper());
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile Source code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ColorCodeTextBox.Text.Trim() == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Nothing to compile", Globals.ProgramName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            /*CDCPULexer lexer = new CDCPULexer();
            string Error = "";
            List<CDCPULexerToken> tokens = lexer.TokenizeFileString(ColorCodeTextBox.Text, out Error);

            textBox1.Text = Error;

            return; */

            var assemble = new Parser();
            var lines = ColorCodeTextBox.Text.Split('\n');
            ushort[] machineCode = assemble.Parse(lines);
            if (machineCode == null)
                textBox1.Text = assemble.MessageOuput;
                MessageBox.Show("Issue compiling code, check the 'Messages' box", Globals.ProgramName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            var generator = new Generator();
            var output = generator.Generate(machineCode, this.m_fileName);
            if (output == string.Empty)
                textBox1.Text = generator.MessageOuput;
                MessageBox.Show("Issue compiling code, check the 'Messages' box", Globals.ProgramName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            textBox1.Text = assemble.MessageOuput;
            MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Code successfully compiled to\n\n'{0}'", output), Globals.ProgramName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);