private void listBoxCountries_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { try { mediaPlayer.Close(); comboBoxTranslatorInput.ItemsSource = null; comboBoxTranslatorOutput.ItemsSource = null; comboBoxTranslatorOutput.Items.Clear(); comboBoxConverterInput.ItemsSource = null; comboBoxConverterOutput.ItemsSource = null; comboBoxConverterOutput.Items.Clear(); if (txtBoxTranslatorInput.Text != "Insert the Text to Translate") { txtBoxTranslatorInput.Text = "Insert the Text to Translate"; } if (txtBoxTranslatorOutput.Text != "Translated Text") { txtBoxTranslatorOutput.Text = "Translated Text"; } comboBoxTranslatorInput.SelectedItem = "en - English"; if (txtBoxConverterInput.Text != "Insert the Value to Convert") { txtBoxConverterInput.Text = "Insert the Value to Convert"; } if (txtBoxConverterOutput.Text != "Converted Value") { txtBoxConverterOutput.Text = "Converted Value"; } Country country = (Country)listBoxCountries.SelectedItem; if (country != null) { if (country.Languages == null) { txtBoxTranslatorOutput.Text = "-- Translation Unavailable --"; txtBoxTranslatorInput.Text = "-- Translation Unavailable --"; } labelName.Content = country.Name; labelCapital.Content = country.Capital; labelRegion.Content = country.Region; labelSubRegion.Content = country.SubRegion; labelPopulation.Content = country.Population; labelGini.Content = country.Gini; string fileNameFlags = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/Flags" + $"/{country.Alpha3Code.ToLower()}.jpg"; BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage(); img.BeginInit(); if (File.Exists(fileNameFlags)) { img.UriSource = new Uri(fileNameFlags); } else { img.UriSource = new Uri(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/ImageUnavailable.jpg"); imageFlag1.Stretch = Stretch.None; } img.EndInit(); imageFlag1.Source = img; string fileNameMaps = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Maps\" + $"{country.Alpha2Code.ToLower()}.gif"; BitmapImage img2 = new BitmapImage(); img2.BeginInit(); if (File.Exists(fileNameMaps)) { img2.UriSource = new Uri(fileNameMaps); } else { img2.UriSource = new Uri(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/ImageUnavailable.jpg"); imageFlag1.Stretch = Stretch.None; } img2.EndInit(); imageMap.Source = img2; List <string> LangDistinct = new List <string>(); if (country.Languages != null) { foreach (var ct in Countries) { foreach (var lg in ct.Languages) { if (!LangDistinct.Contains(lg.ToString())) { LangDistinct.Add(lg.ToString()); } } } } comboBoxTranslatorInput.ItemsSource = LangDistinct; if (country.Languages != null) { foreach (var lg in country.Languages) { comboBoxTranslatorOutput.Items.Add(lg.ToString()); } } comboBoxConverterInput.ItemsSource = Rates; if (Rates != null) { foreach (var cr in country.Currencies) { foreach (var rate in Rates) { if (cr.code != null) { if (cr.code.ToLower() == rate.Code.ToLower()) { comboBoxConverterOutput.Items.Add(rate); } } } } } if (comboBoxConverterOutput.Items.Count == 0) { comboBoxConverterOutput.Text = "Unable to Convert"; } textBoxWiki.Text = dataService.LoadWikiText(country.Alpha2Code.ToLower()); LoadAudio(country.Alpha2Code.ToLower()); } } catch (Exception ex) { dialogService.ShowMessage("An error occurred.\nPlease Update Info!", ex.Message); } }
protected void gvCountries_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "AddNewCountry") { Control control = null; if (this.gvCountries.FooterRow != null) { control = this.gvCountries.FooterRow; } else { control = this.gvCountries.Controls[0].Controls[0]; } try { int continentId = Convert.ToInt32(this.lbContinents.SelectedValue); string countryName = ((TextBox)control.FindControl("tbNewCountryName")).Text; int countryPopulation = Convert.ToInt32(((TextBox)control.FindControl("tbNewCountryPopulation")).Text); string countryLanguage = ((TextBox)control.FindControl("tbNewCountryLanguage")).Text; Country newCountry = new Country { Name = countryName, Population = countryPopulation, Language = countryLanguage, ContinentId = continentId }; this.context.Countries.Add(newCountry); this.context.SaveChanges(); ((TextBox)control.FindControl("tbNewCountryName")).Text = string.Empty; ((TextBox)control.FindControl("tbNewCountryPopulation")).Text = string.Empty; ((TextBox)control.FindControl("tbNewCountryLanguage")).Text = string.Empty; this.successMessage.InnerText = "You successfully added country: " + countryName + "!"; this.successDiv.Visible = true; } catch (Exception ex) { this.errorMessage.InnerText = ex.Message; this.errorDiv.Visible = true; return; } } }
public World(Country[] countries) { this.Countries = countries; }