Exemple #1
        // Starts the specified servo move using the specified speed. StartSpeedMove is used by PersonTracking
        // and RobotSpeech, which are lower priority moves than those issued through Sequences. StartSpeedMove
        // motion can be interrupted by Sequence moves, and new StartSpeedMove moves are ignored if a Sequence
        // is already moving this servo.
        public void StartSpeedMove(ServoPosition servoPosition, long servoSpeed)
            if (!IsEnabled())
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "StartSpeedMove failed, servos are disabled.");

            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "StartSpeedMove moving servo " + servoPosition.index.ToString() + " to position " + servoPosition.position.ToString() + " at speed " + servoSpeed.ToString() + ".");

            Servo servo = servoList.Find(x => x.index == servoPosition.index);

            lock (servo.movePriorityLock)
                if (servo.isRunningHighPriorityMove)
                    // Ignore this command if a higher priority (i.e. Sequence) move is already running.

                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "StartSpeedMove, isRunningHighPriorityMove is set for servo " + servo.index.ToString() + ". Aborting move.");

                if (!IsConnected())

                SetServoSpeed(servo, servoSpeed);
                SetServoPosition(servo, servoPosition.position);
        // Sets the target position of the specified servo, causing this servo to begin moving
        // to the new position. This target position is first bounded within the servo's min/max
        // position limits, and a warning is logged if a position outside of these limits was
        // specified.
        private void SetServoPosition(Servo servo, double position)
            if (position < servo.positionLimitMin)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "Requested servo " + servo.index.ToString() + " position " + position.ToString() + " bound to minimum limit " + servo.positionLimitMin.ToString());

                // Bound to this limit.
                position = servo.positionLimitMin;

            if (position > servo.positionLimitMax)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "Requested servo " + servo.index.ToString() + " position " + position.ToString() + " bound to maximum limit " + servo.positionLimitMax.ToString());

                // Bound to this limit.
                position = servo.positionLimitMax;

            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Setting servo " + servo.index.ToString() + " position to " + position.ToString());

                // Send this value to the hardware.
                // Note that the servo position values are handled in this class in units of μs,
                // to match the convention used by Pololu's Maestro Control Center application.
                // However, the servo controller hardware expects the position represented as an
                // integer value in 0.25 μs. The local value must be multiplied by 4 to convert
                // to these units.
                uscDevice.setTarget((byte)servo.index, (ushort)(position * 4));
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "Caught exception in SetServoPosition(): " + ex.Message);
Exemple #3
        // Disables all servos by sending target position values of '0' to the hardware, for
        // each servo. This '0' value has a special function of relaxing the servo, rather
        // than moving to this position.
        public void DisableAllServos()
            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "Disabling all servos.");

            lock (uscLock)
                isEnabled = false;

            foreach (Servo servo in servoList)
                    lock (uscLock)
                        if (uscDevice == null)
                            throw new System.Exception("uscDevice is null");

                        uscDevice.setTarget((byte)servo.index, 0);
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "Caught exception in DisableAllServos(): " + ex.Message);
Exemple #4
        // Disconnects from the Pololu Maestro servo controller.
        // Based on the 'TryToDisconnect' method from MaestroAdvancedExample in the pololu-usb-sdk.
        public void DisconnectFromHardware()
            lock (uscLock)
                if (uscDevice == null)
                    // Already disconnected

                    uscDevice.Dispose();  // Disconnect
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "DisconnectFromHardware failed to cleaning disconnect the servo hardware: " + ex.Message);
                    // do this no matter what
                    uscDevice = null;
Exemple #5
        // Moves both of the wheels to achieve the specified translation (in millimeters) and rotation (in degrees)
        // over the time specified by timeToDestination (in seconds).
        public void MoveBothWheels(double translationChange, double rotationChange, double timeToDestination)
            if (!IsEnabled())
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "MoveBothWheels failed, motion is disabled.");

            lock (movePriorityLock)
                isRunningHighPriorityMove = true;

            double translationVelocity = translationChange / timeToDestination;
            double rotationVelocity    = rotationChange / timeToDestination;

            // Robot base is backwards with respect to torso, so translation velocity must be reversed.
            translationVelocity = -translationVelocity;


            // Start wheel motion.

