private void BindDataForZCDC()
     if (_Convert.StrToLong(this.ddlIsuse.SelectedValue, -1L) > 0L)
         DataTable table = new Views.V_IsuseForZCDC().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.ddlIsuse.SelectedValue) + "and DateTime < getdate()", "[No]");
         if (table == null)
             PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", base.GetType().BaseType.FullName);
             this.DataListZCDC.DataSource = table.DefaultView;
 private void BindData()
     DataTable table = new Views.V_SchemeSchedulesWithQuashed().Open("", "SiteID = " + base._Site.ID.ToString() + " and [id] = " + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbSchemeID.Text), "");
     if ((table == null) || (table.Rows.Count < 1))
         PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试(-141)", base.GetType().BaseType.FullName);
         DataTable table4;
         DataRow row = table.Rows[0];
         long num = _Convert.StrToLong(row["InitiateUserID"].ToString(), 0L);
         this.hfID.Value = num.ToString();
         this.LotteryName = row["LotteryName"].ToString();
         if (this.LotteryName == "江西时时彩")
             this.LotteryName = this.LotteryName.Replace("江西", "");
         this.Label3.Text = this.LotteryName + "<font class='red14'>" + row["IsuseName"].ToString() + "</font>期" + row["PlayTypeName"].ToString() + "认购方案";
         this.labTitle.Text = row["IsuseName"].ToString();
         this.labStartTime.Text = row["StartTime"].ToString();
         this.tbIsuseID.Text = row["IsuseID"].ToString();
         this.tbLotteryID.Text = row["LotteryID"].ToString();
         this.LotteryID = this.tbLotteryID.Text;
         this.PlayTypeID = _Convert.StrToInt(row["PlayTypeID"].ToString(), 0);
         this.labEndTime.Text = row["SystemEndTime"].ToString();
         if (_Convert.StrToInt(row["LotteryID"].ToString(), 0) == 0x2d)
             string scheme = row["LotteryNumber"].ToString();
             string buyContent = "";
             string cnLocateWaysAndMultiples = "";
             Lottery lottery = new Lottery();
             if (lottery["45"].GetSchemeSplit(scheme, ref buyContent, ref cnLocateWaysAndMultiples))
                 string str4 = buyContent.Split(new char[] { '|' })[0].ToString();
                 DataTable table2 = new Views.V_IsuseForZCDC().Open("DateTime", "[IsuseID]=" + this.tbIsuseID.Text + " and [No]=" + str4.Split(new char[] { '(' })[0], "");
                 if ((table2 == null) || (table2.Rows.Count == 0))
                     PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试(-184)", base.GetType().FullName);
                 DataTable table3 = new Tables.T_PlayTypes().Open("SystemEndAheadMinute", "[ID] = " + row["PlayTypeID"], "");
                 this.labEndTime.Text = _Convert.StrToDateTime(table2.Rows[0][0].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString()).AddMinutes(_Convert.StrToDouble(table3.Rows[0][0].ToString(), 0.0)).ToString();
         this.labInitiateUser.Text = row["InitiateName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;&nbsp;【<A class=li3 href='../Web/Score.aspx?id=" + row["InitiateUserID"].ToString() + "&LotteryID=" + this.tbLotteryID.Text + "' target='_blank'>发起人历史战绩</A>】";
         short num2 = _Convert.StrToShort(row["QuashStatus"].ToString(), 0);
         Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache("All_QuashStatus" + this.SchemeID, num2, 0xe10);
         bool flag = _Convert.StrToBool(row["Buyed"].ToString(), false);
         int num3 = _Convert.StrToInt(row["Share"].ToString(), 0);
         int num4 = _Convert.StrToInt(row["BuyedShare"].ToString(), 0);
         double num5 = _Convert.StrToDouble(row["Money"].ToString(), 0.0);
         double num6 = _Convert.StrToDouble(row["AssureMoney"].ToString(), 0.0);
