Exemple #1
        public void CrossReferenceDefinitions()
            m_CrossReference = new Dictionary <Type, List <Int32> >();

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < m_TitleDefinitions.Count; i++)
                TitleDefinition def = m_TitleDefinitions[i];

                if (def != null)
                    foreach (Type t in def.CreatureRegistry)
                        if (m_CrossReference.ContainsKey(t))
                            m_CrossReference[t] = new List <int>()
        public void ApplyButtonPressed(IGumpComponent sender, object param)
            String  titleName = GetTextEntry("Definition Name");
            Boolean enabled   = GetCheck("Definition Enabled");

            if (DataIsValid)
                List <Type>       creatureRegistry = new List <Type>();
                List <TitleEntry> titleRegistry    = new List <TitleEntry>();

                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                    string name = GetTextEntry(String.Format("Creature_{0}", i));

                    Type type = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(name);

                    if (type != null)

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    string title = GetTextEntry(String.Format("Title_{0}", i));
                    string count = GetTextEntry(String.Format("Count_{0}", i));

                    Int32 cnt = 0;
                    Int32.TryParse(count, out cnt);

                    if (title != "" && cnt > 0)
                        titleRegistry.Add(new TitleEntry(title, cnt));

                if (_TitleIndex < _TitleDefinitions.Count)
                    _TitleDefinitions[_TitleIndex] = new TitleDefinition(titleName, enabled, creatureRegistry, titleRegistry);
                    _TitleDefinitions.Add(new TitleDefinition(titleName, enabled, creatureRegistry, titleRegistry));

                if (Address != null)
                    Address.SendGump(new SlayerTitleSetupGump(_CoreEnabled, _TitleDefinitions, (_TitleIndex / 10) * 10));
                if (Address != null)
                    Address.SendGump(new TitleDefinitionGump(_CoreEnabled, _TitleDefinitions, _TitleIndex, titleName, enabled, _CreatureNames, _Titles, _Counts, true));
        private void Setup()
            Add(new CustomCoreGumpling(365, 335, 0x80E, "Slayer Title System", _CoreEnabled, CoreEnableChanged, SlayerTitleCore.Core.Version, SaveButtonPressed));
            Add(new GumpLabel(94, 60, 0x3E, "Registered Title Definitions"));

            List <TitleDefinition> titles = new List <TitleDefinition>();

            Boolean lastEntryBlank = false;

            for (int i = _TitleIndex; i < _TitleDefinitions.Count && i < _TitleIndex + 10; i++)

                if (_TitleDefinitions[i].DefinitionName == "")
                    lastEntryBlank = true;

            bool anotherPage = false;

            if (titles.Count == 10)
                anotherPage = true;
            else if (!lastEntryBlank)
                titles.Add(new TitleDefinition("", false, new List <Type>(), new List <TitleEntry>()));

            if (_TitleIndex > 0)
                Add(new GreyLeftArrow(10, 63, PreviousPagePressed));

            if (anotherPage)
                Add(new GreyRightArrow(277, 63, NextPagePressed));

            Int32 counter = _TitleIndex;

            for (int i = 0; i < titles.Count; i++)
                TitleDefinition def = titles[i];

                LabelAddRemoveGumpling g = new LabelAddRemoveGumpling(counter++, 10, 80 + (i * 22), 285, def.DefinitionName, (def.Enabled ? HUE_Enabled : HUE_Disabled));

                g.OnEdit   += EditDefinitionPressed;
                g.OnRemove += RemoveDefinitionPressed;

Exemple #4
        private void EventSink_OnKilledBy(OnKilledByEventArgs e)
            if (!this.Enabled)

            BaseCreature creature = null;
            PlayerMobile player   = null;

            if (e.Killed is BaseCreature)
                creature = (BaseCreature)e.Killed;

            if (e.KilledBy is PlayerMobile)
                player = (PlayerMobile)e.KilledBy;

            SlayerModule module = player.GetModule(typeof(SlayerModule)) as SlayerModule;

            if (module == null)
                module = new SlayerModule(player);

            if (m_CrossReference.ContainsKey(creature.GetType()))
                foreach (Int32 index in m_CrossReference[creature.GetType()])
                    if (index < m_TitleDefinitions.Count && m_TitleDefinitions[index].CreatureRegistry.Contains(creature.GetType()))
                        TitleDefinition def = m_TitleDefinitions[index];


