private static int GameOver(FormMainPage form) { int score = Convert.ToInt32(form.lblDieTotalValue.Text); if (GameVariables.Round == 1) { if (GameVariables.Wins.Contains(score)) { return(1); } else if (GameVariables.Loses.Contains(score)) { return(0); } else { return(-1); } } else { if (score == GameVariables.PointWin) { return(1); } else if (score == GameVariables.PointLose) { return(0); } else { return(-1); } } }
public static void AddAndActivatePlayer(string inputName, FormMainPage form) { string userName = CleanUserName(inputName); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName)) { if (form.crapsDataSet.User.Select("Name = '" + userName + "'").Length != 0) { MessageBox.Show("That player already exists. Please enter a new player or select your name from the list."); } else { CrapsDataSet.UserRow userRow = form.crapsDataSet.User.NewUserRow(); userRow.Name = userName.ToUpper(); form.crapsDataSet.User.Rows.Add(userRow); try { form.userTableAdapter.Insert(userName.ToUpper()); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } form.userTableAdapter.Fill(form.crapsDataSet.User); ViewController.PlayerActivate(userName, form); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Your name cannot be empty."); } }
private static void ResetGame(string winorlose, FormMainPage form) { int currentGame = (form.crapsDataSet.Game.Select("[Player ID] = " + GameVariables.UserID, "Id DESC").Count() > 0) ? (int)form.crapsDataSet.Game.Select("[Player ID] = " + GameVariables.UserID, "Id DESC")[0]["Id"] : 0; CrapsDataSet.GameRow gameRow = form.crapsDataSet.Game.FindById(currentGame); gameRow["Result"] = winorlose; gameRow["Time"] = DateTime.Now; if (GameVariables.PointWin > 0) { gameRow["Point"] = GameVariables.PointWin.ToString(); } form.gameTableAdapter.Update(form.crapsDataSet.Game); try { form.gameTableAdapter.Update(form.crapsDataSet.Game); } catch { MessageBox.Show(currentGame.ToString()); } form.gameTableAdapter.Fill(form.crapsDataSet.Game); GameController.NewGame(form); }
public static void DeletePlayer(FormMainPage form) { CrapsDataSet.UserRow userRow = form.crapsDataSet.User.FindById(GameVariables.UserID); ClearPlayerHistory(form); userRow.Delete(); form.userTableAdapter.Update(form.crapsDataSet.User); form.userTableAdapter.Fill(form.crapsDataSet.User); form.rollHistTableAdapter.Fill(form.crapsDataSet.RollHist); }
private static void ShowDice(FormMainPage form) { form.lblDie1Value.Visible = true; form.lblDie2Value.Visible = true; form.lblDieTotalValue.Visible = true; form.lblRollDie1.Visible = true; form.lblRollDie2.Visible = true; form.lblRollTotal.Visible = true; }
private static void ClearPlayerGames(FormMainPage form) { for (int i = form.crapsDataSet.Game.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DataRow dataRow = form.crapsDataSet.Game.Rows[i]; if (dataRow.Field <int>("Player ID") == GameVariables.UserID) { dataRow.Delete(); } } form.gameTableAdapter.Update(form.crapsDataSet.Game); form.gameTableAdapter.Fill(form.crapsDataSet.Game); }
internal static async Task <int[]> RollDice(FormMainPage form, HttpClient client) { DiceController dice = await GetDiceAsync("", form, client); if (dice != null) { int[] diceValues = new int[2]; diceValues[0] = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Match(dice.details, @"(?<=\()\d").ToString()); diceValues[1] = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Match(dice.details, @"(?<=\+)\d").ToString()); return(diceValues); } else { MessageBox.Show("Connection Failed. Generating Rolls Locally"); Random rnd = new Random(); return(new int[] { rnd.Next(1, 7), rnd.Next(1, 7) }); } }
private static async Task <DiceController> GetDiceAsync(string path, FormMainPage form, HttpClient httpClient) { try { DiceController dice = null; HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(path); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { dice = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <DiceController>(); } return(dice); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); return(null); } }
public static void NewGame(FormMainPage form) { CrapsDataSet.GameRow gameRow = form.crapsDataSet.Game.NewGameRow(); gameRow["Player Id"] = GameVariables.UserID; form.crapsDataSet.Game.AddGameRow(gameRow); try { form.gameTableAdapter.Update(form.crapsDataSet.Game); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } GameVariables.Round = 1; form.lblWinValue.Text = string.Join(" or ", GameVariables.Wins); form.lblLossValue.Text = string.Join(" or ", GameVariables.Loses); GameVariables.PointWin = 0; form.rollHistTableAdapter.Fill(form.crapsDataSet.RollHist); form.gameTableAdapter.Fill(form.crapsDataSet.Game); }
public static void UpdateGameState(FormMainPage form) { if (GameOver(form) == 0) { form.lblOutcome.Text = "You Lost :("; ResetGame("Loss", form); } else if (GameOver(form) == 1) { form.lblOutcome.Text = "You Win!"; ResetGame("Win", form); } else { if (GameVariables.Round == 1) { SetPoint(form); form.lblOutcome.Text = "Roll again!"; } GameVariables.Round++; } }
public static void UpdateUser(string inputName, FormMainPage form) { string userName = CleanUserName(inputName); if (form.crapsDataSet.User.Select("Name = '" + userName + "'").Length != 0) { MessageBox.Show("That player already exists."); } else { CrapsDataSet.UserRow userRow = form.crapsDataSet.User.FindById(GameVariables.UserID); userRow.Name = userName.ToUpper(); try { form.userTableAdapter.Update(form.crapsDataSet); form.userTableAdapter.Fill(form.crapsDataSet.User); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } } }
public static void PopulateRolls(int[] rolls, FormMainPage form) { form.lblOutcome.Visible = true; form.lblDie1Value.Text = rolls[0].ToString(); form.lblDie2Value.Text = rolls[1].ToString(); form.lblDieTotalValue.Text = (rolls[0] + rolls[1]).ToString(); ShowDice(form); int currentGame = (form.crapsDataSet.Game.Select("[Player ID] = " + GameVariables.UserID).Count() > 0) ? (int)form.crapsDataSet.Game.Select("[Player ID] = " + GameVariables.UserID, "Id DESC")[0]["Id"] : 0; CrapsDataSet.RollRow rollRow = form.crapsDataSet.Roll.NewRollRow(); rollRow["PlayerID"] = GameVariables.UserID; rollRow["Game"] = currentGame; rollRow["Die1"] = rolls[0]; rollRow["Die2"] = rolls[1]; rollRow["RollNum"] = GameVariables.Round; if (GameVariables.PointWin != 0) { rollRow["Point"] = GameVariables.PointWin.ToString(); } form.crapsDataSet.Roll.AddRollRow(rollRow); try { form.rollTableAdapter.Update(form.crapsDataSet.Roll); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } form.rollTableAdapter.Fill(form.crapsDataSet.Roll); form.rollHistTableAdapter.Fill(form.crapsDataSet.RollHist); }
public static void ClearPlayerHistory(FormMainPage form) { ClearPlayerRolls(form); ClearPlayerGames(form); }
private static void SetPoint(FormMainPage form) { GameVariables.PointWin = Convert.ToInt32(form.lblDieTotalValue.Text); form.lblWinValue.Text = GameVariables.PointWin.ToString(); form.lblLossValue.Text = GameVariables.PointLose.ToString(); }