// create building's mesh and name based on data from response
    void CreateBuilding(CymaticLabs.Unity3D.Amqp.SimpleJSON.JSONNode buildingData)
        List <Vector3> point   = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Vector2> point2d = new List <Vector2>();

        for (int i = 0; i < buildingData.Count; i++)
            var tempData = buildingData[i];
            if (tempData["listCoordinate"].Count == 1)
                string buildingName = (string)tempData["buildingName"];
                if (buildingName != null)
                    var coordinate = tempData["listCoordinate"][0];
                    this.ShowName(new Vector3((float)coordinate["latitude"], 12f, (float)coordinate["longitude"]), new Vector3(), buildingName, "MapObject", "buildingName", Color.green);
                for (int j = 0; j < tempData["listCoordinate"].Count - 1; j++)
                    var   coordinate = tempData["listCoordinate"][j];
                    float latitude   = (float)coordinate["latitude"];
                    float longitude  = (float)coordinate["longitude"];
                    point.Add(new Vector3(latitude, 0.0f, longitude));
                    point2d.Add(new Vector2(latitude, longitude));

                //this.CreatePolygon(point2d.ToArray(), point.ToArray(), Color.green, "MapObject", "building");

    void CreateBuilding(CymaticLabs.Unity3D.Amqp.SimpleJSON.JSONNode buildingData)
        List <Vector3> point   = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Vector2> point2D = new List <Vector2>();

        for (int i = 0; i < buildingData.Count; i++)
            var tempData = buildingData[i];
            Debug.Log("testing = " + tempData);

            if (tempData["listCoordinate"].Count == 1)
                string buildingName = (string)tempData["buildingName"];
                float  buildingCode = (float)tempData["buildingCode"];

                Debug.Log("nama gedung ini adalah  " + buildingName);
                Debug.Log("building code = " + buildingCode);

                if (buildingName != null)
                    var coordinate = tempData["listCoordinate"][0];
                    //var properties = tempData["buildingCode"];

                    this.ShowName(new Vector3((float)coordinate["latitude"], 12f, (float)coordinate["longitude"]), new Vector3(), buildingName, "MapObject", "buildingName", Color.green);

                    Debug.Log("coba1 latitude = " + latitude);
                    Debug.Log("coba2 latitude coordinate = " + (float)coordinate["latitude"]);

                     * if (latitude >= coordinate["latitude"] && longitude <= coordinate["longitude"])
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Log("coba1 latitude = " + latitude);
                     *  Debug.Log("coba2 latitude coordinate = " + (float)coordinate["latitude"]);
                     *  this.ShowGhost(new Vector3((float)coordinate["latitude"], 10f, (float)coordinate["longitude"]), buildingName, "buildingName");
                     * }

                    //Debug.Log("coba = "+ (float)coordinate["latitude"]);
                    //petObject.transform.position = new Vector3((float)coordinate["latitude"], 12f, (float)coordinate["longitude"]);
                    //Debug.Log("pocong = " + petObject.transform.position);
                for (int j = 0; j < tempData["listCoordinate"].Count - 1; j++)
                    var   coordinate = tempData["listCoordinate"][j];
                    float latitude   = (float)coordinate["latitude"];
                    float longitude  = (float)coordinate["longitude"];
                    point.Add(new Vector3(latitude, 0.0f, longitude));
                    point2D.Add(new Vector2(latitude, longitude));

                this.CreatePolygon(point2D.ToArray(), point.ToArray(), Color.green, "MapObject", "building");
    void CreateRoad(CymaticLabs.Unity3D.Amqp.SimpleJSON.JSONNode roadData)
        List <Vector3[]> point = new List <Vector3[]>();
        List <string>    names = new List <string>();

        for (int i = 0; i < roadData.Count; i++)
            var       tempData = roadData[i];
            Vector3[] perPoint = new Vector3[tempData["listCoordinate"].Count];

            for (int k = 0; k < tempData["listCoordinate"].Count; k++)
                var   coordinate = tempData["listCoordinate"][k];
                float latitude   = (float)coordinate["latitude"];
                float longitude  = (float)coordinate["longitude"];
                Debug.Log(latitude + " & " + longitude);
                perPoint[k] = new Vector3(latitude, 0f, longitude);


        float   distance     = float.MaxValue;
        Vector3 startNamePos = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 endNamePos   = Vector3.zero;

        for (int l = 0; l < point.Count; l++)
            string    roadName   = names[l];
            Vector3[] tempVector = point[l];

            for (int m = 0; m < tempVector.Length - 1; m++)
                CreateRoadWaterMesh(tempVector[m], tempVector[m + 1], 2.0f, "MapObject", Color.red, "road");

