Exemple #1
        public WordDataList(int rows, int columns, List <String> originalWordList)
            OriginalWordList   = originalWordList;
            AllWordData        = new List <WordData>();
            HorizontalWordData = new List <WordData>();
            VerticalWordData   = new List <WordData>();

            int wordID = 0;

            foreach (String word in originalWordList)
                // unique for each word in the sequence txt file

                // All horizontal word possibilities
                for (int row = 1; row < rows + 1; row++)
                    for (int column = 1; column < columns + 1; column++)
                        if (column + (word.Length - 1) <= columns)
                            WordData wordData = new WordData(Orientation.Row, row, column, word, wordID);

                // All vertical word possibilities
                for (int column = 1; column < columns + 1; column++)
                    for (int row = 1; row < rows + 1; row++)
                        if (row + (word.Length - 1) <= rows)
                            WordData wordData = new WordData(Orientation.Column, row, column, word, wordID);
        private void AddVerticalSequences(List <String[]> crozzleColumns)
            int    columnNumber = 0;
            int    rowIndex;
            String column;

            foreach (String[] crozzleColumn in crozzleColumns)
                rowIndex = 0;

                // Place all letters into one string, so that we can split it later.
                column = "";
                foreach (String letter in crozzleColumn)
                    column = column + letter;

                // Use split to collect all sequences of letters.
                String[] letterSequences = column.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                // Collect and store data about each letter sequence of length > 1, as a sequence of one letter is not a word.
                foreach (String sequence in letterSequences)
                    if (sequence.Length > 1)
                        // Set row values.
                        int rowNumber = column.IndexOf(sequence, rowIndex) + 1;

                        // Collect data about the word, and
                        // update the index for the next substring search.
                        WordData word = new WordData(WordData.OrientationColumn, rowNumber, columnNumber, sequence);
                        rowIndex = word.Location.Row - 1 + sequence.Length;

                        // Store data about the word.
        private void AddHorizontalSequences(List <String[]> crozzleRows)
            int    rowNumber = 0;
            int    columnIndex;
            String row;

            foreach (String[] crozzleRow in crozzleRows)
                columnIndex = 0;

                // Place all letters into one string, so that we can split it later.
                row = "";
                foreach (String letter in crozzleRow)
                    row = row + letter;

                // Use split to collect all sequences of letters.
                String[] letterSequences = row.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                // Collect and store data about each letter sequence of length > 1, as a sequence of one letter is not a word.
                foreach (String sequence in letterSequences)
                    if (sequence.Length > 1)
                        // Set column values.
                        int columnNumber = row.IndexOf(sequence, columnIndex) + 1;

                        // Collect data about the word, and
                        // update the index for the next substring search.
                        WordData word = new WordData(WordData.OrientationRow, rowNumber, row.IndexOf(sequence, columnIndex) + 1, sequence);
                        columnIndex = word.Location.Column - 1 + sequence.Length;

                        // Store data about the word.
        public static Boolean TryParse(List <TitleSequence> originalWordDataList, Crozzle aCrozzle, out WordDataList aWordDataList)
            List <WordData> aList = new List <WordData>();

            Errors        = new List <String>();
            aWordDataList = new WordDataList(originalWordDataList);

            foreach (TitleSequence block in originalWordDataList)
                WordData aWordData;
                if (WordData.TryParse(block, aCrozzle, out aWordData))
            aWordDataList.Valid = Errors.Count == 0;
        private void MapLetters(List <String[]> crozzleRows, WordData wordData)
            int row;
            int column;

            row = 0;
            foreach (String[] letters in crozzleRows)
                column = 0;
                foreach (String letter in letters)
                    if (letter[0] != ' ')
                        Map[row, column] = true;

            if (wordData.Orientation.IsHorizontal)
                int col = wordData.Location.Column;
                foreach (Char letter in wordData.Letters)
                    Map[wordData.Location.Row, col++] = true;
                int rOw = wordData.Location.Row;
                foreach (Char letter in wordData.Letters)
                    Map[rOw++, wordData.Location.Column] = true;
Exemple #6
        public Boolean IsValid(WordData wordData)
            GridSequences.GridWordDataErrorsDetected = false;

            // Check that if the word data is not overlapping with opposite oriented words
            if (wordData.Orientation.IsHorizontal)

            // Check that if the word data is not overlapping with words having same orientation AND
            // Check that if the word data is not touching other words havings same/opposite orientation
            if (GridSequences.GridWordDataErrorsDetected == false)

