public static void Main() { Payment payment = new Payment("Dell", 600); Payment payment2 = new Payment("Dell", 600); Customer gosho = new Customer("Gosho", "Goshev", "Goshev", 6212123344, "jivee nablizo", "0887 888888", "*****@*****.**", Type.Diamond, payment); Customer pesho = new Customer("Gosho", "Goshev", "Goshev", 6212123344, "jivee nablizo", "0887 888888", "*****@*****.**", Type.Diamond, payment); Customer peshoPeshev = new Customer("Pesho", "Peshev", "Peshev", 311214244, "jivee nqkyde", "0887 823888", "*****@*****.**", Type.Diamond); Console.WriteLine("Are gosho and pesho equal: {0}", Equals(gosho, pesho)); Console.WriteLine("Are pesho and pesho peshev equal: {0}", Equals(pesho, peshoPeshev)); Console.WriteLine("Are gosho and pesho equal using '==': {0}", (gosho == pesho)); Console.WriteLine(gosho); Console.WriteLine("Pesho Peshev HashCode is: {0}", peshoPeshev.GetHashCode()); var nasko = (Customer)peshoPeshev.Clone(); nasko.MiddleName = "Atanasov"; nasko.LastName = "Naskov"; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Original after cloning: {0}", peshoPeshev); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Clone: {0}", nasko); var atanas = (Customer)nasko.Clone(); atanas.EGN = 411214244; Customer[] customers = { gosho, atanas, nasko, peshoPeshev }; Array.Sort(customers); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Sorted customers(first name, egn):"); foreach (var customer in customers) { Console.WriteLine(customer.FirstName + " " + customer.LastName + " " + customer.EGN); } }
static void Main() { Payment p1 = new Payment("Coffee", 2.53m); Payment p2 = new Payment("Tea", 1.41m); Payment p3 = new Payment("Beer", 3.78m); Payment p4 = new Payment("Cheese", 6.33m); Payment p5 = new Payment("Bread", 1.02m); IList<Payment> payments1 = new List<Payment> {p1, p2}; IList<Payment> payments2 = new List<Payment> { p1, p2 }; IList<Payment> payments3 = new List<Payment> { p2, p3, p4, p5 }; IList<Payment> payments4 = new List<Payment> { p3, p4 }; IList<Payment> payments5 = new List<Payment> { p4, p5 }; Customer pesho = new Customer("Petar", "Dimitrov", "Petrov", 6005121315, "Sofia", "0888-888888", "", payments1, CustomerType.Diamond); Customer gosho1 = new Customer("Georgi", "Mihajlov", "Georgiev", 7510124567, "Plovdiv", "0777-777777", "", payments3, CustomerType.Golden); Customer gosho2 = new Customer("Georgi", "Mihajlov", "Georgiev", 7510124567, "Plovdiv", "0777-777777", "", payments3, CustomerType.Golden); Customer gosho3 = new Customer("Georgi", "Mihajlov", "Georgiev", 6510124567, "Plovdiv", "0777-777777", "", payments3, CustomerType.Golden); Customer misho = new Customer("Mihail", "Todorov", "Todorov", 5512024567, "Ruse", "0666-666666", "", payments4, CustomerType.OneTime); IList<Customer> customers = new List<Customer> { pesho, gosho1, gosho2, gosho3, misho }; Console.WriteLine("Print HashCodes:"); foreach (var customer in customers) { Console.WriteLine(customer.GetHashCode()); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Print equalities: "); Console.WriteLine(pesho.Equals(gosho1)); Console.WriteLine(pesho == gosho1); Console.WriteLine(gosho1 == gosho2); Console.WriteLine(gosho1 != gosho3); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Prnt cloning:"); Customer cloning = (Customer)pesho.Clone(); Console.WriteLine("cloning == pesho? {0}", cloning == pesho); Console.WriteLine("Cloning:\n" + cloning); Console.WriteLine("Pesho:\n" + pesho); cloning.FirstName = "Joro"; Console.WriteLine("Cloning after changing first name:\n" + cloning); Console.WriteLine("Pesho:\n" + pesho); Console.WriteLine("Compare to:"); Console.WriteLine("gosho1 compareTo gosho2: {0}", gosho1.CompareTo(gosho2)); Console.WriteLine("gosho1 compareTo gosho3: {0}", gosho1.CompareTo(gosho3)); Console.WriteLine("gosho3 compareTo gosho1: {0}", gosho3.CompareTo(gosho1)); }
