Exemple #1
        public static void ExportIOModelAsOBJ(string FileName, IOModel Model)
            StringBuilder o = new StringBuilder();

            // keep track of used names so we don't have name overlap
            Dictionary <string, int> UsedNames = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            // uuuggh
            int VertexCount = 1;

            foreach (IOMesh mesh in Model.Meshes)
                // append the index number for this mesh name
                string Meshname = mesh.Name;
                if (UsedNames.ContainsKey(mesh.Name))
                    UsedNames[mesh.Name] += 1;
                    o.AppendLine($"g _{UsedNames[mesh.Name]}");
                    UsedNames.Add(mesh.Name, 0);
                    o.AppendLine($"o {Meshname}");
                    o.AppendLine($"g _{UsedNames[mesh.Name]}");

                foreach (IOVertex v in mesh.Vertices)
                    o.AppendLine($"v {v.Position.X} {v.Position.Y} {v.Position.Z}");
                    o.AppendLine($"vn {v.Normal.X} {v.Normal.Y} {v.Normal.Z}");
                    o.AppendLine($"vt {v.UV0.X} {v.UV0.Y}");
                for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Indices.Count; i += 3)
                    o.AppendLine($"f {VertexCount+mesh.Indices[i]}/{VertexCount + mesh.Indices[i]}/{VertexCount + mesh.Indices[i]}" +
                                 $" {VertexCount + mesh.Indices[i+1]}/{VertexCount + mesh.Indices[i+1]}/{VertexCount + mesh.Indices[i+1]}" +
                                 $" {VertexCount + mesh.Indices[i+2]}/{VertexCount + mesh.Indices[i+2]}/{VertexCount + mesh.Indices[i+2]}");
                VertexCount += mesh.Vertices.Count;

            File.WriteAllText(FileName, o.ToString());
Exemple #2
        public static void ExportIOModelAsDAE(string FileName, IOModel m, bool Optimize, bool ExportMaterials)
            using (DAEWriter writer = new DAEWriter(FileName, Optimize))

                if (m.HasMaterials && ExportMaterials)
                    List <string> TextureNames = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var mat in m.Materials)
                        if (mat.DiffuseTexture != null && !TextureNames.Contains(mat.DiffuseTexture.Name))

                    foreach (var mat in m.Materials)

                    foreach (var mat in m.Materials)
                        writer.WriteEffect(mat.Name, mat.DiffuseTexture == null ? "" : mat.DiffuseTexture.Name);

                if (m.HasSkeleton)
                    foreach (var bone in m.Skeleton.Bones)
                        float[] Transform = new float[] { bone.Transform.M11, bone.Transform.M21, bone.Transform.M31, bone.Transform.M41,
                                                          bone.Transform.M12, bone.Transform.M22, bone.Transform.M32, bone.Transform.M42,
                                                          bone.Transform.M13, bone.Transform.M23, bone.Transform.M33, bone.Transform.M43,
                                                          bone.Transform.M14, bone.Transform.M24, bone.Transform.M34, bone.Transform.M44 };
                        float[] InvTransform = new float[] { bone.InvWorldTransform.M11, bone.InvWorldTransform.M21, bone.InvWorldTransform.M31, bone.InvWorldTransform.M41,
                                                             bone.InvWorldTransform.M12, bone.InvWorldTransform.M22, bone.InvWorldTransform.M32, bone.InvWorldTransform.M42,
                                                             bone.InvWorldTransform.M13, bone.InvWorldTransform.M23, bone.InvWorldTransform.M33, bone.InvWorldTransform.M43,
                                                             bone.InvWorldTransform.M14, bone.InvWorldTransform.M24, bone.InvWorldTransform.M34, bone.InvWorldTransform.M44 };
                        writer.AddJoint(bone.Name, bone.ParentID == -1 ? "" : m.Skeleton.Bones[bone.ParentID].Name, Transform, InvTransform);

                foreach (var mesh in m.Meshes)

                    if (mesh.MaterialIndex != -1)
                        writer.CurrentMaterial = m.Materials[mesh.MaterialIndex].Name;

                    // collect sources
                    List <float>   Position    = new List <float>();
                    List <float>   Normal      = new List <float>();
                    List <float>   UV0         = new List <float>();
                    List <float>   UV1         = new List <float>();
                    List <float>   UV2         = new List <float>();
                    List <float>   UV3         = new List <float>();
                    List <float>   Color       = new List <float>();
                    List <int[]>   BoneIndices = new List <int[]>();
                    List <float[]> BoneWeights = new List <float[]>();

                    foreach (var vertex in mesh.Vertices)
                        Position.Add(vertex.Position.X); Position.Add(vertex.Position.Y); Position.Add(vertex.Position.Z);
                        Normal.Add(vertex.Normal.X); Normal.Add(vertex.Normal.Y); Normal.Add(vertex.Normal.Z);
                        UV0.Add(vertex.UV0.X); UV0.Add(vertex.UV0.Y);
                        UV1.Add(vertex.UV1.X); UV1.Add(vertex.UV1.Y);
                        UV2.Add(vertex.UV2.X); UV2.Add(vertex.UV2.Y);
                        UV3.Add(vertex.UV3.X); UV3.Add(vertex.UV3.Y);
                        Color.AddRange(new float[] { vertex.Color.X, vertex.Color.Y, vertex.Color.Z, vertex.Color.W });

