Extract() public méthode

Extract the entry to the filesystem, starting at the current working directory.

This method extracts an entry from a zip file into the current working directory. The path of the entry as extracted is the full path as specified in the zip archive, relative to the current working directory. After the file is extracted successfully, the file attributes and timestamps are set.

The action taken when extraction an entry would overwrite an existing file is determined by the property.

Within the call to Extract(), the content for the entry is written into a filesystem file, and then the last modified time of the file is set according to the LastModified property on the entry. See the remarks the LastModified property for some details about the last modified time.

public Extract ( ) : void
Résultat void
Exemple #1
        private void _SaveSfxStub(string exeToGenerate, SelfExtractorSaveOptions options)
            string nameOfIconFile      = null;
            string stubExe             = null;
            string unpackedResourceDir = null;
            string tmpDir = null;

                if (File.Exists(exeToGenerate))
                    if (Verbose)
                        StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("The existing file ({0}) will be overwritten.", exeToGenerate);
                if (!exeToGenerate.EndsWith(".exe"))
                    if (Verbose)
                        StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("Warning: The generated self-extracting file will not have an .exe extension.");

                // workitem 10553
                tmpDir  = TempFileFolder ?? Path.GetDirectoryName(exeToGenerate);
                stubExe = GenerateTempPathname(tmpDir, "exe");

                // get the Ionic.Zip assembly
                Assembly a1 = typeof(ZipFile).Assembly;

                using (var csharp = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider
                                        (new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "CompilerVersion", "v2.0" }
                })) {
                    // The following is a perfect opportunity for a linq query, but
                    // I cannot use it.  DotNetZip needs to run on .NET 2.0,
                    // and using LINQ would break that. Here's what it would look
                    // like:
                    //   var settings = (from x in SettingsList
                    //                   where x.Flavor == flavor
                    //                   select x).First();

                    ExtractorSettings settings = null;
                    foreach (var x in SettingsList)
                        if (x.Flavor == options.Flavor)
                            settings = x;

                    // sanity check; should never happen
                    if (settings == null)
                        throw new BadStateException(String.Format("While saving a Self-Extracting Zip, Cannot find that flavor ({0})?", options.Flavor));

                    // This is the list of referenced assemblies.  Ionic.Zip is
                    // needed here.  Also if it is the winforms (gui) extractor, we
                    // need other referenced assemblies, like
                    // System.Windows.Forms.dll, etc.
                    var cp = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters();
                    if (settings.ReferencedAssemblies != null)
                        foreach (string ra in settings.ReferencedAssemblies)

                    cp.GenerateInMemory        = false;
                    cp.GenerateExecutable      = true;
                    cp.IncludeDebugInformation = false;
                    cp.CompilerOptions         = "";

                    Assembly a2 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

                    // Use this to concatenate all the source code resources into a
                    // single module.
                    var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                    // In case there are compiler errors later, we allocate a source
                    // file name now. If errors are detected, we'll spool the source
                    // code as well as the errors (in comments) into that filename,
                    // and throw an exception with the filename.  Makes it easier to
                    // diagnose.  This should be rare; most errors happen only
                    // during devlpmt of DotNetZip itself, but there are rare
                    // occasions when they occur in other cases.
                    string sourceFile = GenerateTempPathname(tmpDir, "cs");

                    // // debugging: enumerate the resources in this assembly
                    // Console.WriteLine("Resources in this assembly:");
                    // foreach (string rsrc in a2.GetManifestResourceNames())
                    //   {
                    //     Console.WriteLine(rsrc);
                    //   }
                    // Console.WriteLine();

                    // all the source code is embedded in the DLL as a zip file.
                    using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(a2.GetManifestResourceStream("Ionic.Zip.Resources.ZippedResources.zip")))
                        // // debugging: enumerate the files in the embedded zip
                        // Console.WriteLine("Entries in the embbedded zip:");
                        // foreach (ZipEntry entry in zip)
                        //   {
                        //     Console.WriteLine(entry.FileName);
                        //   }
                        // Console.WriteLine();

                        unpackedResourceDir = GenerateTempPathname(tmpDir, "tmp");

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.IconFile))
                            // Use the ico file that is embedded into the Ionic.Zip
                            // DLL itself.  To do this we must unpack the icon to
                            // the filesystem, in order to specify it on the cmdline
                            // of csc.exe.  This method will remove the unpacked
                            // file later.
                            ZipEntry e = zip["zippedFile.ico"];
                            // Must not extract a readonly file - it will be impossible to
                            // delete later.
                            if ((e.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly)
                                e.Attributes ^= FileAttributes.ReadOnly;
                            nameOfIconFile      = Path.Combine(unpackedResourceDir, "zippedFile.ico");
                            cp.CompilerOptions += String.Format("/win32icon:\"{0}\"", nameOfIconFile);
                            cp.CompilerOptions += String.Format("/win32icon:\"{0}\"", options.IconFile);

                        cp.OutputAssembly = stubExe;

                        if (options.Flavor == SelfExtractorFlavor.WinFormsApplication)
                            cp.CompilerOptions += " /target:winexe";

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.AdditionalCompilerSwitches))
                            cp.CompilerOptions += " " + options.AdditionalCompilerSwitches;

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.CompilerOptions))
                            cp.CompilerOptions = null;

                        if ((settings.CopyThroughResources != null) && (settings.CopyThroughResources.Count != 0))
                            if (!Directory.Exists(unpackedResourceDir))
                            foreach (string re in settings.CopyThroughResources)
                                string filename = Path.Combine(unpackedResourceDir, re);