private static void Main() { List<Payment> pays = new List<Payment>(); Payment loan = new Payment("mortgage", 250); Payment rent = new Payment("rent", 350); pays.Add(loan); pays.Add(rent); Customer joro = new Customer("Petar", "Ivanov", "Georgiev", 8902021001, "Varna, Gen. Kolev 24", "1232143243", "*****@*****.**", pays, CustomerType.Regular); Console.WriteLine(joro); Object stamat = joro.Clone(); joro.FirstName = "Aleksandur"; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(joro); Console.WriteLine(joro.ToString()); Payment payment = new Payment("Dell", 600); Payment payment2 = new Payment("Dell", 600); Customer gosho = new Customer("Gosho", "Goshev", "Goshev", 6212123344, "jivee nablizo", "0887 888888", "*****@*****.**", pays, CustomerType.Diamond); Customer pesho = new Customer("Gosho", "Goshev", "Goshev", 6212123344, "jivee nablizo", "0887 888888", "*****@*****.**", pays, CustomerType.Diamond); Customer peshoPeshev = new Customer("Pesho", "Peshev", "Peshev", 311214244, "jivee nqkyde", "0887 823888", "*****@*****.**", pays, CustomerType.Golden); Console.WriteLine("Are gosho and pesho equal: {0}", Equals(gosho, pesho)); Console.WriteLine("Are pesho and pesho peshev equal: {0}", Equals(pesho, peshoPeshev)); Console.WriteLine("Are gosho and pesho equal using '==': {0}", (gosho == pesho)); Console.WriteLine(gosho); Console.WriteLine("Pesho Peshev HashCode is: {0}", peshoPeshev.GetHashCode()); var nasko = (Customer)peshoPeshev.Clone(); nasko.FirstName = "Nasko"; nasko.MiddleName = "Atanasov"; nasko.LastName = "Naskov"; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Original after cloning: {0}", peshoPeshev); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Clone: {0}", nasko); var atanas = (Customer)nasko.Clone(); atanas.Id = 411214244; Customer[] customers = { gosho, atanas, nasko, peshoPeshev }; Array.Sort(customers); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Sorted customers(first name, egn):"); foreach (var customer in customers) { Console.WriteLine(customer.FirstName + " " + customer.LastName + " " + customer.Id); } }
static void Main() { Payment payment = new Payment("Samsung", 1000); Payment payment2 = new Payment("Samsung", 1000); Customer walter = new Customer("Walter", "Hartwell", "White", 6303210844, "Sofia", "0888 888 888", "*****@*****.**", CustomerType.Diamond, payment); Customer philip = new Customer("Philip", "Rodriguez", "Lopez", 9403210844, "Sofia", "0888 888 888", "*****@*****.**", CustomerType.Diamond, payment2); Console.WriteLine(Equals(walter, philip)); Console.WriteLine(walter == philip); Console.WriteLine(walter); var walterClone = (Customer)walter.Clone(); Console.WriteLine(walterClone); }
static void Main() { Payment pay = new Payment("Beer", 0.5M); Customer customer = new Customer("Patar", "Ivanov", 1000000000, pay, CustomerType.OneTime); Console.WriteLine(customer); Console.WriteLine(); Customer clone = (Customer)customer.Clone(); clone.AddPayment(new Payment("Rakia", 8M)); Console.WriteLine(clone); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(customer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(customer.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine(clone.GetHashCode()); }
