public DataTable getClr_noByMy_no(string[] parameters) { string sqlstr = @"SELECT DISTINCT b.clr_no , b.style_id, h.my_no, h.cust_id FROM odh h LEFT JOIN odb b ON h.od_no = b.od_no WHERE 1=1 and h.my_no LIKE +'%'+ ISNULL(@my_no,h.my_no) +'%' and b.style_id LIKE +'%'+ ISNULL(@style_id,b.style_id) +'%'"; object my_no = DBValue(parameters[0]); object style_id = DBValue(parameters[1]); SqlParameter[] paras = { new SqlParameter("@my_no", my_no), new SqlParameter("@style_id", style_id) }; DataTable dt = BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sqlstr, paras); return(dt); }
public DataTable getSizeByMy_no(string my_nos, string linkServer) { string sqlstr = @"SELECT my_no, us01, us02, us03, us04, us05, us06, us07, us08, us09, us10, us11, us12 FROM odh WHERE 1 = 1 AND my_no IN ( " + my_nos + @" );"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (linkServer == "BESTconnStr_KM") { dt = BEST_SqlHelper_KM.ExcuteTable(sqlstr); } else if (linkServer == "BESTconnStr") { dt = BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sqlstr); } return(dt); }
public DataTable getAllSizeRunByMy_no(string my_no) { string sqlstr = @" select type.type_tt,cust_dom.cust_abbr,h1.od_date,h1.season_id,h1.my_no, case h1.be_id when 'SAA' then 'SAA' else 'TOP' end as org , buyid.yymm,type.type_name,t.* from ( select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us01,qty=b.qty01,b.def_date,b.po_no from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us02,qty=b.qty02,b.def_date,b.po_no from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us03,qty=b.qty03,b.def_date,b.po_no from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us04,qty=b.qty04,b.def_date,b.po_no from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us05,qty=b.qty05,b.def_date,b.po_no from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us06,qty=b.qty06,b.def_date,b.po_no from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us07,qty=b.qty07,b.def_date,b.po_no from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us08,qty=b.qty08,b.def_date,b.po_no from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us09,qty=b.qty09,b.def_date,b.po_no from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us10,qty=b.qty10,b.def_date,b.po_no from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us11,qty=b.qty11,b.def_date,b.po_no from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us12,qty=b.qty12,b.def_date,b.po_no from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no ) t ,odh h1 Inner join cust_dom ON h1.cust_id = cust_dom.cust_id Left join tb_sfcbuy buyid ON CONVERT (datetime,h1.od_date) between buyid.begin_day AND buyid.end_day AND buyid.cust_buy_id= case h1.cust_id when 'A0000' then 'A0001' else 'SAB' end left join types type on h1.type_id=type.type_id where 1=1 and qty>0 and h1.od_no=t.od_no and h1.my_no = '" + my_no + @"' order by type.type_tt,cust_dom.cust_name,h1.season_id,h1.my_no;"; DataTable dt = BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sqlstr); return(dt); }
/// <summary> /// 从BEST取回订单资料 /// </summary> /// <param name="po_no"></param> /// <param name="style_id"></param> /// <param name="clr_no"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable getOD_POFromBestByPSC(List <outGoing_pos> pscs) { string style_id = ""; string clr_no = ""; string po_no = ""; if (pscs.Count <= 0) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); return(dt); } for (int i = 0; i < pscs.Count; i++) { style_id = style_id + "'" + pscs[i].style_ids + "',"; clr_no = clr_no + "'" + pscs[i].clr_nos + "',"; po_no = po_no + "'" + pscs[i].po_ids + "',"; } style_id = style_id.Substring(0, style_id.Length - 1); clr_no = clr_no.Substring(0, clr_no.Length - 1); po_no = po_no.Substring(0, po_no.Length - 1); string sql = @" SELECT b1.po_no, h1.cust_id, h1.season_id, h1.release_who, b1.style_id, b1.clr_no FROM dbo.odh h1 LEFT JOIN odb b1 ON h1.od_no = b1.od_no AND b1.style_id IN ( " + style_id + @" ) AND b1.clr_no IN ( " + clr_no + @" ) WHERE b1.po_no IN ( " + po_no + @" ) AND b1.style_id IN ( " + style_id + @" ) AND b1.clr_no IN ( " + clr_no + @" ) AND b1.po_no != '' GROUP BY b1.po_no, h1.cust_id, h1.season_id, h1.release_who, b1.style_id, b1.clr_no;" ; DataTable result = BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); return(result); }