            // Wait for motion to complete.

            lock (movePriorityLock)
                isRunningHighPriorityMove = false;
        // Sets the speed of the specified servo, in the servo controller hardware. This speed
        // value is first bounded within the servo's min/max speed limits, and a warning is
        // logged if a speed outside of these limits was specified.
        private void SetServoSpeed(Servo servo, long speed)
            if (speed < servo.speedLimitMin)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "Requested servo " + servo.index.ToString() + " speed " + speed.ToString() + " bound to minimum limit " + servo.speedLimitMin.ToString());

                // Bound to this limit.
                speed = servo.speedLimitMin;

            if (speed > servo.speedLimitMax)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "Requested servo " + servo.index.ToString() + " speed " + speed.ToString() + " bound to maximum limit " + servo.speedLimitMax.ToString());

                // Bound to this limit.
                speed = servo.speedLimitMax;

            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Setting servo " + servo.index.ToString() + " speed to " + speed.ToString());

                // Send this value to the hardware.
                uscDevice.setSpeed((byte)servo.index, (ushort)speed);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "Caught exception in SetServoSpeed(): " + ex.Message);
Exemple #7
        // Moves the wheels to achieve the specified change in left and right wheel positions (in millimeters)
        // over the time specified by timeToDestination (in seconds).
        public void MoveEachWheel(double leftWheelChange, double rightWheelChange, double timeToDestination)
            if (!IsEnabled())
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "MoveEachWheel failed, motion is disabled.");

            lock (movePriorityLock)
                isRunningHighPriorityMove = true;

            double leftWheelVelocity  = leftWheelChange / timeToDestination;
            double rightWheelVelocity = rightWheelChange / timeToDestination;

            // Robot base is backwards with respect to torso, so wheels are swapped (right is left) and velocity is reversed.
            double newLeftWheelVelocity  = -rightWheelVelocity;
            double newRightWheelVelocity = -leftWheelVelocity;


            // Start wheel motion.
            SetWheelVelocity(newLeftWheelVelocity, newRightWheelVelocity);

            // Wait for motion to complete.

            lock (movePriorityLock)
                isRunningHighPriorityMove = false;
        // Connects to the Pololu Maestro servo controller through USB. Only one controller is
        // currently expected, so this method just connects to the first controller it sees.
        // Based on the 'connectToDevice' method from MaestroEasyExample in the pololu-usb-sdk.
        public void ConnectToHardware()

                // Get a list of all connected devices of this type.
                List <DeviceListItem> connectedDevices = Usc.getConnectedDevices();

                foreach (DeviceListItem dli in connectedDevices)
                    // If you have multiple devices connected and want to select a particular
                    // device by serial number, you could simply add a line like this:
                    //   if (dli.serialNumber != "00012345"){ continue; }

                    uscDevice = new Usc(dli); // Connect to the device.
                    break;                    // Use first device (should only be one, anyway).

                if (uscDevice == null)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "ConnectToHardware() failed, no servo hardware found.");
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "ConnectToHardware() succeeded, connected to servo hardware.");

            catch (System.Exception ex)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "Caught exception in Initialize(): " + ex.Message);
Exemple #9
        // Starts running the selected sequence in a new thread. Fails if another sequence
        // is already running.
        public void RunSequence(string sequenceName)
            Sequence sequence = sequenceList.GetSequences().Find(x => x.name == sequenceName);

            if (sequence == null)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "Sequence '" + sequenceName + "' not found.");

            lock (sequenceLock)
                if (sequenceIsRunning)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "RunSequence() failed to run sequence '" + sequenceName + "', another sequence is already running.");
                    sequenceIsRunning = true;

            runningSequence = sequence;
            Thread newThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RunSequenceThread));

            // Start the thread
Exemple #10
        // Starts performing all moves specified by servoPositionList, and then waits for these
        // servos to finish moving.
        public void MoveServos(List <ServoPosition> servoPositionList, double timeToDestination)
            if (!IsEnabled())
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "MoveServos failed, servos are disabled.");

