async Task DownloadFile(C8oFileTransferStatus transferStatus, JObject task) { var uuid = transferStatus.Uuid; bool needRemoveSession = false; C8o c8o = null; Stream createdFileStream = null; try { lock (_maxRunning) { if (_maxRunning[0] <= 0) { Monitor.Wait(_maxRunning); } _maxRunning[0]--; } c8o = new C8o(c8oTask.Endpoint, new C8oSettings(c8oTask).SetFullSyncLocalSuffix("_" + uuid)); string fsConnector = null; // // 0 : Authenticates the user on the Convertigo server in order to replicate wanted documents // if (!task["replicated"].Value <bool>() || !task["remoteDeleted"].Value <bool>() || !task["assembled"].Value <bool>()) { needRemoveSession = true; var json = await c8o.CallJson(".SelectUuid", "uuid", uuid).Async(); Debug("SelectUuid:\n" + json.ToString()); if (!"true".Equals(json.SelectToken("document.selected").Value <string>())) { if (!task["replicated"].Value <bool>()) { throw new Exception("uuid not selected"); } } else { fsConnector = json.SelectToken("document.connector").ToString(); transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateAuthenticated; Notify(transferStatus); } } if (!useCouchBaseReplication && !task["replicated"].Value <bool>() && fsConnector != null && !canceledTasks.Contains(uuid)) { var filepath = transferStatus.Filepath + ".tmp"; createdFileStream = fileManager.CreateFile(filepath); var res = await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.get", "docid", task["_id"].Value <string>()).Async(); var pos = res["position"] != null ? res["position"].Value <long>() : 0; var last = res["download"].Value <int>(); createdFileStream.Position = pos; transferStatus.Current = last; transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateReplicate; Notify(transferStatus); for (var i = last; i < transferStatus.Total; i++) { await DownloadChunk(c8o, createdFileStream, filepath, fsConnector, uuid, i, task, transferStatus); } createdFileStream.Dispose(); res = await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.post", C8o.FS_POLICY, C8o.FS_POLICY_MERGE, "_id", task["_id"].Value <string>(), "replicated", task["replicated"] = true ).Async(); Debug("replicated true:\n" + res); } // // 1 : Replicate the document discribing the chunks ids list // if (useCouchBaseReplication && !task["replicated"].Value <bool>() && fsConnector != null && !canceledTasks.Contains(uuid)) { var locker = new bool[] { false }; var expireTransfer = DateTime.Now.Add(MaxDurationForTransferAttempt); var expireChunk = expireTransfer; await c8o.CallJson("fs://" + fsConnector + ".create").Async(); needRemoveSession = true; c8o.CallJson("fs://" + fsConnector + ".replicate_pull").Then((json, param) => { lock (locker) { locker[0] = true; Monitor.Pulse(locker); } return(null); }).Progress(progress => { if (progress.Status.Equals("Active")) { expireChunk = DateTime.Now.Add(MaxDurationForChunk); int current = (int)Math.Max(0, progress.Current - 2); if (current > transferStatus.Current) { transferStatus.Current = current; Notify(transferStatus); } } else { Debug("======== NOT ACTIVE >> progress:\n" + progress); expireChunk = expireTransfer; } }); transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateReplicate; Notify(transferStatus); var allOptions = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "startkey", uuid + "_" }, { "endkey", uuid + "__" } }; // Waits the end of the replication if it is not finished do { try { lock (locker) { if (DateTime.Now > expireTransfer) { locker[0] = true; throw new Exception("expireTransfer of " + MaxDurationForTransferAttempt + " : retry soon"); } if (DateTime.Now > expireChunk) { locker[0] = true; throw new Exception("expireChunk of " + MaxDurationForTransferAttempt + " : retry soon"); } Monitor.Wait(locker, 1000); } } catch (Exception e) { Notify(e); Debug(e.ToString()); } }while (!locker[0] && !canceledTasks.Contains(uuid)); c8o.CallJson("fs://" + fsConnector + ".replicate_pull", "cancel", true).Sync(); if (!canceledTasks.Contains(uuid)) { if (transferStatus.Current < transferStatus.Total) { throw new Exception("replication not completed"); } var