public DataTable getPoNumbersByODdate(string startDate, string stopDate) { string sqlstr = @" SELECT h.my_no,b.po_no,SUM(b.qty) qty,b.mark ,h.cust_id ,c.cust_abbr,c.cust_name FROM odb b LEFT JOIN dbo.odh h ON b.od_no = h.od_no LEFT JOIN dbo.cust_dom c ON c.cust_id = h.cust_id LEFT JOIN dbo.types t ON t.type_id=h.type_id WHERE h.od_date BETWEEN '" + startDate + "' AND '" + stopDate + @"' AND t.type_tt LIKE '002%' GROUP BY b.po_no,b.mark ,h.my_no ,h.cust_id ,c.cust_abbr,c.cust_name ORDER BY h.my_no"; DataTable result = BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sqlstr); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 从BEST取回月BUY /// </summary> /// <param name="po_no"></param> /// <param name="style_id"></param> /// <param name="clr_no"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable getYYMMFromBestByPo(string po) { string sql = @" SELECT buyid.yymm, buyid.buy_cname, b.po_no FROM tb_sfcbuy buyid LEFT JOIN odh h ON h.od_date BETWEEN buyid.begin_day AND buyid.end_day AND buyid.cust_buy_id = 'A0001' LEFT JOIN odb b ON b.od_no = h.od_no WHERE b.po_no = '" + po + @"' GROUP BY buyid.yymm, buyid.buy_cname, b.po_no;" ; DataTable result = BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); return(result); }
public DataTable getSizesByStyle(string style) { string sqlstr = @" SELECT us01, us02, us03, us04, us05, us06, us07, us08, us09, us10, us11, us12 FROM dbo.odh h LEFT JOIN odb b ON h.od_no = b.od_no WHERE b.style_id = '" + style + "';"; return(BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sqlstr)); }
public DataTable getSizeByMy_no(string my_nos) { string sqlstr = @"SELECT my_no, us01, us02, us03, us04, us05, us06, us07, us08, us09, us10, us11, us12 FROM odh WHERE 1 = 1 AND my_no IN ( " + my_nos + @" );"; DataTable dt = BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sqlstr); return(dt); }
public DataTable getMy_NoFromBest(string po_no, string clr_no, string style_id, string area_id, string def_date) { string sql = @" SELECT b.po_no, mark = (STUFF( ( SELECT b.po_no, b.od_no, b.qty, h.my_no FROM dbo.odb b LEFT JOIN odh h ON b.od_no = h.od_no WHERE b.po_no = '" + po_no + @"' AND b.clr_no = '" + clr_no + @"' AND b.style_id = '" + style_id + @"' AND b.area_id = '" + area_id + @"' AND b.def_date='" + def_date + @"' FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 0, '' ) ) FROM odb b WHERE b.po_no = '" + po_no + @"' AND b.clr_no = '" + clr_no + @"' AND b.style_id = '" + style_id + @"' AND b.area_id = '" + area_id + @"' AND b.def_date='" + def_date + @"' GROUP BY po_no;" ; DataTable result = BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); return(result); }
public DataTable getProductionWip(ProductionStatusSearch parameters) { string sql = ""; int type = parameters.datetype; if (type == 0) { if (parameters.checkedDate) { sql = @"SELECT h.my_no, h.season_id, h.cust_id, h.od_date, buyid.yymm, s.style_name, s.style_id, b.clr_no, c.clr_name, SUM(b.qty) qty, MIN(b.def_date) def_date FROM odh h LEFT JOIN odb b ON h.od_no = b.od_no LEFT JOIN style s ON b.style_id = s.style_id LEFT JOIN clr c ON c.clr_no = b.clr_no LEFT JOIN tb_sfcbuy buyid ON CONVERT(DATETIME, h.od_date) BETWEEN buyid.begin_day AND buyid.end_day AND buyid.cust_buy_id = CASE h.cust_id WHEN 'A0000' THEN 'A0001' ELSE 