            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "MoveServos moving servos over " + timeToDestination + " seconds.");

            foreach (ServoPosition servoPosition in servoPositionList)
                Servo servo = servoList.Find(x => x.index == servoPosition.index);

                lock (servo.movePriorityLock)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "MoveServos set isRunningHighPriorityMove for servo " + servo.index.ToString() + ".");
                    servo.isRunningHighPriorityMove = true;

            if (!IsConnected())
                // Simulate the move.
                Thread.Sleep((int)(timeToDestination * 1000));

                foreach (ServoPosition servoPosition in servoPositionList)
                    Servo servo = servoList.Find(x => x.index == servoPosition.index);

                    lock (servo.movePriorityLock)
                        ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "MoveServos cleared isRunningHighPriorityMove for servo " + servo.index.ToString() + ".");
                        servo.isRunningHighPriorityMove = false;


            foreach (ServoPosition servoPosition in servoPositionList)
                StartTimedMove(servoPosition, timeToDestination);

            WaitForMoveComplete(servoPositionList, timeToDestination);

            foreach (ServoPosition servoPosition in servoPositionList)
                Servo servo = servoList.Find(x => x.index == servoPosition.index);

                lock (servo.movePriorityLock)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "MoveServos cleared isRunningHighPriorityMove for servo " + servo.index.ToString() + ".");
                    servo.isRunningHighPriorityMove = false;
        // Polls the servo hardware to determine if the servos are still moving. Returns when all
        // servos in servoPositionList have completed their moves.
        private void WaitForMoveComplete(List <ServoPosition> servoPositionList, double timeToDestination)
            // Create a list of servos to monitor.
            List <Servo> servosToMonitor = new List <Servo>();

            foreach (ServoPosition servoPosition in servoPositionList)
                Servo servo = servoList.Find(x => x.index == servoPosition.index);

                if (servo == null)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "WaitForMoveComplete failed, servo " + servoPosition.index.ToString() + " not found.");


            // Poll servo positions and wait until all servos reach their destinations.
            double pollTimeout      = timeToDestination + pollTimeoutAdjustment;
            int    pollTimeoutCount = (int)(pollTimeout * 1000 / (double)pollPeriod_ms);
            int    currentPollCount = 0;

            while (true)
                if (currentPollCount >= pollTimeoutCount)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "WaitForMoveComplete timeout, servos failed to reach destination in " + pollTimeout.ToString() + " seconds.");



                // Determine if any servos in the list are still moving.
                bool servoIsMoving = false;
                foreach (Servo servo in servosToMonitor)
                    if (servo.isMoving)
                        servoIsMoving = true;

                if (!servoIsMoving)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "WaitForMoveComplete succeeded, all servos reached destinations.");

        // Performs the sequence by stepping through each frame and executing the required
        // voice synthesizer, delay, and motion actions.
        private void RunSequenceThread()
            if (!servoManager.IsConnected())
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "Servo hardware is disconnected, running sequence '" + runningSequence.name + "' in simulation mode.");

            // Disable the person tracking feature while a sequence is executing.

            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "RunSequence(): sequence '" + runningSequence.name + "' started.");

            foreach (Frame frame in runningSequence.GetFrames())
                // Run the speech synthesizer asynchronously. Speaks while continuing to
                // perform moves in this and subsequent frames.
                if (frame.speechString != null)

                // Go to the relevant PPT Slide
                // perform moves in this and subsequent frames.
                if (frame.pptIndex != null)
                    if (pptController.IsPptActive())

                // Wait for the specified amount of time.
                if (frame.delay > 0)
                    Thread.Sleep((int)(frame.delay * 1000));

                // Move all servos in the frame list.
                if (frame.GetServoPositions().Count > 0)
                    servoManager.MoveServos(frame.GetServoPositions(), frame.timeToDestination);

            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "RunSequence(): sequence '" + runningSequence.name + "' completed.");

            // Re-enable the person tracking feature.

            lock (sequenceLock)
                sequenceIsRunning = false;
Exemple #13
        public long GetServoIndex(string servoName)
            Servo servo = servoList.Find(x => x.name == servoName);

            if (servo != null)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "GetServoIndex() failed to find servo '" + servoName + "'.");
        // Sets the acceleration of the specified servo, in the servo controller hardware.
        private void SetServoAcceleration(Servo servo, long acceleration)
            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Setting servo " + servo.index.ToString() + " acceleration to " + acceleration.ToString());