                Vector3 tempNamePost = Vector3.Lerp(tempVector[m], tempVector[m + 1], 0.5f);
                float   tempDistance = Vector3.Distance(this.mainCam.transform.parent.position, tempNamePost);

                if (tempDistance < distance)
                    distance     = tempDistance;
                    startNamePos = tempVector[m];
                    endNamePos   = tempVector[m + 1];

            if (roadName != null)
                this.ShowName(startNamePos, endNamePos, roadName, "MapObject", "roadName", Color.green);

            distance = float.MaxValue;
    void RemoveOtherFromList(CymaticLabs.Unity3D.Amqp.SimpleJSON.JSONNode data)
        bool found = false;
        List <OtherPlayerData> removeList = new List <OtherPlayerData>();

        for (int i = 0; i < otherPlayerDataList.Count; i++)
            OtherPlayerData other = otherPlayerDataList[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < data.Count; j++)
                string otherName = (string)data[j]["playerName"];
                if (other.playerName == otherName)
                    found = true;

            if (!found)

            found = false;

        Debug.Log("Remove = " + removeList.Count);

        for (int i = 0; i < removeList.Count; i++)
            OtherPlayerData remove = removeList[i];

            GameObject otherPlayer    = GameObject.Find(remove.playerName);
            GameObject otherPetPlayer = GameObject.Find("pet_" + remove.playerName);
            GameObject food           = GameObject.Find("food_" + remove.playerName);
            GameObject ball           = GameObject.Find("ball_" + remove.playerName);
            if (otherPlayer != (GameObject)null)
            if (otherPetPlayer != (GameObject)null)
            if (food != (GameObject)null)
            if (ball != (GameObject)null)

 void LoadStatus(CymaticLabs.Unity3D.Amqp.SimpleJSON.JSONNode msg)
     PlayerPrefs.SetString("username", (string)msg["username"]);
     //PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Health", (int)msg["data"][0]);
     //PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Bones", (int)msg["data"][1]);
     //PlayerPrefs.SetInt("XP", (int)msg["data"][2]);
     //PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Sleep", (int)msg["data"][3]);
     //PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Food", (int)msg["data"][4]);
     //PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Walk", (int)msg["data"][5]);
     //PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Fun", (int)msg["data"][6]);
     PlayerPrefs.SetString("petName", (string)msg["username"]);
    void CreateRoute(CymaticLabs.Unity3D.Amqp.SimpleJSON.JSONNode routeData)
        for (int i = 0; i < routeData.Count - 1; i++)
            float   startLatitude  = (float)routeData[i]["latitude"];
            float   startLongitude = (float)routeData[i]["longitude"];
            Vector3 start          = new Vector3(startLatitude, 0.0f, startLongitude);

            float   endLatitude  = (float)routeData[i + 1]["latitude"];
            float   endLongitude = (float)routeData[i + 1]["longitude"];
            Vector3 end          = new Vector3(endLatitude, 0.0f, endLongitude);

            CreateRoadWaterMesh(start, end, 8.0f, "RouteObject", Color.green, "route");
    void UpdateOtherBallState(CymaticLabs.Unity3D.Amqp.SimpleJSON.JSONNode data)
        Debug.Log("Update Ball State");

        string otherUsername  = (string)data["username"];
        string otherBallState = (string)data["ballState"];
        float  ballPosX       = (float)data["ballPosX"];
        float  ballPosY       = (float)data["ballPosY"];
        float  ballPosZ       = (float)data["ballPosZ"];

        if (otherUsername != this.playerName)
            if (otherBallState == "live")
                GameObject otherBall = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                otherBall.name = "ball_" + otherUsername;
                otherBall.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
                otherBall.transform.position   = new Vector3(ballPosX - this.centerPosX, 10.0f, ballPosZ - this.centerPosY);