                        List <int>   bIndices = new List <int>();
                        List <float> bWeights = new List <float>();
                        if (vertex.BoneWeights.X > 0)
                        if (vertex.BoneWeights.Y > 0)
                        if (vertex.BoneWeights.Z > 0)
                        if (vertex.BoneWeights.W > 0)

                    // write sources
                    if (mesh.HasPositions)
                        writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Name, DAEWriter.VERTEX_SEMANTIC.POSITION, Position.ToArray(), mesh.Indices.ToArray());

                    if (mesh.HasNormals)
                        writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Name, DAEWriter.VERTEX_SEMANTIC.NORMAL, Normal.ToArray(), mesh.Indices.ToArray());

                    if (mesh.HasColor)
                        writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Name, DAEWriter.VERTEX_SEMANTIC.COLOR, Color.ToArray(), mesh.Indices.ToArray());

                    if (mesh.HasUV0)
                        writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Name, DAEWriter.VERTEX_SEMANTIC.TEXCOORD, UV0.ToArray(), mesh.Indices.ToArray(), 0);

                    if (mesh.HasUV1)
                        writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Name, DAEWriter.VERTEX_SEMANTIC.TEXCOORD, UV1.ToArray(), mesh.Indices.ToArray(), 1);

                    if (mesh.HasUV2)
                        writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Name, DAEWriter.VERTEX_SEMANTIC.TEXCOORD, UV2.ToArray(), mesh.Indices.ToArray(), 2);

                    if (mesh.HasUV3)
                        writer.WriteGeometrySource(mesh.Name, DAEWriter.VERTEX_SEMANTIC.TEXCOORD, UV3.ToArray(), mesh.Indices.ToArray(), 3);

                    if (mesh.HasBoneWeights)
                        writer.AttachGeometryController(BoneIndices, BoneWeights);