                // Send this value to the hardware.
                uscDevice.setAcceleration((byte)servo.index, (ushort)acceleration);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "Caught exception in SetServoAcceleration(): " + ex.Message);
Exemple #15
        // Stops the current motion of the wheels.
        private void StopMotion()
            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Stopping wheel motion.");

            if (IsConnected())
                lock (ariaLock)
                    // Always stop wheels, regardless of isEnabled flag.

        public void SetEyeState(bool leftEyeOpen, bool rightEyeOpen)
            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "SetEyeState setting left eye " + (leftEyeOpen ? "Open" : "Closed") + " and right eye " + (rightEyeOpen ? "Open" : "Closed") + ".");

            lock (eyeStateLock)
                leftEyeOpenState  = leftEyeOpen;
                rightEyeOpenState = rightEyeOpen;

                if (!blinkInProgress)
                    SetHardwareState(leftEyeOpen, rightEyeOpen);
        // Disables all servos by sending target position values of '0' to the hardware, for
        // each servo. This '0' value has a special function of relaxing the servo, rather
        // than moving to this position.
        public void DisableAllServos()
            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "Disabling all servos.");

            foreach (Servo servo in servoList)
                    uscDevice.setTarget((byte)servo.index, 0);
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "Caught exception in DisableAllServos(): " + ex.Message);
        // Calculates the required servo speed to reach the position specified by servoPosition,
        // in the amount of time indicated by timeToDestination. Then starts this move and returns.
        private void StartTimedMove(ServoPosition servoPosition, double timeToDestination)
            Servo  servo      = servoList.Find(x => x.index == servoPosition.index);
            ushort servoSpeed = 0;

            if (servo == null)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "StartTimedMove failed, servo " + servoPosition.index.ToString() + " not found.");

            if (servo.polledPosition == 0)
                // If the servo position is 0, then the servo is off and we have no information about its actual position.
                // We don't know the actual move distance, so just use the default servo speed.

                servoSpeed = (ushort)servo.defaultSpeed;
                // Convert current position to μs (the hardware uses 0.25 μs increments).
                double currentPosition = ((double)servo.polledPosition) / 4;

                // Position difference in μs.
                double positionDifference = Math.Abs(servoPosition.position - currentPosition);

                // Required speed in (μs/second).
                double calculatedSpeed;
                if (timeToDestination != 0)
                    calculatedSpeed = positionDifference / timeToDestination;
                    // If the desired move time is instantaneous, use the max allowed servo speed.
                    calculatedSpeed = servo.speedLimitMax;

                // Convert speed from (1 μs / second) to (0.25 μs / 10 ms), used by the hardware.
                servoSpeed = (ushort)(calculatedSpeed * (4.0 / 100.0));

            SetServoSpeed(servo, servoSpeed);

            SetServoPosition(servo, servoPosition.position);
Exemple #19
        // Sets the rotation velocity (deg/s) using both wheels.
        private void SetRotationVelocity(double velocity)
            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Setting wheel rotation velocity to " + velocity.ToString());

            if (IsConnected())
                lock (ariaLock)
                    if (!isEnabled)


Exemple #20
        // Sets the velocity (mm/s) of each wheel separately.
        private void SetWheelVelocity(double leftWheelVelocity, double rightWheelVelocity)
            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Setting left wheel velocity to " + leftWheelVelocity.ToString() + " and right wheel velocity to " + rightWheelVelocity.ToString());

            if (IsConnected())
                lock (ariaLock)
                    if (!isEnabled)

                    //ArRobot::setVel2(leftWheelVelocity, rightWheelVelocity);

                    setVel2_dll(leftWheelVelocity, rightWheelVelocity);
Exemple #21
        // Used by PersonTracking to track a person by rotating the robot. This tracking motion can be
        // interrupted by moves issued through Sequences, since these are higher priority.
        public void SetPersonTrackingRotation(double velocity)
            if (!IsEnabled())
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "SetPersonTrackingRotation failed, motion is disabled.");

            lock (movePriorityLock)
                if (isRunningHighPriorityMove)
                    // Ignore this command if a higher priority (i.e. Sequence) move is already running.

