//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void AddUser(int boardId, String userName) { ActiveBoard board = this.GetBoard(boardId); /*cream un nou user*/ ActiveUser user = new ActiveUser() { Changes = new List<Change>(), Right = ActiveUser.Rights.Write, Username = userName }; /*cream si o noua entitate*/ UserRight entity = new UserRight() { BoardId = boardId, Right = 1, User = userName }; user.Entity = entity; /*adaugam in bd*/ lock (this._em.UserRights) { this._em.UserRights.AddObject(user.Entity); this._em.SaveChanges(); } /*adaugam si in active board*/ board.UsersTable.Add(user.Username, user); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void DuplicateBoard(int boardId) { // scoatem entitatea si ii copiem valorile var res = (from d in this._em.Boards where d.Id == boardId select d).ToList(); if (res.Count() < 1) return; Board b = res[0]; Board newBoard = new Board(); newBoard.Name = b.Name + " Copy"; newBoard.Owner = b.Owner; newBoard.Seed = b.Seed; this._em.AddToBoards(newBoard); /*salvam modificarile sa generam un id nou*/ this._em.SaveChanges(); //scoatem fiecare layer continut si generam entitati duplicate var res1 = (from d in this._em.Layers where d.BoardId == boardId select d).ToList(); foreach (Layer l in res1) { Layer newLayer = new Layer(); newLayer.BoardId = newBoard.Id; newLayer.LayerId = l.LayerId; newLayer.Name = l.Name; newLayer.Order = l.Order; this._em.AddToLayers(newLayer); this._em.SaveChanges(); /* duplicam widgeturile pentru fiecare layer in bd*/ var res2 = (from d in this._em.Widgets where d.LayerId == l.LayerId select d).ToList(); foreach (Widget w in res2) { Widget newWidget = new Widget(); newWidget.LayerId = newLayer.Id; newWidget.WidgetId = w.WidgetId; newWidget.Type = w.Type; newWidget.Data = w.Data; newWidget.Name = w.Name; newWidget.Order = w.Order; this._em.AddToWidgets(newWidget); } } /* duplicam drepturile userilor asupra boardului*/ var res3 = (from d in this._em.UserRights where d.BoardId == boardId select d).ToList(); foreach (UserRight ur in res3) { UserRight u = new UserRight(); u.BoardId = ur.BoardId; u.Right = ur.Right; u.User = ur.User; this._em.AddToUserRights(u); } this._em.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the UserRights EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToUserRights(UserRight userRight) { base.AddObject("UserRights", userRight); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new UserRight object. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Initial value of the Id property.</param> /// <param name="boardId">Initial value of the BoardId property.</param> /// <param name="user">Initial value of the User property.</param> /// <param name="right">Initial value of the Right property.</param> public static UserRight CreateUserRight(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.Int32 boardId, global::System.String user, global::System.Int32 right) { UserRight userRight = new UserRight(); userRight.Id = id; userRight.BoardId = boardId; userRight.User = user; userRight.Right = right; return userRight; }