Exemple #1
        /// <summary> Assert from the right side is always going to be from an Alpha node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">factInstance
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        public override void assertRight(IFact rfact, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            // Get the memory for the node
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);
            NotEqHashIndex       inx      = new NotEqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getRightBindValues(binds, rfact));

            rightmem.addPartialMatch(inx, rfact);
            bool zm = rightmem.zeroMatch(inx);
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);
            IEnumerator itr = leftmem.Values.GetEnumerator();

            while (itr.MoveNext())
                Index linx = (Index)itr.Current;
                if (evaluate(linx.Facts, rfact))
                    if (!zm)
                            propogateRetract(linx, engine, mem);
                        catch (RetractException e)
                            throw new AssertException("NotJion - " + e.Message);
        /// <summary> Assert from the right side is always going to be from an Alpha node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">factInstance
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        public override void assertRight(IFact rfact, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            // Get the memory for the node
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);
            NotEqHashIndex       inx      = new NotEqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getRightBindValues(binds, rfact));

            rightmem.addPartialMatch(inx, rfact);
            // now that we've added the facts to the list, we
            // proceed with evaluating the fact
            // else we compare the fact to all facts in the left
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);
            // since there may be key collisions, we iterate over the
            // values of the HashMap. If we used keySet to iterate,
            // we could encounter a ClassCastException in the case of
            // key collision.
            IEnumerator itr = leftmem.Values.GetEnumerator();

            while (itr.MoveNext())
                Index linx = (Index)itr.Current;
                if (evaluate(linx.Facts, rfact))
                    // now we propogate
                    propogateAssert(linx.add(rfact), engine, mem);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary> Retract from the right works in the following order.
        /// 1. Remove the fact from the right memory
        /// 2. check which left memory matched
        /// 3. propogate the retract
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">factInstance
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        public override void retractRight(IFact rfact, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            NotEqHashIndex       inx      = new NotEqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getRightBindValues(binds, rfact));
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);

            // first we Remove the fact from the right
            rightmem.removePartialMatch(inx, rfact);
            bool zm = rightmem.zeroMatch(inx);
            // now we see the left memory matched and Remove it also
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);
            IEnumerator itr = leftmem.Values.GetEnumerator();

            while (itr.MoveNext())
                Index linx = (Index)itr.Current;
                if (evaluate(linx.Facts, rfact))
                    if (zm)
                            propogateAssert(linx, engine, mem);
                        catch (AssertException e)
                            throw new RetractException("NotJion - " + e.Message);
        /// <summary> Retracting from the left requires that we propogate the
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">factInstance
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        public override void retractLeft(Index linx, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);

            NotEqHashIndex       eqinx    = new NotEqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getLeftBindValues(binds, linx.Facts));
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);

            Object[] objs = rightmem.iterator(eqinx);
            for (int idx = 0; idx < objs.Length; idx++)
                propogateRetract(linx.add((IFact)objs[idx]), engine, mem);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary> assertLeft takes an array of facts. Since the Current join may be
        /// joining against one or more objects, we need to pass all
        /// previously matched facts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">factInstance
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        public override void assertLeft(Index linx, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);

            leftmem.Put(linx, linx);
            // need to think the getLeftValues through better to
            // account for cases when a join has no bindings
            NotEqHashIndex       inx      = new NotEqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getLeftBindValues(binds, linx.Facts));
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);

            if (rightmem.zeroMatch(inx))
                propogateAssert(linx, engine, mem);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary> assertLeft takes an array of facts. Since the Current join may be
        /// joining against one or more objects, we need to pass all
        /// previously matched facts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">factInstance
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        public override void assertLeft(Index linx, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);

            leftmem.Put(linx, linx);
            NotEqHashIndex       inx      = new NotEqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getLeftBindValues(binds, linx.Facts));
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);

            Object[] objs = rightmem.iterator(inx);
            // if the right side has 1 or more matches, we propogate the original
            // index down the network. We don't Add any facts to the index
            if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0)
                propogateAssert(linx, engine, mem);
        /// <summary> Clear will Clear the lists
        /// </summary>
        public override void clear(IWorkingMemory mem)
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem  = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory         rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);
            IEnumerator itr = leftmem.Keys.GetEnumerator();

            // first we iterate over the list for each fact
            // and Clear it.
            while (itr.MoveNext())
                IBetaMemory bmem = (IBetaMemory)leftmem.Get(itr.Current);
            // now that we've cleared the list for each fact, we
            // can Clear the Creshendo.rete.util.Map.
        /// <summary> assertLeft takes an array of facts. Since the Current join may be
        /// joining against one or more objects, we need to pass all
        /// previously matched facts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">factInstance
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        public override void assertLeft(Index linx, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);

            leftmem.Put(linx, linx);
            // need to think the getLeftValues through better to
            // account for cases when a join has no bindings
            NotEqHashIndex       inx      = new NotEqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getLeftBindValues(binds, linx.Facts));
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);

