public void CountLivingNeighborsWorking()
     GameOfLife test = new GameOfLife(3, 3);
     test.grid[0, 0] = true;
     test.grid[1, 0] = true;
     Assert.AreEqual(2, test.CountLivingNeighbors(1, 1));
 public void Rule1()
     GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife(3, 3);
     game.grid[1, 1] = true;
     Assert.IsFalse(game.grid[1, 1]);
 public void TickTestLoafFormation()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(6, 6);
     ATestGrid[1, 2] = true;
     ATestGrid[1, 3] = true;
     ATestGrid[2, 1] = true;
     ATestGrid[2, 4] = true;
     ATestGrid[3, 2] = true;
     ATestGrid[3, 4] = true;
     ATestGrid[4, 3] = true;
     GameOfLife ATestGridToTick = new GameOfLife(6, 6);
     ATestGridToTick[1, 2] = true;
     ATestGridToTick[1, 3] = true;
     ATestGridToTick[2, 1] = true;
     ATestGridToTick[2, 4] = true;
     ATestGridToTick[3, 2] = true;
     ATestGridToTick[3, 4] = true;
     ATestGridToTick[4, 3] = true;
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ATestGrid.ToList()[0], ATestGridToTick.ToList()[0]);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ATestGrid.ToList()[1], ATestGridToTick.ToList()[1]);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ATestGrid.ToList()[2], ATestGridToTick.ToList()[2]);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ATestGrid.ToList()[3], ATestGridToTick.ToList()[3]);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ATestGrid.ToList()[4], ATestGridToTick.ToList()[4]);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ATestGrid.ToList()[5], ATestGridToTick.ToList()[5]);
 public void EdgeCase()
     GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife(3, 3);
     Assert.IsTrue(game.IsEdge(2, 2));
     Assert.IsTrue(game.IsEdge(0, 2));
     Assert.IsTrue(game.IsEdge(2, 0));
 //rule 3 - Any live cell with more than three live neighbours
 public void OverPopulationTest()
     GameOfLife test = new GameOfLife(3, 3);
     test.grid[1, 1] = true;
     test.grid[0, 0] = true;
     test.grid[1, 0] = true;
     test.grid[2, 0] = true;
     test.grid[2, 1] = true;
     Assert.IsFalse(test.OverPopulation(1, 1));
 //rule 2 - Any live cell with two or three live neighbours 
 public void RemainAliveTest()
     GameOfLife test = new GameOfLife(3, 3);
     test.grid[1, 1] = true;
     test.grid[1, 0] = true;
     test.grid[2, 0] = true;
     Assert.IsTrue(test.RemainAlive(1, 1));
     //another way of testing the same thing
     Assert.AreEqual(test.grid[1, 1], test.RemainAlive(1, 1));
 public void Blinker()
     GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife(5, 5);
     game.grid[1, 2] = true;
     game.grid[2, 2] = true;
     game.grid[3, 2] = true;
     Assert.IsFalse(game.grid[1, 2]);
     Assert.IsFalse(game.grid[3, 2]);
     Assert.IsTrue(game.grid[2, 2]);
 public void TickTestRuleFourDeadCellWithFourLiveNeighbors()
     GameOfLife ATestGridToTick = new GameOfLife(5, 3);
     ATestGridToTick[2, 1] = true;
     ATestGridToTick[2, 2] = true;
     ATestGridToTick[3, 1] = false;
     ATestGridToTick[4, 0] = true;
     ATestGridToTick[4, 1] = true;
     Assert.AreEqual(false, ATestGridToTick[3, 1]);
     Assert.AreEqual(false, ATestGridToTick[3, 1]);
        public void When_Game_Ticks_State_Changes()
            var initialBoard = new int[10, 10];

            initialBoard[5, 5] = 1;

            var game = new GameOfLife(initialBoard);

            var newBoard = game.Tick();

            Assert.Equal(0, newBoard[5, 5]);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var input = "";

            GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife(new TextFileReader(), new OutputWriter());

            while (input != "q")
                input = Console.ReadLine();
        public MainWindow()
            GameOfLife arrayBoard = new GameOfLife(25, 25);
            currentBoard = arrayBoard;
            dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer();


            TheListView.ItemsSource = currentBoard.ToList();
            dispatcherTimer.Tick += dispatcherTimerClick;
            dispatcherTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)RunSpeed.Value);
        public void When_Cell_Has_Two_Living_Neighbour_Cell_Stays_Alive()
            var initialBoard = new int[10, 10];

            initialBoard[5, 5] = 1;
            initialBoard[5, 6] = 1;
            initialBoard[6, 6] = 1;

            var game     = new GameOfLife(initialBoard);
            var newBoard = game.Tick();