                                ExtractResourceToFile(a2, re, filename);
                                // add the file into the target assembly as an embedded resource

                        // add the Ionic.Utils.Zip DLL as an embedded resource

                        // file header
                        sb.Append("// " + Path.GetFileName(sourceFile) + "\n")
                        .Append("// --------------------------------------------\n//\n")
                        .Append("// This SFX source file was generated by DotNetZip ")
                        .Append("\n//         at ")
                        .Append(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy MMMM dd  HH:mm:ss"))
                        .Append("\n//\n// --------------------------------------------\n\n\n");

                        // assembly attributes
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Description))
                            sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTitle(\""
                                      + options.Description.Replace("\"", "")
                                      + "\")]\n");
                            sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTitle(\"DotNetZip SFX Archive\")]\n");

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ProductVersion))
                            sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersion(\""
                                      + options.ProductVersion.Replace("\"", "")
                                      + "\")]\n");

                        // workitem
                        string copyright =
                            ? "Extractor: Copyright © Dino Chiesa 2008-2011"
                            : options.Copyright.Replace("\"", "");

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ProductName))
                            sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProduct(\"")
                            .Append(options.ProductName.Replace("\"", ""))
                            sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProduct(\"DotNetZip\")]\n");

                        sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyright(\"" + copyright + "\")]\n")
                        .Append(String.Format("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion(\"{0}\")]\n", ZipFile.LibraryVersion.ToString()));
                        if (options.FileVersion != null)
                            sb.Append(String.Format("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersion(\"{0}\")]\n",


                        // Set the default extract location if it is available
                        string extractLoc = options.DefaultExtractDirectory;
                        if (extractLoc != null)
                            // remove double-quotes and replace slash with double-slash.
                            // This, because the value is going to be embedded into a
                            // cs file as a quoted string, and it needs to be escaped.
                            extractLoc = extractLoc.Replace("\"", "").Replace("\\", "\\\\");

                        string postExCmdLine = options.PostExtractCommandLine;
                        if (postExCmdLine != null)
                            postExCmdLine = postExCmdLine.Replace("\\", "\\\\");
                            postExCmdLine = postExCmdLine.Replace("\"", "\\\"");

                        foreach (string rc in settings.ResourcesToCompile)
                            using (Stream s = zip[rc].OpenReader())
                                if (s == null)
                                    throw new ZipException(String.Format("missing resource '{0}'", rc));
                                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))
                                    while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
                                        string line = sr.ReadLine();
                                        if (extractLoc != null)
                                            line = line.Replace("@@EXTRACTLOCATION", extractLoc);

                                        line = line.Replace("@@REMOVE_AFTER_EXECUTE", options.RemoveUnpackedFilesAfterExecute.ToString());
                                        line = line.Replace("@@QUIET", options.Quiet.ToString());
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.SfxExeWindowTitle))
                                            line = line.Replace("@@SFX_EXE_WINDOW_TITLE", options.SfxExeWindowTitle);

                                        line = line.Replace("@@EXTRACT_EXISTING_FILE", ((int)options.ExtractExistingFile).ToString());

                                        if (postExCmdLine != null)
                                            line = line.Replace("@@POST_UNPACK_CMD_LINE", postExCmdLine);


                    string LiteralSource = sb.ToString();

                    // for debugging only
                    string sourceModule = GenerateTempPathname(tmpDir, "cs");
                    using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(sourceModule))
                    Console.WriteLine("source: {0}", sourceModule);

                    var cr = csharp.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, LiteralSource);

                    if (cr == null)
                        throw new SfxGenerationException("Cannot compile the extraction logic!");

                    if (Verbose)
                        foreach (string output in cr.Output)

                    if (cr.Errors.Count != 0)
                        using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(sourceFile))
                            // first, the source we compiled

                            // now, append the compile errors
                            tw.Write("\n\n\n// ------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
                            tw.Write("// Errors during compilation: \n//\n");
                            string p = Path.GetFileName(sourceFile);

                            foreach (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError error in cr.Errors)
                                tw.Write(String.Format("//   {0}({1},{2}): {3} {4}: {5}\n//\n",
                                                       p,                                     // 0
                                                       error.Line,                            // 1
                                                       error.Column,                          // 2
                                                       error.IsWarning ? "Warning" : "error", // 3
                                                       error.ErrorNumber,                     // 4
                                                       error.ErrorText));                     // 5
                        throw new SfxGenerationException(String.Format("Errors compiling the extraction logic!  {0}", sourceFile));


                    // Now, copy the resulting EXE image to the _writestream.
                    // Because this stub exe is being saved first, the effect will be to
                    // concatenate the exe and the zip data together.
                    using (System.IO.Stream input = System.IO.File.OpenRead(stubExe))
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[4000];
                        int    n      = 1;
                        while (n != 0)
                            n = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                            if (n != 0)
                                WriteStream.Write(buffer, 0, n);

                    if (Directory.Exists(unpackedResourceDir))
                        try { Directory.Delete(unpackedResourceDir, true); }
                        catch (System.IO.IOException exc1)
                            StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("Warning: Exception: {0}", exc1);
                    if (File.Exists(stubExe))
                        try { File.Delete(stubExe); }
                        catch (System.IO.IOException exc1)
                            StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("Warning: Exception: {0}", exc1);
                catch (System.IO.IOException) { }