                Rigidbody ballRigibody = otherBall.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
                ballRigibody.mass        = 1;
                ballRigibody.isKinematic = true;
            else if (otherBallState == "none")
                GameObject otherBall = GameObject.Find("ball_" + otherUsername);
            else if (otherBallState == "throw")
                GameObject otherBall = GameObject.Find("ball_" + otherUsername);
                otherBall.transform.position = otherBall.transform.position + new Vector3(ballPosX, ballPosY, ballPosZ) * (Camera.main.nearClipPlane + 2f);
                otherBall.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false;
                otherBall.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity    = new Vector3(ballPosX, ballPosY, ballPosZ) * 5;
            else if (otherBallState == "inground")
                GameObject otherBall = GameObject.Find("ball_" + otherUsername);
                otherBall.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;
                otherBall.transform.position = new Vector3(ballPosX - this.centerPosX, 0.0f, ballPosZ - this.centerPosY);
    void UpdateOthersPosition(CymaticLabs.Unity3D.Amqp.SimpleJSON.JSONNode data)
        Debug.Log("list player responses");

        for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
            string otherUsername = (string)data[i]["playerName"];
            float  otherPosX     = (float)data[i]["posX"];
            float  otherPosY     = (float)data[i]["posY"];

            string otherPetName     = (string)data[i]["petName"];
            float  otherPetPosX     = (float)data[i]["petPosX"];
            float  otherPetPosY     = (float)data[i]["petPosY"];
            float  otherPetLastPosX = (float)data[i]["petLastPosX"];
            float  otherPetLastPosY = (float)data[i]["petLastPosY"];

            string otherStartTimeMoveString = (string)data[i]["timeStartMove"];
            long   otherStartTimeMove       = 0L;

            if (otherStartTimeMoveString != "")
                otherStartTimeMove = Convert.ToInt64(otherStartTimeMoveString);

            string otherPetState = (string)data[i]["petState"];
            float  otherPetSpeed = (float)data[i]["petSpeed"];

            Debug.Log("main player = " + this.playerName);
            Debug.Log("other player = " + otherUsername);

            if (otherUsername != this.playerName)
                OtherPlayerData other = otherPlayerDataList.Find(x => x.playerName == otherUsername);

                if (other == null)
                    OtherPlayerData newOtherPlayer = new OtherPlayerData();
                    newOtherPlayer.playerName = otherUsername;
                    newOtherPlayer.posX       = otherPosX - this.centerPosX;
                    newOtherPlayer.posY       = otherPosY - this.centerPosY;
                    newOtherPlayer.petName    = otherPetName;
                    newOtherPlayer.petState   = otherPetState;

                    float mapPetLastPosX = otherPetLastPosX - this.centerPosX;
                    float mapPetLastPosY = otherPetLastPosY - this.centerPosY;
                    float mapPetPosX     = otherPetPosX - this.centerPosX;
                    float mapPetPosY     = otherPetPosY - this.centerPosY;

                    Vector3 mapPetLastPos    = new Vector3(mapPetLastPosX, 0.0f, mapPetLastPosY);
                    Vector3 mapPetPos        = new Vector3(mapPetLastPosY, 0.0f, mapPetLastPosY);
                    float   totalDistance    = Vector3.Distance(mapPetLastPos, mapPetPos);
                    float   distanceTraveled = 0.0f;

                    //double seconds = (DateTime.Now - new DateTime(otherStartTimeMove)).TotalSeconds;
                    //float distanceTraveled = (float)(seconds * 1f);

                    if (otherStartTimeMove != 0L)
                        double seconds = (DateTime.Now - new DateTime(otherStartTimeMove)).TotalSeconds;
                        distanceTraveled = (float)(seconds * otherPetSpeed);