         double num7 = _Convert.StrToDouble(row["WinMoney"].ToString(), 0.0);
         short num8 = _Convert.StrToShort(row["SecrecyLevel"].ToString(), 0);
         bool flag2 = false;
         _Convert.StrToBool(row["isCanChat"].ToString(), false);
         if (num3 > 1)
             this.trBonusScale.Visible = true;
             this.lbSchemeBonus.Text = ((_Convert.StrToDouble(row["SchemeBonusScale"].ToString(), 0.04) * 100.0)).ToString() + "%";
         this.HidSchedule.Value = row["Schedule"].ToString();
         table4 = table4 = new Views.V_Isuses().Open("IsOpened, WinLotteryNumber,Code", "[id] = " + row["IsuseID"].ToString(), "");
         if (table4 == null)
             PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试(-213)", base.GetType().FullName);
         else if (table4.Rows.Count < 1)
             PF.GoError(1, "系统错误(-220)", base.GetType().FullName);
             flag2 = _Convert.StrToBool(table4.Rows[0]["IsOpened"].ToString(), true);
             this.lbWinNumber.Text = table4.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString();
             this.ImageLogo.ImageUrl = "images/lottery/" + table4.Rows[0]["Code"].ToString().ToLower() + ".jpg";
             if (!base._Site.SiteOptions["Opt_FullSchemeCanQuash"].ToBoolean(false))
                 this.btnQuashScheme.Visible = (((num2 == 0) && !flag) && ((num3 > num4) && (base._User != null))) && (num == base._User.ID);
                 this.btnQuashScheme.Visible = (((num2 == 0) && !flag) && (base._User != null)) && (num == base._User.ID);
             short num10 = _Convert.StrToShort(row["AtTopStatus"].ToString(), 0);
             bool flag4 = num10 != 0;
             if (num10 == 0)
                 this.cbAtTopApplication.Visible = (((num2 == 0) && !flag) && ((num3 > num4) && (base._User != null))) && (num == base._User.ID);
                 this.cbAtTopApplication.Checked = flag4;
                 this.labAtTop.Visible = true;
             bool flag5 = false;
             bool flag6 = false;
             DateTime time5 = _Convert.StrToDateTime(this.labEndTime.Text, DateTime.Now.ToString());
             if (DateTime.Now >= time5)
                 flag6 = true;
                 this.tbStop.Text = flag6.ToString();
             if (num2 > 0)
                 if (num2 == 2)
                     this.labState.Text = "已撤单(系统撤单)";
                     this.labState.Text = "已撤单";
             else if (flag6)
                 this.labState.Text = "已截止";
             else if (flag)
                 this.labState.Text = "<FONT color='red'>已成功</font>";
             else if (num3 <= num4)
                 this.labState.Text = "<FONT color='red'>已满员</font>";
                 this.labState.Text = "<font color='red'>抢购中...</font>";
                 flag5 = true;
             this.labMultiple.Text = row["Multiple"].ToString();
             if (((num8 == 1) && !flag6) && ((base._User == null) || (((base._User != null) && (num != base._User.ID)) && !base._User.isOwnedViewSchemeCompetence())))
                 this.labLotteryNumber.Text = "投注内容已经被保密,将在本期投注截止后公开。";
             else if (((num8 == 2) && !flag2) && ((base._User == null) || (((base._User != null) && (num != base._User.ID)) && !base._User.isOwnedViewSchemeCompetence())))
                 this.labLotteryNumber.Text = "投注内容已经被保密,将在本期开奖后公开。";
             else if ((num8 == 3) && ((base._User == null) || (((base._User != null) && (num != base._User.ID)) && !base._User.isOwnedViewSchemeCompetence())))
                 this.labLotteryNumber.Text = "投注内容已经被保密。";
                 int num11 = base._Site.SiteOptions["Opt_MaxShowLotteryNumberRows"].ToShort(0);
                 string str = "";
                     str = row["LotteryNumber"].ToString();
                 if (_String.StringAt(str, '\n') < num11)
