public override void Activate(bool instancePreserved)

            // Add buttons
            music = new SmallButton("Leaderboard");
            music.Text = "Music: On";
            music.Position = new Vector2(1560, 294);
            music.Tapped += musicButton_Tapped;

            sound = new SmallButton("Leaderboard");
            sound.Text = "Sound Effects: On";
            sound.Position = new Vector2(1560, 426);
            sound.Tapped += soundButton_Tapped;

            back = new SmallButton("Back");
            back.Position = new Vector2(1560, 894);
            back.Tapped += backButton_Tapped;

            AddButton(music, sound, back);
            mainView.AddElement(music, sound, back);

            string soundOn, musicOn;
            if(PermanentStorage.Get("music", out musicOn)) {
                if(!Boolean.Parse(musicOn)) {
                    musicButton_Tapped(music, null);
            if(PermanentStorage.Get("sound", out soundOn)) {
                if(!Boolean.Parse(soundOn)) {
                    soundButton_Tapped(sound, null);
        public override void Activate(bool instancePreserved)
            IsPopup = true;
            RemoveConn(); // dont need our page to be handling any connections

            exitPage = new BorderedView(new Vector2(875, 400), new Vector2(1920 / 2, 1080 / 2 - 125));
            exitPage.Disabled = false;

            int startX = 1920 / 2;
            int startY = 270;
            Label text = new Label("Are you sure you want to exit?", new Vector2(startX, startY));

            Button keepPlaying = new SmallButton("Keep Playing");
            keepPlaying.Position = new Vector2(startX, startY + 140);
            keepPlaying.Tapped += PopupExitTap;

            Button exitButton = new SmallButton("Exit");
            exitButton.Position = new Vector2(startX, startY + 260);
            exitButton.Tapped += (s, e) => {
                if(exitGame) {
                } else {

        public override void Activate(bool instancePreserved)

            // Add buttons
            single = new LargeButton("Single Player");
            single.Position = new Vector2(1560, 360);
            single.TextFont = "tahomaLarge";
            single.TextScale = 0.8f;
            single.Tapped += singleButton_Tapped;

            multi = new LargeButton("Multiplayer");
            multi.Position = new Vector2(1560, 612);
            multi.ButtonTexture.Tint = new Color(72, 182, 216);
            multi.TextFont = "tahomaLarge";
            multi.TextScale = 0.8f;
            multi.Tapped += multiButton_Tapped;

            back = new SmallButton("Back");
            back.Position = new Vector2(1560, 894);
            back.Tapped += backButton_Tapped;

            AddButton(single, multi, back);
            mainView.AddElement(single, multi, back);

            SearchingButtons = new View();
            SearchingButtons.Disabled = false;
            SearchingButtons.Visible = false;

            playersInParty = new Label("Searching for players: 1/4", new Vector2(1560, 550));
            playersInParty.Scale = 0.8f;
            playersInParty.TextColor = Color.White;

            AnimatedPigs = new List<Image>();
            int size = Constants.BUFFER_SPRITE_DIM;
            Vector2 StartingPosition = new Vector2(1600 - size * 3f, 650);
            for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                Image PigImage = new Image("pig", i);
                PigImage.Position = StartingPosition + new Vector2(size * i, 0);

        public override void Activate(bool instancePreserved)

            myData = Storage.Get<PlayerData>("myPlayerData");
            TransitionAnimations = new List<UIElement>();

            categorySelected = false;
            gameSelected = false;
            itemSelected = false;

            BorderedView storeCategories = new BorderedView(new Vector2(672, 450), new Vector2(1536, 258));
            storeCategories.BorderWidth = 0;
            Label categories = new Label("Categories", new Vector2(rightXMiddle, 125));
            categories.Font = "gillsans";
            categories.Scale = 1.2f;
            Button skins = new SmallButton("Skins");
            skins.Position = new Vector2(rightXMiddle, 250);
            skins.TappedArgs.Arg = "skins";
            skins.Tapped += CategoryButton_Tapped;
            Button upgrades = new SmallButton("Upgrades");
            upgrades.Position = new Vector2(rightXMiddle, 370);
            upgrades.TappedArgs.Arg = "upgrades";
            upgrades.Tapped += CategoryButton_Tapped;
            storeCategories.Disabled = false;
            storeCategories.AddElement(categories, skins, upgrades);
            storeCategories.SetAnimationOffset(new Vector2(1000, 0), Helpers.EaseOutBounceAnimation, false); // set the animation to start 1000 pixels to the right
            storeCategories.UpdateAnimationPosition(0); // start the animation to move the elements out of screen
            TransitionAnimations.Add(storeCategories); // add it to the list of animated objects