                    Debug.Log(distanceTraveled + " --- distance traveled");
                    Debug.Log(totalDistance + " --- total distance");
                    //Debug.Log(seconds + "  --- time seconds");

                    Vector3 predictedPos;

                    if (distanceTraveled >= totalDistance)
                        newOtherPlayer.petFromPosX = mapPetLastPosX;
                        newOtherPlayer.petFromPosY = mapPetLastPosY;
                        newOtherPlayer.petToPosX   = mapPetPosX;
                        newOtherPlayer.petToPosY   = mapPetPosY;

                        predictedPos = new Vector3(mapPetPosX, 0.0f, mapPetPosY);
                        float percentage = distanceTraveled / totalDistance;

                        predictedPos = Vector3.Lerp(mapPetLastPos, mapPetPos, percentage);
                        newOtherPlayer.petFromPosX = predictedPos.x;
                        newOtherPlayer.petFromPosY = predictedPos.z;
                        newOtherPlayer.petToPosX   = mapPetPosX;
                        newOtherPlayer.petToPosY   = mapPetPosY;

                    newOtherPlayer.petSpeed = otherPetSpeed;


                    //jika belum ada nama pet
                    GameObject newPetObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load("PetPrefab")) as GameObject;
                    newPetObject.name = "pet_" + otherPetName;
                    newPetObject.transform.position = new Vector3(predictedPos.x, 0.0f, predictedPos.z);

                    GameObject petName     = newPetObject.transform.Find("PetNameText").gameObject;
                    TextMesh   petNameMesh = petName.GetComponent <TextMesh>();

                    petNameMesh.text          = "<pet>\n" + otherPetName;
                    petNameMesh.characterSize = 0.05f;
                    petNameMesh.fontSize      = 100;
                    petNameMesh.color         = Color.green;

                    Font font = Resources.Load <Font>("Font/youmurdererbb_reg");
                    petNameMesh.font = font;
                    var mr = petNameMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    mr.material = font.material;

                    GameObject otherPlayerNameObject = new GameObject();
                    otherPlayerNameObject.AddComponent <NameController>();
                    otherPlayerNameObject.name = otherUsername;
                    otherPlayerNameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(otherPosX - this.centerPosX, 10.0f, this.centerPosY);

                    var meshText = otherPlayerNameObject.AddComponent <TextMesh>() as TextMesh;
                    meshText.text          = "<user>\n" + otherUsername;
                    meshText.characterSize = 0.05f;
                    meshText.fontSize      = 100;
                    meshText.color         = Color.green;

                    Font font1 = Resources.Load <Font>("Font/youmurdererbb_reg");
                    meshText.font = font1;
                    var mr1 = meshText.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    mr1.material = font1.material;
                    other.petToPosX = otherPetPosX - this.centerPosX;
                    other.petToPosY = otherPetPosY - this.centerPosY;
                    other.petState  = otherPetState;
                    other.petSpeed  = otherPetSpeed;

                    if (other.petState == "walkFood")
                        GameObject food = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);

                        food.name = "food_" + other.playerName;
                        food.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                        food.transform.position   = new Vector3(other.petToPosX, 0, other.petToPosY);

                    if (other.petState == "walktoball")
                        GameObject otherBallFound = GameObject.Find("ball_" + otherUsername);
                        if (otherBallFound == (GameObject)null)
                            GameObject otherBall = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                            otherBall.name = "ball_" + otherUsername;
                            otherBall.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
                            otherBall.transform.position   = new Vector3(other.petToPosX, 0.0f, other.petToPosY);

                            Rigidbody ballRigibody = otherBall.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
                            ballRigibody.mass        = 1;
                            ballRigibody.isKinematic = true;

                    if (other.petState == "walkbringball")
                        GameObject otherBall = GameObject.Find("ball_" + otherUsername);
                        GameObject otherPet  = GameObject.Find("pet_" + otherUsername);

                        otherBall.transform.position = otherPet.transform.position;
                        otherBall.transform.parent   = otherPet.transform;

