public void testNestedNodesWithList()
            HtmlElement td = new HtmlElement("td", "test");
            HtmlElement td2 = new HtmlElement("td", "test2");
            HtmlElement tr = new HtmlElement("tr", new List<HtmlElement>(){ td, td2 });
            Assert.AreEqual("<tr><td>test</td><td>test2</td></tr>", tr.Build());

 public void testAppendListOfElements()
     HtmlElement td = new HtmlElement("td", "test");
     HtmlElement td2 = new HtmlElement("td", "test2");
     var lst = new List<HtmlElement>() {td, td2};
     HtmlElement tr = new HtmlElement("tr");
     Assert.AreEqual("<tr><td>test</td><td>test2</td></tr>", tr.Build());
 public void testNestedNodesWithAppend()
     HtmlElement table = new HtmlElement("table");
     HtmlElement td = new HtmlElement("td", "test");
     HtmlElement td2 = new HtmlElement("td", "test2");
     HtmlElement tr = new HtmlElement("tr", new List<HtmlElement>() { td, td2 });
     table = table.Append(tr);
     Assert.AreEqual("<table><tr><td>test</td><td>test2</td></tr></table>", table.Build());
 public void testAnoymousFunc()
     var table = new HtmlElement("table", new Dictionary<string, string>() {{"width", "100%"}})
         .Append( ()=> 
             new HtmlElement("tr")
             .Append(new HtmlElement("td", "test", new Dictionary<string, string>() {{"class", "my-class"}}))
             .Append(new HtmlElement("td", "test2", new Dictionary<string, string>() {{"class", "my-class"}}))
     Assert.AreEqual("<table width='100%' ><tr><td class='my-class' >test</td><td class='my-class' >test2</td></tr></table>", table.Build());
 public void testAttributes()
     var attrs = new Dictionary<String, String>()
         {"class", "my-class and-another"},
         {"ng-value", "blah"}
     HtmlElement td = new HtmlElement("td", attrs);
     Assert.AreEqual("<td class='my-class and-another' ng-value='blah' ></td>", td.Build());
        private Dictionary<string, object> SetConfirmationMergeData(int parentEventId, IEnumerable<int> kids)
            var parentEvent = _eventService.GetEvent(parentEventId);
            var kidList = kids.Select(kid => _contactService.GetContactByParticipantId(kid)).Select(contact => contact.First_Name + " " + contact.Last_Name).ToList();

            var html = new HtmlElement("ul");
            var elements = kidList.Select(kid => new HtmlElement("li", kid));
            foreach (var htmlElement in elements)
            var mergeData = new Dictionary<string, object>
                {"EventTitle", parentEvent.EventTitle},
                {"EventStartDate", parentEvent.EventStartDate.ToString("g")},
                {"ChildNames", html.Build()}
            return mergeData;
 public void testTextNode()
     HtmlElement td = new HtmlElement("td", "test");
     Assert.AreEqual(td.Build(), "<td>test</td>");
 public void testBasicHtmlElement()
     HtmlElement table = new HtmlElement("table");
     Assert.AreEqual(table.Build(), "<table></table>");
 private String ChildcareData(IList<Participant> children)
     var el = new HtmlElement("span",
                              new Dictionary<string, string>(),
                              "You have indicated that you need childcare for the following children:")
         .Append(new HtmlElement("ul").Append(children.Select(child => new HtmlElement("li", child.DisplayName)).ToList()));
     return el.Build();