res = await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.post", C8o.FS_POLICY, C8o.FS_POLICY_MERGE, "_id", task["_id"].Value <string>(), "replicated", task["replicated"] = true ).Async(); Debug("replicated true:\n" + res); } } var isCanceling = canceledTasks.Contains(uuid); if (!useCouchBaseReplication && !task["assembled"].Value <bool>() && fsConnector != null && !isCanceling) { transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateAssembling; Notify(transferStatus); var filepath = transferStatus.Filepath; fileManager.DeleteFile(filepath); fileManager.MoveFile(filepath + ".tmp", filepath); var res = await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.post", C8o.FS_POLICY, C8o.FS_POLICY_MERGE, "_id", task["_id"].Value <string>(), "assembled", task["assembled"] = true ).Async(); Debug("assembled true:\n" + res); } if (useCouchBaseReplication && !task["assembled"].Value <bool>() && fsConnector != null && !isCanceling) { transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateAssembling; Notify(transferStatus); // // 2 : Gets the document describing the chunks list // var filepath = transferStatus.Filepath; createdFileStream = fileManager.CreateFile(filepath); createdFileStream.Position = 0; for (int i = 0; i < transferStatus.Total; i++) { try { var meta = await c8o.CallJson("fs://" + fsConnector + ".get", "docid", uuid + "_" + i).Async(); Debug(meta.ToString()); AppendChunk(createdFileStream, meta.SelectToken("_attachments.chunk.content_url").ToString(), c8o); } catch (Exception e) { Debug("Failed to retrieve the attachment " + i + " due to: [" + e.GetType().Name + "] " + e.Message); await DownloadChunk(c8o, createdFileStream, filepath, fsConnector, uuid, i, task, transferStatus); } } createdFileStream.Dispose(); var res = await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.post", C8o.FS_POLICY, C8o.FS_POLICY_MERGE, "_id", task["_id"].Value <string>(), "assembled", task["assembled"] = true ).Async(); Debug("assembled true:\n" + res); } if (!task["remoteDeleted"].Value <bool>() && fsConnector != null) { transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateCleaning; Notify(transferStatus); var res = await c8o.CallJson("fs://" + fsConnector + ".destroy").Async(); Debug("destroy local true:\n" + res.ToString()); needRemoveSession = true; res = await c8o.CallJson(".DeleteUuid", "uuid", uuid).Async(); Debug("deleteUuid:\n" + res); res = await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.post", C8o.FS_POLICY, C8o.FS_POLICY_MERGE, "_id", task["_id"].Value <string>(), "remoteDeleted", task["remoteDeleted"] = true ).Async(); Debug("remoteDeleted true:\n" + res); } if ((task["replicated"].Value <bool>() && task["assembled"].Value <bool>() && task["remoteDeleted"].Value <bool>()) || isCanceling) { var res = await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.delete", "docid", uuid).Async(); Debug("local delete:\n" + res.ToString()); transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateFinished; Notify(transferStatus); } if (isCanceling) { transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateCanceled; Notify(transferStatus); canceledTasks.Remove(uuid); } } catch (Exception e) { Notify(e); } finally { if (createdFileStream != null) { createdFileStream.Dispose(); } lock (_maxRunning) { _maxRunning[0]++; Monitor.Pulse(_maxRunning); } } if (needRemoveSession && c8o != null) { c8o.CallJson(".RemoveSession"); } tasks.Remove(uuid); lock (this) { Monitor.Pulse(this); } }