            /*COLLADA colladaFile = new COLLADA();
             * List<geometry> list_geometries = new List<geometry>(m.Meshes.Count);
             * if (m.HasMeshes)
             *  foreach (IOMesh iomesh in m.Meshes)
             *  {
             *      geometry g = new geometry();
             *      g.name = iomesh.Name;
             *      g.id = iomesh.Name + $"_{m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh)}";
             *      List<double> list_positions = new List<double>();
             *      List<double> list_normals = new List<double>();
             *      List<double> list_uvs = new List<double>();
             *      List<double> list_uvs2 = new List<double>();
             *      List<double> list_uvs3 = new List<double>();
             *      List<double> list_uvs4 = new List<double>();
             *      List<double> list_colors = new List<double>();
             *      foreach (IOVertex v in iomesh.Vertices)
             *      {
             *          list_positions.Add(v.Position.X);
             *          list_positions.Add(v.Position.Y);
             *          list_positions.Add(v.Position.Z);
             *          list_normals.Add(v.Normal.X);
             *          list_normals.Add(v.Normal.Y);
             *          list_normals.Add(v.Normal.Z);
             *          list_uvs.Add(v.UV0.X); list_uvs.Add(v.UV0.Y);
             *          list_uvs2.Add(v.UV1.X); list_uvs2.Add(v.UV1.Y);
             *          list_uvs3.Add(v.UV2.X); list_uvs3.Add(v.UV2.Y);
             *          list_uvs4.Add(v.UV3.X); list_uvs4.Add(v.UV3.Y);
             *      }
             *      // Generate Sources
             *      List<source> Sources = new List<source>();
             *      // Position
             *      source source_position = new source();
             *      {
             *          float_array floats = new float_array();
             *          floats.count = (ulong)list_positions.Count;
             *          floats.id = g.id + "_pos_arr";
             *          floats.Values = list_positions.ToArray();
             *          source_position = CreateSource(list_positions.Count, 3, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
             *          new param() { name="X", type="float"},
             *          new param() { name="Y", type="float"},
             *          new param() { name="Z", type="float"} });
             *      }
             *      Sources.Add(source_position);
             *      // Normal
             *      source source_normal = new source();
             *      {
             *          float_array floats = new float_array();
             *          floats.count = (ulong)list_normals.Count;
             *          floats.id = g.id + "_nrm_arr";
             *          floats.Values = list_normals.ToArray();
             *          source_normal = CreateSource(list_normals.Count, 3, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
             *          new param() { name="X", type="float"},
             *          new param() { name="Y", type="float"},
             *          new param() { name="Z", type="float"} });
             *      }
             *      Sources.Add(source_normal);
             *      List<InputLocalOffset> InputLocalOffsets = new List<InputLocalOffset>();
             *      int LocalOffset = 0;
             *      int UVSet = 0;
             *      // vertices
             *      vertices vertices = new vertices();
             *      vertices.id = g.id + "_verts";
             *      vertices.input = new InputLocal[]
             *      {
             *      new InputLocal() { source = "#" + source_position.id, semantic = "POSITION" },
             *      new InputLocal() { source = "#" + source_normal.id, semantic = "NORMAL" }
             *      };
             *      InputLocalOffsets.Add(new InputLocalOffset() { offset = (ulong)LocalOffset++, semantic = "VERTEX", source = "#" + vertices.id });
             *      // UV0
             *      if (iomesh.HasUV0)
             *      {
             *          source source_uv0 = new source();
             *          {
             *              float_array floats = new float_array();
             *              floats.count = (ulong)list_uvs.Count;
             *              floats.id = g.id + $"_uv{UVSet}_arr";
             *              floats.Values = list_uvs.ToArray();
             *              source_uv0 = CreateSource(list_uvs.Count, 2, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
             *              new param() { name="S", type="float"},
             *              new param() { name="T", type="float"} });
             *          }
             *          Sources.Add(source_uv0);
             *          InputLocalOffsets.Add(new InputLocalOffset() { source = "#" + source_uv0.id, semantic = "TEXCOORD", offset = (ulong)LocalOffset++, set = (ulong)UVSet++ });
             *      }
             *      if (iomesh.HasUV1)
             *      {
             *          source source_uv0 = new source();
             *          {
             *              float_array floats = new float_array();
             *              floats.count = (ulong)list_uvs2.Count;
             *              floats.id = g.id + $"_uv{UVSet}_arr";
             *              floats.Values = list_uvs2.ToArray();
             *              source_uv0 = CreateSource(list_uvs2.Count, 2, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
             *              new param() { name="S", type="float"},
             *              new param() { name="T", type="float"} });
             *          }
             *          Sources.Add(source_uv0);
             *          InputLocalOffsets.Add(new InputLocalOffset() { source = "#" + source_uv0.id, semantic = "TEXCOORD", offset = (ulong)LocalOffset++, set = (ulong)UVSet++ });
             *      }
             *      if (iomesh.HasUV2)
             *      {
             *          source source_uv0 = new source();
             *          {
             *              float_array floats = new float_array();
             *              floats.count = (ulong)list_uvs3.Count;
             *              floats.id = g.id + $"_uv{UVSet}_arr";
             *              floats.Values = list_uvs3.ToArray();
             *              source_uv0 = CreateSource(list_uvs3.Count, 2, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
             *              new param() { name="S", type="float"},
             *              new param() { name="T", type="float"} });
             *          }
             *          Sources.Add(source_uv0);
             *          InputLocalOffsets.Add(new InputLocalOffset() { source = "#" + source_uv0.id, semantic = "TEXCOORD", offset = (ulong)LocalOffset++, set = (ulong)UVSet++ });
