Exemple #1
        //Import a csv and add its values to a new object
        public static void importCSV(string path)
            StreamReader CSVReader = new StreamReader(path);

            while (!CSVReader.EndOfStream)
                List <string> tokens     = new List <string>();
                string        lineString = CSVReader.ReadLine();
                string[]      tokenArray = lineString.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                for (int i = 0; i < tokenArray.Length; i++)
                if (tokens.ElementAt(0).Equals(""))
                    //If the path is the employees path, gather the employee tokens, make a new employee, and add it to the main employees ArrayList.
                    if (path.Contains("Employees"))
                        string   empID       = tokens.ElementAt(0);
                        string   fName       = tokens.ElementAt(1);
                        string   lName       = tokens.ElementAt(2);
                        string   empEmail    = tokens.ElementAt(3);
                        string   hPhone      = tokens.ElementAt(4);
                        string   cPhone      = tokens.ElementAt(5);
                        string   empAddress  = tokens.ElementAt(6);
                        string   empAddress2 = tokens.ElementAt(7);
                        string   empCity     = tokens.ElementAt(8);
                        string   empState    = tokens.ElementAt(9);
                        string   empZip      = tokens.ElementAt(10);
                        Employee newEmp      = new Employee(empID, fName, lName, empEmail, hPhone, cPhone, empAddress, empAddress2, empCity, empState, empZip);
                    //If the path is the employers path, gather the employer tokens, make a new employer, and add it to the main employers ArrayList.
                    else if (path.Contains("Employer"))
                        string   emplrID      = tokens.ElementAt(0);
                        string   compName     = tokens.ElementAt(1);
                        string   compEmail    = tokens.ElementAt(2);
                        string   compPhone    = tokens.ElementAt(3);
                        string   compAddress  = tokens.ElementAt(4);
                        string   compAddress2 = tokens.ElementAt(5);
                        string   compCity     = tokens.ElementAt(6);
                        string   compState    = tokens.ElementAt(7);
                        string   compZip      = tokens.ElementAt(8);
                        string   compRep      = tokens.ElementAt(9);
                        Employer newEmplr     = new Employer(emplrID, compName, compEmail, compPhone, compAddress, compAddress2, compCity, compState,
                                                             compZip, compRep);
                    //If the path is the field placements path, gather the tokens, make a new F.P., and add it to the respective employee.
                    else if (path.Contains("Field Placement"))
                        string         employerID   = tokens.ElementAt(0);
                        string         employerName = tokens.ElementAt(1);
                        string         employer     = employerID + " " + employerName;
                        string         employeeID   = tokens.ElementAt(2);
                        string         employeeName = tokens.ElementAt(3);
                        string         employee     = employeeID + " " + employeeName;
                        FieldPlacement newFP        = new FieldPlacement(employer, employee);
                        for (int i = 0; i < MainForm.Employees.Count; i++)
                            Employee currentEmployee = MainForm.Employees.ElementAt(i);
                            if (currentEmployee.name.Equals(employeeName))
                                currentEmployee.company = employer;
                    //If the path is the evaluation path, gather the evaluation tokens, make a new evaluation, and add it to the respective employee.
                    else if (path.Contains("Evaluation"))
                        string evalDate             = tokens.ElementAt(0).Replace('_', '/');
                        string evalIdent            = tokens.ElementAt(1);
                        string employeeID           = tokens.ElementAt(2);
                        string employeeName         = tokens.ElementAt(3);
                        string employerID           = tokens.ElementAt(4);
                        string employerName         = tokens.ElementAt(5);
                        string nextEval             = tokens.ElementAt(6);
                        string workQualityScore     = tokens.ElementAt(7);
                        string workQualityComments  = tokens.ElementAt(8);
                        string workHabitScore       = tokens.ElementAt(9);
                        string workHabitComments    = tokens.ElementAt(10);
                        string jobKnowledgeScore    = tokens.ElementAt(11);
                        string jobKnowledgeComments = tokens.ElementAt(12);
                        string behavior_Score       = tokens.ElementAt(13);
                        string behavior_Comments    = tokens.ElementAt(14);
                        string averageScore         = tokens.ElementAt(15);
                        string overallProgressScore = tokens.ElementAt(16);
                        string overallProgComments  = tokens.ElementAt(17);
                        string recommended          = tokens.ElementAt(18);
                        for (int i = 0; i < MainForm.Employees.Count; i++)
                            Employee currentEmp  = MainForm.Employees.ElementAt(i);
                            string   checkResult = employeeName;
                            string   matchResult = currentEmp.name;
                            if (checkResult.Equals(matchResult))
                                    new Evaluation(evalDate, evalIdent, employeeID, employeeName, employerID, employerName,
                                                   nextEval, workQualityScore, workQualityComments, workHabitScore, workHabitComments,
                                                   jobKnowledgeScore, jobKnowledgeComments, behavior_Score, behavior_Comments, averageScore,
                                                   overallProgressScore, overallProgComments, recommended));


