protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     this.UID = ConvertHelper.ConvertLong(this.Session["UserID"]);
     this.SID = Convert.ToInt64(base.Request.Form["SID"]);
     this.IID = Convert.ToInt64(base.Request.Form["IID"]);
     CreateItem.CreateItem item = new CreateItem.CreateItem();
     string[] arrFormsData      = item.getFormsData();
     item.createItem(arrFormsData, this.SID, this.UID, this.IID);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GridView1 = Page.FindControl("GridView1") as GridView;
            GridView1.PageIndexChanging += new GridViewPageEventHandler(GridView1_PageIndexChanging);
            string str;
            long   num;

            string[] strArray = null; //赋初值
            long     num2;

            goto Label_003F;
            switch (num2)
            case 0:
                if (this.SID != 0)
                    //this.SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT IID,ItemName,ItemType,PageNo FROM ItemTable WHERE SID=" + this.SID.ToString() + " AND ParentID=0 ORDER BY Sort";
                    //DataSet GridViewDataSource = new Survey_ItemList_Layer().GetGridViewItemTable(this.SID.ToString(),"0");
                    //this.GridView1.DataSource = GridViewDataSource;

                    num2 = 9;
                    num2 = 5;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 1:
                goto Label_02AD;

            case 2:
                if (!(strArray[0] == "18"))
                    CreateItem.CreateItem item = new CreateItem.CreateItem();     //赋初值
                    string sClientJs           = this.sClientJs;
                    this.sClientJs = sClientJs + "blnActioned='True';\nintPageNo=" + strArray[1] + ";\nintItemType=" + strArray[0] + ";\n";
                    //OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(this.sConn);
                    //OleDbCommand objComm = new OleDbCommand("", connection);
                    item.createItem(strArray, this.SID, this.UID, "");


                    num2 = 6;
                    num2 = 11;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 3:
                strArray = new CreateItem.CreateItem().getFormsData();
                num2     = 2;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 4:
                goto Label_01C1;

            case 5:

            case 6:

            case 7:
                this.delItem(this.SID, num);
                this.sClientJs = this.sClientJs + "blnActioned='True';\n";
                num2           = 1;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 8:
                if (!(base.Request.QueryString["f"] == "ok"))
                    goto Label_01C1;
                num2 = 12;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 9:
                if (!(str == "Del"))
                    goto Label_02AD;
                num2 = 7;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 10:
                if (base.Request.Form["Submit"] == null)
                num2 = 3;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 11:

            case 12:
                this.sClientJs = this.sClientJs + "blnActioned='True';\n";
                num2           = 4;
                goto Label_0002;
            UID      = ConvertHelper.ConvertLong(this.Session["UserID"]);
            str      = "";
            str      = base.Request.QueryString["A"];
            this.SID = Convert.ToInt64(base.Request.QueryString["SID"]);
            num      = Convert.ToInt64(base.Request.QueryString["IID"]);
            num2     = 0;
            goto Label_0002;
            num2 = 10;
            goto Label_0002;
            num2 = 8;
            goto Label_0002;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string str;
            string str2;

            string[] strArray = null; //립놓令
            long     num      = 0;    //립놓令
            string   str3;
            string   str4;
            short    num2 = 0; //립놓令
            int      num3;

            goto Label_004F;
            switch (num3)
            case 0:
                num3 = 14;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 1:
                if (str2.Length > 2)
                    str2     = str2.Substring(0, str2.Length - 1);
                    strArray = str2.Split(new char[] { ';' });
                    this.IID = Convert.ToInt64(base.Request.Form["IID"]);
                    this.SID = Convert.ToInt64(base.Request.Form["SID"]);
                    num3     = 4;
                    num3 = 10;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 2:
                if (!(strArray[num2] != ""))
                    goto Label_0244;
                num3 = 11;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 3:
                CreateItem.CreateItem item = new CreateItem.CreateItem();
                this.sItemHTML = item.createItemHTML(this.IID, this.SID, num, 0, true);
                item.updateItemHtml(this.SID, num, this.IID, this.sItemHTML);
                num3 = 7;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 4:
                if (this.SID == 0)
                    goto Label_02B6;
                num3 = 0;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 5:
                goto Label_02B6;