             *      }
             *      if (iomesh.HasUV3)
             *      {
             *          source source_uv0 = new source();
             *          {
             *              float_array floats = new float_array();
             *              floats.count = (ulong)list_uvs4.Count;
             *              floats.id = g.id + $"_uv{UVSet}_arr";
             *              floats.Values = list_uvs4.ToArray();
             *              source_uv0 = CreateSource(list_uvs4.Count, 2, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
             *              new param() { name="S", type="float"},
             *              new param() { name="T", type="float"} });
             *          }
             *          Sources.Add(source_uv0);
             *          InputLocalOffsets.Add(new InputLocalOffset() { source = "#" + source_uv0.id, semantic = "TEXCOORD", offset = (ulong)LocalOffset++, set = (ulong)UVSet++ });
             *      }
             *      // triangles
             *      triangles triangles = new triangles();
             *      triangles.count = ((ulong)iomesh.Indices.Count) / 3;
             *      triangles.input = InputLocalOffsets.ToArray();
             *      StringBuilder trianglebuilder = new StringBuilder();
             *      foreach(var i in iomesh.Indices)
             *      {
             *          for(int j = 0; j< InputLocalOffsets.Count; j++)
             *              trianglebuilder.Append($"{i} ");
             *      }
             *      triangles.p = trianglebuilder.ToString();
             *      // creating mesh
             *      mesh geomesh = new mesh();
             *      geomesh.source = Sources.ToArray();
             *      geomesh.Items = new object[] { triangles };
             *      geomesh.vertices = vertices;
             *      g.Item = geomesh;
             *      list_geometries.Add(g);
             *  }
             * library_geometries lib_geometry = new library_geometries();
             * lib_geometry.geometry = list_geometries.ToArray();
             * // controllers
             * List<controller> list_controller = new List<controller>();
             * if(m.HasMeshes && m.HasSkeleton)
             * {
             *  // create lists
             *  List<source> skinSources = new List<source>();
             *  List<string> boneNames = new List<string>();
             *  List<double> InverseBinds = new List<double>();
             *  foreach(RBone b in m.Skeleton.Bones)
             *  {
             *      boneNames.Add(b.Name);
             *      InverseBinds.AddRange(new double[] { b.InvWorldTransform.M11, b.InvWorldTransform.M21, b.InvWorldTransform.M31, b.InvWorldTransform.M41,
             *      b.InvWorldTransform.M12, b.InvWorldTransform.M22, b.InvWorldTransform.M32, b.InvWorldTransform.M42,
             *      b.InvWorldTransform.M13, b.InvWorldTransform.M23, b.InvWorldTransform.M33, b.InvWorldTransform.M43,
             *      b.InvWorldTransform.M14, b.InvWorldTransform.M24, b.InvWorldTransform.M34, b.InvWorldTransform.M44,});
             *  }
             *  // setup controllers
             *  foreach (IOMesh iomesh in m.Meshes)
             *  {
             *      controller controller = new controller()
             *      {
             *          id = iomesh.Name + "_" + m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh) + "_controller"
             *      };
             *      list_controller.Add(controller);
             *      // create source for weights
             *      List<double> weights = new List<double>();
             *      List<int> bones = new List<int>();
             *      List<int> boneCount = new List<int>();
             *      StringBuilder build_v = new StringBuilder();
             *      foreach(IOVertex v in iomesh.Vertices)
             *      {
             *          int bcount = 0;
             *          if (v.BoneWeights.X > 0)
             *          {
             *              if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.X)) weights.Add(v.BoneWeights.X);
             *              build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.X} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.X)} ");
             *              bcount++;
             *          }
             *          if (v.BoneWeights.Y > 0)
             *          {
             *              if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.Y)) weights.Add(v.BoneWeights.Y);
             *              build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.Y} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.Y)} ");
             *              bcount++;
             *          }
             *          if (v.BoneWeights.Z > 0)
             *          {
             *              if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.Z)) weights.Add(v.BoneWeights.Z);
             *              build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.Z} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.Z)} ");
             *              bcount++;
             *          }
             *          if (v.BoneWeights.W > 0)
             *          {
             *              if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.W)) weights.Add(v.BoneWeights.W);
             *              build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.W} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.W)} ");
             *              bcount++;
             *          }
             *          boneCount.Add(bcount);
             *      }
             *      // skin
             *      Name_array arr_name = new Name_array();
             *      arr_name.count = (ulong)boneNames.Count;
             *      arr_name.id = controller.id + "joints";
             *      arr_name.Values = boneNames.ToArray();
             *      source source_skin = CreateSource(boneNames.Count, 1, arr_name.id, arr_name, new param[] {
             *          new param() { name="JOINT", type="name"} });
             *      // bind
             *      float_array arr_bind = new float_array();
             *      arr_bind.count = (ulong)InverseBinds.Count;
             *      arr_bind.id = controller.id + "binds";
             *      arr_bind.Values = InverseBinds.ToArray();
             *      source source_binds = CreateSource(InverseBinds.Count, 16, arr_bind.id, arr_bind, new param[] {
             *          new param() { name="TRANSFORM", type="float4x4"} });
             *      // weight
             *      source source_weight = new source();
             *      {
             *          float_array floats = new float_array();