            BorderedView itemDetails = new BorderedView(new Vector2(672, 552), new Vector2(rightXMiddle, 780));
            itemDetails.BorderWidth = 0;

            itemName = new Label("", new Vector2(rightXMiddle, 580));
            itemName.Font = "gillsans";
            itemDescription = new Label("", new Vector2(rightXMiddle, 650));
            buyItem = new SmallButton("");
            buyItem.Position = new Vector2(1536, 745);
            buyItem.ButtonImage = "buyButton";
            buyItem.Tapped += BuyItem_Tapped;

            currentMoney = new Label("$" +, new Vector2(rightXMiddle, 870));
            currentMoney.Font = "gillsans";
            currentMoney.TextColor = Color.Yellow;
            Button back = new SmallButton("Back");
            back.Position = new Vector2(1536, 978);
            back.Tapped += backButton_Tapped;
            itemDetails.Disabled = false;
            itemDetails.AddElement(itemName, itemDescription, buyItem, currentMoney, back);
            itemDetails.SetAnimationOffset(new Vector2(1000, 0), Helpers.EaseOutBounceAnimation, false); // set the animation to start 1000 pixels to the right
            itemDetails.UpdateAnimationPosition(0); // start the animation to move the elements out of screen
            TransitionAnimations.Add(itemDetails); // add it to the list of animated objects

            BorderedView storeLeft = new BorderedView(new Vector2(1152, 1300), new Vector2(leftXMiddle, 540));
            storeLeft.Disabled = false;
            itemView = new View(new Vector2(1152, 1300), new Vector2(leftXMiddle, 540));
            itemView.Disabled = false;
            itemViewLabel = new Label("Select a category at the right", new Vector2(leftXMiddle, leftYTop));
            itemViewLabel.Font = "gillsans";
            storeLeft.AddElement(itemViewLabel, itemView);
            storeLeft.SetAnimationOffset(new Vector2(-1500, 0), Helpers.EaseOutBounceAnimation, false); // set the animation to start 1500 pixels to the left
            storeLeft.UpdateAnimationPosition(0); // start the animation to move the elements out of screen
            TransitionAnimations.Add(storeLeft); // add it to the list of animated objects
        public override void Activate(bool instancePreserved)
            IsPopup = true;
            RemoveConn(); // dont need our page to be handling any connections

            BorderedView messagePage = new BorderedView(new Vector2(1350, 400), new Vector2(1920 / 2, 1080 / 2 - 125));
            messagePage.Disabled = false;

            int startX = 1920 / 2;
            int startY = 270;
            Label text1 = new Label(Line1, new Vector2(startX, startY));
            Label text2 = new Label(Line2, new Vector2(startX, startY+80));

            Button okButton = new SmallButton("Ok");
            okButton.Position = new Vector2(startX, startY + 260);
            okButton.Tapped += PopupExitTap;

        public override void Activate(bool instancePreserved)

            // Add buttons
            play = new LargeButton("PLAY");
            play.Position = new Vector2(1560, 360);
            play.TextFont = "tahomaLarge";
            play.Tapped += playButton_Tapped;

            leaders = new SmallButton("Leaderboard");
            leaders.Position = new Vector2(1560, 546);
            leaders.Tapped += leaderButton_Tapped;

            options = new SmallButton("Options");
            options.Position = new Vector2(1560, 666);
            options.Tapped += optionsButton_Tapped;

            about = new SmallButton("About");
            about.Position = new Vector2(1560, 786);
            about.Tapped += aboutButton_Tapped;

            news = new SmallButton("News");
            news.Position = new Vector2(1560, 906);
            news.Tapped += newsButton_Tapped;

            AddButton(play, leaders, options, about, news);
            mainView.AddElement(play, leaders, options, about, news);
        public override void Activate(bool instancePreserved)

            myData = Storage.Get<PlayerData>("myPlayerData");
            username = myData.username;

            // Request the profile data
            JObject packet = new JObject(
                new JProperty("action", "profile"),
                new JProperty("type", "get"),
                new JProperty("username", username)
            conn.pMessageReceivedEvent += handleProfile;

            Image profileBackground = new Image("profileBg", 0, new Vector2(448, 312), new Vector2(1536, 258));
            avatar = new PlayerAvatar(myData, new Vector2(1536, 293));

            playerInfo = new BorderedView(new Vector2(672, 552), new Vector2(1536, 780));
            playerInfo.BorderWidth = 0;

            name = new Label(myData.username, new Vector2(1536, 580));
            name.Font = "gillsans";
            name.Scale = 1.2f;
            level = new Label("Level: " + myData.level, new Vector2(1536, 660));
            rank = new Label("Rank #" + myData.rank, new Vector2(1536, 730));

            Button store = new SmallButton("Store");
            store.Position = new Vector2(1536, 858);

            Button back = new SmallButton("Back");
            back.Position = new Vector2(1536, 978);
            back.Tapped += backButton_Tapped;

            playerInfo.AddElement(name, level, rank, store, back);

            avatars = new BorderedView(new Vector2(1152, 1300), new Vector2(576, 540));
            Label avatarsLabel = new Label("Unlocked Critters", new Vector2(576, 50));
            avatarsLabel.Font = "gillsans";
            mainView.AddElement(avatars, avatarsLabel);

            foreach(UIElement element in profileElements) {
                profileDestinations[element] = element.Position;
                // immediately hide profile from view
                element.Position = new Vector2(3000, 2000);
            avatarDestinations[avatars] = avatars.Position;
            avatarDestinations[avatarsLabel] = avatarsLabel.Position;
            avatars.Position = new Vector2(-2000, 2000);
            avatarsLabel.Position = new Vector2(-500, -500);
        public override void Activate(bool instancePreserved)
            IsPopup = true;

