public DrawingObject()
     points = new List<PointDouble>();
     lines = new List<Tuple<PointDouble, PointDouble>>();
     _moments = new List<Tuple<PointDouble, double>>();
     _forces = new List<Tuple<PointDouble, double, double>>();
     _centerOfMass = new PointDouble ();
        public void AddAnchor(PointDouble pt)
            DrawingObject body;
            if (!_pointToObject.TryGetValue(pt, out body))

            RigidBodyController controller;
            if (_bodyToController.TryGetValue(body, out controller))
        public void AddPoint(PointDouble point)
            if (points.Count == 0)
                firstPoint = point;


            if (points.Count > 1)
                lines.Add(new Tuple<PointDouble, PointDouble>(lastPoint, point));

            lastPoint = point;

        public void CorrectnessTest()
            SpatialTree tree = new SpatialTree ();
            List<PointDouble> points = new List<PointDouble> ();
            Random rand = new Random ();

            //initialize the list
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
                points.Add (new PointDouble (rand.Next (1000), rand.Next (1000)));

            //insert them all into the list
            foreach (PointDouble pt in points)
                tree.addPoint (pt);
            List<PointDouble> found1;
            List<PointDouble> found2;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
                var point = new PointDouble(rand.Next(1000), rand.Next(1000));
                found1 = tree.GetPointsInRange( point, 10);

                found2 = new List<PointDouble>();
                foreach(PointDouble pt in points)
                    if ((pt.X-point.X)*(pt.X-point.X) +
                        (pt.Y-point.Y)*(pt.Y-point.Y) < 100.0)

                foreach(PointDouble pt in found1)
                    Assert.AreEqual(true, found2.Contains(pt));
                foreach(PointDouble pt in found2)
                    Assert.AreEqual(true, found1.Contains(pt));

                //found2.Clear ();
        public void GetClosestTest()
            SpatialTree tree = new SpatialTree ();
            List<PointDouble> points = new List<PointDouble> ();
            Random rand = new Random ();

            //initialize the list
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
                points.Add (new PointDouble (rand.Next (1000), rand.Next (1000)));

            //insert them all into the list
            foreach (PointDouble pt in points)
                tree.addPoint (pt);
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
                var point = new PointDouble(rand.Next(1000), rand.Next(1000));
                var found = tree.GetClosestPoint(point);

                PointDouble closestPoint = new PointDouble();
                double distanceSq = double.MaxValue;

                foreach(PointDouble pt in points)
                    if ((pt.X-point.X)*(pt.X-point.X) +
                        (pt.Y-point.Y)*(pt.Y-point.Y) < distanceSq)
                        closestPoint = pt;
                        distanceSq = (pt.X-point.X)*(pt.X-point.X) + (pt.Y-point.Y)*(pt.Y-point.Y);
                var dist = (found.X - point.X)*(found.X - point.X) + (found.Y - point.Y)*(found.Y - point.Y);
                Assert.AreEqual(distanceSq, dist);

        public void AddJoint(PointDouble pt1, PointDouble pt2)
            DrawingObject body1, body2;
            if (!_pointToObject.TryGetValue(pt1, out body1) ||
                !_pointToObject.TryGetValue(pt2, out body2))

            //	_spatialTree.remove(pt2);

            var newLines = new List<Tuple<PointDouble, PointDouble>>();
            var oldLines = new List<Tuple<PointDouble, PointDouble>>();
            foreach(var line in body2.lines)

                if (line.Item1 == pt2)
                    newLines.Add(new Tuple<PointDouble, PointDouble>(pt1, line.Item2));
                else if (line.Item2 == pt2)
                    newLines.Add(new Tuple<PointDouble, PointDouble>(line.Item1, pt1));

            foreach (var line in oldLines)

        public void StressTest()
            SpatialTree tree = new SpatialTree ();
            List<PointDouble> points = new List<PointDouble> ();
            Random rand = new Random ();

            //initialize the list
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
                points.Add (new PointDouble (rand.Next (1000), rand.Next (1000)));

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            //insert them all into the list
            foreach (PointDouble pt in points)
                tree.addPoint (pt);
            DateTime stop = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine ("Took " + (stop - start) + " to add " + 10000 + " records");

            start = DateTime.Now;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
                tree.GetPointsInRange(new PointDouble(rand.Next(1000), rand.Next(1000)), 10);
            stop  = DateTime.Now;

            var treeTime = stop-start;

            Console.WriteLine("SpatialTree: Took " + treeTime + " to lookup " + 10000 + " records");

            start = DateTime.Now;

            List<PointDouble> found;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
                found = new List<PointDouble>();
                var lookup = new PointDouble(rand.Next(1000), rand.Next(1000));
                foreach(PointDouble pt in points)
                    if ((pt.X-lookup.X)*(pt.X-lookup.X) +
                        (pt.Y-lookup.Y)*(pt.Y-lookup.Y) < 100)
            stop  = DateTime.Now;

            var linearTime = stop-start;
            Console.WriteLine("Linear search: Took " + linearTime+ " to lookup " + 10000 + " records");