                     if (new Lottery.ZCDC().CheckPlayType(_Convert.StrToInt(row["PlayTypeID"].ToString(), -1)))
                         string vote = "";
                         DataTable table5 = PF.GetZCDCBuyContent(str, this.SchemeID, ref vote);
                         if (table5 == null)
                             PF.GoError(4, "数据访问错误(-358)", base.GetType().FullName);
                         this.labMultiple.Text = vote;
                         this.rptScheme.DataSource = table5;
                         this.rptScheme.Visible = true;
                         this.labLotteryNumber.Text = _Convert.ToHtmlCode(str) + "&nbsp;";
                         if (flag2)
                             this.NumberDuiBi(this.labLotteryNumber.Text, this.lbWinNumber.Text, this.PlayTypeID);
                     this.linkDownloadScheme.Visible = true;
                     this.linkDownloadLotteryIdentifiers.Visible = (base._User == null) || ((base._User != null) && ((base._User.ID.ToString() == row["InitiateUserID"].ToString()) || base._User.Competences["Administrator"]));
                     this.linkDownloadLotteryIdentifiers.NavigateUrl = "../Web/DownLotteryIdentifiers.aspx?id=" + this.tbSchemeID.Text;
                     this.linkDownloadScheme.NavigateUrl = "../Web/DownloadSchemeFile.aspx?id=" + this.tbSchemeID.Text;
             this.labSchemeNumber.Text = row["SchemeNumber"].ToString();
             this.labSchemeDateTime.Text = row["DateTime"].ToString();
             this.labSchemeMoney.Text = _Convert.StrToDouble(row["Money"].ToString(), 0.0).ToString("N");
             this.labSchemeTitle.Text = row["Title"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
             this.labSchemeDescription.Text = row["Description"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
             this.labSchemeADUrl.Text = Shove._Web.Utility.GetUrl() + "/Home/Room/Scheme.aspx?id=" + this.tbSchemeID.Text;
             object[] args = new object[] { this.labSchemeMoney.Text, num3, (num5 / ((double)num3)).ToString("N"), num4, ((num5 / ((double)num3)) * num4).ToString("N") };
             this.labSchemeDetail.Text = string.Format("此方案总金额 <FONT color='red'>{0}</font> 元,共 <FONT color='red'>{1}</font> 份,每份 <FONT color='red'>{2}</font> 元。<br />已认购 <FONT color='red'>{3}</font> 份(金额 <FONT color='red'>{4}</font> 元)", args) + (flag5 ? string.Format(",还有 <FONT color='red'>{0}</font> 份(金额 <FONT color='red'>{1}</font> 元)可以认购!", num3 - num4, ((num5 / ((double)num3)) * (num3 - num4)).ToString("N")) : "");
             if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["LotteryNumber"].ToString()) && (((this.LotteryID == "1") || (this.LotteryID == "2")) || (this.LotteryID == "15"))) && (((num2 == 0) && !flag6) && !flag))
                 this.labLotteryNumber.Text = "未上传";
                 if ((base._User != null) && (row["InitiateUserID"].ToString() == base._User.ID.ToString()))
                     this.lbUploadScheme.Visible = true;
             if (flag)
                 this.labLotteryCode.Text = "已出票,彩票标识:";
                 this.linkDownloadLotteryIdentifiers.Visible = true;
                 this.linkDownloadLotteryIdentifiers.NavigateUrl = "../Web/DownLotteryIdentifiers.aspx?id=" + this.tbSchemeID.Text;
                 this.labLotteryCode.Text = "暂未出票";
                 this.linkDownloadLotteryIdentifiers.Visible = false;
             this.labAssureMoney.Text = (num6 > 0.0) ? string.Format("发起人保底 <FONT color='red'>{0}</font> 份,<FONT color='red'>{1}</font> 元", Math.Round((double)(num6 / (num5 / ((double)num3))), 0).ToString(), num6.ToString("N")) : "未保底";
             if (num2 > 0)
                 if (num2 == 2)
                     this.labWin.Text = "已撤单(系统撤单)";
                     this.labWin.Text = "已撤单";
             else if (flag6)
                 this.labWin.Text = string.Format("<FONT color='red'>{0}</font> 元", num7.ToString("N"));
