public void LotsOfConcurrentMapRedRequestsShouldWork()
            var keys = new List<string>();

            for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++)
                var key = "key" + i;
                var doc = new RiakObject(MapReduceBucket, key, new { value = i });

                var result = Client.Put(doc, new RiakPutOptions { ReturnBody = true });

            var input = new RiakBucketKeyInput();
            keys.ForEach(k => input.Add(MapReduceBucket, k));

            var query = new RiakMapReduceQuery()
                .MapJs(m => m.Source(@"function(o){return[1];}"))
                .ReduceJs(r => r.Name(@"Riak.reduceSum").Keep(true));

            var results = new List<RiakMapReduceResult>[ThreadCount];
            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            Parallel.For(0, ThreadCount, i =>
                    results[i] = DoMapRed(query);
            var executionTime = watch.Elapsed;

            var failures = 0;
            foreach (var r in results.SelectMany(l => l))
                if (r != null)
                    var resultValue = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<int[]>(r.PhaseResults.ElementAt(1).Values.First().FromRiakString())[0];
                    // the only acceptable result is that it ran out of retries when
                    // talking to the cluster (trying to get a connection)

            Console.WriteLine("Total of {0} out of {1} failed to execute due to connection contention. Execution time = {2} milliseconds, for an average of {3} milliseconds", failures, ThreadCount * ActionCount, executionTime.TotalMilliseconds, (executionTime.TotalMilliseconds/(ThreadCount * ActionCount)));
        public void LotsOfConcurrentStreamingMapRedRequestsShouldWork()
            var keys = new List<string>();

            for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++)
                var key = "key" + i;
                var doc = new RiakObject(MapReduceBucket, key, new { value = i });

                var result = Client.Put(doc, new RiakPutOptions { ReturnBody = true });

            var input = new RiakBucketKeyInput();
            keys.ForEach(k => input.Add(MapReduceBucket, k));

            var query = new RiakMapReduceQuery()
                .MapJs(m => m.Source(@"function(o){return[1];}"))
                .ReduceJs(r => r.Name(@"Riak.reduceSum").Keep(true));

            var results = new List<RiakMapReduceResultPhase>[ThreadCount];
            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            Parallel.For(0, ThreadCount, i =>
                    results[i] = DoStreamingMapRed(query);
            var executionTime = watch.Elapsed;

            var failures = 0;
            foreach (var result in results)
                if (result.Count > 0)
                    var lastResult = result.OrderByDescending(r => r.Phase).First();
                    var resultValue = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<int[]>(lastResult.Values.First().FromRiakString());
                    //var resultValue = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<int[]>(r.Value.PhaseResults.ElementAt(1).Values.First().FromRiakString())[0];
                    // due to the speed which things happen at, we can't gaurantee all 10 will be in the result set

            Console.WriteLine("Total of {0} out of {1} failed to execute due to connection contention. Execution time = {2} milliseconds, for an average of {3} milliseconds", failures, ThreadCount * ActionCount, executionTime.TotalMilliseconds, (executionTime.TotalMilliseconds / (ThreadCount * ActionCount)));