public ReloadSwfForm(Addon currAddon) { if (Settings.Default.SwfFilesToIgnore == null) { Settings.Default.SwfFilesToIgnore = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); } InitializeComponent(); this.currAddon = currAddon; string flash3 = Path.Combine(currAddon.GamePath, "resource", "flash3"); string custom_ui = Path.Combine(flash3, "custom_ui.txt"); if (!Directory.Exists(flash3) || !File.Exists(custom_ui)) { return; } string[] swfFilesArr = Directory.GetFiles(flash3, "*.swf"); HashSet<string> swfFiles = new HashSet<string>(); //HashSet<string> swfFiles = new HashSet<string>(); foreach (string swf in swfFilesArr) { swfFiles.Add(swf); } foreach (string swfToIgnore in Settings.Default.SwfFilesToIgnore) { if (swfFiles.Contains(swfToIgnore)) { swfFiles.Remove(swfToIgnore); } } foreach (string swf in swfFiles) { string swfName = swf.Substring(swf.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); swfName = swfName.Replace(".swf", ""); listView1.Items.Add(swfName); } }
public PreferencesForm(Addon a) { addon = a; InitializeComponent(); preferencesForLabel.Text = "Preferences for " + a.Name + ":"; foreach (Addon.CombineKVFile cf in a.combineKVFiles) { int index = kvFileCheckbox.Items.Add(; //kvFileCheckbox. } note0LoreCheckBox.Checked = Settings.Default.GenNote0Lore; checkForUpdatesCheckbox.Checked = Settings.Default.CheckForUpdates; ugcTextBox.Text = Settings.Default.UGCPath; this.AcceptButton = submitButton; }
public ReloadSwfForm(Addon currAddon) { if (Settings.Default.SwfFilesToIgnore == null) { Settings.Default.SwfFilesToIgnore = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); } InitializeComponent(); this.currAddon = currAddon; string flash3 = Path.Combine(currAddon.GamePath, "resource", "flash3"); string custom_ui = Path.Combine(flash3, "custom_ui.txt"); if (!Directory.Exists(flash3) || !File.Exists(custom_ui)) { return; } string[] swfFilesArr = Directory.GetFiles(flash3, "*.swf"); HashSet <string> swfFiles = new HashSet <string>(); //HashSet<string> swfFiles = new HashSet<string>(); foreach (string swf in swfFilesArr) { swfFiles.Add(swf); } foreach (string swfToIgnore in Settings.Default.SwfFilesToIgnore) { if (swfFiles.Contains(swfToIgnore)) { swfFiles.Remove(swfToIgnore); } } foreach (string swf in swfFiles) { string swfName = swf.Substring(swf.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); swfName = swfName.Replace(".swf", ""); listView1.Items.Add(swfName); } }
public ParticleDesignForm(Addon addon) { // We need a particle system to work with. OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog(); fd.InitialDirectory = Path.Combine(addon.ContentPath, "particles"); fd.Multiselect = true; fd.Title = "Select Particles To Design"; DialogResult res = fd.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { Ps = new ParticleSystem(fd.FileNames); } else { FormCanceled = true; return; } InitializeComponent(); initiate(); }
private void getAddons() { string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(UGCPath); foreach (string str in dirs) { if (str.Contains("game")) { GameDirectory = str; string dota_addons = Path.Combine(GameDirectory, "dota_addons"); if (Directory.Exists(dota_addons)) { string[] dirs2 = Directory.GetDirectories(dota_addons); foreach (string str2 in dirs2) { Addon a = new Addon(str2); a.ContentPath = Path.Combine(UGCPath, "content", "dota_addons", a.Name); addons.Add(a); } } } } setAddonNames(); }
private void selectCurrentAddon(string addon) { currAddon = getAddonFromName(addon); Settings.Default.CurrAddon = currAddon.Name; Debug.WriteLine("Current addon: " + currAddon.Name); addonDropDown.Text = currAddon.Name; calculateSize(); if (currAddon.GDS_rank != "") { gdsButton.Text = "#" + currAddon.GDS_rank; } else { gdsButton.Text = ""; } }
private bool isValidAddon(Addon a) { if (Directory.Exists(a.ContentPath) && Directory.Exists(a.GamePath)) { return true; } return false; }
// init addon with basic Modkit preferences if it's never been done before. private void initPreferences(KeyValue addonKV, Addon a) { KeyValue pref = new KeyValue("preferences"); addPreference(pref, "create_note0_lore", "0"); KeyValue kv_files = new KeyValue("kv_files"); string[] npcFiles = { "Heroes", "Units", "Items", "Abilities" }; foreach (string s in npcFiles) { KeyValue name = new KeyValue(s); string path = Path.Combine(a.GamePath, "scripts", "npc", "npc_" + s.ToLower() + "_custom.txt"); KeyValue pathKV = new KeyValue("path"); pathKV.AddChild(new KeyValue(path)); KeyValue activated = new KeyValue("activated"); activated.AddChild(new KeyValue("1")); name.AddChild(pathKV); name.AddChild(activated); kv_files.AddChild(name); } pref.AddChild(kv_files); addonKV.AddChild(pref); }
private void getAddons() { string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(UGCPath); foreach (string str in dirs) { if (str.Contains("game")) { string dota_addons = Path.Combine(str, "dota_addons"); if (Directory.Exists(dota_addons)) { string[] dirs2 = Directory.GetDirectories(dota_addons); foreach (string str2 in dirs2) { // ensure both the game + content dirs exist for this mod. Addon a = new Addon(str2); a.ContentPath = Path.Combine(UGCPath, "content", "dota_addons", a.Name); if (isValidAddon(a)) { addons.Add(a); } } } } } setAddonData(); setAddonNames(); }
void forkBarebones(Dictionary<string, string> parameters) { string modName = AddonForm._TextBox.Text; ForkBarebones fork = new ForkBarebones(modName, parameters); // now move the directories to their appropriate places. string lower = modName.ToLower(); string newG = Path.Combine(UGCPath, "game", "dota_addons", lower); string newC = Path.Combine(UGCPath, "content", "dota_addons", lower); string game = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, lower, "game", "dota_addons", lower); string content = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, lower, "content", "dota_addons", lower); Directory.Move(game, newG); Directory.Move(content, newC); // delete the old dir now. Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, lower), true); Addon a = new Addon(newC, newG); addons.Add(a); // redo the tooltip addon names. setAddonNames(); // add the addon to the AddonInfos // make the active addon this one. selectCurrentAddon(lower); MessageBox.Show("The addon " + modName + " was successfully forked from Barebones.", "D2ModKit", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Process.Start(Path.Combine(a.GamePath, "scripts", "vscripts")); }