                 string str7 = row["WinDescription"].ToString();
                 if (str7 != "")
                     this.labWin.Text = this.labWin.Text + "<br />" + str7;
                 else if (flag2)
                     this.labWin.Text = this.labWin.Text + "  未中奖";
                     this.labWin.Text = this.labWin.Text + "  <font color='red'>【注】</font>中奖结果在开奖后需要一段时间才能显示。";
                 this.labWin.Text = "尚未截止";
             if (flag2 && (((this.LotteryID == "1") || (this.LotteryID == "2")) || (this.LotteryID == "15")))
                 this.labWin.Text = this.labWin.Text + "(命中<font color='red'>" + this.CompareLotteryNumberToWinNumber(row["LotteryNumber"].ToString(), row["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString()).ToString() + "</font>场)";
             if (flag6)
                 this.labCannotBuyTip.Text = "方案已截止,不能认购";
                 this.labCannotBuyTip.Visible = true;
                 this.pBuy.Visible = false;
                 this.btnOK.Enabled = false;
             else if (num2 > 0)
                 this.labCannotBuyTip.Text = "方案已撤单,不能认购";
                 this.labCannotBuyTip.Visible = true;
                 this.pBuy.Visible = false;
                 this.btnOK.Enabled = false;
             else if (num4 >= num3)
                 this.labCannotBuyTip.Text = "方案已满员,不能认购";
                 this.labCannotBuyTip.Visible = true;
                 this.pBuy.Visible = false;
                 this.btnOK.Enabled = false;
                 this.labCannotBuyTip.Visible = false;
                 this.pBuy.Visible = true;
                 this.btnOK.Enabled = true;
             this.labShare.Text = (num3 - num4).ToString();
             this.labShareMoney.Text = (num5 / ((double)num3)).ToString("N");
             if (base._User != null)
                 DataTable dt = new Views.V_BuyDetailsWithQuashedAll().Open("[id],[DateTime],[Money],Share,SchemeShare,BuyedShare,QuashStatus,Buyed,IsuseID,Code,Schedule,DetailMoney,isWhenInitiate, WinMoneyNoWIthTax", "SiteID = " + base._Site.ID.ToString() + " and SchemeID = " + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbSchemeID.Text) + " and [UserID] = " + base._User.ID.ToString(), "[id]");
                 if (dt == null)
                     PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试(-518)", base.GetType().FullName);
                     if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                         this.labMyBuy.Text = "此方案还没有我的认购记录。";
                         this.labMyBuy.Visible = true;
                         this.g.Visible = false;
                         this.labMyBuy.Visible = false;
                         this.g.Visible = true;
                         PF.DataGridBindData(this.g, dt);
                         if (flag2)
                             double num23 = 0.0;
                             for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                 num23 += double.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["WinMoneyNoWIthTax"].ToString());
                             this.lbReward.Text = num23.ToString("N");
                     if (base._User.UserType < 2)
                         this.btnOK.Enabled = false;
                         this.btnQuashScheme.Enabled = false;
Exemple #3
 public static bool GetZCDCSchemesIsOverdue(long IsuseID, string No)
     bool flag = false;
     DataTable table = new Views.V_IsuseForZCDC().Open("DateTime", "[IsuseID]=" + IsuseID.ToString() + " and [No]=" + No, "");
     if ((table == null) || (table.Rows.Count == 0))
         return true;
     if (DateTime.Now > _Convert.StrToDateTime(table.Rows[0][0].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString()).AddMinutes(30.0))
         flag = true;
     return flag;