static void SetRoleAuthority(DBC.Role role,string code,bool value) { try { var authoriy = new DBC.Authority(code); var sql = "update " + DBTables.RoleAuthority + " set value=? where roleid=? and authorityid=?"; DB.SExecuteNonQuery(sql, value, role.ID, authoriy.ID); } catch { } }
public static bool Check(DBC.Role role,params string[] codes) { var res = true; foreach (string code in codes) { try { var authority = new DBC.Authority(code); var sql = "select value from " + DBTables.RoleAuthority + " where roleid=? and authorityid=?"; var res11 = DB.SExecuteScalar(sql, role.ID, authority.ID); res &= Convert.ToBoolean(res11); if (res == false) break; } catch { } } return res; }