public DynamicExportObject(Connection conn, ObjectPath object_path, object obj)
     : base(conn, object_path, obj)
     //this.obj = obj;
     ScriptRuntime runtime = ScriptRuntime.CreateFromConfiguration ();
     ops = runtime.CreateOperations ();
Exemple #2
 public Manager()
     dbus_connection = Bus.GetSystemBus();
     dbus_service = Service.Get(dbus_connection, INTERFACE_NAME);
     manager = (ManagerProxy)dbus_service.GetObject(typeof(ManagerProxy), PATH_NAME);
     dbus_service.SignalCalled += OnSignalCalled;
        protected Dispatcher(Connection conn, string channel_type, string [] property_keys)
            this.conn = conn;
            ChannelType = channel_type;
            this.property_keys = property_keys;

            InitializeRequestsInterface ();
Exemple #4
        public void AddConnection(Connection conn)
            if (conns.Contains(conn))
                throw new Exception("Cannot add connection");

            conn.Register(Path, this);
            //((ExportObject)conn.RegisteredObjects[Path]).Registered = false;
        protected Channel(Connection conn)
            if (conn == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("conn");

            this.conn = conn;
            InitializeRequestsInterface ();
        protected Channel(Connection conn, uint target_handle, string channel_type)
            : this(conn)
            if (target_handle == 0 || target_handle == conn.SelfHandle) {
                throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid TargetId", "target_id");

            this.target_handle = target_handle;
            this.ChannelType = channel_type;
        public ContactListChannel(Connection conn, string target_id)
            : base(conn)
            if (target_id == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("target_id");

            this.target_id = target_id;
            ChannelType = Constants.CHANNEL_TYPE_CONTACTLIST;
Exemple #8
        public static void Init(Connection conn)
            IOFunc dispatchHandler = delegate (IntPtr source, IOCondition condition, IntPtr data) {
                if ((condition & IOCondition.Hup) == IOCondition.Hup) {
                    if (ProtocolInformation.Verbose)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine ("Warning: Connection was probably hung up (" + condition + ")");

                    //TODO: handle disconnection properly, consider memory management
                    return false;

                //this may not provide expected behaviour all the time, but works for now
                conn.Iterate ();
                return true;

            Init (conn, dispatchHandler);
Exemple #9
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        try {
            DBus.Connection connection = DBus.Bus.GetSessionBus();
            DBus.Service    service    =
                new DBus.Service(connection,

            NotificationDaemon ndaemon = new NotificationDaemon();
            service.RegisterObject(ndaemon, NotificationDaemon.Path);

            Console.WriteLine("Daemon active.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Console.WriteLine("Daemon active.", e.Message);
Exemple #10
		public void RemoveConnection (Connection conn)
			Console.Error.WriteLine ("RemoveConn");

			if (!conns.Remove (conn))
				throw new Exception ("Cannot remove connection");

			//conn.Unregister (Path);

			List<string> namesToDisown = new List<string> ();
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Connection> pair in Names) {
				if (pair.Value == conn)
					namesToDisown.Add (pair.Key);

			List<MatchRule> toRemove = new List<MatchRule> ();
			foreach (KeyValuePair<MatchRule, List<Connection>> pair in Rules) {
				//while (pair.Value.Remove (Caller)) { }
				while (pair.Value.Remove (conn)) { }
				//while (pair.Value.Remove (Caller)) { Console.WriteLine ("Remove!"); }
				//pair.Value.RemoveAll ( delegate (Connection conn) { conn == Caller; } )
				if (pair.Value.Count == 0)
					toRemove.Add (pair.Key);
				//Rules.Remove (pair);
				//Rules.Remove<KeyValuePair<MatchRule,List<Connection>>> (pair);
				//((ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<MatchRule,List<Connection>>>)Rules).Remove<KeyValuePair<MatchRule,List<Connection>>> (pair);
				//((ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<MatchRule,List<Connection>>>)Rules).Remove (pair);

			foreach (MatchRule r in toRemove)
				Rules.Remove (r);

			// TODO: Check the order of signals
			// TODO: Atomicity

			foreach (string name in namesToDisown)
				Names.Remove (name);

			foreach (string name in namesToDisown)
				NameOwnerChanged (name, ((ServerConnection)conn).UniqueName, String.Empty);

			// TODO: Unregister earlier?
			conn.Unregister (Path);
Exemple #11
        public static object GetObject(Connection conn, string bus_name, ObjectPath object_path, Type declType)
            Type proxyType = TypeImplementer.Root.GetImplementation (declType);