        // Loads the configuration settings for each servo from the xml file specified by 'fileName',
        // and then initializes the servo hardware with these new settings. The InitializeHardware
        // step can be skipped, if desired (e.g. on startup when the hardware is not yet connected).
        public void LoadServoConfiguration(string fileName, bool initializeHardware = true)
            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "Loading servo config from " + fileName);

            XmlSerializer SerializerObj  = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List <Servo>));
            FileStream    ReadFileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);

            servoList = (List <Servo>)SerializerObj.Deserialize(ReadFileStream);

            foreach (Servo servo in servoList)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Loaded Servo " + servo.index + ": Name = " + servo.name + ", PosMin = " + servo.positionLimitMin + ", PosMax = " + servo.positionLimitMax + ", SpeedMin = " + servo.speedLimitMin + ", SpeedMax = " + servo.speedLimitMax);

            if (initializeHardware)
Exemple #23
        public void InitializeAriaHardware()
            // Connect to Aria hardware
            int hr = InitializeRobot_dll();

            switch (hr)
            case 0:
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "InitializeAria() succeeded, connected to robot base control.");

            case 1:
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "InitializeAria() failed, could not parse arguments.");

            case 2:
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "InitializeAria() failed, could not connect to robot base.");

            isHardwareInitialized = true;
        // Sets the servo controller with the default speeds and accelerations, for each servo.
        // This should be called whenever servo hardware is connected, or when new default
        // servo parameters have been loaded.
        private void InitializeHardware()
            if (!IsConnected())
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "InitializeHardware() failed, not connected to servo hardware.");

            if (servoList.Count == 0)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "InitializeHardware() failed, no servos have been defined.");

            foreach (Servo servo in servoList)
                SetServoSpeed(servo, servo.defaultSpeed);
                SetServoAcceleration(servo, servo.defaultAcceleration);

            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "InitializeHardware() succeeded, servo hardware was initialized.");
        // [Add new GestureTriggers here]

        // Raised whenever new skeleton data arrives from the Kinect sensor.
        // Updates person tracking and performs gesture recognition.
        private void SensorSkeletonFrameReady(object sender, SkeletonFrameReadyEventArgs e)
            Skeleton[] skeletons = new Skeleton[0];

            using (SkeletonFrame skeletonFrame = e.OpenSkeletonFrame())
                if (skeletonFrame != null)
                    skeletons = new Skeleton[skeletonFrame.SkeletonArrayLength];

            if (skeletons.Length != 0)
                bool  isTrackingSameSkeleton     = false;
                int   skeletonIdClosestToCenter  = 0;
                float shortestDistanceFromCenter = 0;

                // First, check if this skeleton frame contains the skeleton that we were already tracking.
                foreach (Skeleton skel in skeletons)
                    if (skel.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)
                        if (skel.TrackingId == trackedSkeletonId)
                            isTrackingSameSkeleton = true;
                        else if (skeletonIdClosestToCenter == 0 || Math.Abs(skel.Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter].Position.X) < shortestDistanceFromCenter)
                            skeletonIdClosestToCenter  = skel.TrackingId;
                            shortestDistanceFromCenter = Math.Abs(skel.Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter].Position.X);

                // If the skeleton frame does not contain the one we were tracking, then track the skeleton that is closest to the center of the image (x-axis).
                if (!isTrackingSameSkeleton)
                    trackedSkeletonId = skeletonIdClosestToCenter;

                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "SensorSkeletonFrameReady() now tracking skeleton ID " + trackedSkeletonId.ToString() + ".");

                // Update person tracking and check gestures from the tracked skeleton.
                foreach (Skeleton skel in skeletons)
                    // Only pay attention to the tracked skeleton.
                    if (skel.TrackingId == trackedSkeletonId)
                        // Only pay attention to the skeleton if it is within the right and left edges of the view.
                        // This should help prevent detecting false gestures, due to the skeleton being scrambled as it leaves the viewing area.
                        if ((skel.ClippedEdges & FrameEdges.Left) == 0 && (skel.ClippedEdges & FrameEdges.Right) == 0)

                            if (gestureRecognitionEnabled)
                                // Check gesture recognition conditions.