                        Int32      value      = module.GetSlayerCount(def.DefinitionName);
                        TitleEntry titleToSet = null;

                        foreach (TitleEntry entry in def.TitleRegistry)
                            if (entry.CountNeeded == value)
                                titleToSet = entry;

                        if (titleToSet != null)
                            foreach (TitleEntry entry in def.TitleRegistry)
                                if (player.CollectionTitles.Contains(entry.Title) && entry != titleToSet)

                            player.SendMessage(0xC8, String.Format("Your have been awarded the title of '{0}' for {1} kills.", titleToSet.Title, value));

                            if (TitleAwarded != null)
                                TitleAwarded(player, def.DefinitionName, titleToSet.Title);

                            if (IsMaxTitle(titleToSet.Title, def.TitleRegistry) && MaximumTitleAchieved != null)
                                MaximumTitleAchieved(player, def.DefinitionName, titleToSet.Title);
        public TitleDefinitionGump(Boolean coreEnabled, List<TitleDefinition> titleDefinitions, Int32 titleIndex, String definitionName, Boolean definitionEnabled, List<String> creatureNames, List<String> titles, List<String> counts, Boolean validate)
            : base(50, 100)
            _CoreEnabled = coreEnabled;
            _TitleDefinitions = titleDefinitions;
            _TitleIndex = titleIndex;
            _CreatureNames = creatureNames;
            _Titles = titles;
            _Counts = counts;

            TitleDefinition definition;

            if (_TitleIndex < _TitleDefinitions.Count)
                definition = _TitleDefinitions[_TitleIndex];
                definition = new TitleDefinition("", false, new List<Type>(), new List<TitleEntry>());

            if (_CreatureNames == null)
                _CreatureNames = new List<string>();
                _Titles = new List<string>();
                _Counts = new List<string>();

                foreach (Type t in definition.CreatureRegistry)

                foreach (TitleEntry entry in definition.TitleRegistry)

            Add(new StoneyBackground(730, 470));
            Add(new GumpLabel(10, 5, 0x4F1, "Title Definition Name"));
            Add(new EntryField(150, 4, 570, "Definition Name", 0x0, (definitionName == null ? definition.DefinitionName : definitionName)));

            if (validate && (definitionName == null ? definition.DefinitionName : definitionName) == "")
                Add(new GumpLabel(100, 30, HUE_InvalidEntry, "Title Definition Name must be entered"));

            Add(new GumpLabel(10, 30, 0x54F, "Enabled"));
            Add(new GreyCheckbox(63, 25, "Definition Enabled", (definitionName == null ? definition.Enabled : definitionEnabled)));
            Add(new GumpImageTiled(2, 55, 722, 4, 0x13ED));
            Add(new GumpLabel(300, 60, 0x3E, "Creature Registry"));

            Type typeCheck = typeof(BaseCreature);
            Boolean creaturesValid = true;

            for (int col = 0; col < 2; col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < 10; row++)
                    Int32 idx = row + (col * 10);
                    String name = "";

                    if (idx < _CreatureNames.Count)
                        name = _CreatureNames[idx];

                    Type type = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(name);

                    Boolean valid = type != null || name == "";

                    if (typeCheck != null && type != null)
                        valid &= typeCheck.IsAssignableFrom(type);

                    creaturesValid &= valid;

                    Add(new EntryField(10 + (col * 360), 80 + (row * 22), 350, String.Format("Creature_{0}", idx), (valid ? HUE_ValidEntry : HUE_InvalidEntry), name));

            if (!creaturesValid)
                Add(new GumpLabel(10, 60, HUE_InvalidEntry, "Invalid BaseCreature Type Specified"));

            Boolean titlesValid = true;

            Add(new GumpLabel(314, 305, 0x3E, "Title Registry"));

            for (int col = 0; col < 2; col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++)
                    Int32 idx = row + (col * 5);
                    String title = "";
                    String count = "";

                    if (idx < _Titles.Count)
                        title = _Titles[idx];

                    if (idx < _Counts.Count)
                        count = _Counts[idx];

                    if (title != "" && count == "")
                        count = "0";

                    Int32 test;
                    Boolean countValid = Int32.TryParse(count, out test);

                    if (title != "" && count == "0")
                        countValid = false;

                    if (test < 0)
                        countValid = false;

                    if (title == "" && count == "")
                        countValid = true;

                    titlesValid &= countValid;

