void LateUpdate()
            // which lod is this object in (roughly)?
            var thisRect = new Rect(new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z), Vector3.zero);
            var minLod   = LodDataMgrAnimWaves.SuggestDataLOD(thisRect);

            if (minLod == -1)
                // outside all lods, nothing to update!

            // how many active wave sims currently apply to this object - ideally this would eliminate sims that are too
            // low res, by providing a max grid size param
            int simsPresent, simsActive;

            LodDataMgrDynWaves.CountWaveSims(minLod, out simsPresent, out simsActive);

            // counting non-existent sims is expensive - stop updating if none found
            if (simsPresent == 0)
                enabled = false;

            // no sims running - abort. don't bother switching off renderer - camera wont be active
            if (simsActive == 0)

            var disp = _boat.CalculateDisplacementToObject();

            transform.position = transform.parent.TransformPoint(_localOffset) - disp + _velocityPositionOffset * _boat.Velocity;

            var ocean = OceanRenderer.Instance;

            var rnd = 1f + _noiseAmp * (2f * Mathf.PerlinNoise(_noiseFreq * ocean.CurrentTime, 0.5f) - 1f);
            // feed in water velocity
            var vel = (transform.position - _posLast) / ocean.DeltaTimeDynamics;

            if (ocean.DeltaTimeDynamics < 0.0001f)
                vel = Vector3.zero;

            if (QueryFlow.Instance)
                _sampleFlowHelper.Init(transform.position, _boat.ObjectWidth);
                Vector2 surfaceFlow = Vector2.zero;
                _sampleFlowHelper.Sample(ref surfaceFlow);
                vel -= new Vector3(surfaceFlow.x, 0, surfaceFlow.y);
            vel.y *= _weightUpDownMul;

            var speedKmh = vel.magnitude * 3.6f;

            if (speedKmh > _teleportSpeed)
                // teleport detected
                vel *= 0f;

                if (_warnOnTeleport)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Teleport detected (speed = " + speedKmh.ToString() + "), velocity discarded.", this);
            else if (speedKmh > _maxSpeed)
                // limit speed to max
                vel *= _maxSpeed / speedKmh;

                if (_warnOnSpeedClamp)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Speed (" + speedKmh.ToString() + ") exceeded max limited, clamped.", this);

            float dt; int steps;

            ocean._lodDataDynWaves.GetSimSubstepData(ocean.DeltaTimeDynamics, out steps, out dt);
            float weight = _boat.InWater ? _weight / simsActive : 0f;


            _mpb.SetVector("_Velocity", vel);
            _mpb.SetFloat("_Weight", weight);
            _mpb.SetFloat("_SimDeltaTime", dt);


            _posLast = transform.position;
        void LateUpdate()
            if (OceanRenderer.Instance == null)

            // which lod is this object in (roughly)?
            var thisRect = new Rect(new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z), Vector3.zero);
            var minLod   = LodDataMgrAnimWaves.SuggestDataLOD(thisRect);

            if (minLod == -1)
                // outside all lods, nothing to update!

            // how many active wave sims currently apply to this object - ideally this would eliminate sims that are too
            // low res, by providing a max grid size param
            int simsPresent, simsActive;

            LodDataMgrDynWaves.CountWaveSims(minLod, out simsPresent, out simsActive);

            // counting non-existent sims is expensive - stop updating if none found
            if (simsPresent == 0)
                enabled = false;

            // no sims running - abort. don't bother switching off renderer - camera wont be active
            if (simsActive == 0)

            transform.position = transform.parent.TransformPoint(_localOffset) + _velocityPositionOffset * _boat.Velocity;

            var ocean = OceanRenderer.Instance;

            // feed in water velocity
            var vel = (transform.position - _posLast) / ocean.DeltaTimeDynamics;

            if (ocean.DeltaTimeDynamics < 0.0001f)
                vel = Vector3.zero;

                _sampleFlowHelper.Init(transform.position, _boat.ObjectWidth);
                _sampleFlowHelper.Sample(out var surfaceFlow);
                vel -= new Vector3(surfaceFlow.x, 0, surfaceFlow.y);
            vel.y *= _weightUpDownMul;

            var speedKmh = vel.magnitude * 3.6f;

            if (speedKmh > _teleportSpeed)
                // teleport detected
                vel *= 0f;

                if (_warnOnTeleport)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Teleport detected (speed = " + speedKmh.ToString() + "), velocity discarded.", this);
            else if (speedKmh > _maxSpeed)
                // limit speed to max
                vel *= _maxSpeed / speedKmh;

                if (_warnOnSpeedClamp)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Speed (" + speedKmh.ToString() + ") exceeded max limited, clamped.", this);

            var dt     = 1f / ocean._lodDataDynWaves.Settings._simulationFrequency;
            var weight = _boat.InWater ? 1f / simsActive : 0f;


            _mpb.SetVector("_Velocity", vel);
            _mpb.SetFloat("_SimDeltaTime", dt);

            // Weighting with this value helps keep ripples consistent for different gravity values
            var gravityMul = Mathf.Sqrt(ocean._lodDataDynWaves.Settings._gravityMultiplier / 25f);

            _mpb.SetFloat("_Weight", weight * gravityMul);


            _posLast = transform.position;