async Task UploadFile(C8oFileTransferStatus transferStatus, JObject task) { var uuid = transferStatus.Uuid; try { lock (_maxRunning) { if (_maxRunning[0] <= 0) { Monitor.Wait(_maxRunning); } _maxRunning[0]--; } JObject res = null; bool[] locker = new bool[] { false }; string fileName = transferStatus.Filepath; // task["fileName"].ToString(); // Creates a c8o instance with a specific fullsync local suffix in order to store chunks in a specific database var c8o = new C8o(c8oTask.Endpoint, new C8oSettings(c8oTask).SetFullSyncLocalSuffix("_" + uuid).SetDefaultDatabaseName("c8ofiletransfer")); // Creates the local db await c8o.CallJson("fs://.create").Async(); // If the file is not already splitted and stored in the local database if (!task["splitted"].Value <bool>() && !canceledTasks.Contains(uuid)) { transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateSplitting; Notify(transferStatus); Stream fileStream; if (!streamToUpload.TryGetValue(uuid, out fileStream)) { // Removes the local database await c8o.CallJson("fs://.reset").Async(); // Removes the task doc await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.delete", "docid", uuid).Async(); throw new Exception("The file '" + task["fileName"] + "' can't be upload because it was stopped before the file content was handled"); } MemoryStream chunk = new MemoryStream(chunkSize); fileStream.Position = 0; // // 1 : Split the file and store it locally // try { fileStream = streamToUpload[uuid]; byte[] buffer = new byte[chunkSize]; int countTot = -1; int read = 1; while (read > 0) { countTot++; //fileStream.Position = chunkSize * countTot; read = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, chunkSize); if (read > 0) { string docid = uuid + "_" + countTot; await c8o.CallJson("fs://.post", "_id", docid, "fileName", fileName, "type", "chunk", "uuid", uuid ).Async(); chunk = new MemoryStream(chunkSize); // chunk.Position = 0; chunk.Write(buffer, 0, read); await c8o.CallJson("fs://.put_attachment", "docid", docid, "name", "chunk", "content_type", "application/octet-stream", "content", chunk).Async(); chunk.Dispose(); } } = countTot; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { if (fileStream != null) { fileStream.Dispose(); } if (chunk != null) { chunk.Dispose(); } } // Updates the state document in the c8oTask database res = await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.post", C8o.FS_POLICY, C8o.FS_POLICY_MERGE, "_id", task["_id"].Value <string>(), "splitted", task["splitted"] = true ).Async(); Debug("splitted true:\n" + res.ToString()); } streamToUpload.Remove(uuid); // If the local database is not replecated to the server if (!task["replicated"].Value <bool>() && !canceledTasks.Contains(uuid)) { // // 2 : Authenticates // res = await c8o.CallJson(".SetAuthenticatedUser", "userId", uuid).Async(); Debug("SetAuthenticatedUser:\n" + res.ToString()); transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateAuthenticated; Notify(transferStatus); // // 3 : Replicates to server // transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateReplicate; Notify(transferStatus); bool launchReplication = true; // Relaunch replication while all documents are not replicated to the server while (launchReplication) { locker[0] = false; c8o.CallJson("fs://.replicate_push").Progress((c8oOnProgress) => { if (c8oOnProgress.Finished) { // Checks if there is no more documents to replicate if (c8oOnProgress.Total == 0) { // Then the replication won't be launch again launchReplication = false; } lock (locker) { locker[0] = true; Monitor.Pulse(locker); } } }); // Waits the end of the replication if it is not finished do { lock (locker) { Monitor.Wait(locker, 1000); } // Asks how many documents are in the server database with this uuid JObject json = await c8o.CallJson(".c8ofiletransfer.GetViewCountByUuid", "_use_key", uuid).Async(); var item = json.SelectToken("document.couchdb_output.rows[0]"); if (item != null) { int current = item.Value <int>("value"); // If the number of documents has changed since the last time then notify if (current != transferStatus.Current) { transferStatus.Current = current; Notify(transferStatus); } } } while (!locker[0] && !canceledTasks.Contains(uuid)); c8o.CallJson("fs://.replicate_push", "cancel", true).Sync(); } if (!canceledTasks.Contains(uuid)) { // Updates the state document in the task database res = await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.post", C8o.FS_POLICY, C8o.FS_POLICY_MERGE, "_id", task["_id"].Value <string>(), "replicated", task["replicated"] = true ).Async(); Debug("replicated true:\n" + res); } } // If the local database