Exemple #1
 public void TestSerialisingInterfaceTypes()
     // tests control of the serialisation type
     // - interface types
     using (Reference <ILogger> loggerRef = Reference <ILogger> .Create(new TraceLogger(true)))
         using (CoreServer server = new CoreServer(loggerRef, "UTT", NodeType.Router))
             // start server
             using (ICoreClient client = new CoreClientFactory(loggerRef).SetEnv("UTT").Create())
                 AssetMeasureValue codeValueInstance = new AssetMeasureValue()
                     Code        = "Test",
                     Description = "This is a test",
                     Source      = "UnitTest"
                 IFpMLCodeValue codeValueInterface = codeValueInstance;
                 // save reference item
                 client.SaveObject(codeValueInstance, "Test0", null, TimeSpan.MaxValue);
                 ICoreItem itemA = client.LoadItem("Test0");
                 Assert.AreEqual(typeof(AssetMeasureValue).FullName, itemA.DataTypeName);
                 // test interface and instance both serialise identically
                     client.SaveUntypedObject(codeValueInterface, "Test1", null);
                     ICoreItem itemB = client.LoadItem("Test1");
                     Assert.AreEqual(typeof(AssetMeasureValue).FullName, itemB.DataTypeName);
                     Assert.AreEqual(itemA.Text, itemB.Text);
                     client.SaveObject((AssetMeasureValue)codeValueInterface, "Test2", null, TimeSpan.MaxValue);
                     ICoreItem itemB = client.LoadItem("Test2");
                     Assert.AreEqual(typeof(AssetMeasureValue).FullName, itemB.DataTypeName);
                     Assert.AreEqual(itemA.Text, itemB.Text);
                     // this should fail because interfaces cant be serialised
                     UnitTestHelper.AssertThrows <ArgumentException>("Cannot be an interface type!\r\nParameter name: dataType", () =>
                         client.SaveObject(codeValueInterface, "Test3", null, TimeSpan.MaxValue);
                     // note: this silently binds to SaveObject<IFpMLCodeValue>(...) which should fail
                     UnitTestHelper.AssertThrows <ArgumentException>("Cannot be an interface type!\r\nParameter name: dataType", () =>
                         client.SaveObject(codeValueInterface, "Test4", null, TimeSpan.MaxValue);
             // shutdown
Exemple #2
        public void DataItemsDontHaveToContainvalues()
            //given an DataItem type created with "Empty"
            var anyItem = new DataItem <Stream>();

            //we can see that it contains no value - it is set to "Empty"
            Stream tmp = null;

            UnitTestHelper.AssertThrows <InvalidOperationException>(
                () => tmp = anyItem.Value);
Exemple #3
        public void TestSerialisationFailures()
            var props = new NamedValueSet();

            props.Set("prop1", 123);
            props.Set("prop2", 456);
            IExpression expr1 = Expr.BoolAND(props);

            Assert.AreEqual <bool>(false, expr1.HasErrors());
            string text1 = expr1.Serialise();

            Assert.AreEqual <string>(
                "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n" +
                "<QuerySpec xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns=\"http://tempuri.org/ExprFormat.xsd\">\r\n" +
                "  <version>1</version>\r\n" +
                "  <v1QueryExpr node=\"EXPR\" name=\"AND\">\r\n" +
                "    <args node=\"EXPR\" name=\"EQU\">\r\n" +
                "      <args node=\"FIELD\" name=\"prop1\" />\r\n" +
                "      <args node=\"CONST\" name=\"Int32\" value=\"123\" />\r\n" +
                "    </args>\r\n" +
                "    <args node=\"EXPR\" name=\"EQU\">\r\n" +
                "      <args node=\"FIELD\" name=\"prop2\" />\r\n" +
                "      <args node=\"CONST\" name=\"Int32\" value=\"456\" />\r\n" +
                "    </args>\r\n" +
                "  </v1QueryExpr>\r\n" +
                "</QuerySpec>", text1);
            string text2a =
                "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n" +
                "<QuerySpec xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns=\"http://tempuri.org/ExprFormat.xsd\">\r\n" +
                "  <version>1</version>\r\n" +
                "  <v1QueryExpr node=\"EXPR\" name=\"AND\">\r\n" +
                "    <args node=\"EXPR\" name=\"EQU\">\r\n" +
                "      <args node=\"FIELD\" name=\"prop1\" />\r\n" +
                "      <args node=\"CONSTqq\" name=\"Int32\" value=\"123\" />\r\n" +
                "    </args>\r\n" +
                "    <args node=\"EXPR\" name=\"EQU\">\r\n" +
                "      <args node=\"FIELD\" name=\"prop2\" />\r\n" +
                "      <args node=\"CONST\" name=\"Int32\" value=\"456\" />\r\n" +
                "    </args>\r\n" +
                "  </v1QueryExpr>\r\n" +
            // deserialisation should succeed, but with errors
            IExpression expr2 = Expr.Create(text2a);