            Object[] objs = rightmem.iterator(inx);
            if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0)
                for (int idx = 0; idx < objs.Length; idx++)
                    IFact rfcts = (IFact)objs[idx];
                    // now we propogate
                    propogateAssert(linx.add(rfcts), engine, mem);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary> the current implementation will try to find the memory for the node.
        /// If it doesn't find it, it checks the node type and creates the
        /// appropriate AlphaMemory for the node. Since right memories are
        /// hashed, it creates the appropriate type of Hashed memory.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Object getBetaRightMemory(Object key)
            Object val = betaRightMemories.Get(key);

            if (val != null)
                if (key is HashedEqBNode || key is HashedEqNJoin || key is ExistJoin)
                    String mname = "hnode" + ((BaseNode)key).nodeID;
                    HashedAlphaMemoryImpl alpha = new HashedAlphaMemoryImpl(mname);
                    betaRightMemories.Put(key, alpha);
                else if (key is HashedNotEqBNode || key is HashedNotEqNJoin || key is ExistNeqJoin)
                    String mname = "hneq" + ((BaseNode)key).nodeID;
                    HashedNeqAlphaMemory alpha = new HashedNeqAlphaMemory(mname);
                    betaRightMemories.Put(key, alpha);
                else if (key is TemporalEqNode)
                    String mname = "hnode" + ((BaseNode)key).nodeID;
                    TemporalHashedAlphaMem alpha = new TemporalHashedAlphaMem(mname);
                    betaRightMemories.Put(key, alpha);
                    String mname = "brmem" + ((BaseNode)key).nodeID;
                    IGenericMap <IFact, IFact> right = CollectionFactory.newAlphaMemoryMap(mname);
                    betaRightMemories.Put(key, right);
        /// <summary> Retract from the right works in the following order.
        /// 1. Remove the fact from the right memory
        /// 2. check which left memory matched
        /// 3. propogate the retract
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">factInstance
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        public override void retractRight(IFact rfact, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            NotEqHashIndex       inx      = new NotEqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getRightBindValues(binds, rfact));
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);

            // first we Remove the fact from the right
            rightmem.removePartialMatch(inx, rfact);
            // now we see the left memory matched and Remove it also
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);
            IEnumerator itr = leftmem.Values.GetEnumerator();

            while (itr.MoveNext())
                Index linx = (Index)itr.Current;
                if (evaluate(linx.Facts, rfact))
                    // it matched, so we need to retract it from
                    // succeeding nodes
                    propogateRetract(linx.add(rfact), engine, mem);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary> Assert from the right side is always going to be from an
        /// Alpha node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">factInstance
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        public override void assertRight(IFact rfact, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);
            NotEqHashIndex       inx      = new NotEqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getRightBindValues(binds, rfact));

            rightmem.addPartialMatch(inx, rfact);
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);
            IEnumerator itr   = leftmem.Values.GetEnumerator();
            int         after = rightmem.count(inx);

            while (itr.MoveNext())
                Index linx = (Index)itr.Current;
                if (evaluate(linx.Facts, rfact))
                    if (after == 1)
                        propogateAssert(linx, engine, mem);
Exemple #12
        protected internal virtual void printBetaNodes(BaseJoin bjoin, bool detailed, int betaTotal)
            if (bjoin is HashedEqBNode || bjoin is HashedEqNJoin)
                IGenericMap <Object, Object> bm = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)betaLeftMemories.Get(bjoin);
                // we iterate over the keys in the HashMap
                IEnumerator bitr = bm.Keys.GetEnumerator();
                while (bitr.MoveNext())
                    Index indx = (Index)bm.Get(bitr.Current);
                    if (detailed)
                        engine.writeMessage(bjoin.toPPString(), Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
                        HashedAlphaMemoryImpl rightmem = (HashedAlphaMemoryImpl)getBetaRightMemory(bjoin);

                        EqHashIndex eqinx = new EqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getLeftValues(bjoin.binds, indx.Facts));
                        // Add to the total count
                        betaTotal += rightmem.count(eqinx);
                        engine.writeMessage(" count=" + betaTotal + " - " + indx.toPPString() + ": ", Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
                        IEnumerator ritr = rightmem.iterator(eqinx);
                        if (ritr != null)
                            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
                            while (ritr.MoveNext())
                                buf.Append(((IFact)ritr.Current).FactId + ",");
                            engine.writeMessage(buf.ToString(), Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
                        engine.writeMessage(Constants.LINEBREAK, Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
            else if (bjoin is HashedNotEqNJoin || bjoin is HashedNotEqBNode)
                IGenericMap <Object, Object> bm = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)betaLeftMemories.Get(bjoin);
                // we iterate over the keys in the HashMap
                IEnumerator bitr = bm.Keys.GetEnumerator();
                while (bitr.MoveNext())
                    Index indx = (Index)bm.Get(bitr.Current);
                    if (detailed)
                        engine.writeMessage(bjoin.toPPString(), Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
                        HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)getBetaRightMemory(bjoin);