            Assert.Equal(1, newBoard[5, 5]);
            Assert.Equal(1, newBoard[5, 6]);
            Assert.Equal(1, newBoard[6, 6]);
            Assert.Equal(3, game.CountAlive());
 public void TickTestBlinkerFormation()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(5, 5);
     ATestGrid[1, 2] = true;
     ATestGrid[2, 2] = true;
     ATestGrid[3, 2] = true;
     GameOfLife ATestGridToTick = new GameOfLife(5, 5);
     ATestGridToTick[2, 1] = true;
     ATestGridToTick[2, 2] = true;
     ATestGridToTick[2, 3] = true;
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ATestGrid.ToList()[0], ATestGridToTick.ToList()[0]);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ATestGrid.ToList()[1], ATestGridToTick.ToList()[1]);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ATestGrid.ToList()[2], ATestGridToTick.ToList()[2]);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ATestGrid.ToList()[3], ATestGridToTick.ToList()[3]);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ATestGrid.ToList()[4], ATestGridToTick.ToList()[4]);
Exemple #14
        private static void Main()
            Console.Title           = "Conway's Game of Life";
            Console.OutputEncoding  = Encoding.Unicode;
            Console.CursorVisible   = false;
            Console.WindowWidth     = 90;
            Console.BufferWidth     = 90;
            Console.WindowHeight    = 40;
            Console.BufferHeight    = 40;
            Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;

            var userConfig = UserConfig.UserInput();
            var gameOfLife = new GameOfLife(userConfig);

Exemple #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int runs = 0;
            int height, width, maxRuns;

            // Get the INput Values
            Console.Write("Enter Board Height : ");
            int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out height);

            Console.Write("Enter Board Width : ");
            int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out width);

            Console.Write("Enter Number of Generation : ");
            int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out maxRuns);

            // Validate the values and if values are not int, then exit from program
            if (height == 0 || width == 0 || maxRuns == 0)
                Console.Write("Value for Height, Width and NUmbe of Generation must be greater then 0");
            // Display a message for  Board
            GameOfLife gm = new GameOfLife(height, width);

            Console.Write("Generating a Bord of {0} X {1}, will run for {2}", height.ToString(), width.ToString(), maxRuns.ToString());
            // Run the Program
            while (runs++ < maxRuns)

Exemple #16
         *  This example will use the concept of Conway's Game of Life to create sound.
         *  The sound will be made using MIDI Gremlin.
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            bool[,] grid = new bool[40, 40];
            // Setup some start values

            // Glider 1 : depicted as followed
            // 0 1 0
            // 0 0 1
            // 1 1 1
            grid[2, 1] = true;
            grid[3, 2] = true;
            grid[3, 3] = true;
            grid[2, 3] = true;
            grid[1, 3] = true;

            // Glider 2
            // 1 1 1
            // 0 0 1
            // 0 1 0
            grid[12, 13] = true;
            grid[11, 11] = true;
            grid[12, 11] = true;
            grid[13, 11] = true;
            grid[13, 12] = true;

            // Start The Game of Life
            GameOfLife gol = new GameOfLife(grid);

            // Start Drawing
            gol.IsDrawing = true;

            // Play sounds using the Game of Life

 public void Toad()
     GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife(6, 6);
     game.grid[2, 2] = true;
     game.grid[2, 3] = true;
     game.grid[2, 4] = true;
     game.grid[3, 1] = true;
     game.grid[3, 2] = true;
     game.grid[3, 3] = true;
     Assert.IsFalse(game.grid[2, 2]);
     Assert.IsFalse(game.grid[2, 3]);
     Assert.IsFalse(game.grid[3, 2]);
     Assert.IsFalse(game.grid[3, 3]);
     Assert.IsTrue(game.grid[1, 3]);
     Assert.IsTrue(game.grid[2, 1]);
     Assert.IsTrue(game.grid[2, 4]);
     Assert.IsTrue(game.grid[3, 1]);
     Assert.IsTrue(game.grid[3, 4]);
     Assert.IsTrue(game.grid[4, 2]);
Exemple #18
 static void Main()
     using (var game = new GameOfLife())
Exemple #19
        public void CreateNewGridGetCellValue()
            GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(5, 5);