                                //leftHandGesture.Evaluate(sequenceProcessor, skel.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.Y > skel.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position.Y, "Left Hand Raised");

                                //rightHandGesture.Evaluate(sequenceProcessor, skel.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.Y > skel.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Position.Y, "Right Hand Raised");

                                RightHandAboveHead.Evaluate(sequenceProcessor, skel.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.Y > skel.Joints[JointType.Head].Position.Y, "Hello");

                                RightHandBetweenSpineAndShoulderCenter.Evaluate(sequenceProcessor, skel.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.Y > skel.Joints[JointType.Spine].Position.Y && skel.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.Y < skel.Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter].Position.Y && skel.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.X < (skel.Joints[JointType.Spine].Position.X + 0.1), "PLAYMUSIC");

                                LeftElbowAboveLeftShoulder.Evaluate(sequenceProcessor, skel.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position.Y > skel.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.Y, "NeckRotate");

                                WalkCloseToKinect.Evaluate(sequenceProcessor, skel.Joints[JointType.Spine].Position.Z < 1.5, "ArmRaise");

                                // [Add new Evaluate calls here]
                            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "SensorSkeletonFrameReady() skipped update due to skeleton being outside of view.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for recognized speech events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">object sending the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">event arguments.</param>
        private void SpeechRecognized(object sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs e)
            if (!speechRecognitionEnabled)

            // Check if the speech synthesizer is already speaking. Ignore any detected
            // speech during this time, since it might have been generated by the synthesizer.
            lock (speechLock)
                if (synthesizerIsSpeaking)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "SpeechRecognized: Ignored word '" + e.Result.Text + "', since synthesizer is speaking.");


            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "SpeechRecognized: Detected word '" + e.Result.Text + "' with confidence " + e.Result.Confidence.ToString());

            // Speech utterance confidence below which we treat speech as if it hadn't been heard
            const double ConfidenceThreshold = 0.5;

            if (e.Result.Confidence >= ConfidenceThreshold)
                string sequenceName = "";

                // Perform the specified Sequence depending on the recognized speech.

                switch (e.Result.Semantics.Value.ToString())
                case "Hello":
                    sequenceName = "Hello";

                case "HowAreUDoing":
                    sequenceName = "HowAreUDoing";

                case "Introduce":
                    sequenceName = "Introduce";

                case "Number":
                    sequenceName = "Number";

                case "DoWhat":
                    sequenceName = "DoWhat";

                case "Thanks":
                    sequenceName = "Thanks";

                case "Count":
                    sequenceName = "Count";

                case "OneAndTwo":
                    sequenceName = "OneAndTwo";

                case "FiveMinusOne":
                    sequenceName = "FiveMinusOne";

                case "Gesture":
                    sequenceName = "Gesture";

                case "NextOne":
                    sequenceName = "NextOne";

                case "NextTwo":
                    sequenceName = "NextTwo";

                case "NextThree":
                    sequenceName = "NextThree";

                case "PlayHarp":
                    sequenceName = "PlayHarp";

                case "PLAYMUSIC":
                    sequenceName = "PLAYMUSIC";

                case "lab":
                    sequenceName = "lab";

                case "GoAhead":
                    sequenceName = "GoAhead";

                case "NAME":
                    sequenceName = "NAME";

                case "Bye":
                    sequenceName = "Bye";

                case "GoodMorning":
                    sequenceName = "GoodMorning";

                case "URwelcome":
                    sequenceName = "URwelcome";

                case "GladSU":
                    sequenceName = "GladSU";

                case "DEFAULT":
                    sequenceName = "DEFAULT";

                if (sequenceName != "")
                // If speech is not recognized, then use a random default response.

