Exemple #1
 // Constructor takes a reference to the options so that
 // we can return the results of changes made by the user
 public Options(ref GUIOptions options)
     opt = options;
Exemple #2
 // Constructor takes a reference to the options so that
 // we can return the results of changes made by the user
 public Options(ref GUIOptions options)
     opt = options;
 public OnOptionSettings(DriveControl form, GUIOptions opt)
     : base(form)
     Options = new GUIOptions();
     Options = opt;
 public OnOptionSettings(DriveControl form)
     : base(form)
     Options = new GUIOptions();
 private void optionsMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     GUIOptions opt = options;
     Options optDialog = new Options(ref opt);
     DialogResult result = optDialog.ShowDialog();
     if (result == DialogResult.OK)
         options = opt;
        // TT - Change the parameters for Form constructor
        public DriveControl(DriveControlEvents EventsPort, StateType state)
            _eventsPort = EventsPort;

            simulImage.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(simulImage_MouseMove);
            simulImage.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(simulImage_MouseDown);
            _eventsPort.PostUnknownType(new OnSimulLoaded(this, this));

            txtPort.ValidatingType = typeof(ushort);

            // TT - Add initialization code based on the saved State
            // Restore log file settings
            txtLogFile.Text = state.LogFile;
            if (state.Log)
                if (state.LogFile != "")
                    chkLog.Checked = true;
                    // Initialize the log file
                    // Copied code from the Checkbox Click handler
                    txtLogFile.Enabled = !chkLog.Checked;
                    btnBrowse.Enabled = !chkLog.Checked;
                    _eventsPort.PostUnknownType(new OnLogSetting(this, chkLog.Checked, txtLogFile.Text));
                    chkLog.Checked = false;
                chkLog.Checked = false;

            // Set up the connection parameters
            txtMachine.Text = state.Machine;
            if (state.Port != 0)
                txtPort.Text = state.Port.ToString();

            // TT - Version 2 added all the options below
            options = new GUIOptions();
            options = state.Options;

            this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
            this.Location = new Point(options.WindowStartX, options.WindowStartY);

            // The dead zone can't be negative, but it can be zero
            options.DeadZoneX = Math.Abs(state.Options.DeadZoneX);
            options.DeadZoneY = Math.Abs(state.Options.DeadZoneY);

            // Just in case the scale factors have not been initialized
            if (state.Options.TranslateScaleFactor == 0)
                options.TranslateScaleFactor = 1.0;
                options.TranslateScaleFactor = state.Options.TranslateScaleFactor;
            if (state.Options.RotateScaleFactor == 0)
                options.RotateScaleFactor = 0.5;
                options.RotateScaleFactor = state.Options.RotateScaleFactor;

            LRFPanelBaseY = groupBoxLRF.Top;
            LRFPanelHeight = LRFPanelBaseY;
            FormBaseHeight = this.Height - LRFPanelHeight;