            //BusObject inst = (BusObject)Activator.CreateInstance (proxyType);
            object instObj = Activator.CreateInstance (proxyType);
            BusObject inst = GetBusObject (instObj);
            inst.conn = conn;
            inst.bus_name = bus_name;
            inst.object_path = object_path;

            return instObj;
Exemple #12
 static void Init(Connection conn, IOFunc dispatchHandler)
     IOChannel channel = new IOChannel ((int)conn.Transport.SocketHandle);
     IO.AddWatch (channel, IOCondition.In | IOCondition.Hup, dispatchHandler);
Exemple #13
 public BusObject(Connection conn, string bus_name, ObjectPath object_path)
     this.conn = conn;
     this.bus_name = bus_name;
     this.object_path = object_path;
Exemple #14
 public PendingCall(Connection conn)
     this.conn = conn;
Exemple #15
 public BusObject(Connection conn, string bus_name, ObjectPath object_path)
     this.conn        = conn;
     this.bus_name    = bus_name;
     this.object_path = object_path;
 public static ExportObject CreateExportObject(Connection conn, ObjectPath object_path, object obj)
     return new ExportObject(conn, object_path, obj);
 public ExportObject(Connection conn, ObjectPath object_path, object obj)
     : base(conn, null, object_path)
     Object = obj;
Exemple #18
        private void OnNewChannel (ObjectPath object_path, string channel_type, HandleType handle_type,
                                   uint handle, bool suppress_handler)
            Console.WriteLine (MSG_PREFIX + "OnNewChannel: op {0}, type {1}, handle {2}",
                               object_path, channel_type, handle);

            if (channel_type.Equals (CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUSTUBE)) {
                itube = bus.GetObject<IDBusTube> (CONNMANAGER_GABBLE_IFACE, object_path);
                //itube.NewTube += OnNewTube;
                itube.TubeChannelStateChanged += OnTubeChannelStateChanged;

                // get tube initiator handle
                // should be = to self_handle on client
                // should be != to self_handle on server
                Properties p = bus.GetObject<Properties> (CONNMANAGER_GABBLE_IFACE, object_path);
                tube_initiator = (uint) p.Get (CHANNEL_IFACE, "InitiatorHandle");

                if (tube_initiator == self_handle) {
                    Console.WriteLine (MSG_PREFIX + "Offering DTube");
                    addr = itube.OfferDBusTube (new Dictionary<string, object>());
                    Console.WriteLine (MSG_PREFIX + "Tube from {0} offered", addr);
                else {
                    addr = itube.AcceptDBusTube ();
                    Console.WriteLine (MSG_PREFIX + "Tube from {0} accepted", addr);

        private void OnNewTube (uint id, uint initiator, TubeType type, string service,
                                IDictionary<string,object> parameters, TubeState state)
            Console.WriteLine (MSG_PREFIX + "OnNewTube: id {0), initiator {1}, service {2}",
                               id, initiator, service);
            switch (state) {
                case TubeState.LocalPending:
                    if (type == TubeType.DBus && initiator != self_handle && service.Equals (DTUBETEST_IFACE)) {
                        Console.WriteLine (MSG_PREFIX + "Accepting DTube");
                        itube.AcceptDBusTube (id);

        private void OnTubeChannelStateChanged(TubeChannelState state)
            Console.WriteLine (MSG_PREFIX + "OnTubeStateChanged: state {0}",

            switch (state) {
                // this state is never reached, so accepting OnNewChannel
                // leaving here just in case, however
                case TubeChannelState.LocalPending:
                    addr = itube.Accept (SocketAccessControl.Localhost);
                    Console.WriteLine (MSG_PREFIX + "Tube from {0} accepted", addr);

                // tube ready. set up connection and export/get object
                case TubeChannelState.Open:

                    dbus_conn = Connection.Open (addr);
                    BusG.Init (dbus_conn);

                    if (tube_initiator != self_handle)
                        RegisterDBusObject ();
                    else {
                        obj = dbus_conn.GetObject<IDTubeTest> (DTUBETEST_IFACE, new ObjectPath (DTUBETEST_PATH));
                        obj.TestSignal += OnTestSignal;
                        obj.Hello ();
                        IDictionary<string, object>[] dic = obj.HelloDictionary ();
                        Console.WriteLine (MSG_PREFIX + "Got response on tube. Dictionary array has {0} items.", dic.Length);
                        TestStruct[] ts = obj.HelloStruct ();
                        Console.WriteLine (MSG_PREFIX + "Got response on tube. Struct array has {0} items", ts.Length);
                        Properties p = dbus_conn.GetObject<Properties> (DTUBETEST_IFACE, new ObjectPath (DTUBETEST_PATH));
                        string property = (string) p.Get (DTUBETEST_IFACE, "TestProperty");
                        Console.WriteLine (MSG_PREFIX + "Got response on tube. Property {0}", property);
                        itube.Close ();

                case TubeChannelState.NotOffered:

Exemple #19
 public NameRequisition(Connection connection, bool allowReplacement)
     this.Connection = connection;
     this.AllowReplacement = allowReplacement;
Exemple #20
 public SkypeResponseHandler(Connection dbus)
     dbus.Register(new ObjectPath("/com/Skype/Client"), this);