static void Main() { var paymentKocev = new Payment("LG G3", 1200); var kocev = new DiamondCustomer("Milen", "Rusev", "Kocev", "38394A", "Varna, Bulgaria", "+359 899 123001", "*****@*****.**", CustomerType.Diamond); kocev.Payments.Add(paymentKocev); var paymentStoyanov = new Payment("Football Gloves Adidas", 300); var stoyanov = new GoldenCustomer("Vladislav", "Boykov", "Stoyanov", "820129ZX", "Razgrad, Bulgaria", "+359 2 392910", "*****@*****.**", CustomerType.Golden, paymentStoyanov); var stoyanov2 = new GoldenCustomer("Vladislav", "Boykov", "Stoyanov", "820129ZX", "Razgrad, Bulgaria", "+359 2 392910", "*****@*****.**", CustomerType.Golden, paymentStoyanov); Console.WriteLine(kocev); Console.WriteLine(stoyanov); var isCustomerEqual = stoyanov2.Equals(stoyanov); Console.WriteLine(isCustomerEqual); Console.WriteLine(stoyanov.GetHashCode() + "\n" + stoyanov2.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine(kocev.GetHashCode() + "\n" + stoyanov.GetHashCode()); if (stoyanov == kocev) { Console.WriteLine("The objects are equal"); } if (stoyanov != kocev) { Console.WriteLine("The objects are not equal"); } Console.WriteLine(); var clonedCustomer = (Customer)kocev.Clone(); Console.WriteLine(clonedCustomer); Console.WriteLine("Testing CompareTo:"); if (kocev.CompareTo(clonedCustomer) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("The two objects are equal."); } }
static void Main() { Payment videoCard = new Payment("Nvidia GTX 670", 250m); Payment ssd = new Payment("SSD", 150.32m); Customer pesho = new Customer("Pesho", "Ivanov", 8712013812, CustomerType.OneTime, videoCard, ssd); Payment vacation = new Payment("Vacation", 1250); Customer mariika = new Customer("Mariika", "Petrova", "Ilieva", 3203631101, CustomerType.Diamond, "Plovdiv", null, null, vacation); Customer mariikaCopy = (Customer)mariika.Clone(); Customer goshko = new Customer("Goshko", "Petrov", 9912121212, CustomerType.Golden, ssd, vacation, videoCard); Console.WriteLine(pesho == mariika); Console.WriteLine(mariika == mariikaCopy); Console.WriteLine(); Customer[] customers = { pesho, mariika, goshko }; Array.Sort(customers); Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", customers.ToList())); }
public static void Main() { var payFollow = new Payment("Desyatka", 10); var lusi = new Customer( "Lusi", "Sharapova", 9502128796, 088815500, "*****@*****.**", CustomerType.OneTime, payFollow); var doncho = lusi.Clone() as Customer; doncho.FirstName = "Doncho"; doncho.LastName = "Petrov"; Console.WriteLine(doncho); Console.WriteLine(lusi); var teodosi = new Customer( "teodosi", "Tyrnovski", 85998838, 0899339949, "*****@*****.**", CustomerType.Diamond); var toncho = teodosi.Clone() as Customer; toncho.Id = 8234353535; toncho.LastName = "Karamazov"; var customers = new List<Customer> { lusi, doncho, teodosi, toncho }; customers.Sort(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", customers)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Payment first=new Payment("Keyboard",120); Payment second=new Payment("Mouse",100); Payment third=new Payment("Monitor",670); List<Payment>payments=new List<Payment>(); payments.Add(first); payments.Add(second); payments.Add(third); Customer one = new Customer("Petar", "Rusev", "Rusev", "8701239089", "Sofia,Diana Bad,ul.Loven Park 3", "0897123852", "*****@*****.**",payments,GetEnumDescription.GetDescription(CustomerType.Diamond,"")); Customer four = new Customer("Ivan", "Rusev", "Rusev", "8701230987", "Sofia,Diana Bad,ul.Loven Park 3", "0897123852", "*****@*****.**", payments, GetEnumDescription.GetDescription(CustomerType.Gold, "")); Customer two = (Customer)one.Clone(); Console.WriteLine(one.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(two.ToString()); foreach(Payment p in one.Payments) { Console.WriteLine(p); } foreach (Payment p in two.Payments) { Console.WriteLine(p); } Console.WriteLine(one.CompareTo(four)); }
