Exemple #1
 // returns an exception so that you can throw this function call in situations where you want
 // the compiler to think the codepath terminates
 public System.Exception ThrowEofException()
Exemple #2
        public static Token[] Tokenize(string filename, string code, int fileID, bool useMultiCharTokens)
            code += '\n';
            code += '\0';

            int[] lineByIndex = new int[code.Length];
            int[] colByIndex  = new int[code.Length];
            char  c;
            int   line = 0;
            int   col  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < code.Length; ++i)
                c = code[i];
                lineByIndex[i] = line;
                colByIndex[i]  = col;
                if (c == '\n')
                    col = -1;


            List <Token> tokens = new List <Token>();

            string        commentType = null;
            string        stringType  = null;
            StringBuilder stringToken = null;
            string        normalToken = null;
            int           stringStart = 0;
            int           normalStart = 0;

            bool previousIsWhitespace            = false;
            bool tokenStartHasPreviousWhitespace = false;

            string c2;
            int    length = code.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                c  = code[i];
                c2 = (i >= (length - 1)) ? "" : ("" + c + code[i + 1]);

                if (c == '\0' && i == length - 1)
                    // Indicates the end of the stream. Throw an exception in cases where you left something lingering.
                    if (commentType == "*")
                        throw new ParserException(new Token("EOF", fileID, filename, lineByIndex[lineByIndex.Length - 1], colByIndex[colByIndex.Length - 1], false), "This file contains an unclosed comment somewhere.");
                    if (stringType != null)
                        Token suspiciousToken = null;
                        foreach (Token suspiciousCheck in tokens)
                            c = suspiciousCheck.Value[0];
                            if (c == '"' || c == '\'')
                                if (suspiciousCheck.Value.Contains("\n"))
                                    suspiciousToken = suspiciousCheck;

                        string unclosedStringError = "There is an unclosed string somewhere in this file.";
                        if (suspiciousToken != null)
                            unclosedStringError += " Line " + (suspiciousToken.Line + 1) + " is suspicious.";
                        else if (stringStart != 0)
                            unclosedStringError += " Line " + (lineByIndex[stringStart] + 1) + " is suspicious.";
                        ParserException.ThrowEofExceptionWithSuggestion(filename, unclosedStringError);

                if (commentType == "/")
                    if (c == '\n')
                        commentType = null;
                    previousIsWhitespace = true;
                else if (commentType == "*")
                    if (c2 == "*/")
                        commentType = null;
                    previousIsWhitespace = true;
                else if (stringType != null)
                    if (c == '\\')
                    else if (c == stringType[0])
                        stringType = null;
                        tokens.Add(new Token(stringToken.ToString(), fileID, filename, lineByIndex[stringStart], colByIndex[stringStart], tokenStartHasPreviousWhitespace));
                    previousIsWhitespace = false;
                else if (normalToken != null)
                    if (IDENTIFIER_CHARS.Contains(c))
                        normalToken += c;
                        tokens.Add(new Token(normalToken, fileID, filename, lineByIndex[normalStart], colByIndex[normalStart], tokenStartHasPreviousWhitespace));
                        normalToken = null;
                    previousIsWhitespace = false;
                else if (useMultiCharTokens && TWO_CHAR_TOKENS.Contains(c2))
                    tokens.Add(new Token(c2, fileID, filename, lineByIndex[i], colByIndex[i], previousIsWhitespace));
                    previousIsWhitespace = false;
                else if (WHITESPACE.Contains(c))
                    previousIsWhitespace = true;
                else if (c == '"')
                    stringType  = "\"";
                    stringToken = new StringBuilder("" + stringType);
                    stringStart = i;
                    tokenStartHasPreviousWhitespace = previousIsWhitespace;
                    previousIsWhitespace            = false;
                else if (c == '\'')
                    stringType  = "'";
                    stringToken = new StringBuilder("" + stringType);
                    stringStart = i;
                    tokenStartHasPreviousWhitespace = previousIsWhitespace;
                    previousIsWhitespace            = false;
                else if (IDENTIFIER_CHARS.Contains(c))
                    normalToken = "" + c;
                    normalStart = i;
                    tokenStartHasPreviousWhitespace = previousIsWhitespace;
                    previousIsWhitespace            = false;
                else if (c2 == "//")
                    commentType = "/";
                    i          += 1;
                else if (c2 == "/*")
                    commentType = "*";
                    i          += 1;
                    tokens.Add(new Token("" + c, fileID, filename, lineByIndex[i], colByIndex[i], previousIsWhitespace));
                    previousIsWhitespace = false;
            tokens.RemoveAt(tokens.Count - 1);