            BorderedView newsPage = new BorderedView(new Vector2(1100, 840), new Vector2(1920 / 2, 1080 / 2 - 75));
            newsPage.Disabled = false;

            Label newsTitle = new Label("Latest News", new Vector2(1920/2, startY));
            newsTitle.Font = "museoslab";
            newsTitle.Scale = 0.8f;

            List<NewsPost> news = Storage.Get<List<NewsPost>>("news");
            if (news.Count != 0) {
                NewsPost firstNews = news.ElementAt(0);
                Label newsDate = new Label(firstNews.TimeStamp.ToString("M", new CultureInfo("en-US")), new Vector2(startX, startY + 75));
                newsDate.CenterX = false;;
                String lineBreaksPost = NewsPost.insertLineBreaks(firstNews.Post, 1050, ScreenManager);
                Label newsPostLabel = new Label(lineBreaksPost, new Vector2(startX, startY + 115));
                newsPostLabel.CenterX = false;
                newsPostLabel.CenterY = false;

                Button close = new SmallButton("Close");
                close.Position = new Vector2(1920 / 2, startY + 700);
                close.Tapped += close_Tapped;

                newsPage.AddElement(newsTitle, newsDate, newsPostLabel, close);
            } else {
                Label noNews = new Label("No new news posts to display", new Vector2(startX, startY + 100));
                noNews.CenterX = false;
                newsPage.AddElement(newsTitle, noNews);
        public override void Activate(bool instancePreserved)

            if(!ScreenManager.Textures.ContainsKey("gameIcons")) {
                ContentManager cm = ScreenManager.Game.Content;
                ScreenManager.Textures.Add("gameIcons", cm.Load<Texture2D>("gameIcons"));

            PlayerData myData = Storage.Get<PlayerData>("myPlayerData");
            Dictionary<string, PlayerData> players = new Dictionary<string, PlayerData>();
            players[myData.username] = myData;
            Storage.Set("player_data", players);

            gameInfo = new BorderedView(new Vector2(672, 1032), new Vector2(1536, 540));
            gameInfo.BorderWidth = 0;

            gameName = new Label();
            gameName.Position = new Vector2(1536, 100);
            gameName.Font = "gillsans";
            gameName.Scale = 1.2f;

            // star rating
            stars = new Image[5];
            for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                stars[i] = new Image("star", 0);
                stars[i].TextureIndex = 0;
                stars[i].Size = new Vector2(64, 64);
                stars[i].Position = new Vector2(1536 + (i - 2) * 100, 250);

            Label highScoreText = new Label("High Score", new Vector2(1536, 425));
            highScoreText.Font = "gillsans";
            highScore = new Label();
            highScore.Position = new Vector2(1536, 525);
            highScore.Font = "gillsans";
            highScore.Scale = 1.2f;

            playButton = new LargeButton("Play");
            playButton.Position = new Vector2(1536, 792);
            playButton.Tapped += Play;

            Button back = new SmallButton("Back");
            back.Position = new Vector2(1536, 978);
            back.Tapped += backButton_Tapped;

            gameInfo.AddElement(gameName, highScoreText, highScore, playButton, back);

            gameIcon = new BorderedView(new Vector2(1152, 1300), new Vector2(576, 540));
            Label gameTitle = new Label("Select Game", new Vector2(576, 50));
            gameTitle.Font = "museoslab";
            mainView.AddElement(gameIcon, gameTitle);

            // add the buttons for the games
            iconSizeVector = new Vector2(iconSize, iconSize);
            int iconX = 144, iconY = 250;
            foreach(GameData gd in GameConstants.GAMES) {
                Button gameChoice = new Button(gd.GameIconTexture, gd.GameIconIndex);
                gameChoice.Size = iconSizeVector;
                gameIconDestinations[gameChoice] = new Vector2(iconX, iconY);
                gameChoice.Position = new Vector2(-100, -100);
                gameChoice.TappedArgs.ObjectArg = gd;
                gameChoice.Tapped += SelectGame;
                if(selectedGame == null) {
                    SelectGame(gameChoice, gameChoice.TappedArgs);
                iconX += 216;

            foreach(UIElement element in gameDataElements) {
                gameDataDestinations[element] = element.Position;
                // immediately hide profile from view
                element.Position = new Vector2(3000, 2000);
            gameIconDestinations[gameIcon] = gameIcon.Position;
            gameIconDestinations[gameTitle] = gameTitle.Position;
            gameIcon.Position = new Vector2(-2000, 2000);
            gameTitle.Position = new Vector2(-500, -500);