            Assert.AreEqual(false, ATestGrid[0, 0]);
Exemple #20
 public void CreateNewGrid()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(5, 5);
     Assert.AreEqual(25, ATestGrid.cells.Length);
Exemple #21
 public void CreateNewGridSetCellValue()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(5, 5);
     ATestGrid[2, 2] = true;
     Assert.AreEqual(true, ATestGrid[2, 2]);
 public void CountNeighbors()
     GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife(3, 3);
     game.grid[0, 0] = true;
     Assert.AreEqual(1, game.GetAliveNeighbors(1, 1));
 public void CellsCanChangeState()
     GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife(3, 3);
     game.grid[1, 1] = true;
     Assert.IsTrue(game.grid[1, 1]);
Exemple #24
 public void ToListWith1x1Grid()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(1, 1);
     List<bool> ATestList = new List<bool> { false };
     List<List<bool>> ATestListOfLists = new List<List<bool>>();
     CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(ATestListOfLists[0], ATestGrid.ToList()[0]);
Exemple #25
 public void RemoveOffGridNeighborsWithPositiveCoordinatesInRectangularGrid()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(8, 5);
     Cell ACornerCell = ATestGrid.cells[7, 4];
     Assert.AreEqual(3, ACornerCell.Neighbors.Count);
Exemple #26
        public static void Main()
            int boardSize, numberOfGenerations;

            Console.WriteLine("!!! Welcome to Conway's Game of Life !!!\n");

            // Get the board size
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number for the boardsize. (It will determine the board size, e.g. 5 generates a 5x5 board):");
            var input = Console.ReadLine();

            while (!int.TryParse(input, out boardSize))
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a number.");
                input = Console.ReadLine();

            // Get the number of generations
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the number of generations for the simulation:");
            input = Console.ReadLine();
            while (!int.TryParse(input, out numberOfGenerations))
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a number.");
                input = Console.ReadLine();

            // Pad the board with dead cells so that we don't try iterate out of bounds
            var paddedBoardSize = boardSize + 2;

            // Initialise the board and set the initial state
            var gameOfLife = new GameOfLife(paddedBoardSize, numberOfGenerations);


            // Display the initial state of the board
            Console.WriteLine("\nInitial State:");

            // Run and display each tick (generation) of the simulation
            var generation = 0;

            while (generation < gameOfLife.NumberOfGenerations)
                // The simulation will end earlier than the specified number of generations provided if all the cells are dead.
                if (gameOfLife.CountLivingCellsOnBoard() == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("The simulation has ended because all cells have died.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"\nGeneration: {generation + 1}");

            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to quit.");
 public UnitTest1(ITestOutputHelper log)
     _logger = log;
     _game   = GameOfLife.Create(size: 10);
     _board  = _game.Display();
 public void GameExists()
     GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife();
Exemple #29
 public void CreateNewGridSetCellValueOtherCellsRetainValue()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(5, 5);
     ATestGrid[2, 2] = true;
     Assert.AreEqual(false, ATestGrid[2, 3]);
 public void CanCreateGrids()
     GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife(3, 3);
     Assert.AreEqual(9, game.grid.Length);
Exemple #31
 public void ToListWith3x3Grid()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(3, 3);
     List<bool> ATestList = new List<bool>(new bool[] { false, false, false });
     List<List<bool>> ATestListOfLists = new List<List<bool>>();
     CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(ATestListOfLists[0], ATestGrid.ToList()[0]);
     CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(ATestListOfLists[1], ATestGrid.ToList()[1]);
     CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(ATestListOfLists[2], ATestGrid.ToList()[2]);
 public void CellsStartDead()
     GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife(3, 3);
Exemple #33
 public void ToListWithEmptyGrid()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(0, 0);
     List<List<bool>> ATestListOfLists = new List<List<bool>>();
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ATestListOfLists, ATestGrid.ToList());
Exemple #34
 public void RemoveOffGridNeighborsRectangularGridInnerCell()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(8, 5);
     Cell AnInnerCell = ATestGrid.cells[2, 3];
     Assert.AreEqual(8, AnInnerCell.Neighbors.Count);
Exemple #35
 public void CreateNewEmptyGrid()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(0, 0);
     var ThisWillFail = ATestGrid[0, 0];
 public void GameWithArgumentsExists()
     GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife(2, 2);
Exemple #37
 public void RemoveOffGridNeighborsWithNegativeCoordinates()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(5, 5);
     Cell ACornerCell = ATestGrid.cells[0, 0];
     Assert.AreEqual(3, ACornerCell.Neighbors.Count);
 public void Rule1OnLargerBoard()
     GameOfLife game = new GameOfLife(8, 8);
     game.grid[1, 1] = true;
     game.grid[5, 5] = true;
     Assert.IsFalse(game.grid[1, 1]);
     Assert.IsFalse(game.grid[5, 5]);
Exemple #39
 public void RemoveOffGridNeighborsWithOneCellGrid()
     GameOfLife ATestGrid = new GameOfLife(1, 1);
     Cell TheOnlyCell = ATestGrid.cells[0, 0];
     Assert.AreEqual(0, TheOnlyCell.Neighbors.Count);