                    GameObject otherPlayer = GameObject.Find(otherUsername);
                    if (otherPlayer != (GameObject)null)
                        otherPlayer.transform.position = new Vector3(otherPosX - this.centerPosX, 10.0f, otherPosY - centerPosY);
        void InitMessage(SimpleJSON.JSONNode msg)
            DebugMessage("get init message");

            var transportType = msg["TransportType"] != null ? msg["TransportType"].Value : Undefined;
            var ids           = msg["Ids"] != null ? msg["Ids"].AsArray : new SimpleJSON.JSONArray();
            var add           = msg["Add"] != null ? msg["Add"].AsBool : false;

            switch (transportType)
            case "Baggage":
                if (!add)
                    foreach (var baggage in Baggages.Values)
                    Baggages = new Dictionary <string, MovementScript>();

                for (int i = 0; i < ids.Count; i++)
                    Baggages.Add(ids[i], Instantiate(BaggagePrefab, _baggageGarage, new Quaternion()));

            case "Bus":
                if (!add)
                    foreach (var bus in Buses.Values)
                    Buses = new Dictionary <string, MovementScript>();

                for (int i = 0; i < ids.Count; i++)
                    Buses.Add(ids[i], Instantiate(BusPrefab, _busGarage, new Quaternion()));

            case "FollowMe":
                if (!add)
                    foreach (var followMe in FollowMes.Values)
                    FollowMes = new Dictionary <string, MovementScript>();

                for (int i = 0; i < ids.Count; i++)
                    FollowMes.Add(ids[i].Value, Instantiate(FollowMePrefab, _followMeGarage, new Quaternion()));

            case "Fuel":
                if (!add)
                    foreach (var fuel in Fuels.Values)
                    Fuels = new Dictionary <string, MovementScript>();

                for (int i = 0; i < ids.Count; i++)
                    Fuels.Add(ids[i].Value, Instantiate(FuelPrefab, _fuelGarage, new Quaternion()));


                DebugMessage(string.Format("Can not recognize transport type \"{0}\"", transportType));
        void AnimationMessage(SimpleJSON.JSONNode msg)
            if (msg["Duration"] == null)
                DebugMessage("Can not find Duration");
            var duration = msg["Duration"].AsInt;

            var transportArray = msg["Transport"].Value.Split('|');

            if (transportArray.Length != 2)
                DebugMessage(string.Format("Incorrect transport format: \"{0}\"", msg["Transport"].Value));

            var type = msg["AnimationType"] != null ? msg["AnimationType"].Value : Undefined;

            DebugMessage(string.Format("Get {0} animation message", type));
            switch (type)
            case "touchdown":
            case "wheelsup":
                if (transportArray[0] != "Aircraft")
                    DebugMessage("Expected aircraft transport type");
                var aircraftGuid = transportArray[1];

                if (msg["Strip"] == null)
                    DebugMessage("Expected strip number");
                var stripNum = msg["Strip"].AsInt;

                if (stripNum < 1 || stripNum > 3)
                    DebugMessage("Expected strip number from 1 to 3 in animation");

                var stripAway = Map.GetLocation("Strip" + stripNum + "Away").Value;

                var strip    = Map.GetLocation("Strip" + stripNum).Value;
                var distance = Vector3.Distance(stripAway, strip);

                DebugMessage(string.Format("stripAway: {0} strip: {1} speed {2}", stripAway, strip, distance / duration * 1000));

                switch (type)
                case "touchdown":
                    Aircrafts.Add(aircraftGuid, Instantiate(AircraftPrefab, stripAway, new Quaternion()));
                    Aircrafts[aircraftGuid].Set(stripAway, strip, distance / duration * 1000);

                case "wheelsup":
                    if (!Aircrafts.ContainsKey(aircraftGuid))
                        DebugMessage(string.Format("Can not find aircraft with id = {0}", aircraftGuid));
                    var aircraft = Aircrafts[aircraftGuid];
                    aircraft.Set(strip, stripAway, distance / duration * 1000);
                    aircraft.DestroyAfterFinish = true;

            case "baggage":
                if (transportArray[0] != "Baggage")
                    DebugMessage("Expected baggage transport type");