            // Check word group count
            if (GridSequences.GridWordDataErrorsDetected == false)
                GridSequences.CheckGroupCount(GridRows, GridColumns, wordData);

            // If the grid is valid?
            if (GridSequences.GridWordDataErrorsDetected)
Exemple #7
        public static Boolean TryParse(String originalWordDataData, Crozzle aCrozzle, out WordData aWordData)
            String[] originalWordData = originalWordDataData.Split(new Char[] { '=', ',' });

            Errors    = new List <String>();
            aWordData = new WordData(originalWordData);

            // Check that the original word data has the correct number of fields.
            if (originalWordData.Length != NumberOfFields)
                Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.FieldCountError, originalWordData.Length, originalWordDataData, NumberOfFields));

            // Check that each field is not empty.
            for (int field = 0; field < originalWordData.Length; field++)
                if (originalWordData[field].Length == 0)
                    Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.BlankFieldError, originalWordDataData, field));

            if (originalWordData.Length > 0)
                // Check that the 1st field is an orientation value.
                Orientation anOrientation;
                if (!Orientation.TryParse(originalWordData[0], out anOrientation))
                aWordData.Orientation = anOrientation;

                if (anOrientation.Valid)
                    // Check that the 2nd and 4th fields are a Coordinate.
                    if (originalWordData.Length >= NumberOfFields)
                        String rowValue    = "";
                        String columnValue = "";
                        if (anOrientation.IsHorizontal)
                            // UPDATED
                            rowValue    = originalWordData[3];
                            columnValue = originalWordData[4];
                        else if (anOrientation.IsVertical)
                            // UPDATED
                            rowValue    = originalWordData[3];
                            columnValue = originalWordData[4];

                        if (rowValue.Length > 0 && columnValue.Length > 0)
                            Coordinate aCoordinate;
                            if (!Coordinate.TryParse(rowValue, columnValue, aCrozzle, out aCoordinate))
                            aWordData.Location = aCoordinate;

                    // Check that the 3rd field is alphabetic, and in the wordlist.
                    if (originalWordData.Length >= NumberOfFields - 1)
                        String originalWord = originalWordData[1];
                        if (originalWord.Length > 0)
                            if (Regex.IsMatch(originalWord, Configuration.allowedCharacters))
                                aWordData.Letters = originalWord;

                                // Check that the 3rd field is in the wordlist.
                                if (!aCrozzle.WordList.Contains(originalWord))
                                    Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.MissingWordError, originalWord));
                                Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.AlphabeticError, originalWord));

            aWordData.Valid = Errors.Count == 0;
        public CrozzleMap(List <String[]> crozzleRows, List <String[]> crozzleColumns, WordData wordData)
            // Create a 2D array of Boolean that is initialised to false.
            // For coding "neatness", it has an extra row at the top and one at the bottom, and
            // an extra column on the left and one on the right
            int numberOfRows    = crozzleRows.Count + extraRows;
            int numberOfColumns = crozzleColumns.Count + extraColumns;

            Map = new Boolean[numberOfRows, numberOfColumns];

            // Store a true value in the map at the same location as each letter
            this.MapLetters(crozzleRows, wordData);
        public void CheckGroupCount(List <String[]> gridRows, List <String[]> gridColumns, WordData wordData)
            CrozzleMap map   = new CrozzleMap(gridRows, gridColumns, wordData);
            int        count = map.GroupCount();

            if (count < Configuration.MinimumNumberOfGroups || count > Configuration.MaximumNumberOfGroups)
                GridWordDataErrors = true;
        private void CheckTouchingVerticalWordData(WordData wordData)
            foreach (WordData vwordData in VerticalSequences)
                if (vwordData.Location.Column == wordData.Location.Column)
                    if (vwordData.Location.Row < wordData.Location.Row - 1 && vwordData.Location.Row + vwordData.Letters.Length >= wordData.Location.Row)
                        GridWordDataErrors = true;
                    else if (vwordData.Location.Row >= wordData.Location.Row - 1 && vwordData.Location.Row <= wordData.Location.Row + wordData.Letters.Length)
                        GridWordDataErrors = true;
                else if (vwordData.Location.Column == wordData.Location.Column - 1 || vwordData.Location.Column == wordData.Location.Column + 1)
                    if (vwordData.Location.Row < wordData.Location.Row && vwordData.Location.Row + (vwordData.Letters.Length - 1) >= wordData.Location.Row)
                        if (vwordData.Location.Row + (vwordData.Letters.Length - 1) == wordData.Location.Row)
                            Boolean valid = false;

