/// <summary>
        /// Syncs employments for all People in OS2 database to DMZ database.
        /// </summary>
        private void SyncEmployments()
            var i          = 0;
            var personList = _masterPersonRepo.AsQueryable().ToList();
            var max        = personList.Count;

            foreach (var person in personList)
                if (i % 10 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Syncing employments for person " + i + " of " + max);

                var pers = _dmzProfileRepo.AsQueryable().First(x => x.Id == person.Id);

                var employments = pers.Employments;

                // Migrate list of employees as the model is not the same in DMZ and OS2.
                foreach (var masterEmployment in person.Employments)
                    var dmzEmployment = employments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == masterEmployment.Id);

                    var employment = new Employment
                        Id                 = masterEmployment.Id,
                        ProfileId          = masterEmployment.PersonId,
                        StartDateTimestamp = masterEmployment.StartDateTimestamp,
                        EndDateTimestamp   = masterEmployment.EndDateTimestamp,
                        EmploymentPosition =
                            masterEmployment.Position + " - " + masterEmployment.OrgUnit.LongDescription,

                    employment = Encryptor.EncryptEmployment(employment);

                    if (dmzEmployment == null)
                        dmzEmployment.ProfileId          = employment.ProfileId;
                        dmzEmployment.StartDateTimestamp = masterEmployment.StartDateTimestamp;
                        dmzEmployment.EndDateTimestamp   = masterEmployment.EndDateTimestamp;
                        dmzEmployment.EmploymentPosition = employment.EmploymentPosition;
        /// <summary>
        /// Syncs employments for all People in OS2 database to DMZ database.
        /// </summary>
        private void SyncEmployments()
            var i          = 0;
            var personList = _masterPersonRepo.AsQueryable().ToList();
            var max        = personList.Count;

            _logger.Debug($"{this.GetType().Name}, SyncEmployments(), Amount of persons= {max}");
            foreach (var person in personList)
                if (i % 10 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Syncing employments for person " + i + " of " + max);
                try {
                    var pers = _dmzProfileRepo.AsQueryable().First(x => x.Id == person.Id);

                    var employments = pers.Employments;

                    // Migrate list of employees as the model is not the same in DMZ and OS2.
                    foreach (var masterEmployment in person.Employments)
                        var dmzEmployment = employments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == masterEmployment.Id);

                        var employment = new Employment
                            Id                 = masterEmployment.Id,
                            ProfileId          = masterEmployment.PersonId,
                            ManNr              = masterEmployment.EmploymentId.ToString(),
                            StartDateTimestamp = masterEmployment.StartDateTimestamp,
                            EndDateTimestamp   = masterEmployment.EndDateTimestamp,
                            EmploymentPosition =
                                masterEmployment.Position + " - " + masterEmployment.OrgUnit.LongDescription,
                            OrgUnitId = masterEmployment.OrgUnitId

                        employment = Encryptor.EncryptEmployment(employment);

                        if (dmzEmployment == null)
                            dmzEmployment.ProfileId          = employment.ProfileId;
                            dmzEmployment.ManNr              = employment.ManNr;
                            dmzEmployment.StartDateTimestamp = masterEmployment.StartDateTimestamp;
                            dmzEmployment.EndDateTimestamp   = masterEmployment.EndDateTimestamp;
                            dmzEmployment.EmploymentPosition = employment.EmploymentPosition;
                            dmzEmployment.OrgUnitId          = employment.OrgUnitId;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Error($"{this.GetType().Name}, SyncToDmz(), Exception during sync to DMZ for employments from OS2 database to DMZ database, personId= {person.Id}. Exception: {ex.Message}", ex);