             *          floats.count = (ulong)weights.Count;
             *          floats.id = controller.id + "_weights";
             *          floats.Values = weights.ToArray();
             *          source_weight = CreateSource(weights.Count, 1, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
             *          new param() { name="WEIGHT", type="float"},});
             *      }
             *      skin skin = new skin();
             *      skin.source1 = "#" + iomesh.Name + $"_{m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh)}";
             *      skin.source = new source[] { source_skin, source_binds, source_weight};
             *      skin.joints = new skinJoints()
             *      {
             *          input = new InputLocal[]
             *          {
             *              new InputLocal()
             *              {
             *                  semantic = "JOINT",
             *                  source = "#" + source_skin.id
             *              },
             *              new InputLocal()
             *              {
             *                  semantic = "INV_BIND_MATRIX",
             *                  source = "#" + source_binds.id
             *              }
             *          }
             *      };
             *      //skin weights
             *      skin.vertex_weights = new skinVertex_weights();
             *      skin.vertex_weights.count = (ulong)iomesh.Vertices.Count;
             *      skin.vertex_weights.input = new InputLocalOffset[]
             *      {
             *          new InputLocalOffset()
             *          {
             *              semantic = "JOINT",
             *              source = "#" + source_skin.id,
             *              offset = 0
             *          },
             *          new InputLocalOffset()
             *          {
             *              semantic = "WEIGHT",
             *              source = "#" + source_weight.id,
             *              offset = 1
             *          }
             *      };
             *      skin.vertex_weights.vcount = string.Join(" ", boneCount);
             *      skin.vertex_weights.v = build_v.ToString();
             *      controller.Item = skin;
             *  }
             * }
             * library_controllers lib_controllers = new library_controllers();
             * lib_controllers.controller = list_controller.ToArray();
             * // scene nodes
             * List<node> scene_nodes = new List<node>();
             * int visual_index = 0;
             * if (m.HasSkeleton)
             * {
             *  Dictionary<RBone, node> boneToNode = new Dictionary<RBone, node>();
             *  foreach (RBone b in m.Skeleton.Bones)
             *  {
             *      // create bone node
             *      node node = new node();
             *      node.name = b.Name;
             *      node.id = "bone" + visual_index++;
             *      node.sid = b.Name;
             *      node.type = NodeType.JOINT;
             *      // add transform
             *      matrix mat = new matrix()
             *      {
             *          Values = new double[] { b.Transform.M11, b.Transform.M21 , b.Transform.M31 , b.Transform.M41,
             *          b.Transform.M12, b.Transform.M22 , b.Transform.M32 , b.Transform.M42,
             *          b.Transform.M13, b.Transform.M23 , b.Transform.M33 , b.Transform.M43,
             *          b.Transform.M14, b.Transform.M24 , b.Transform.M34 , b.Transform.M44,}
             *      };
             *      node.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[] { ItemsChoiceType2.matrix };
             *      node.Items = new object[] { mat };
             *      boneToNode.Add(b, node);
             *  }
             *  // deal with parenting
             *  foreach (var b in m.Skeleton.Bones)
             *  {
             *      if (b.ParentID == -1)
             *      {
             *          scene_nodes.Add(boneToNode[b]);
             *      }
             *      else
             *      {
             *          if (boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1 == null)
             *              boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1 = new node[0];
             *          node[] parentnode = boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1;
             *          Array.Resize<node>(ref parentnode, parentnode.Length + 1);
             *          parentnode[parentnode.Length - 1] = boneToNode[b];
             *          boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1 = parentnode;
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * if (m.HasMeshes)
             * {
             *  foreach (IOMesh iomesh in m.Meshes)
             *  {
             *      node node = new node() {
             *          id = "mesh" + visual_index++,
             *          name = iomesh.Name,
             *          type = NodeType.NODE
             *      };
             *      if (m.HasSkeleton)
             *      {
             *          instance_controller controller = new instance_controller()
             *          {
             *              url = "#" + iomesh.Name + "_" + m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh) + "_controller"
             *          };
             *          controller.skeleton = new string[] { "#bone0" };
             *          node.instance_controller = new instance_controller[] { controller };
             *      }
             *      scene_nodes.Add(node);
             *  }
             * }
             * // visual scene root
             * library_visual_scenes scenes = new library_visual_scenes();
             * scenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[] {
             *  new visual_scene(){
             *      id = "visualscene0",
             *      name = "rdmscene"
             * } };
             * scenes.visual_scene[0].node = scene_nodes.ToArray();
             * // scene
             * COLLADAScene scene = new COLLADAScene();
             * scene.instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra()
             * {
             *  url = "#visualscene0"
             * };
             * // putting it all together
             * colladaFile.Items = new object[] { lib_geometry, lib_controllers, scenes };
             * colladaFile.scene = scene;
             * colladaFile.Save(FileName);*/
Exemple #3
        public static void ExportIOModelAsPLY(string FileName, IOModel Model)
            int    num      = 0;
            string filepath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName);
            string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName);