                Random randomGenerator      = new Random();
                int    randomSequenceNumber = randomGenerator.Next(1, 5);
                string sequenceName         = "DEFAULT" + randomSequenceNumber.ToString();

                if (sequenceName != "")
        // Reads the servo status from the servo controller hardware, and then updates the
        // servoList with these new polled values. Also tracks whether each servo is currently
        // moving by comparing their current and target positions.
        public void UpdateServoValues()
            if (!IsConnected())
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "UpdateServoValues() failed, not connected to servo hardware.");

            if (servoList.Count == 0)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "UpdateServoValues() failed, no servos have been defined.");

                // Get the servo parameters from the hardware.
                ServoStatus[] servoStatusArray;
                uscDevice.getVariables(out servoStatusArray);

                // Update the servoList with these parameters.
                foreach (Servo servo in servoList)
                    if (servo.index < 0 || servo.index >= uscDevice.servoCount)
                        ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "UpdateServoValues() failed, servo index out of range. Servo index = " + servo.index.ToString());
                        servo.polledPosition     = servoStatusArray[servo.index].position;
                        servo.polledTarget       = servoStatusArray[servo.index].target;
                        servo.polledSpeed        = servoStatusArray[servo.index].speed;
                        servo.polledAcceleration = servoStatusArray[servo.index].acceleration;

                        ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Servo " + servo.index.ToString() + ": Target = " + servo.polledTarget.ToString() + ", Position = " + servo.polledPosition.ToString() + ", Speed = " + servo.polledSpeed.ToString() + ", Acceleration = " + servo.polledAcceleration.ToString());

                        if (servo.isMoving == false && servo.polledTarget != servo.polledPosition)
                            // Servo has started moving.

                            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Servo " + servo.index + " has started moving from " + servo.polledPosition.ToString() + " to " + servo.polledTarget.ToString());

                            servo.isMoving = true;
                        else if (servo.isMoving == true && servo.polledTarget == servo.polledPosition)
                            // Servo has stopped moving.

                            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Servo " + servo.index + " has stopped moving at " + servo.polledPosition.ToString());

                            servo.isMoving = false;

                        if (servo.isMoving)
                            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Debug, "Servo " + servo.index + " is at position " + servo.polledPosition.ToString());
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "Caught exception in UpdateServoValues(): " + ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for recognized speech events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">object sending the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">event arguments.</param>
        private void SpeechRecognized(object sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs e)
            if (!speechRecognitionEnabled)

            // Check if the speech synthesizer is already speaking. Ignore any detected
            // speech during this time, since it might have been generated by the synthesizer.
            lock (speechLock)
                if (synthesizerIsSpeaking)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "SpeechRecognized: Ignored word '" + e.Result.Text + "', since synthesizer is speaking.");


            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "SpeechRecognized: Detected word '" + e.Result.Text + "' with confidence " + e.Result.Confidence.ToString());

            // Speech utterance confidence below which we treat speech as if it hadn't been heard
            const double ConfidenceThreshold = 0.5;

            if (e.Result.Confidence >= ConfidenceThreshold)
                string sequenceName = "";

                // Perform the specified Sequence depending on the recognized speech.

                switch (e.Result.Semantics.Value.ToString())
                case "Hello":
                    sequenceName = "Hello";

                case "PlayHarp":
                    sequenceName = "PlayHarp";

                case "PLAYMUSIC":
                    sequenceName = "PLAYMUSIC";

                case "Count":
                    sequenceName = "Count";

                case "NAME":
                    sequenceName = "NAME";

                case "DEFAULT":
                    sequenceName = "DEFAULT";

                if (sequenceName != "")
Exemple #29
        // Performs the sequence by stepping through each frame and executing the required
        // voice synthesizer, delay, and motion actions.
        private void RunSequenceThread()
            if (!servoManager.IsConnected())
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "Servo hardware is disconnected, running servos in simulation mode for sequence '" + runningSequence.name + "'.");

            if (!ariaManager.IsConnected())
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Warning, "Robot base hardware is disconnected, running robot base in simulation mode for sequence '" + runningSequence.name + "'.");

            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "RunSequenceThread(): sequence '" + runningSequence.name + "' started.");

            foreach (Frame frame in runningSequence.GetFrames())
                // Run the speech synthesizer asynchronously. Speaks while continuing to
                // perform moves in this and subsequent frames.
                if (frame.speechString != null)

                // Set the state of the LED eyes.
                if (frame.eyeState != null)
                    switch (frame.eyeState)
                    case "Open":
                        robotEyes.SetEyeState(true, true);

                    case "Closed":
                        robotEyes.SetEyeState(false, false);

                    case "LeftClosed":
                        robotEyes.SetEyeState(false, true);

                    case "RightClosed":
                        robotEyes.SetEyeState(true, false);

                // Wait for the specified amount of time.
                if (frame.delay > 0)
                    Thread.Sleep((int)(frame.delay * 1000));

                // Servo motion and wheel motion are performed simultaneously by creating two separate threads and
                // waiting until both threads have completed their motion.