            case 6:
                if (num2 < strArray.Length)
                    num3 = 2;
                    num3 = 3;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 7:

            case 8:
                if (str2 == null)
                num3 = 15;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 9:
                goto Label_0244;

            case 10:

            case 11:
                str3 = strArray[num2].Substring(strArray[num2].LastIndexOf(':') + 1, (strArray[num2].Length - strArray[num2].LastIndexOf(':')) - 1);
                str4 = strArray[num2].Substring(0, strArray[num2].LastIndexOf(':'));
                //command.CommandText = " UPDATE OptionTable SET [Image]='" + str3 + "' WHERE OID=" + str4 + " AND UID=" + num.ToString() + " AND SID=" + this.SID.ToString() + " AND IID=" + this.IID.ToString();
                new Survey_SetOptionImage_Layer().UpdateOptionTable(str3, str4, num.ToString(), this.SID.ToString(), this.IID.ToString());
                num3 = 9;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 12:
                goto Label_01F2;

            case 13:
                goto Label_01A7;

            case 14:
                if (this.IID != 0)
                    goto Label_01A7;
                num3 = 5;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 15:
                num3 = 1;
                goto Label_0002;

            case 0x10:
                if ((1 == 0) || (0 == 0))
                    goto Label_01F2;
            str2 = Convert.ToString(base.Request.Form["OptionImageStr"]);
            num  = 0;
            num  = ConvertHelper.ConvertLong(this.Session["UserID"]);
            num3 = 8;
            goto Label_0002;
            str3 = "";
            str4 = "";
            num2 = 0;
            num3 = 0x10;
            goto Label_0002;
            num3 = 6;
            goto Label_0002;
            num2 = (short)(num2 + 1);
            num3 = 12;
            goto Label_0002;
            base.Response.Write("SID=" + this.SID.ToString() + "<BR>IID=" + this.IID.ToString());
            num3 = 13;
            goto Label_0002;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            long num;
            long num3;

            string[]   strArray;
            int        num4;
            XmlNode    node      = null; //赋初值
            XmlElement element   = null; //赋初值
            string     attribute = null; //赋初值

            CreateItem.CreateItem item;
            int num5;

            goto Label_00A2;
            switch (num5)
            case 0:
                if (!(strArray[7] == ""))
                    goto Label_0838;
                num5 = 0x12;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 1:
                if (!(strArray[9] == ""))
                    goto Label_0346;
                num5 = 0x15;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 2:
                goto Label_0346;

            case 3:
                if (!(strArray[5] == ""))
                    goto Label_079A;
                num5 = 30;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 4:
                strArray[0x1f] = this.getOptionStr(node, true);
                num5           = 15;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 5:
                goto Label_00F8;

            case 6:
                if (!(strArray[8] == ""))
                    goto Label_019E;
                num5 = 9;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 7:
                if (!(strArray[2] == ""))
                    goto Label_05CC;
                num5 = 0x22;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 8:
                if (!(strArray[6] == ""))
                    goto Label_00F8;
                num5 = 20;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 9:
                strArray[8] = "0";
                num5        = 11;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 10:
                goto Label_0646;

            case 11:
                goto Label_019E;

            case 12:
                if (!(strArray[0] == "13"))
                    goto Label_0890;
                num5 = 0x20;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 13:
                if (!(strArray[4] == ""))
                    goto Label_051B;
                num5 = 0x19;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 14:
                goto Label_079A;

            case 15:
                goto Label_016B;