            Assert.AreEqual <bool>(true, expr2.HasErrors());

            // evaluation should fail
            UnitTestHelper.AssertThrows <InvalidOperationException>(
                () => expr2.Evaluate(props));
 public void TestManualRecovery()
     // demonstrates how an application should use the client in its simplest (transient) mode:
     // - exceptions should be handled by the application;
     // - client must be disposed and recreated after an exception has occurred;
     // - subscriptions are not supported.
     //TimeSpan outageDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
     //TimeSpan requestTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
     using (Reference <ILogger> loggerRef = Reference <ILogger> .Create(new TraceLogger(true)))
         loggerRef.Target.LogDebug("----------> test commenced");
         // create unit test storage
         IStoreEngine unitTestStore = new UnitTestStoreEngine(loggerRef.Target);
         CoreServer   server        = null;
             var serverSettings = new NamedValueSet();
             serverSettings.Set(CfgPropName.NodeType, (int)NodeType.Server);
             serverSettings.Set(CfgPropName.EnvName, "UTT");
             server = new CoreServer(loggerRef, serverSettings)
                 StoreEngine = unitTestStore
             loggerRef.Target.LogDebug("----------> starting server");
             // create 1st client and save object - should succeed
             Guid id1;
             using (ICoreClient client1 = new CoreClientFactory(loggerRef)
                 id1 = client1.SaveObject(new TestData("Test1", 1), "Test1", null, TimeSpan.MaxValue);
                 // stop server and begin save - should fail with timeout
                 loggerRef.Target.LogDebug("----------> stopping server");
                 DisposeHelper.SafeDispose(ref server);
                 client1.RequestTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
                 UnitTestHelper.AssertThrows <TimeoutException>(() =>
                     client1.SaveObject(new TestData("Test2a", 2), "Test2", null, TimeSpan.MaxValue);
                 // further use of client throws more timeout errors
                 UnitTestHelper.AssertThrows <TimeoutException>(() => { client1.LoadObject <TestData>("Test2a"); });
             // create 2nd client - should fail to connect
             UnitTestHelper.AssertThrows <EndpointNotFoundException>("No server in list 'localhost:8113' found!", () =>
                 using (ICoreClient client2 = new CoreClientFactory(loggerRef)
                     client2.SaveObject <TestData>(new TestData("Test2b", 2), "Test2", null, TimeSpan.MaxValue);
             // restart server
             server = new CoreServer(loggerRef, serverSettings)
                 StoreEngine = unitTestStore
             loggerRef.Target.LogDebug("----------> restarting server");
             // load 1st object - should succeed
             ICoreItem item1;
             ICoreItem item2;
             using (ICoreClient client3 = new CoreClientFactory(loggerRef)
                 item1 = client3.LoadItem <TestData>("Test1");
                 item2 = client3.LoadItem <TestData>("Test2");
             Assert.AreEqual(id1, item1.Id);
             // done
             loggerRef.Target.LogDebug("----------> test completed");
             DisposeHelper.SafeDispose(ref server);
             DisposeHelper.SafeDispose(ref server);
Exemple #5
        public void ChainingOptionsArgumentException()
            DataItem <int> tmp = new DataItem <int>(1);

            UnitTestHelper.AssertThrows <ArgumentNullException>(() => tmp.Select <int, int>(null));
Exemple #6
        public void ChainingOptionsThisException()
            DataItem <int> tmp = null;

            UnitTestHelper.AssertThrows <ArgumentNullException>(() => tmp.Select(value => new DataItem <int>(value++)));