public ActionResult Index() { var payment = new Payment { SecundaryReceiver = "*****@*****.**", Amount = 100.00M, PrimaryReceiver = "*****@*****.**", ReturnCancelURL = "http://localhost:26927/PayPal", ReturnURL = "http://localhost:26927/PayPal/Success" }; return View(payment); }
public ActionResult PayPreapproved(Payment payment) { var userId = UserProfile.Current.UserId; _preApprovalService = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IPreApprovalService>(); //var userPreApproval = _preApprovalService.Find(x => x.Userd == userId && x.ContractEndDate >= DateTime.Now && x.ContractStartDate <= DateTime.Now).FirstOrDefault(); var payPal = new PayPalHelper.PayPalHelper(); //if (userPreApproval != null) //{ // var userActualPreApproval = payPal.PreapprovalDetailsAPIOperation(userPreApproval.PreApprovalKey); // userPreApproval.Approved = userActualPreApproval.approved != null && userActualPreApproval.approved.Value; // userPreApproval.ContractStartDate = DateTime.Parse(userActualPreApproval.startingDate); // userPreApproval.ContractEndDate = DateTime.Parse(userActualPreApproval.endingDate); // _preApprovalService.SaveOrUpdate(userPreApproval); // if(!userPreApproval.Approved) // { // return View("Error"); // } //} //else //{ // return View("Error"); //} var preApprovalKeys = new Dictionary<int, string>(); preApprovalKeys.Add(2, "PA-7RR891314Y878192Y"); preApprovalKeys.Add(3, ""); string preApprovalKey = ""; preApprovalKeys.TryGetValue(userId, out preApprovalKey); payment.PreapprovalKey = preApprovalKey; var responsePay = payPal.GeneratePreapprovalPayment(payment); if (responsePay != null) { // # Success values if (responsePay.responseEnvelope.ack.ToString().Trim().ToUpper().Equals("SUCCESS")) { payment.PayKey = responsePay.payKey; return View("Success"); } // # Error Values //List<ErrorData> errorMessages = responsePay.error; return View("Error"); } return View("Error"); }
public ActionResult Pay(Payment payment) { var payPal = new PayPalHelper.PayPalHelper(); var responsePay = payPal.GeneratePayment(payment); if (responsePay != null) { // # Success values if (responsePay.responseEnvelope.ack.ToString().Trim().ToUpper().Equals("SUCCESS")) { payment.PayKey = responsePay.payKey; return View(payment); } // # Error Values //List<ErrorData> errorMessages = responsePay.error; return View("Error"); } return View("Error"); }
public ActionResult ConfigurePreappoval(Payment payment) { var payPal = new PayPalHelper.PayPalHelper(); var preapproval = new Preapproval { CancelURL = payment.ReturnCancelURL, ReturnURL = payment.ReturnURL, IPNHost = "http://localhost:26927/PayPal/IPN" }; var responsePreapproval = payPal.GeneratePreapproval(preapproval); if (responsePreapproval != null) { // # Success values if (responsePreapproval.responseEnvelope != null && responsePreapproval.responseEnvelope.ack.ToString().Trim().ToUpper().Equals("SUCCESS")) { preapproval.PreapprovalKey = responsePreapproval.preapprovalKey; return View(preapproval); } // # Error Values //List<ErrorData> errorMessages = responsePreapproval.error; return View("Error"); } return View("Error"); }
public PayResponse GeneratePreapprovalPayment(Payment payment) { // API endpoint for the Refund call in the Sandbox const string sAPIEndpoint = ""; // Version that you are coding against const string sVersion = "1.1.0"; // Error Langugage const string sErrorLangugage = "en_US"; // Detail Level //string sDetailLevel = "ReturnAll"; // Request Data Binding const string sRequestDataBinding = "NV"; // Response Data Binding const string sResponseDataBinding = "NV"; // Application ID const string sAppId = "APP-80W284485P519543T"; //PayPal credentials const string userId = ""; const string pass = "******"; const string signature = "AQU0e5vuZCvSg-XJploSa.sGUDlpAT7Ecw66HFdR0xOK6mL90N8vFFp3"; const string sCurrencyCode = "USD"; // Currency Code const string sActionType = "PAY"; // Action Type string sReturnURL = payment.ReturnURL; // ReturnURL and CancelURL used for approval flow string sCancelURL = payment.ReturnCancelURL; // ReturnURL and CancelURL used for approval flow const string sFeesPayer = "PRIMARYRECEIVER"; // who pays the fees string sMemo = payment.Memo; // memo field string primaryReceiverAmount = payment.Amount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // transaction amount string secundayReceiverAmount = payment.Amount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // transaction amount string receiver = payment.PrimaryReceiver; //transaction receive string feeReceiver = payment.SecundaryReceiver; //transaction receive string sPreapprovalKey = payment.PreapprovalKey; //preapprovalKey string sender = payment.Sender; //transaction sender var client = new