                    Add(new EntryField(10 + (col * 360), 325 + (row * 22), 295, String.Format("Title_{0}", idx), HUE_ValidEntry, title));
                    Add(new EntryField(310 + (col * 360), 325 + (row * 22), 50, String.Format("Count_{0}", idx), (countValid ? HUE_ValidEntry : HUE_InvalidEntry), count));

            if (!titlesValid)
                Add(new GumpLabel(10, 305, HUE_InvalidEntry, "Invalid Count Value Specified"));

            Add(new ApplyCancelGumpling(560, 440, ApplyButtonPressed, CancelButtonPressed));
        public void ApplyButtonPressed(IGumpComponent sender, object param)
            String titleName = GetTextEntry("Definition Name");
            Boolean enabled = GetCheck("Definition Enabled");

            if (DataIsValid)
                List<Type> creatureRegistry = new List<Type>();
                List<TitleEntry> titleRegistry = new List<TitleEntry>();

                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                    string name = GetTextEntry(String.Format("Creature_{0}", i));

                    Type type = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(name);

                    if (type != null)

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    string title = GetTextEntry(String.Format("Title_{0}", i));
                    string count = GetTextEntry(String.Format("Count_{0}", i));

                    Int32 cnt = 0;
                    Int32.TryParse(count, out cnt);

                    if (title != "" && cnt > 0)
                        titleRegistry.Add(new TitleEntry(title, cnt));

                if (_TitleIndex < _TitleDefinitions.Count)
                    _TitleDefinitions[_TitleIndex] = new TitleDefinition(titleName, enabled, creatureRegistry, titleRegistry);
                    _TitleDefinitions.Add(new TitleDefinition(titleName, enabled, creatureRegistry, titleRegistry));

                if (Address != null)
                    Address.SendGump(new SlayerTitleSetupGump(_CoreEnabled, _TitleDefinitions, (_TitleIndex / 10) * 10));
                if (Address != null)
                    Address.SendGump(new TitleDefinitionGump(_CoreEnabled, _TitleDefinitions, _TitleIndex, titleName, enabled, _CreatureNames, _Titles, _Counts, true));
        public TitleDefinitionGump(Boolean coreEnabled, List <TitleDefinition> titleDefinitions, Int32 titleIndex, String definitionName, Boolean definitionEnabled, List <String> creatureNames, List <String> titles, List <String> counts, Boolean validate)
            : base(50, 100)
            _CoreEnabled      = coreEnabled;
            _TitleDefinitions = titleDefinitions;
            _TitleIndex       = titleIndex;
            _CreatureNames    = creatureNames;
            _Titles           = titles;
            _Counts           = counts;

            TitleDefinition definition;

            if (_TitleIndex < _TitleDefinitions.Count)
                definition = _TitleDefinitions[_TitleIndex];
                definition = new TitleDefinition("", false, new List <Type>(), new List <TitleEntry>());

            if (_CreatureNames == null)
                _CreatureNames = new List <string>();
                _Titles        = new List <string>();
                _Counts        = new List <string>();

                foreach (Type t in definition.CreatureRegistry)

                foreach (TitleEntry entry in definition.TitleRegistry)

            Add(new StoneyBackground(730, 470));
            Add(new GumpLabel(10, 5, 0x4F1, "Title Definition Name"));
            Add(new EntryField(150, 4, 570, "Definition Name", 0x0, (definitionName == null ? definition.DefinitionName : definitionName)));

            if (validate && (definitionName == null ? definition.DefinitionName : definitionName) == "")
                Add(new GumpLabel(100, 30, HUE_InvalidEntry, "Title Definition Name must be entered"));

            Add(new GumpLabel(10, 30, 0x54F, "Enabled"));
            Add(new GreyCheckbox(63, 25, "Definition Enabled", (definitionName == null ? definition.Enabled : definitionEnabled)));
            Add(new GumpImageTiled(2, 55, 722, 4, 0x13ED));
            Add(new GumpLabel(300, 60, 0x3E, "Creature Registry"));

            Type    typeCheck      = typeof(BaseCreature);
            Boolean creaturesValid = true;

            for (int col = 0; col < 2; col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < 10; row++)
                    Int32  idx  = row + (col * 10);
                    String name = "";

                    if (idx < _CreatureNames.Count)
                        name = _CreatureNames[idx];

                    Type type = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(name);

                    Boolean valid = type != null || name == "";

                    if (typeCheck != null && type != null)
                        valid &= typeCheck.IsAssignableFrom(type);

                    creaturesValid &= valid;