containing chunks is not deleted locker[0] = true; if (!task["localDeleted"].Value <bool>()) { transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateCleaning; Notify(transferStatus); locker[0] = false; // // 4 : Delete the local database containing chunks // c8o.CallJson("fs://.reset").Then((json, param) => { c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.post", C8o.FS_POLICY, C8o.FS_POLICY_MERGE, "_id", task["_id"].Value <string>(), "localDeleted", task["localDeleted"] = true ); Debug("localDeleted true:\n" + res); lock (locker) { locker[0] = true; Monitor.Pulse(locker); } return(null); }); } var isCanceling = canceledTasks.Contains(uuid); // If the file is not assembled in the server if (!task["assembled"].Value <bool>() && !isCanceling) { transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateAssembling; Notify(transferStatus); // // 5 : Request the server to assemble chunks to the initial file // res = await c8o.CallJson(".StoreDatabaseFileToLocal", "uuid", uuid, "numberOfChunks",; if (res.SelectToken("document.serverFilePath") == null) { throw new Exception("Can't find the serverFilePath in JSON response : " + res.ToString()); } string serverFilePath = res.SelectToken("document").Value <string>("serverFilePath"); c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.post", C8o.FS_POLICY, C8o.FS_POLICY_MERGE, "_id", task["_id"].Value <string>(), "assembled", task["assembled"] = true, "serverFilePath", task["serverFilePath"] = serverFilePath ); Debug("assembled true:\n" + res.ToString()); } if (!isCanceling) { transferStatus.ServerFilepath = task["serverFilePath"].ToString(); // Waits the local database is deleted do { lock (locker) { Monitor.Wait(locker, 500); } } while (!locker[0]); } // // 6 : Remove the task document // res = await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.delete", "docid", uuid).Async(); Debug("local delete:\n" + res.ToString()); if (isCanceling) { canceledTasks.Remove(uuid); transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateCanceled; } else { transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateFinished; } Notify(transferStatus); } catch (Exception e) { Notify(e); } finally { lock (_maxRunning) { _maxRunning[0]++; Monitor.Pulse(_maxRunning); } } }
/// <summary> /// Start the filetransfer loop, should be called after "Raise" handler configuration. /// </summary> public void Start() { if (tasks == null) { tasks = new Dictionary <string, C8oFileTransferStatus>(); Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { CheckTaskDb(); int skip = 0; var param = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "limit", 1 }, { "include_docs", true } }; while (alive) { try { param["skip"] = skip; var res = await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.all", param).Async(); if ((res["rows"] as JArray).Count > 0) { var task = res["rows"][0]["doc"] as JObject; if (task == null) { task = await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.get", "docid", res["rows"][0]["id"].ToString() ).Async(); } string uuid = task["_id"].ToString(); // If this document id is not already in the tasks list if (!tasks.ContainsKey(uuid) && (task["download"] != null || task["upload"] != null)) { //await c8oTask.CallJson("fs://.delete", "docid", uuid).Async(); //continue; string filePath = FilePrefix + task["filePath"].Value <string>(); // Add the document id to the tasks list var transferStatus = tasks[uuid] = new C8oFileTransferStatus(uuid, filePath); transferStatus.State = C8oFileTransferStatus.StateQueued; if (task["download"] != null) { transferStatus.Current = task["download"].Value <int>(); transferStatus.IsDownload = true; DownloadFile(transferStatus, task).GetAwaiter(); } else if (task["upload"] != null) { transferStatus.IsDownload = false; UploadFile(transferStatus, task).GetAwaiter(); } Notify(transferStatus); skip = 0; } else { skip++; } } else { lock (this) { Monitor.Wait(this); skip = 0; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); } } }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning); } }