'SAB' END WHERE 1 = 1 AND h.my_no like '' + @myNumber + '%' AND buyid.yymm like '' + @buyid + '%' AND h.season_id like '' + @season + '%' AND b.po_no NOT LIKE '%樣%' AND CONVERT (datetime, h.od_date) BETWEEN @stardate AND @enddate GROUP BY h.my_no, h.season_id, h.cust_id, h.od_date, s.style_name, s.style_id, b.clr_no, buyid.yymm, c.clr_name"; } else { sql = @"SELECT h.my_no, h.season_id, h.cust_id, h.od_date, buyid.yymm, s.style_name, s.style_id, b.clr_no, c.clr_name, SUM(b.qty) qty, MIN(b.def_date) def_date FROM odh h LEFT JOIN odb b ON h.od_no = b.od_no LEFT JOIN style s ON b.style_id = s.style_id LEFT JOIN clr c ON c.clr_no = b.clr_no LEFT JOIN tb_sfcbuy buyid ON CONVERT(DATETIME, h.od_date) BETWEEN buyid.begin_day AND buyid.end_day AND buyid.cust_buy_id = CASE h.cust_id WHEN 'A0000' THEN 'A0001' ELSE 'SAB' END WHERE 1 = 1 AND h.my_no like '' + @myNumber + '%' AND buyid.yymm like '' + @buyid + '%' AND b.po_no NOT LIKE '%樣%' AND h.season_id like '' + @season + '%' GROUP BY h.my_no, h.season_id, h.cust_id, h.od_date, s.style_name, s.style_id, b.clr_no, buyid.yymm, c.clr_name"; } } else if (type == 1) { if (parameters.checkedDate) { sql = @"SELECT h.my_no, h.season_id, h.cust_id, h.od_date, buyid.yymm, s.style_name, s.style_id, b.clr_no, c.clr_name, SUM(b.qty) qty, MIN(b.def_date) def_date FROM odh h LEFT JOIN odb b ON h.od_no = b.od_no LEFT JOIN style s ON b.style_id = s.style_id LEFT JOIN clr c ON c.clr_no = b.clr_no LEFT JOIN tb_sfcbuy buyid ON CONVERT(DATETIME, h.od_date) BETWEEN buyid.begin_day AND buyid.end_day AND buyid.cust_buy_id = CASE h.cust_id WHEN 'A0000' THEN 'A0001' ELSE 'SAB' END WHERE 1 = 1 AND h.my_no like '' + @myNumber + '%' AND buyid.yymm like '' + @buyid + '%' AND h.season_id like '' + @season + '%' AND b.po_no NOT LIKE '%樣%' AND CONVERT (datetime, b.def_date) BETWEEN @stardate AND @enddate GROUP BY h.my_no, h.season_id, h.cust_id, h.od_date, s.style_name, s.style_id, b.clr_no, buyid.yymm, c.clr_name"; } else { sql = @"SELECT h.my_no, h.season_id, h.cust_id, h.od_date, buyid.yymm, s.style_name, s.style_id, b.clr_no, c.clr_name, SUM(b.qty) qty, MIN(b.def_date) def_date FROM odh h LEFT JOIN odb b ON h.od_no = b.od_no LEFT JOIN style s ON b.style_id = s.style_id LEFT JOIN clr c ON c.clr_no = b.clr_no LEFT JOIN tb_sfcbuy buyid ON CONVERT(DATETIME, h.od_date) BETWEEN buyid.begin_day AND buyid.end_day AND buyid.cust_buy_id = CASE h.cust_id WHEN 'A0000' THEN 'A0001' ELSE 'SAB' END WHERE 1 = 1 AND h.my_no like '' + @myNumber + '%' AND buyid.yymm like '' + @buyid + '%' AND b.po_no NOT LIKE '%樣%' AND h.season_id like '' + @season + '%' GROUP BY h.my_no, h.season_id, h.cust_id, h.od_date, s.style_name, s.style_id, b.clr_no, buyid.yymm, c.clr_name"; } } SqlParameter[] ps = { new SqlParameter("myNumber", parameters.mynumber), new SqlParameter("buyid", parameters.buyid), new SqlParameter("season", parameters.season), new SqlParameter("stardate", parameters.stardate), new SqlParameter("enddate", parameters.enddate) }; DataTable dt = BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql, ps); return(dt); }
public DataTable getSizeRunByMy_no(string my_no) { string sqlstr = @" SELECT a.type_tt, a.cust_abbr, a.od_date, a.season_id, a.my_no,, a.yymm, a.type_name, a.od_no, a.style_id, a.clr_no, size_code, sum(a.qty) qty FROM ( SELECT type.type_tt, cust_dom.cust_abbr, h1.od_date, h1.season_id, h1.my_no, CASE h1.be_id WHEN 'SAA' THEN 'SAA' ELSE 'TOP' END AS org, buyid.yymm, type.type_name, t.od_no, t.style_id, t.clr_no, size_code, t.qty from ( select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us01,qty=b.qty01 from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us02,qty=b.qty02 from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us03,qty=b.qty03 from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us04,qty=b.qty04 