            if (Model.HasMeshes)
                //.ply only support a sigle mesh, So export each mesh as a seperate file
                foreach (IOMesh mesh in Model.Meshes)
                    StringBuilder o = new StringBuilder();

                    //Using \n instead of AppendLine because it adds a white space, no text editor can see.
                    //No idea why. Opening it in a hex editor shows 0D
                    //.ply doesn't support white spaces unless it's a comment

                    o.Append("format ascii 1.0\n");
                    o.Append("comment Created by CrossMod: https://github.com/Ploaj/CrossMod/ \n");
                    o.Append($"element vertex {mesh.Vertices.Count}\n");

                    o.Append("property float x\n" +
                             "property float y\n" +
                             "property float z\n");

                    if (mesh.HasNormals)
                        o.Append("property float nx\n" +
                                 "property float ny\n" +
                                 "property float nz\n");
                    if (mesh.HasUV0)
                        o.Append("property float s\n" +
                                 "property float t\n");
                    if (mesh.HasColor)
                        o.Append("property uchar red\n" +
                                 "property uchar green\n" +
                                 "property uchar blue\n" +
                                 "property uchar alpha\n");

                    //Divide vertex count by 3 to get triangle count
                    o.Append($"element face {mesh.Indices.Count /3}\n");
                    o.Append("property list uchar uint vertex_indices\n");

                    foreach (IOVertex v in mesh.Vertices)
                        o.Append($"{v.Position.X} {v.Position.Y} {v.Position.Z}");

                        if (mesh.HasNormals)
                            o.Append($" {v.Normal.X} {v.Normal.Y} {v.Normal.Z}");

                        if (mesh.HasUV0)
                            o.Append($" {v.UV0.X} {v.UV0.Y}");

                        if (mesh.HasColor)
                            o.Append($" {v.Color.X} {v.Color.Y} {v.Color.Z} {v.Color.W}");


                    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Indices.Count; i += 3)
                        o.Append($"3 {mesh.Indices[i]} {mesh.Indices[i + 1]} {mesh.Indices[i + 2]}\n");

                    File.WriteAllText($"{filepath}\\{filename}_{num++}.ply", o.ToString());
Exemple #4
        public static void ExportIOModelAsDAE(string FileName, IOModel m)
            COLLADA colladaFile = new COLLADA();

            List <geometry> list_geometries = new List <geometry>(m.Meshes.Count);

            if (m.HasMeshes)
                foreach (IOMesh iomesh in m.Meshes)
                    geometry g = new geometry();
                    g.name = iomesh.Name;
                    g.id   = iomesh.Name + $"_{m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh)}";

                    List <double> list_positions = new List <double>();
                    List <double> list_normals   = new List <double>();
                    List <double> list_uvs       = new List <double>();
                    List <double> list_colors    = new List <double>();
                    foreach (IOVertex v in iomesh.Vertices)

                    // Position
                    source source_position = new source();
                        float_array floats = new float_array();
                        floats.count  = (ulong)list_positions.Count;
                        floats.id     = g.id + "_pos_arr";
                        floats.Values = list_positions.ToArray();

                        source_position = CreateSource(list_positions.Count, 3, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
                            new param()
                                name = "X", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "Y", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "Z", type = "float"

                    // Normal
                    source source_normal = new source();
                        float_array floats = new float_array();
                        floats.count  = (ulong)list_normals.Count;
                        floats.id     = g.id + "_nrm_arr";
                        floats.Values = list_normals.ToArray();

                        source_normal = CreateSource(list_normals.Count, 3, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
                            new param()
                                name = "X", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "Y", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "Z", type = "float"

                    // UV0
                    source source_uv0 = new source();
                        float_array floats = new float_array();
                        floats.count  = (ulong)list_uvs.Count;
                        floats.id     = g.id + "_uv0_arr";
                        floats.Values = list_uvs.ToArray();

                        source_uv0 = CreateSource(list_uvs.Count, 2, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
                            new param()
                                name = "S", type = "float"
                            new param()
                                name = "T", type = "float"

                    // vertices

                    vertices vertices = new vertices();
                    vertices.id    = g.id + "_verts";
                    vertices.input = new InputLocal[]
                        new InputLocal()
                            source = "#" + source_position.id, semantic = "POSITION"
                        new InputLocal()
                            source = "#" + source_normal.id, semantic = "NORMAL"
                        new InputLocal()
                            source = "#" + source_uv0.id, semantic = "TEXCOORD"

                    // triangles
                    triangles triangles = new triangles();
                    triangles.count = (ulong)iomesh.Indices.Count;
                    triangles.input = new InputLocalOffset[] {
                        new InputLocalOffset()
                            offset = 0, semantic = "VERTEX", source = "#" + vertices.id
                    triangles.p = string.Join(" ", iomesh.Indices);

                    // creating mesh
                    mesh geomesh = new mesh();
                    geomesh.source   = new source[] { source_position, source_normal, source_uv0 };
                    geomesh.Items    = new object[] { triangles };
                    geomesh.vertices = vertices;

                    g.Item = geomesh;

            library_geometries lib_geometry = new library_geometries();

            lib_geometry.geometry = list_geometries.ToArray();