RestClient(sAPIEndpoint); var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST) {RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json}; request.AddHeader("X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-USERID", userId); request.AddHeader("X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-PASSWORD", pass); request.AddHeader("X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-SIGNATURE", signature); request.AddHeader("X-PAYPAL-DEVICE-IPADDRESS", sVersion); request.AddHeader("X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID", sAppId); request.AddHeader("X-PAYPAL-REQUEST-DATA-FORMAT", sRequestDataBinding); request.AddHeader("X-PAYPAL-RESPONSE-DATA-FORMAT", sResponseDataBinding); request.AddParameter("actionType", sActionType); request.AddParameter("currencyCode", sCurrencyCode); request.AddParameter("feesPayer", sFeesPayer); request.AddParameter("memo", sMemo); request.AddParameter("preapprovalKey", sPreapprovalKey); request.AddParameter("receiverList.receiver(0).amount", primaryReceiverAmount); request.AddParameter("receiverList.receiver(0).email", receiver); request.AddParameter("receiverList.receiver(0).primary", "true"); request.AddParameter("receiverList.receiver(1).amount", secundayReceiverAmount); request.AddParameter("receiverList.receiver(1).email", feeReceiver); request.AddParameter("senderEmail", sender); request.AddParameter("returnUrl", sReturnURL); request.AddParameter("cancelUrl", sCancelURL); request.AddParameter("requestEnvelope.errorLanguage", sErrorLangugage); var result = client.Execute(request); if (result.ErrorException != null) { var twilioException = new ApplicationException(result.ErrorMessage, result.ErrorException); throw twilioException; } NameValueCollection queryString = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(result.Content); var paymentReturnKeys = new List<string> { "responseEnvelope.timestamp", "responseEnvelope.ack", "responseEnvelope.correlationId", "", "payKey", "paymentExecStatus" }; var listAckCodes = new List<AckCode> { AckCode.FAILUREWITHWARNING, AckCode.WARNING, AckCode.FAILURE, AckCode.SUCCESS, AckCode.SUCCESSWITHWARNING }; var payResponse = new PayResponse { responseEnvelope = new ResponseEnvelope { timestamp = queryString[paymentReturnKeys[0]], ack = listAckCodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ToString() == queryString[paymentReturnKeys[1]]), correlationId = queryString[paymentReturnKeys[2]], build = queryString[paymentReturnKeys[3]] }, payKey = queryString[paymentReturnKeys[4]], paymentExecStatus = queryString[paymentReturnKeys[5]] }; return payResponse; }
public PayResponse GeneratePayment(Payment payment) { var request = CreatePayment(payment); return PayApiOperations(request); }
private PayRequest CreatePayment(Payment payment) { // # PayRequest // The code for the language in which errors are returned var envelopeRequest = new RequestEnvelope {errorLanguage = "en_US"}; var listReceiver = new List<Receiver>(); // Amount to be credited to the receiver's account var amountPrimary = payment.Amount * 0.98M; var amountSecundary = payment.Amount * 0.02M; var receivePrimary = new Receiver(amountPrimary) {email = payment.SecundaryReceiver}; var receiveSecundary = new Receiver(amountSecundary) { email = "*****@*****.**" }; // A receiver's email address listReceiver.Add(receivePrimary); listReceiver.Add(receiveSecundary); var listOfReceivers = new ReceiverList(listReceiver); // PayRequest which takes mandatory params: // // * `Request Envelope` - Information common to each API operation, such // as the language in which an error message is returned. // * `Action Type` - The action for this request. Possible values are: // * PAY - Use this option if you are not using the Pay request in // combination with ExecutePayment. // * CREATE - Use this option to set up the payment instructions with // SetPaymentOptions and then execute the payment at a later time with // the ExecutePayment. // * PAY_PRIMARY - For chained payments only, specify this value to delay // payments to the secondary receivers; only the payment to the primary // receiver is processed. // * `Cancel URL` - URL to redirect the sender's browser to after // canceling the approval for a payment; it is always required but only // used for payments that require approval (explicit payments) // * `Currency Code` - The code for the currency in which the payment is // made; you can specify only one currency, regardless of the number of // receivers // * `Recevier List` - List of receivers // * `Return URL` - URL to redirect the sender's browser to after the // sender has logged into PayPal and approved a payment; it is always // required but only used if a payment requires explicit approval var requestPay = new PayRequest(envelopeRequest, "PAY", payment.ReturnCancelURL, "USD", listOfReceivers, payment.ReturnURL); return requestPay; }