                    Add(new EntryField(10 + (col * 360), 80 + (row * 22), 350, String.Format("Creature_{0}", idx), (valid ? HUE_ValidEntry : HUE_InvalidEntry), name));

            if (!creaturesValid)
                Add(new GumpLabel(10, 60, HUE_InvalidEntry, "Invalid BaseCreature Type Specified"));

            Boolean titlesValid = true;

            Add(new GumpLabel(314, 305, 0x3E, "Title Registry"));

            for (int col = 0; col < 2; col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++)
                    Int32  idx   = row + (col * 5);
                    String title = "";
                    String count = "";

                    if (idx < _Titles.Count)
                        title = _Titles[idx];

                    if (idx < _Counts.Count)
                        count = _Counts[idx];

                    if (title != "" && count == "")
                        count = "0";

                    Int32   test;
                    Boolean countValid = Int32.TryParse(count, out test);

                    if (title != "" && count == "0")
                        countValid = false;

                    if (test < 0)
                        countValid = false;

                    if (title == "" && count == "")
                        countValid = true;

                    titlesValid &= countValid;

                    Add(new EntryField(10 + (col * 360), 325 + (row * 22), 295, String.Format("Title_{0}", idx), HUE_ValidEntry, title));
                    Add(new EntryField(310 + (col * 360), 325 + (row * 22), 50, String.Format("Count_{0}", idx), (countValid ? HUE_ValidEntry : HUE_InvalidEntry), count));

            if (!titlesValid)
                Add(new GumpLabel(10, 305, HUE_InvalidEntry, "Invalid Count Value Specified"));

            Add(new ApplyCancelGumpling(560, 440, ApplyButtonPressed, CancelButtonPressed));
Exemple #8
        public TitleDefinitionGump(Mobile from, Boolean coreEnabled, List<TitleDefinition> titleDefinitions, Int32 titleIndex, List<String> creatureNames, List<String> titles, List<String> counts, Boolean validate) : base(50, 100)
            m_From = from;
            m_CoreEnabled = coreEnabled;
            m_TitleDefinitions = titleDefinitions;
            m_TitleIndex = titleIndex;
            m_CreatureNames = creatureNames;
            m_Titles = titles;
            m_Counts = counts;

            TitleDefinition definition;

            if (m_TitleIndex < m_TitleDefinitions.Count)
                definition = m_TitleDefinitions[m_TitleIndex];
                definition = new TitleDefinition("", false, new List<Type>(), new List<TitleEntry>());

            if (m_CreatureNames == null)
                m_CreatureNames = new List<string>();
                m_Titles = new List<string>();
                m_Counts = new List<string>();

                foreach (Type t in definition.CreatureRegistry)

                foreach (TitleEntry entry in definition.TitleRegistry)



            this.AddBackground(0, 0, 730, 470, 5100);

            this.AddLabel(10, 5, 1265, "Title Definition Name");

            this.AddImageTiled(150, 4, 570, 23, 2624);
            this.AddImageTiled(151, 5, 568, 21, 3004);
            this.AddTextEntry(154, 5, 565, 21, 0, ID_DefinitionName, definition.DefinitionName);

            if (validate && definition.DefinitionName == "")
                this.AddLabel(100, 30, HUE_InvalidEntry, "Title Definition Name must be entered");

            this.AddLabel(10, 30, 1359, "Enabled");
            this.AddCheck(63, 25, 9720, 9724, definition.Enabled, ID_DefinitionEnabled);

            this.AddImageTiled(2, 55, 722, 4, 5101);

            this.AddLabel(300, 60, 62, "Creature Registry");

            Type typeCheck = typeof(BaseCreature);
            Boolean creaturesValid = true;

            for (int col = 0; col < 2; col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < 10; row++)
                    Int32 idx = row + (col * 10);
                    String name = "";

                    if (idx < m_CreatureNames.Count)
                        name = m_CreatureNames[idx];

                    Type type = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(name);

                    Boolean valid = type != null || name == "";

                    if (typeCheck != null && type != null)
                        valid &= typeCheck.IsAssignableFrom(type);

                    creaturesValid &= valid;

                    this.AddImageTiled(10 + (col * 360), 80 + (row * 22), 350, 23, 2624);
                    this.AddImageTiled(11 + (col * 360), 81 + (row * 22), 348, 21, 3004);
                    this.AddTextEntry(14 + (col * 360), 81 + (row * 22), 345, 21, (valid ? HUE_ValidEntry : HUE_InvalidEntry), ID_CreatureEntry + idx, name);

            if (!creaturesValid)
                this.AddLabel(10, 60, HUE_InvalidEntry, "Invalid BaseCreature Type Specified");