                ManualResetEvent[] manualEvents = new ManualResetEvent[]
                    new ManualResetEvent(false),
                    new ManualResetEvent(false)

                // Start servo motion thread.
                Thread servoThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(MoveServos));
                servoThread.Start(new SequenceThreadData(frame, manualEvents[0]));

                // Start wheel motion thread.
                Thread wheelsThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(MoveWheels));
                wheelsThread.Start(new SequenceThreadData(frame, manualEvents[1]));

                // Wait until both servo motion and wheel motion has completed.

            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "RunSequenceThread(): sequence '" + runningSequence.name + "' completed.");

            lock (sequenceLock)
                sequenceIsRunning = false;
        // Connect to the Kinect sensor and begin processing events.
        public void InitializeKinect()
            this.sensor = null;

            // Look through all sensors and start the first connected one.
            // This requires that a Kinect is connected at the time of app startup.
            // To make your app robust against plug/unplug,
            // it is recommended to use KinectSensorChooser provided in Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit (See components in Toolkit Browser).
            foreach (var potentialSensor in KinectSensor.KinectSensors)
                if (potentialSensor.Status == KinectStatus.Connected)
                    this.sensor = potentialSensor;
                    break;  // Connect to first Kinect.

            if (null == this.sensor)
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "InitializeKinect() failed, not connected to Kinect sensor.");
                // Turn on the skeleton stream to receive skeleton frames

                // Add an event handler to be called whenever there is new color frame data
                SkeletonFrameReady += SensorSkeletonFrameReady;

                // Start the sensor!
                catch (IOException)
                    ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "InitializeKinect() failed, unable to Start Kinect sensor.");
                    this.sensor = null;

            RecognizerInfo ri = GetKinectRecognizer();

            if (null != ri)
                this.speechEngine = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(ri.Id);

                * Use this code to create grammar programmatically rather than from
                * a grammar file.
                * var directions = new Choices();
                * directions.Add(new SemanticResultValue("forward", "FORWARD"));
                * directions.Add(new SemanticResultValue("forwards", "FORWARD"));
                * directions.Add(new SemanticResultValue("straight", "FORWARD"));
                * directions.Add(new SemanticResultValue("backward", "BACKWARD"));
                * directions.Add(new SemanticResultValue("backwards", "BACKWARD"));
                * directions.Add(new SemanticResultValue("back", "BACKWARD"));
                * directions.Add(new SemanticResultValue("turn left", "LEFT"));
                * directions.Add(new SemanticResultValue("turn right", "RIGHT"));
                * var gb = new GrammarBuilder { Culture = ri.Culture };
                * gb.Append(directions);
                * var g = new Grammar(gb);

                // Create a grammar from grammar definition XML file.
                using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Properties.Resources.SpeechGrammar)))
                    var g = new Grammar(memoryStream);

                speechEngine.SpeechRecognized          += SpeechRecognized;
                speechEngine.SpeechRecognitionRejected += SpeechRejected;

                robotSpeech.SpeakStarted   += SpeakStarted;
                robotSpeech.SpeakCompleted += SpeakCompleted;

                // For long recognition sessions (a few hours or more), it may be beneficial to turn off adaptation of the acoustic model.
                // This will prevent recognition accuracy from degrading over time.
                ////speechEngine.UpdateRecognizerSetting("AdaptationOn", 0);

                    sensor.AudioSource.Start(), new SpeechAudioFormatInfo(EncodingFormat.Pcm, 16000, 16, 1, 32000, 2, null));
                ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Error, "InitializeKinect() failed, no speech recognizer.");

            ErrorLogging.AddMessage(ErrorLogging.LoggingLevel.Info, "InitializeKinect() succeeded, Kinect sensor is ready.");