from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us05,qty=b.qty05 from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us06,qty=b.qty06 from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us07,qty=b.qty07 from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us08,qty=b.qty08 from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us09,qty=b.qty09 from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us10,qty=b.qty10 from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us11,qty=b.qty11 from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no union all select b.od_no,b.style_id,b.clr_no,size_code=h.us12,qty=b.qty12 from odb b,odh h where b.od_no=h.od_no ) t ,odh h1 INNER join cust_dom ON h1.cust_id = cust_dom.cust_id Left join tb_sfcbuy buyid ON CONVERT (datetime,h1.od_date) between buyid.begin_day AND buyid.end_day AND buyid.cust_buy_id= case h1.cust_id when 'A0000' then 'A0001' else 'SAB' end left join types type on h1.type_id=type.type_id where 1=1 and qty>0 and h1.od_no=t.od_no and h1.my_no = '" + my_no + @"' ) a WHERE a.my_no = '" + my_no + @"' GROUP BY a.type_tt, a.cust_abbr, a.od_date, a.season_id, a.my_no,, a.yymm, a.type_name, a.od_no, a.style_id, a.clr_no, a.size_code ORDER BY a.type_tt,a.cust_abbr,a.season_id,a.my_no;"; DataTable dt = BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sqlstr); return(dt); }
public DataTable getColorsByStyle(string style) { string sqlstr = @"SELECT DISTINCT clr_no FROM odb WHERE style_id='" + style + "' ORDER BY clr_no"; return(BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sqlstr)); }
/// <summary> /// 数据库连接操作,可替换为你自己的程序 /// </summary> /// <param name="ConnectionString">连接字符串</param> /// <returns></returns> public List <string> TestConnection(string serName) { List <string> lists = new List <string>(); switch (serName) { case "ERPconnStr": try { string sql = "select TABLE_NAME from all_tab_comments where ROWNUM <20"; DataTable dt = ERP_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { lists.Add("连接数据库错误"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { lists.Add(dt.Rows[i]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString()); } } return(lists); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); lists.Add("连接数据库错误"); return(lists); } case "BESTconnStr": try { string sql = "Select Name TABLE_NAME From Master..SysDatabases order By Name"; DataTable dt = BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql, serName); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { lists.Add("连接数据库错误"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { lists.Add(dt.Rows[i]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString()); } } return(lists); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); lists.Add("连接数据库错误"); return(lists); } case "BESTconnStr_KM": try { string sql = "Select Name TABLE_NAME From Master..SysDatabases order By Name"; DataTable dt = BEST_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql, serName); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { lists.Add("连接数据库错误"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { lists.Add(dt.Rows[i]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString()); } } return(lists); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); lists.Add("连接数据库错误"); return(lists); } case "MySqlconnStr": try { string sql = "SHOW TABLES; "; DataTable dt = Mysql_SqlHelper.ExcuteTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { lists.Add("连接数据库错误"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { lists.Add(dt.Rows[i]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString()); } } return(lists); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); lists.Add("连接数据库错误"); return(lists); } default: lists.Add("未知错误"); return(lists); } }