                            foreach (WordData hWordData in HorizontalSequences)
                                if (hWordData.Location.Row == wordData.Location.Row)
                                    if (Math.Min(vwordData.Location.Column, wordData.Location.Column) >= hWordData.Location.Column &&
                                        Math.Max(vwordData.Location.Column, wordData.Location.Column) <= hWordData.Location.Column + (hWordData.Letters.Length - 1))
                                        valid = true;

                            if (!valid)
                                GridWordDataErrors = true;
                            GridWordDataErrors = true;
                    else if (vwordData.Location.Row >= wordData.Location.Row && vwordData.Location.Row <= wordData.Location.Row + (wordData.Letters.Length - 1))
                        if (wordData.Location.Row + (wordData.Letters.Length - 1) == vwordData.Location.Row)
                            Boolean valid = false;

                            foreach (WordData hWordData in HorizontalSequences)
                                if (hWordData.Location.Row == vwordData.Location.Row)
                                    if (Math.Min(vwordData.Location.Column, wordData.Location.Column) >= hWordData.Location.Column &&
                                        Math.Max(vwordData.Location.Column, wordData.Location.Column) <= hWordData.Location.Column + (hWordData.Letters.Length - 1))
                                        valid = true;

                            if (!valid)
                                GridWordDataErrors = true;
                            GridWordDataErrors = true;

            foreach (WordData hwordData in HorizontalSequences)
                if (wordData.Location.Column >= hwordData.Location.Column && wordData.Location.Column <= hwordData.Location.Column + (hwordData.Letters.Length - 1))
                    if (wordData.Location.Row + (wordData.Letters.Length - 1) == hwordData.Location.Row - 1 || wordData.Location.Row == hwordData.Location.Row + 1)
                        GridWordDataErrors = true;
                else if (wordData.Location.Column == hwordData.Location.Column - 1 || wordData.Location.Column == hwordData.Location.Column + hwordData.Letters.Length)
                    if (hwordData.Location.Row >= wordData.Location.Row && hwordData.Location.Row <= wordData.Location.Row + (wordData.Letters.Length - 1))
                        GridWordDataErrors = true;
Exemple #11
        public void Insert(WordData wordData)
            if (wordData.Location.Row >= 1 && wordData.Location.Row <= Rows &&
                wordData.Location.Column >= 1 && wordData.Location.Column <= Columns)
                if (wordData.Orientation.Direction == Orientation.Row)
                    // Store the letter into the approriate row.
                    String[] row = GridRows[wordData.Location.Row - 1];
                    int      col = wordData.Location.Column - 1;
                    foreach (Char c in wordData.Letters)
                        if (col < Columns)
                            row[col++] = new String(c, 1);

                    // Store each letter into the ith column, but the same row location.
                    int j = wordData.Location.Column - 1;
                    foreach (Char c in wordData.Letters)
                        if (j < Columns)
                            String[] column = GridColumns[j];
                            column[wordData.Location.Row - 1] = new String(c, 1);

                    // Store the letter into the ith row, but the same column location.
                    int j = wordData.Location.Row - 1;
                    foreach (Char c in wordData.Letters)
                        if (j < Rows)
                            String[] currentRow = GridRows[j];
                            currentRow[wordData.Location.Column - 1] = new String(c, 1);

                    // Store each letter into the approriate column.
                    String[] column = GridColumns[wordData.Location.Column - 1];
                    int      row    = wordData.Location.Row - 1;
                    foreach (Char c in wordData.Letters)
                        if (row < Rows)
                            column[row++] = new String(c, 1);


                GridSequences = new CrozzleSequences(GridRows, GridColumns, Configuration);
        public static Boolean TryParse(SequenceFragment fragment, Crozzle aCrozzle, out WordData aWordData)
            Errors = new List <String>();

            aWordData = new WordData();

            Orientation anOrientation;

            if (!Orientation.TryParse(fragment.DirectionIdentifier, out anOrientation))
            aWordData.Orientation = anOrientation;

            String[] fields = fragment.OriginalWordData.Split(new char[] { ',' }, 2);
            if (fields.Length != 2)
                Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.FieldCountError, fields.Length, (fields.Length == 1) ? String.Empty : "s", fragment.OriginalWordData));
                if (fields.Where(i => i.Contains("SEQUENCE")).Any() && fields.Where(i => i.Contains("LOCATION")).Any())
                    String[] wordField = fields.Where(item => item.Contains("SEQUENCE")).First().Split('=');
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(wordField[1]))
                        Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.BlankFieldError, fragment.OriginalWordData, wordField[0]));
                        if (Regex.IsMatch(wordField[1], Configuration.allowedCharacters))
                            aWordData.Letters = wordField[1];
                            Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.AlphabeticError, wordField[1]));