            case 0x10:
            case 0x21:
                num5 = 0x17;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x11:
                XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
                document.LoadXml(this.getItemXML(num3, num));
                node           = document.SelectSingleNode("Item");
                element        = (XmlElement)node;
                strArray[0]    = element.GetAttribute("ItemType");
                strArray[1]    = "1";
                strArray[10]   = element.GetAttribute("ItemName");
                strArray[11]   = this.getItemContent(node);
                strArray[20]   = this.getSubItemStr(node);
                strArray[0x15] = this.getOptionStr(node);
                num5           = 0x23;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x12:
                strArray[7] = "10";
                num5        = 0x1d;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x13:
                strArray[3] = "50";
                num5        = 0x1c;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 20:
                strArray[6] = "1";
                num5        = 5;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x15:
                strArray[9] = "99999999";
                num5        = 2;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x16:
                goto Label_051B;

            case 0x17:
                if (num4 < strArray.Length)
                    strArray[num4] = "";
                    num5 = 0x10;
                    num5 = 0x11;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x18:
                goto Label_0890;

            case 0x19:
                strArray[4] = "0";
                num5        = 0x16;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x1a:
                strArray[0x19] = element.GetAttribute("OptionAmount");
                num5           = 10;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x1b:
                goto Label_05CC;

            case 0x1c:
                goto Label_072A;

            case 0x1d:
                goto Label_0838;

            case 30:
                strArray[5] = "100";
                num5        = 14;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x1f:
                if (!(strArray[3] == ""))
                    goto Label_072A;
                num5 = 0x13;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x20:
                strArray[0x19] = strArray[7];
                num5           = 0x18;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x22:
                strArray[2] = "0";
                num5        = 0x1b;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x23:
                if (!(strArray[0] == "18"))
                    goto Label_016B;
                num5 = 4;
                goto Label_0005;

            case 0x24:
                if (!(strArray[0] == "11"))
                    goto Label_0646;
                num5 = 0x1a;
                goto Label_0005;
            num = ConvertHelper.ConvertLong(this.Session["UserID"]);;
            long sID = Convert.ToInt64(base.Request.QueryString["SID"]);

            num3     = Convert.ToInt64(base.Request.QueryString["LIID"]);
            strArray = new string[0x20];
            num4     = 0;
            num5     = 0x21;
            goto Label_0005;
            Label_00F8 :;
            strArray[7] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "MaxTickOff");
            num5        = 0;
            goto Label_0005;
            num5 = 0x24;
            goto Label_0005;
            Label_019E :;
            strArray[9] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "MinValue");
            num5        = 1;
            goto Label_0005;
            Label_0346 :;
            strArray[12]   = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "Mob");
            strArray[13]   = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "PostCode");
            strArray[14]   = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "Data");
            strArray[15]   = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "IDCard");
            strArray[0x10] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "Cn");
            strArray[0x11] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "En");
            strArray[0x12] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "URL");
            strArray[0x13] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "Email");
            strArray[0x16] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "Empty");
            strArray[0x1a] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "MaxLevelName");
            strArray[0x1b] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "MinLevelName");
            num5           = 12;
            goto Label_0005;
            Label_051B :;
            strArray[5] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "MaxSelect");
            num5        = 3;
            goto Label_0005;
            Label_05CC :;
            strArray[3] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "MaxLen");
            num5        = 0x1f;
            goto Label_0005;
            strArray[0x17] = element.GetAttribute("OptionImgModel");
            attribute      = element.GetAttribute("DataFormatCheck");
            strArray[2]    = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "MinLen");
            num5           = 7;
            goto Label_0005;
            Label_072A :;
            strArray[4] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "MinSelect");
            num5        = 13;
            goto Label_0005;
            Label_079A :;
            strArray[6] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "MinTickOff");
            num5        = 8;
            goto Label_0005;
            Label_0838 :;
            strArray[8] = this.getCheckValue(attribute.Split(new char[] { '|' }), "MaxValue");
            num5        = 6;
            goto Label_0005;
            item = new CreateItem.CreateItem();
            item.createItem(strArray, sID, num, attribute);