                        EqHashIndex eqinx = new EqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getLeftValues(bjoin.binds, indx.Facts));
                        // Add to the total count
                        betaTotal += rightmem.count(eqinx);
                        engine.writeMessage(" count=" + betaTotal + " - " + indx.toPPString() + ": ", Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
                        IEnumerator ritr = rightmem.iterator(eqinx);
                        if (ritr != null)
                            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
                            while (ritr.MoveNext())
                                buf.Append(((IFact)ritr.Current).FactId + ",");
                            engine.writeMessage(buf.ToString(), Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
                        engine.writeMessage(Constants.LINEBREAK, Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
            else if (bjoin is ExistJoin)
                ExistJoin henj = (ExistJoin)bjoin;
                IGenericMap <Object, Object> bm = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)betaLeftMemories.Get(henj);
                // we iterate over the keys in the HashMap
                IEnumerator bitr = bm.Keys.GetEnumerator();
                while (bitr.MoveNext())
                    Index indx = (Index)bm.Get(bitr.Current);
                    if (detailed)
                        engine.writeMessage(bjoin.toPPString(), Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
                        HashedAlphaMemoryImpl rightmem = (HashedAlphaMemoryImpl)getBetaRightMemory(henj);

                        EqHashIndex eqinx = new EqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getLeftValues(henj.binds, indx.Facts));
                        // Add to the total count
                        betaTotal += rightmem.count(eqinx);
                        engine.writeMessage(" count=" + betaTotal + " - " + indx.toPPString() + ": ", Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
                        IEnumerator ritr = rightmem.iterator(eqinx);
                        if (ritr != null)
                            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
                            while (ritr.MoveNext())
                                buf.Append(((IFact)ritr.Current).FactId + ",");
                            engine.writeMessage(buf.ToString(), Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
                        engine.writeMessage(Constants.LINEBREAK, Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
            else if (bjoin is NotJoin)
                NotJoin nj = (NotJoin)bjoin;
                IGenericMap <Object, Object> bm = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)getBetaLeftMemory(bjoin);
                IEnumerator bitr = bm.Keys.GetEnumerator();
                while (bitr.MoveNext())
                    Index       indx = (Index)bitr.Current;
                    IBetaMemory bmem = (IBetaMemory)bm.Get(indx);
            else if (bjoin is TemporalEqNode)
                TemporalEqNode ten = (TemporalEqNode)bjoin;
                IGenericMap <Object, Object> bm = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)betaLeftMemories.Get(bjoin);
                // we iterate over the keys in the HashMap
                IEnumerator bitr = bm.Keys.GetEnumerator();
                while (bitr.MoveNext())
                    Index  indx     = (Index)bm.Get(bitr.Current);
                    Object rightmem = betaRightMemories.Get(bjoin);
                    if (detailed)
                        if (rightmem is HashedAlphaMemoryImpl)
                            HashedAlphaMemoryImpl hami = (HashedAlphaMemoryImpl)rightmem;
                            engine.writeMessage(bjoin.toPPString() + " count=" + hami.size() + " - " + indx.toPPString() + Constants.LINEBREAK);
                            IGenericMap <Object, Object> rmap = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)rightmem;
                            engine.writeMessage(bjoin.toPPString() + " count=" + rmap.Count + " - " + indx.toPPString() + Constants.LINEBREAK);
                    if (rightmem is HashedAlphaMemoryImpl)
                        betaTotal += ((HashedAlphaMemoryImpl)rightmem).size();
                        betaTotal += ((IGenericMap <IFact, IFact>)rightmem).Count;
Exemple #13
 /// <summary> the current implementation will try to find the memory for the node.
 /// If it doesn't find it, it checks the node type and creates the
 /// appropriate AlphaMemory for the node. Since right memories are
 /// hashed, it creates the appropriate type of Hashed memory.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual Object getBetaRightMemory(Object key)
     Object val = betaRightMemories.Get(key);
     if (val != null)
         return val;
         if (key is HashedEqBNode || key is HashedEqNJoin || key is ExistJoin)
             String mname = "hnode" + ((BaseNode) key).nodeID;
             HashedAlphaMemoryImpl alpha = new HashedAlphaMemoryImpl(mname);
             betaRightMemories.Put(key, alpha);
             return alpha;
         else if (key is HashedNotEqBNode || key is HashedNotEqNJoin || key is ExistNeqJoin)
             String mname = "hneq" + ((BaseNode) key).nodeID;
             HashedNeqAlphaMemory alpha = new HashedNeqAlphaMemory(mname);
             betaRightMemories.Put(key, alpha);
             return alpha;
         else if (key is TemporalEqNode)
             String mname = "hnode" + ((BaseNode) key).nodeID;
             TemporalHashedAlphaMem alpha = new TemporalHashedAlphaMem(mname);
             betaRightMemories.Put(key, alpha);
             return alpha;
             String mname = "brmem" + ((BaseNode) key).nodeID;
             IGenericMap<IFact, IFact> right = CollectionFactory.newAlphaMemoryMap(mname);
             betaRightMemories.Put(key, right);
             return right;