            Boolean titlesValid = true;

            this.AddLabel(314, 305, 62, "Title Registry");

            for (int col = 0; col < 2; col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++)
                    Int32 idx = row + (col * 5);
                    String title = "";
                    String count = "";

                    if (idx < m_Titles.Count)
                        title = m_Titles[idx];

                    if (idx < m_Counts.Count)
                        count = m_Counts[idx];

                    if (title != "" && count == "")
                        count = "0";

                    Int32 test;
                    Boolean countValid = Int32.TryParse(count, out test);

                    if (title != "" && count == "0")
                        countValid = false;

                    if (test < 0)
                        countValid = false;

                    if (title == "" && count == "")
                        countValid = true;

                    titlesValid &= countValid;

                    this.AddImageTiled(10 + (col * 360), 325 + (row * 22), 295, 23, 2624);
                    this.AddImageTiled(11 + (col * 360), 326 + (row * 22), 293, 21, 3004);
                    this.AddTextEntry(14 + (col * 360), 326 + (row * 22), 290, 21, HUE_ValidEntry, ID_TitleEntry + idx, title);

                    this.AddImageTiled(310 + (col * 360), 325 + (row * 22), 50, 23, 2624);
                    this.AddImageTiled(311 + (col * 360), 326 + (row * 22), 48, 21, 3004);
                    this.AddTextEntry(314 + (col * 360), 326 + (row * 22), 45, 21, (countValid ? HUE_ValidEntry : HUE_InvalidEntry), ID_CountNeededEntry + idx, count);

            if (!titlesValid)
                this.AddLabel(10, 305, HUE_InvalidEntry, "Invalid Count Value Specified");

            this.AddButton(560, 440, 5204, 5205, ID_Apply_Button, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            this.AddButton(645, 440, 5200, 5201, ID_Cancel_Button, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
Exemple #9
        public override void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            String titleName = info.GetTextEntry(ID_DefinitionName).Text.Trim();
            Boolean enabled = info.IsSwitched(ID_DefinitionEnabled);

            switch (info.ButtonID)
                case ID_Apply_Button:
                    if (IsDataValid(sender, info))
                        List<Type> creatureRegistry = new List<Type>();
                        List<TitleEntry> titleRegistry = new List<TitleEntry>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                            string name = info.GetTextEntry(ID_CreatureEntry + i).Text;

                            Type type = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName(name);

                            if (type != null)

                        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                            string title = info.GetTextEntry(ID_TitleEntry + i).Text;
                            string count = info.GetTextEntry(ID_CountNeededEntry + i).Text;

                            Int32 cnt = 0;
                            Int32.TryParse(count, out cnt);

                            if (title != "" && cnt > 0)
                                titleRegistry.Add(new TitleEntry(title, cnt));

                        if (m_TitleIndex < m_TitleDefinitions.Count)
                            m_TitleDefinitions[m_TitleIndex] = new TitleDefinition(titleName, enabled, creatureRegistry, titleRegistry);
                            m_TitleDefinitions.Add(new TitleDefinition(titleName, enabled, creatureRegistry, titleRegistry));

                        sender.Mobile.SendGump(new SlayerTitleSetupGump(sender.Mobile, m_CoreEnabled, m_TitleDefinitions, (m_TitleIndex / 10) * 10));
                        if (m_TitleIndex < m_TitleDefinitions.Count)
                            m_TitleDefinitions[m_TitleIndex] = new TitleDefinition(titleName, enabled, m_TitleDefinitions[m_TitleIndex].CreatureRegistry, m_TitleDefinitions[m_TitleIndex].TitleRegistry);
                            m_TitleDefinitions.Add(new TitleDefinition(titleName, enabled, new List<Type>(), new List<TitleEntry>()));

                        sender.Mobile.SendGump(new TitleDefinitionGump(sender.Mobile, m_CoreEnabled, m_TitleDefinitions, m_TitleIndex, m_CreatureNames, m_Titles, m_Counts, true));

                    sender.Mobile.SendGump(new SlayerTitleSetupGump(sender.Mobile, m_CoreEnabled, m_TitleDefinitions, (m_TitleIndex / 10) * 10));