                if (!Baggages.ContainsKey(transportArray[1]))
                    DebugMessage(string.Format("Unknown id of transport: \"{0}\"", transportArray[1]));

                var baggage = Baggages[transportArray[1]];
                var speed   = 100000 / duration;

                var progressBar = Instantiate(CanvasRadialProgressBarPrefab, baggage.transform.position, new Quaternion());
                progressBar.Speed = speed;


            case "passengers":
                if (transportArray[0] != "Bus")
                    DebugMessage("Expected bus transport type");

                if (!Buses.ContainsKey(transportArray[1]))
                    DebugMessage(string.Format("Unknown id of transport: \"{0}\"", transportArray[1]));

                var bus   = Buses[transportArray[1]];
                var speed = 100000 / duration;

                var progressBar = Instantiate(CanvasRadialProgressBarPrefab, bus.transform.position, new Quaternion());
                progressBar.Speed = speed;


            case "filling":
                    if (transportArray[0] != "Fuel")
                        DebugMessage("Expected bus transport type");

                    if (!Fuels.ContainsKey(transportArray[1]))
                        DebugMessage(string.Format("Unknown id of transport: \"{0}\"", transportArray[1]));

                    var fuel  = Fuels[transportArray[1]];
                    var speed = 100000 / duration;

                    Debug.Log(string.Format("fuel.transform.position: {0}", fuel.transform.position));
                    var progressBar = Instantiate(CanvasRadialProgressBarPrefab, fuel.transform.position, new Quaternion());
                    progressBar.Speed = speed;
                    progressBar.GetComponent <RectTransform>().position = fuel.transform.position;


                DebugMessage(string.Format("Can not reconize animation type: \"{0}\"", type));
        void MovementMessage(SimpleJSON.JSONNode msg)
            DebugMessage("get movement message");
            if (msg["Transport"] == null)
                DebugMessage("Transport is undefined");

            var transportArray = msg["Transport"].Value.Split('|');

            if (transportArray.Length != 2)
                DebugMessage(string.Format("Incorrect transport format: \"{0}\"", msg["Transport"].Value));

            MovementScript transport = null;
            var            key       = transportArray[1];

            switch (transportArray[0])
            case "Baggage":
                if (Baggages.ContainsKey(key))
                    transport = Baggages[key];

            case "Bus":
                if (Buses.ContainsKey(key))
                    transport = Buses[key];

            case "FollowMe":
                if (FollowMes.ContainsKey(key))
                    transport = FollowMes[key];

            case "Fuel":
                if (Fuels.ContainsKey(key))
                    transport = Fuels[key];

                DebugMessage(string.Format("Can not recognize transport type \"{0}\"", transportArray[0]));

            if (transport == null)
                DebugMessage(string.Format("Can not find transport with id \"{0}\"", key));

            MovementScript aircraft = null;

            if (transportArray[0] == "FollowMe" && msg["Aircraft"] != null)
                var aircraftGuid = msg["Aircraft"].Value;
                if (Aircrafts.ContainsKey(aircraftGuid))
                    aircraft = Aircrafts[aircraftGuid];

            var from = msg["From"] != null?Map.GetLocation(msg["From"].Value) : null;

            var to = msg["To"] != null?Map.GetLocation(msg["To"].Value) : null;

            if (from == null || to == null)
                DebugMessage("Can not find From or/and To Locations");

            if (msg["Duration"] == null)
                DebugMessage("Can not find Duration");

            var duration = msg["Duration"].AsInt;
            var distance = Vector3.Distance(to.Value, from.Value);

            transport.Set(from.Value, to.Value, distance / duration * 1000);

            if (aircraft != null && !FollowMeSpecialLocations.Contains(msg["From"].Value))
                var aircraftFrom = aircraft.FinishPosition ?? transform.position;
                //самолет как будто догоняет "followMe", поэтому он едет к старту текущей локации для followMe
                var aicraftDistance = Vector3.Distance(aircraftFrom, from.Value);
                aircraft.Set(aircraftFrom, from.Value, aicraftDistance / duration * 1000);