protected virtual void OnRedone(UndoPoint e)
			if (Redone != null)	Redone(e);
		private UndoPoint AddPoint(Element element, UndoAction action, string description, bool overwrite)
			if (Suspended) return null;

			UndoPoint undo = null;
			string key = null;
			string createDesc = null;

			//Create undopoint
			if (element is Shape || element is Line)
				undo = new UndoPoint(element, action);
				key = element.Key;
				createDesc = element.GetType().Name;
				return null;

			//Remove any previous undos ahead of this one
			if (mUndoPointer < List.Count)
				for (int i = mUndoPointer+1;  i < List.Count; i++)

			//Set description
			if (description == null || description == "")
				if (action == UndoAction.Add)
					undo.Description = "Add " + createDesc;
				else if (action == UndoAction.Edit)
					undo.Description = "Edit " + createDesc;
				else if (action == UndoAction.Remove)
					undo.Description = "Remove " + createDesc;
				undo.Description = description;

			//Get current undopoint
			UndoPoint currentUndo = null;

			if (mUndoPointer > -1) currentUndo = (UndoPoint) List[mUndoPointer];

			//Check if must add or update the undopoint
			if (overwrite && mUndoPointer > -1 && action == UndoAction.Edit && currentUndo.Key == key)
				List[mUndoPointer] = undo; 
				//Add object to internal arraylist
				mUndoPointer = List.Count - 1;

			return undo;
		protected virtual void OnUndone(UndoPoint e)
			if (Undone != null) Undone(e);