            // controllers

            List <controller> list_controller = new List <controller>();

            if (m.HasMeshes && m.HasSkeleton)
                // create lists
                List <source> skinSources  = new List <source>();
                List <string> boneNames    = new List <string>();
                List <double> InverseBinds = new List <double>();
                foreach (RBone b in m.Skeleton.Bones)
                    InverseBinds.AddRange(new double[] { b.InvWorldTransform.M11, b.InvWorldTransform.M21, b.InvWorldTransform.M31, b.InvWorldTransform.M41,
                                                         b.InvWorldTransform.M12, b.InvWorldTransform.M22, b.InvWorldTransform.M32, b.InvWorldTransform.M42,
                                                         b.InvWorldTransform.M13, b.InvWorldTransform.M23, b.InvWorldTransform.M33, b.InvWorldTransform.M43,
                                                         b.InvWorldTransform.M14, b.InvWorldTransform.M24, b.InvWorldTransform.M34, b.InvWorldTransform.M44, });

                // setup controllers
                foreach (IOMesh iomesh in m.Meshes)
                    controller controller = new controller()
                        id = iomesh.Name + "_" + m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh) + "_controller"

                    // create source for weights
                    List <double> weights   = new List <double>();
                    List <int>    bones     = new List <int>();
                    List <int>    boneCount = new List <int>();
                    StringBuilder build_v   = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (IOVertex v in iomesh.Vertices)
                        int bcount = 0;
                        if (v.BoneWeights.X > 0)
                            if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.X))
                            build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.X} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.X)} ");
                        if (v.BoneWeights.Y > 0)
                            if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.Y))
                            build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.Y} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.Y)} ");
                        if (v.BoneWeights.Z > 0)
                            if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.Z))
                            build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.Z} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.Z)} ");
                        if (v.BoneWeights.W > 0)
                            if (!weights.Contains(v.BoneWeights.W))
                            build_v.Append($"{(int)v.BoneIndices.W} {weights.IndexOf(v.BoneWeights.W)} ");

                    // skin

                    Name_array arr_name = new Name_array();
                    arr_name.count  = (ulong)boneNames.Count;
                    arr_name.id     = controller.id + "joints";
                    arr_name.Values = boneNames.ToArray();

                    source source_skin = CreateSource(boneNames.Count, 1, arr_name.id, arr_name, new param[] {
                        new param()
                            name = "JOINT", type = "name"

                    // bind

                    float_array arr_bind = new float_array();
                    arr_bind.count  = (ulong)InverseBinds.Count;
                    arr_bind.id     = controller.id + "binds";
                    arr_bind.Values = InverseBinds.ToArray();

                    source source_binds = CreateSource(InverseBinds.Count, 16, arr_bind.id, arr_bind, new param[] {
                        new param()
                            name = "TRANSFORM", type = "float4x4"

                    // weight

                    source source_weight = new source();
                        float_array floats = new float_array();
                        floats.count  = (ulong)weights.Count;
                        floats.id     = controller.id + "_weights";
                        floats.Values = weights.ToArray();

                        source_weight = CreateSource(weights.Count, 1, floats.id, floats, new param[] {
                            new param()
                                name = "WEIGHT", type = "float"

                    skin skin = new skin();
                    skin.source1 = "#" + iomesh.Name + $"_{m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh)}";
                    skin.source  = new source[] { source_skin, source_binds, source_weight };

                    skin.joints = new skinJoints()
                        input = new InputLocal[]
                            new InputLocal()
                                semantic = "JOINT",
                                source   = "#" + source_skin.id
                            new InputLocal()
                                semantic = "INV_BIND_MATRIX",
                                source   = "#" + source_binds.id

                    //skin weights
                    skin.vertex_weights       = new skinVertex_weights();
                    skin.vertex_weights.count = (ulong)iomesh.Vertices.Count;
                    skin.vertex_weights.input = new InputLocalOffset[]
                        new InputLocalOffset()
                            semantic = "JOINT",
                            source   = "#" + source_skin.id,
                            offset   = 0
                        new InputLocalOffset()
                            semantic = "WEIGHT",
                            source   = "#" + source_weight.id,
                            offset   = 1
                    skin.vertex_weights.vcount = string.Join(" ", boneCount);
                    skin.vertex_weights.v      = build_v.ToString();

                    controller.Item = skin;
            library_controllers lib_controllers = new library_controllers();

            lib_controllers.controller = list_controller.ToArray();

            // scene nodes

            List <node> scene_nodes  = new List <node>();
            int         visual_index = 0;

            if (m.HasSkeleton)
                Dictionary <RBone, node> boneToNode = new Dictionary <RBone, node>();
                foreach (RBone b in m.Skeleton.Bones)
                    // create bone node
                    node node = new node();
                    node.name = b.Name;
                    node.id   = "bone" + visual_index++;
                    node.sid  = b.Name;
                    node.type = NodeType.JOINT;