                    String[] locationField = fields.Where(item => item.Contains("LOCATION")).First().Split('=');
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationField[1]))
                        Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.BlankFieldError, fragment.OriginalWordData, wordField[0]));
                        String[] values = locationField[1].Split(',');
                        if (values.Length != 2)
                            Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.SequencePositionIncompleteError, fragment.OriginalWordData));
                            int posx, posy;
                            if (!Validator.IsInt32(values[0], out posx) || !Validator.IsInt32(values[1], out posy))
                                Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.SequencePositionInvalidError, fragment.OriginalWordData));
                                aWordData.Location = new Coordinate(posx, posy);
                    Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.SeqOrLocFieldMissingError, fragment.OriginalWordData));
            aWordData.OriginalWordData =
                new string[] { (aWordData.Orientation != null) ? aWordData.Orientation.Direction : null,
                               (aWordData.Location != null) ? aWordData.Location.Row.ToString() : null,
                               (aWordData.Location != null) ? aWordData.Location.Column.ToString() : null,
                               (aWordData.Letters != null) ? aWordData.Letters : null };

            aWordData.Valid = Errors.Count == 0;
Exemple #13
        public static Boolean TryParse(TitleSequence Block, Crozzle aCrozzle, out WordData aWordData)
            String[] originalWordData = Block.SequenceLine.Split(new Char[] { ',' }, 2);

            Errors    = new List <String>();
            aWordData = new WordData();
            String[] OldOriginalWordData = new string[4];

            // Check that the original word data has the correct number of fields.
            if (originalWordData.Length != NumberOfFields)
                Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.FieldCountError, originalWordData.Length, Block.SequenceLine, NumberOfFields));

            // If the title symbol exist
            if (Block.Title.Length > 0)
                // Check whether the title is an orientation value.
                Orientation anOrientation;
                if (!Orientation.TryParse(Block.Title, out anOrientation))

                aWordData.Orientation = anOrientation;

                if (anOrientation.Valid)
                    // Handle the name & sequence side
                    String[] WordName = originalWordData[0].Split('=');

                    // Figure out whether WordName = ['SEQUENCE','(words)']
                    if (WordName[0] != "SEQUENCE")
                        Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.MissingSymbol, Block.SequenceLine));
                    {   // Figure out whether the word is missing
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(WordName[1]))
                            Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.BlankFieldError, Block.SequenceLine, WordName[0]));
                        // Find out whether the word is alphabet
                        else if (!Regex.IsMatch(WordName[1], Configuration.allowedCharacters))
                            Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.AlphabeticError, WordName[1]));
                            aWordData.Letters = WordName[1];

                    // Handle the coordinate side
                    String[] WordCoordinate = originalWordData[1].Split('=');

                    // If the format is correct
                    if (WordName[0] == "SEQUENCE")
                        //find out whether the right side is seperated by equeal symbol
                        if (WordCoordinate.Length != 2)
                            Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.MissingSymbol, Block.SequenceLine));

                        // Find out whether the coordinate exists
                        else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(WordCoordinate[1]))
                            Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.BlankFieldError, Block.SequenceLine, WordCoordinate[0]));
                            // Get the Coordinate in string format
                            String[] CoordinateString = WordCoordinate[1].Split(',');

                            // Find out whether the CoordinateString is complete
                            if (CoordinateString.Length != 2)
                                Errors.Add(String.Format(WordDataErrors.CoordinateIncomplete, CoordinateString[0], originalWordData[1]));
                                // Get the coordinate of each word
                                String rowValue    = CoordinateString[0];
                                String columnValue = CoordinateString[1];

                                if (rowValue.Length > 0 && columnValue.Length > 0)
                                    Coordinate aCoordinate;
                                    if (!Coordinate.TryParse(rowValue, columnValue, aCrozzle, out aCoordinate))
                                    aWordData.Location = aCoordinate;

            // Switch to the old format
            if (aWordData.Orientation != null)
                OldOriginalWordData[0] = aWordData.Orientation.Direction;
            else if (aWordData.Location != null)
                OldOriginalWordData[1] = aWordData.Location.Row.ToString();
                OldOriginalWordData[3] = aWordData.Location.Column.ToString();
            else if (aWordData.Letters != null)
                OldOriginalWordData[2] = aWordData.Letters;

            // Pass the old format to old OldOriginalWordData
            aWordData.OriginalWordData = OldOriginalWordData;

            aWordData.Valid = Errors.Count == 0;