            Assert.Greater(linearTime, treeTime);
        public void addPoint(PointDouble point, Node node)
            //if we have reached a leaf node
            if (node == null)
                node = new Node ();
            if (node._left == null && node._right == null) {
                node._bucket.Add (point);

                if (node._bucket.Count > _bucketSize) {

                    node._val = 0.0;
                    foreach (PointDouble pt in node._bucket)
                        if (node.split == Node.Type.X)
                            node._val += pt.Y;
                            node._val += pt.X;
                    node._val /= node._bucket.Count;

                    node._left = new Node ();
                    node._right = new Node ();

                    foreach(PointDouble pt in node._bucket)
                        if (node.split == Node.Type.X)
                            if (pt.Y > node._val)
                                node._right._bucket.Add (pt);
                            if (pt.X < node._val)
                                node._right._bucket.Add (pt);

                    node._left.split = node._right.split = node.split == Node.Type.X ? Node.Type.Y : Node.Type.X;

                    //is this risky?
                    node._bucket.Clear ();

            switch (node.split)

            case Node.Type.X:
                if (point.Y > node._val){
                    addPoint(point, node._left);
                    addPoint(point, node._right);
            case Node.Type.Y:
                if (point.X < node._val){
                    addPoint(point, node._left);
                    addPoint(point, node._right);

 public void addPoint(PointDouble point)
     addPoint(point, _root);
        public void GetPointsInRange(PointDouble point, double radsquare, Node node, List<PointDouble> listOfPoints)
            if (node == null)

            //this is a leaf node
            if (node._left == null && node._right == null)
                foreach (PointDouble pt in node._bucket)

                    if( (pt.X - point.X)*(pt.X - point.X) +
                        (pt.Y - point.Y)*(pt.Y - point.Y) < radsquare)

            switch (node.split)
            case Node.Type.X:
                if (point.Y > node._val){
                    GetPointsInRange(point, radsquare, node._left, listOfPoints);
                    if ((point.Y - node._val)*(point.Y - node._val) <= radsquare)
                        GetPointsInRange(point, radsquare, node._right, listOfPoints);
                    GetPointsInRange(point, radsquare,  node._right, listOfPoints);
                    if ((point.Y - node._val)*(point.Y - node._val) < radsquare)
                        GetPointsInRange(point, radsquare, node._left, listOfPoints);


            case Node.Type.Y:
                if (point.X < node._val){
                    GetPointsInRange(point, radsquare, node._left, listOfPoints);
                    if ((point.X - node._val)*(point.X - node._val) <= radsquare)
                        GetPointsInRange(point, radsquare, node._right, listOfPoints);

                    GetPointsInRange(point, radsquare, node._right, listOfPoints);
                    if ((point.X - node._val)*(point.X - node._val) < radsquare)
                        GetPointsInRange(point, radsquare, node._left, listOfPoints);

        public List<PointDouble> GetPointsInRange(PointDouble point, double radius)
            var points = new List<PointDouble>();
            GetPointsInRange(point, radius*radius, _root, points);

            return points;
        public PointDouble GetClosestPoint(PointDouble point, Node node)
            if (node == null)
                return new PointDouble();

            double distanceSqA = double.MaxValue;
            double distanceSqB = double.MaxValue;
            PointDouble closestPointA = null;
            PointDouble closestPointB = null;

            //this is a leaf node
            if (node._left == null && node._right == null)
                foreach (PointDouble pt in node._bucket)

                    if( (pt.X - point.X)*(pt.X - point.X) +
                       (pt.Y - point.Y)*(pt.Y - point.Y) < distanceSqA)
                        closestPointA = pt;
                        distanceSqA = (pt.X - point.X)*(pt.X - point.X) + (pt.Y - point.Y)*(pt.Y - point.Y);
                return closestPointA;

            switch (node.split)
            case Node.Type.X:
                if (point.Y > node._val){
                    closestPointA = GetClosestPoint(point, node._left);
                    closestPointA = GetClosestPoint(point, node._right);
            case Node.Type.Y:
                if (point.X < node._val){
                    closestPointA = GetClosestPoint(point, node._left);
                    closestPointA = GetClosestPoint(point, node._right);
            if (closestPointA != null)
                distanceSqA = (closestPointA.X - point.X)*(closestPointA.X - point.X) + (closestPointA.Y - point.Y)*(closestPointA.Y - point.Y);

            switch (node.split)
            case Node.Type.X:
                if (point.Y > node._val){
                    if ((point.Y - node._val)*(point.Y - node._val) <= distanceSqA)
                        closestPointB = GetClosestPoint(point, node._right);
                    if ((point.Y - node._val)*(point.Y - node._val) < distanceSqA)
                        closestPointB = GetClosestPoint(point, node._left);
            case Node.Type.Y:
                if (point.X < node._val){
                    if ((point.X - node._val)*(point.X - node._val) <= distanceSqA)
                        closestPointB = GetClosestPoint(point, node._right);
                    if ((point.X - node._val)*(point.X - node._val) < distanceSqA)
                        closestPointB = GetClosestPoint(point, node._left);
            if (closestPointB != null)
                distanceSqB = (closestPointB.X - point.X)*(closestPointB.X - point.X) + (closestPointB.Y - point.Y)*(closestPointB.Y - point.Y);
            return distanceSqA < distanceSqB ? closestPointA : closestPointB;
 public PointDouble GetClosestPoint(PointDouble point)
     return GetClosestPoint(point, _root);