                    // add transform
                    matrix mat = new matrix()
                        Values = new double[] { b.Transform.M11, b.Transform.M21, b.Transform.M31, b.Transform.M41,
                                                b.Transform.M12, b.Transform.M22, b.Transform.M32, b.Transform.M42,
                                                b.Transform.M13, b.Transform.M23, b.Transform.M33, b.Transform.M43,
                                                b.Transform.M14, b.Transform.M24, b.Transform.M34, b.Transform.M44, }
                    node.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType2[] { ItemsChoiceType2.matrix };
                    node.Items            = new object[] { mat };

                    // deal with parenting
                    boneToNode.Add(b, node);
                    if (b.ParentID == -1)
                        if (boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1 == null)
                            boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1 = new node[0];
                        node[] parentnode = boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1;
                        Array.Resize <node>(ref parentnode, parentnode.Length + 1);
                        parentnode[parentnode.Length - 1] = node;
                        boneToNode[m.Skeleton.Bones[b.ParentID]].node1 = parentnode;
            if (m.HasMeshes)
                foreach (IOMesh iomesh in m.Meshes)
                    node node = new node()
                        id   = "mesh" + visual_index++,
                        name = iomesh.Name,
                        type = NodeType.NODE

                    if (m.HasSkeleton)
                        instance_controller controller = new instance_controller()
                            url = iomesh.Name + "_" + m.Meshes.IndexOf(iomesh) + "_controller"
                        controller.skeleton      = new string[] { "#bone0" };
                        node.instance_controller = new instance_controller[] { controller };

            // visual scene root
            library_visual_scenes scenes = new library_visual_scenes();

            scenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[] {
                new visual_scene()
                    id   = "visualscene0",
                    name = "rdmscene"
            scenes.visual_scene[0].node = scene_nodes.ToArray();

            // scene
            COLLADAScene scene = new COLLADAScene();

            scene.instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra()
                url = "#visualscene0"

            // putting it all together
            colladaFile.Items = new object[] { lib_geometry, lib_controllers, scenes };
            colladaFile.scene = scene;

Exemple #5
        public static void ExportIOModelAsSMD(string FileName, IOModel Model)
            StringBuilder o = new StringBuilder();

            o.AppendLine("version 1");

            if (Model.HasSkeleton)
                foreach (RBone bone in Model.Skeleton.Bones)
                    o.AppendLine($"{bone.Id} \"{bone.Name}\" {bone.ParentId}");

                o.AppendLine("time 0");
                foreach (RBone bone in Model.Skeleton.Bones)
                    Vector3 Position = bone.Position;
                    Vector3 Rotation = bone.EulerRotation;
                    o.AppendLine($"{bone.Id} {Position.X} {Position.Y} {Position.Z} {Rotation.X} {Rotation.Y} {Rotation.Z}");

            if (Model.HasMeshes)
                // keep track of used names so we don't have name overlap
                Dictionary <string, int> UsedNames = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                //begin triangles
                // go through each mesh
                foreach (IOMesh mesh in Model.Meshes)
                    // append the index number for this mesh name
                    string Meshname = mesh.Name;
                    if (UsedNames.ContainsKey(mesh.Name))
                        UsedNames[mesh.Name] += 1;
                        Meshname             += $"_{UsedNames[mesh.Name]}";
                        UsedNames.Add(mesh.Name, 0);
                    // add a triangle strip
                    // IOMesh are assumed to be triangles only
                    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Indices.Count; i += 3)
                            IOVertex v = mesh.Vertices[(int)mesh.Indices[i]];
                            o.AppendLine($"0 {v.Position.X} {v.Position.Y} {v.Position.Z} {v.Normal.X} {v.Normal.Y} {v.Normal.Z} {v.UV0.X} {v.UV0.Y} " + CountWeights(v.BoneWeights) + " " + CreateWeightList(v, CountWeights(v.BoneWeights)));
                            IOVertex v = mesh.Vertices[(int)mesh.Indices[i + 1]];
                            o.AppendLine($"0 {v.Position.X} {v.Position.Y} {v.Position.Z} {v.Normal.X} {v.Normal.Y} {v.Normal.Z} {v.UV0.X} {v.UV0.Y} " + CountWeights(v.BoneWeights) + " " + CreateWeightList(v, CountWeights(v.BoneWeights)));
                            IOVertex v = mesh.Vertices[(int)mesh.Indices[i + 2]];
                            o.AppendLine($"0 {v.Position.X} {v.Position.Y} {v.Position.Z} {v.Normal.X} {v.Normal.Y} {v.Normal.Z} {v.UV0.X} {v.UV0.Y} " + CountWeights(v.BoneWeights) + " " + CreateWeightList(v, CountWeights(v.BoneWeights)));

                // done with triangle section

            File.WriteAllText(FileName, o.ToString());