Exemple #1
        // Resumen:
        //     Creates a rotation matrix.
        public static MyMatrix4x4 Rotate(MyQuatern q)
            //  Manipulacion algebraica de p' = q*p*q^-1
            //  Cos(angulo/2) + Sin(angulo)(ijk)
            //  Vec3 angel = q.eulerAngles;

             * m00 = 1 - 2 * qy2 - 2 * qz2      |   m01 = 2 * qx * qy - 2 * qz * qw   |  m02 = 2 * qx * qz + 2 * qy * qw
             * m10 = 2 * qx * qy + 2 * qz * qw  |   m11 = 1 - 2 * qx2 - 2 * qz2       |  m12 = 2 * qy * qz - 2 * qx * qw
             * m20 = 2 * qx * qz - 2 * qy * qw  |   m21 = 2 * qy * qz + 2 * qx * qw   |  m22 = 1 - 2 * qx2 - 2 * qy2

            MyMatrix4x4 newM = MyMatrix4x4.identity;

            newM.m00 = 1 - 2 * (q.y * q.y) - 2 * (q.z * q.z);
            newM.m01 = 2 * q.x * q.y - 2 * q.z * q.w;
            newM.m02 = 2 * q.x * q.z + 2 * q.y * q.w;
            newM.m10 = 2 * q.x * q.y + 2 * q.z * q.w;
            newM.m11 = 1 - 2 * (q.x * q.x) - 2 * (q.z * q.z);
            newM.m12 = 2 * q.y * q.z - 2 * q.x * q.w;
            newM.m20 = 2 * q.x * q.z - 2 * q.y * q.w;
            newM.m21 = 2 * q.y * q.z + 2 * q.x * q.w;
            newM.m22 = 1 - 2 * (q.x * q.x) - 2 * (q.y * q.y);

Exemple #2
 // Resumen:
 //      The transposed matrix is the one that has the Matrix4x4's columns exchanged with its rows. (Read Only)
 public static MyMatrix4x4 Transpose(MyMatrix4x4 m)
     return(new MyMatrix4x4(new Vector4(m.m00, m.m01, m.m02, m.m03),
                            new Vector4(m.m10, m.m11, m.m12, m.m13),
                            new Vector4(m.m20, m.m21, m.m22, m.m23),
                            new Vector4(m.m30, m.m31, m.m32, m.m33)));
Exemple #3
        public static MyMatrix4x4 operator *(MyMatrix4x4 lhs, MyMatrix4x4 rhs)
            // Primero los elementos de las filas (lhs) y despues los elementos de las columnas (rhs)
            MyMatrix4x4 newMatrix = MyMatrix4x4.zero;

            newMatrix.m00 = (lhs.m00 * rhs.m00) + (lhs.m01 * rhs.m10) + (lhs.m02 * rhs.m20) + (lhs.m03 * rhs.m30);
            newMatrix.m01 = (lhs.m00 * rhs.m01) + (lhs.m01 * rhs.m11) + (lhs.m02 * rhs.m21) + (lhs.m03 * rhs.m31);
            newMatrix.m02 = (lhs.m00 * rhs.m02) + (lhs.m01 * rhs.m12) + (lhs.m02 * rhs.m22) + (lhs.m03 * rhs.m32);
            newMatrix.m03 = (lhs.m00 * rhs.m03) + (lhs.m01 * rhs.m13) + (lhs.m02 * rhs.m23) + (lhs.m03 * rhs.m33);

            newMatrix.m10 = (lhs.m10 * rhs.m00) + (lhs.m11 * rhs.m10) + (lhs.m12 * rhs.m20) + (lhs.m13 * rhs.m30);
            newMatrix.m11 = (lhs.m10 * rhs.m01) + (lhs.m11 * rhs.m11) + (lhs.m12 * rhs.m21) + (lhs.m13 * rhs.m31);
            newMatrix.m12 = (lhs.m10 * rhs.m02) + (lhs.m11 * rhs.m12) + (lhs.m12 * rhs.m22) + (lhs.m13 * rhs.m32);
            newMatrix.m13 = (lhs.m10 * rhs.m03) + (lhs.m11 * rhs.m13) + (lhs.m12 * rhs.m23) + (lhs.m13 * rhs.m33);

            newMatrix.m20 = (lhs.m20 * rhs.m00) + (lhs.m21 * rhs.m10) + (lhs.m22 * rhs.m20) + (lhs.m23 * rhs.m30);
            newMatrix.m21 = (lhs.m20 * rhs.m01) + (lhs.m21 * rhs.m11) + (lhs.m22 * rhs.m21) + (lhs.m23 * rhs.m31);
            newMatrix.m22 = (lhs.m20 * rhs.m02) + (lhs.m21 * rhs.m12) + (lhs.m22 * rhs.m22) + (lhs.m23 * rhs.m32);
            newMatrix.m23 = (lhs.m20 * rhs.m03) + (lhs.m21 * rhs.m13) + (lhs.m22 * rhs.m23) + (lhs.m23 * rhs.m33);

            newMatrix.m30 = (lhs.m30 * rhs.m00) + (lhs.m31 * rhs.m10) + (lhs.m32 * rhs.m20) + (lhs.m33 * rhs.m30);
            newMatrix.m31 = (lhs.m30 * rhs.m01) + (lhs.m31 * rhs.m11) + (lhs.m32 * rhs.m21) + (lhs.m33 * rhs.m31);
            newMatrix.m32 = (lhs.m30 * rhs.m02) + (lhs.m31 * rhs.m12) + (lhs.m32 * rhs.m22) + (lhs.m33 * rhs.m32);
            newMatrix.m33 = (lhs.m30 * rhs.m03) + (lhs.m31 * rhs.m13) + (lhs.m32 * rhs.m23) + (lhs.m33 * rhs.m33);

Exemple #4
        // Resumen:
        //     Creates a translation, rotation and scaling matrix.
        public static MyMatrix4x4 TRS(Vec3 pos, MyQuatern q, Vec3 s)
            MyMatrix4x4 translate = MyMatrix4x4.Translate(pos);
            MyMatrix4x4 rotate    = MyMatrix4x4.Rotate(q);
            MyMatrix4x4 scale     = MyMatrix4x4.Scale(s);

            MyMatrix4x4 newM = translate * rotate * scale;

Exemple #5
        // Resumen:
        //     Creates a translation matrix.
        public static MyMatrix4x4 Translate(Vec3 vector)
            MyMatrix4x4 newM = MyMatrix4x4.identity;

            newM.m03 = vector.x;
            newM.m13 = vector.y;
            newM.m23 = vector.z;
            newM.m33 = 1;

Exemple #6
        // Resumen:
        //     Creates a scaling matrix.
        public static MyMatrix4x4 Scale(Vec3 vector)
            MyMatrix4x4 newM = MyMatrix4x4.zero;

            newM.m00 = vector.x;
            newM.m11 = vector.y;
            newM.m22 = vector.z;
            newM.m33 = 1;

Exemple #7
 // Resumen:
 //     Sets this matrix to a translation, rotation and scaling matrix.
 public void SetTRS(Vec3 pos, MyQuatern q, Vec3 s)
     this = MyMatrix4x4.TRS(pos, q, s);
Exemple #8
 public bool Equals(MyMatrix4x4 other)
     return(this == other);