static void Main() { Payment payment = new Payment("laptop", 600); Payment payment2 = new Payment("pc", 2300); Customer gosho = new Customer("Gosho", "Goshev", "Goshev", 6212123344, "test address 0", "0123456789", "*****@*****.**", Type.Diamond, payment); Customer pesho = new Customer("Pesho", "Peshev", "Peshev", 1567515677, "test address 1", "0897654321", "*****@*****.**", Type.Golden, payment); Customer tosho = new Customer("Tosho", "Toshev", "Toshev", 4687515615, "test address 23", "0456789123", "*****@*****.**", Type.OneTime); Console.WriteLine("Are gosho and pesho equal: {0}", Equals(gosho, pesho)); Console.WriteLine("Are pesho and tosho equal: {0}", Equals(pesho, tosho)); Console.WriteLine("Are gosho and tosho equal using '==': {0}", (gosho == tosho)); Console.WriteLine(gosho); Console.WriteLine("Pesho HashCode is: {0}", pesho.GetHashCode()); var nasko = (Customer)pesho.Clone(); nasko.FirstName = "Nasko"; nasko.MiddleName = "Atanasov"; nasko.LastName = "Naskov"; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Original after cloning: {0}", pesho); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Clone: {0}", nasko); var atanas = (Customer)nasko.Clone(); atanas.EGN = 411214784; Customer[] customers = { gosho, atanas, nasko, pesho }; Array.Sort(customers); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Sorted customers(first name, egn):"); foreach (var customer in customers) { Console.WriteLine(customer.FirstName + " " + customer.LastName + " " + customer.EGN); } }
static void Main() { Payment keyboard = new Payment("Keyboard MODECOM", 35m); Payment monitor = new Payment("Monitor Sony", 149.99m); Payment glasses = new Payment("Glasses Alpina", 79.80m); Payment shoes = new Payment("Sport shoes Adidas", 179.99m); Payment dog = new Payment("Husky", 90m); Customer gosho = new Customer( "Georgi", "Petrov", "Ivanov", "9305054476", "Borisova 34", "0883-43-43-12", "*****@*****.**", new List<Payment>() { keyboard, monitor }, CustomerType.Regular); Customer dancho = new Customer( "Yordan", "Yordanov", "Kirov", "7305041495", "Borisova 55", "0883-44-66-92", "*****@*****.**", new List<Payment>() { glasses, shoes }, CustomerType.Golden); Customer tanq = new Customer( "Tatqna", "Georgieva", "Petrova", "7402031596", "Borisova 35", "0889-49-23-67", "*****@*****.**", new List<Payment>() { glasses, shoes, dog, monitor }, CustomerType.Diamond); // correct copy Customer goshoCopy = (Customer)gosho.Clone(); goshoCopy.FirstName = "Gecata"; goshoCopy.Payments.Add(new Payment("Car audi A4", 5000m)); Console.WriteLine(gosho); Console.WriteLine(goshoCopy); Console.WriteLine("goshoCopy == gosho : {0}", goshoCopy == gosho); Console.WriteLine("gosho.Equals(goshoCopy) : {0}", gosho.Equals(goshoCopy)); Console.WriteLine("Object.ReferenceEquals(gosho, goshoCopy) : {0}", Object.ReferenceEquals(gosho, goshoCopy)); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n"); // incorrect copy goshoCopy = gosho; gosho.FirstName = "Goshkata"; goshoCopy.Payments.Add(new Payment("Car audi A4", 5000m)); Console.WriteLine(gosho); Console.WriteLine(goshoCopy); Console.WriteLine("goshoCopy == gosho : {0}", goshoCopy == gosho); Console.WriteLine("gosho.Equals(goshoCopy) : {0}", gosho.Equals(goshoCopy)); Console.WriteLine("Object.ReferenceEquals(gosho, goshoCopy) : {0}", Object.ReferenceEquals(gosho, goshoCopy)); }