        //Method for saving the edited file
        public void saveFile(string path, string name)
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(mmtMainPath + @"/Backups"))
                System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(mmtMainPath + @"/Backups");

            if (path.Contains("Employee"))
                Employee foundEmployee = Tools.findEmployee(name);
                MainForm.Employees.Add(new Employee(empIDBox.Text, empFNameBox.Text, empLNameBox.Text, empEmailBox.Text, empHPhoneBox.Text, empCPhoneBox.Text, empAddressBox.Text,
                                                    empAddressbox2.Text, empCityBox.Text, empStateBox.Text, empZipBox.Text));

                /* The following sequence of code reads the employees CSV, finds the old line for the edited employee,
                 * and if the old ID's match, don't write that csv line to the new csv file, otherwise write each employee
                 * line to the new csv. Then, replace the contents of the original Employees.txt file with the contents
                 * of the new employees CSV (The one sans unedited employee), delete the "new" employee csv and then
                 * write the edited employee to the csv. Essentially, this sequence replaces the unedited employee with the edited employee.
                string backupPath = mmtMainPath + @"Backups\Employees_Backup.txt";
                string newPath    = mmtMainPath + "Employees1.txt";
                string next       = null;
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path))
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(newPath))
                        while ((next = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                            string[] tokenArray = next.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                            if (String.Compare(tokenArray[0], foundEmployee.empID) == 0)
                                if (tokenArray[0].Equals(""))
                string[] empData = { empIDBox.Text,       empFNameBox.Text, empLNameBox.Text, empEmailBox.Text, empHPhoneBox.Text, empCPhoneBox.Text, empAddressBox.Text,
                                     empAddressbox2.Text, empCityBox.Text,  empStateBox.Text, empZipBox.Text };
                string   finalEmpData = Tools.formatToCSV(empData);
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText(newPath, finalEmpData);
                System.IO.File.Replace(newPath, path, backupPath);
                Tools.readAndBindEmpCustomObject(path, empRepList);
            else if (path.Contains("Employer"))
                Employer foundEmployer = Tools.findEmployer(name);
                MainForm.Employers.Add(new Employer(emplrIDBox.Text, compNameBox.Text, compEmailBox.Text, compPhoneBox.Text, compAddressBox.Text, compAddress2Box.Text,
                                                    compCityBox.Text, compStateBox.Text, compZipBox.Text, compRepBox.Text));

                string backupPath = mmtMainPath + @"Backups\Employers_Backup.txt";
                string newPath    = mmtMainPath + "Employers1.txt";
                string next       = null;
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path))
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(newPath))
                        while ((next = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                            string[] tokenArray = next.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                            if (String.Compare(tokenArray[0], foundEmployer.emplrID) == 0)
                                if (tokenArray[0].Equals(""))

                string[] emplrData = { emplrIDBox.Text,  compNameBox.Text,  compEmailBox.Text, compPhoneBox.Text, compAddressBox.Text, compAddress2Box.Text,
                                       compCityBox.Text, compStateBox.Text, compZipBox.Text,   compRepBox.Text };
                string   finalEmplrData = Tools.formatToCSV(emplrData);
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText(newPath, finalEmplrData);
                System.IO.File.Replace(newPath, path, backupPath);
                Tools.readAndBindEmplerCustomObject(path, emplerRepList);