Exemple #1
        public async void MOGA_FitnessEvaluation(int[] token)
            List <Task> lTasks      = new List <Task>();
            int         remainTasks = tempPool.Count;

            // Test inputs Generation
            // Fitness Evaluation
            for (int k = 0; k < tempPool.Count;)
                // Single Thread
                //ga.CalEstFitness(testSetSize, numOfLabel, labelMatrix, lowbounds, highbounds);

                lTasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
                    GAEncoding ga = tempPool.ElementAt(k).Key;
                    k             = k + 1;
                    //ga.CalEstFitness(testSetSize, numOfLabel, labelMatrix, lowbounds, highbounds);
                    ga.TrueFitnessCal(numOfLabel, labelMatrix);
                    // Console.WriteLine("{0}'th finished assement", k);
                if (lTasks.Count == 8 || (tempPool.Count - k - 1 < 8))  //8,8
                    for (int i = 0; i < lTasks.Count; i++)
                        await lTasks[i];
            token[0] = 1;
            //Console.WriteLine("Fitness Evaluation Done");
Exemple #2
 private void MOGA_Initialization()
     cePool   = new CEPool();
     tempPool = new CEPool();
     ceDB     = new CEPool();
     Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;
     numOfNNLocalSearch      = 1000; //(pNumOfParams + 1) * (pNumOfParams + 2) / 2 * dimension;
     for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++)
         var newSolution = new GAEncoding(pNumOfParams, dimension, lowbounds, highbounds);
         newSolution.FixInputs(lowbounds, highbounds);
         tempPool.Add(newSolution, new double[] { -1, -1 });
        internal GAEncoding PanmicticDiscreteRecomb(CEPool currentPool, int[] selectedList)
            GAEncoding newSolution = new GAEncoding(_numOfParams, _dimension, _lowbounds, _highbounds);

            for (int i = 0; i < _dimension; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _numOfParams; j++)
                    int selectedIndex = selectedList[GlobalVar.rnd.Next(0, selectedList.Length - 1 + 1)];
                    newSolution.weights[j, i] = currentPool.ElementAt(selectedIndex).Key.weights[j, i];
            newSolution.FixInputs(_lowbounds, _highbounds);
        // Recombination: create a new solution, call this function;
        // Add the new solution to the population
        internal GAEncoding PanmicticAvgRecomb(CEPool currentPool, int[] selectedList)
            // Select solution to combine
            // Find Average
            Matrix <double> avgWeight = Matrix.Build.Dense(_numOfParams, _dimension);

            for (int i = 0; i < selectedList.Length; i++)
                avgWeight += currentPool.ElementAt(selectedList[i]).Key.weights;
            avgWeight = avgWeight / selectedList.Length;
            // ... Check the sum of each row should be equal to a constant max
            GAEncoding newSolution = new GAEncoding(_numOfParams, _dimension, _lowbounds, _highbounds);

            newSolution.weights = avgWeight;
            newSolution.FixInputs(_lowbounds, _highbounds);
Exemple #5
        public List <string> Print_Solution(GAEncoding solution)
            string theta  = null;
            string weight = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < solution.thetaDelta.RowCount; i++)
                string          tmp   = "(";
                Vector <double> vTemp = solution.thetaDelta.Row(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
                    tmp = tmp + Math.Round(vTemp[j], 2) + " ";
                tmp.Remove(tmp.Length - 1, 1);
                tmp   = tmp + ")";
                theta = theta + tmp + " ";
            theta.Remove(theta.Length - 1, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < solution.weights.RowCount; i++)
                string          tmp   = "[";
                Vector <double> vTemp = solution.weights.Row(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
                    tmp = tmp + Math.Round(vTemp[j], 2) + " ";
                tmp.Remove(tmp.Length - 1, 1);
                tmp    = tmp + "]";
                weight = weight + tmp + " ";
            weight.Remove(weight.Length - 1, 1);

            return(new List <string>()
                theta, weight
Exemple #6
        public void Reproduction()
            GAEncoding child       = new GAEncoding(pNumOfParams, dimension, lowbounds, highbounds);
            int        i           = 0;
            var        rankOneSols = cePool.Where(x => x.Key.rank == 1).ToList();

            foreach (var s in rankOneSols)
                tempPool.Add(Copy.DeepCopy(s.Key), s.Value);
            while (tempPool.Count < popSize)
                int[] selectedList = FitnessPropotionateSampling(0, popSize - 1, pPanCombSize);
                child = Copy.DeepCopy(cePool.ElementAt(selectedList[0]).Key);
                if (GlobalVar.rnd.NextDouble() <= pmCrossOverRate)
                    if (GlobalVar.rnd.NextDouble() <= 0.8)
                        child = cePool.ElementAt(0).Key.PanmicticDiscreteRecomb(cePool, selectedList);
                        child = cePool.ElementAt(0).Key.PanmicticAvgRecomb(cePool, selectedList);

                if (GlobalVar.rnd.NextDouble() <= pmMutationRate)
                if (child != null)
                    tempPool.Add(child, new double[] { -1, -1 });
                    i = i + 1;