public static PivotItem getPivot(TB_CONTA account) { double size = 230; PivotItem temp = new PivotItem { Header = account.CTA_NOME }; Grid grid = new Grid(); StackPanel panel = new StackPanel(); ListBox transBox = new ListBox(); Button accVal = new Button() { Content = "$999.99", Height = 128, Width = size * 2 }; Button credit = new Button() { Content = "+", Height = size, Width = size }; Button debit = new Button() { Content = "-", Height = size, Width = size }; StackPanel bts = new StackPanel() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }; List<String> source = new List<String>(); source.Add("Item 1"); source.Add("Item 2"); source.Add("Item 3"); source.Add("Item 4"); source.Add("Item 5"); source.Add("Item 6"); source.Add("Item 12"); source.Add("Item 13"); source.Add("Item 14"); source.Add("Item 15"); source.Add("Item 16"); source.Add("Item 17"); source.Add("Item 18"); source.Add("Item 19"); source.Add("Item 20"); ListBox box = new ListBox(); box.ItemsSource = source; box.Height = 200; bts.Children.Add(credit); bts.Children.Add(debit); panel.Children.Add(accVal); panel.Children.Add(bts); panel.Children.Add(box); temp.Content = panel; return temp; }
public void SampleData() { string connection = App.Connection; using (var ctx = new ControleDeGastosDataContext(App.Connection)) { TB_TIPO_CONTA novoTipoConta = new TB_TIPO_CONTA() { TPC_NOME = "Banco", TPC_FLAG_ATIVA = true }; ctx.TB_TIPO_CONTAs.InsertOnSubmit(novoTipoConta); novoTipoConta = new TB_TIPO_CONTA() { TPC_NOME = "Investimento", TPC_FLAG_ATIVA = true }; ctx.TB_TIPO_CONTAs.InsertOnSubmit(novoTipoConta); novoTipoConta = new TB_TIPO_CONTA() { TPC_NOME = "Dinheiro", TPC_FLAG_ATIVA = true }; ctx.TB_TIPO_CONTAs.InsertOnSubmit(novoTipoConta); ctx.SubmitChanges(); TB_MOEDA novaMoeda = new TB_MOEDA() { MOE_NOME = "Real Brasil", MOE_SIGLA = "R$", MOE_COTACAO = 0, MOE_PADRAO = true, MOE_FLAG_ATIVA = true }; ctx.TB_MOEDAs.InsertOnSubmit(novaMoeda); novaMoeda = new TB_MOEDA() { MOE_NOME = "Dólar", MOE_SIGLA = "$", MOE_COTACAO = 0, MOE_PADRAO = false, MOE_FLAG_ATIVA = true }; ctx.TB_MOEDAs.InsertOnSubmit(novaMoeda); ctx.SubmitChanges(); TB_BENEFICIARIO novoBeneficiario = new TB_BENEFICIARIO() { BNF_NOME = "Wagner Sommer", BNF_OBSERVACAO = "Pai", BNF_FLAG_ATIVA = true }; ctx.TB_BENEFICIARIOs.InsertOnSubmit(novoBeneficiario); novoBeneficiario = new TB_BENEFICIARIO() { BNF_NOME = "Margarete Sommer", BNF_OBSERVACAO = "Mãe", BNF_FLAG_ATIVA = true }; ctx.TB_BENEFICIARIOs.InsertOnSubmit(novoBeneficiario); ctx.SubmitChanges(); TB_CONTA novaConta = new TB_CONTA() { CTA_NOME = "Pessoa Fisica", TPC_ID = 1, CTA_DT_INICIO = System.DateTime.Today, CTA_DT_FIM = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.MaxValue.ToString()), CTA_VALOR_INICIAL = 0, MOE_ID = 1, CTA_ENCERRADA = false, CTA_FLAG_ATIVA = true }; ctx.TB_CONTAS.InsertOnSubmit(novaConta); novaConta = new TB_CONTA() { CTA_NOME = "Pessoa Juridica", TPC_ID = 1, CTA_DT_INICIO = System.DateTime.Today, CTA_DT_FIM = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.MaxValue.ToString()), CTA_VALOR_INICIAL = 0, MOE_ID = 1, CTA_ENCERRADA = false, CTA_FLAG_ATIVA = true }; ctx.TB_CONTAS.InsertOnSubmit(novaConta); novaConta = new TB_CONTA() { CTA_NOME = "Acoes", TPC_ID = 2, CTA_DT_INICIO = System.DateTime.Today, CTA_DT_FIM = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.MaxValue.ToString()), CTA_VALOR_INICIAL = 0, MOE_ID = 1, CTA_ENCERRADA = false, CTA_FLAG_ATIVA = true }; ctx.TB_CONTAS.InsertOnSubmit(novaConta); ctx.SubmitChanges(); TB_CATEGORIA novaCategoria = new TB_CATEGORIA() { CAT_NOME = "Automovel", CAT_PAI_ID = 1, CAT_TIPO = "1", CAT_FLAG_ATIVA = true, CAT_OBSERVACAO = "" }; ctx.TB_CATEGORIAs.InsertOnSubmit(novaCategoria); ctx.SubmitChanges(); TB_ORCAMENTO novoOrcamento = new TB_ORCAMENTO() { ORC_NOME = "Carro", ORC_TIPO = 1, MOE_ID = 1, CAT_ID = 1, ORC_VALOR = 100, ORC_FLAG_ATIVA = true, ORC_OBSERVACAO = "Mensal", ORC_SUBCATEGORIA = false }; ctx.TB_ORCAMENTOs.InsertOnSubmit(novoOrcamento); novoOrcamento = new TB_ORCAMENTO() { ORC_NOME = "Casa", ORC_TIPO = 2, MOE_ID = 1, CAT_ID = 1, ORC_VALOR = 500, ORC_FLAG_ATIVA = true, ORC_OBSERVACAO = "Trimestral", ORC_SUBCATEGORIA = false }; ctx.TB_ORCAMENTOs.InsertOnSubmit(novoOrcamento); ctx.SubmitChanges(); } }
public void deleteAccount(TB_CONTA account) { using (var ctx = new ControleDeGastosDataContext(App.Connection)) { // find a city to delete IQueryable<TB_CONTA> accountQuery = from c in ctx.TB_CONTAS where c.CTA_NOME == account.CTA_NOME select c; TB_CONTA accountToDelete = accountQuery.FirstOrDefault(); // delete city from the context ctx.TB_CONTAS.DeleteOnSubmit(accountToDelete); // save changes to the database ctx.SubmitChanges(); } }
void makePivot(TB_CONTA account) { if (account.CTA_FLAG_ATIVA == true) { PivotItem newPivot = new PivotItem() { Header = account.CTA_NOME }; //O pivot prescisa de um container para adicionar elements Grid pivotContent = new Grid() { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Height = 572, Width = 432 }; Button amount = new Button() { Content = account.CTA_VALOR_INICIAL, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Width = 416, Height = 82, Margin = new Thickness(8, 0, 0, 0), }; amount.Tap += new EventHandler<System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs>(onTap_Top); Button credit = new Button() { Content = "+", HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Width = 214, Height = 98, Margin = new Thickness(8, 86, 0, 0) }; credit.Tap += new EventHandler<System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs>(onTapCredit); Button debit = new Button() { Content = "-", HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, Width = 214, Height = 98, Margin = new Thickness(210, 86, 0, 0) }; //As Transacoes prescisam de um container StackPanel transactionHolder = new StackPanel() { Margin = new Thickness(10) }; //Faz com que o container das transacoes possa //ser scrollable (rolado)... xD //Esse meu portugues ta uma merda! =P ScrollViewer transScroller = new ScrollViewer() { Content = transactionHolder, //adiciona o container das trasacoes no scrollViewer Margin = new Thickness(21, 199, 20, 113), BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), BorderThickness = new Thickness(1) }; for (int i = 20; i > 0; i--) { TextBlock t1 = new TextBlock() { Text = "Bough " + i }; t1.Padding = new Thickness(10); transactionHolder.Children.Add(t1); } pivotContent.Children.Add(amount); pivotContent.Children.Add(credit); pivotContent.Children.Add(debit); pivotContent.Children.Add(transScroller); newPivot.Content = pivotContent; newPivot.Name = account.CTA_ID.ToString(); pivotAccounts.Items.Add(newPivot); } }
partial void DeleteTB_CONTA(TB_CONTA instance);
partial void UpdateTB_CONTA(TB_CONTA instance);
partial void InsertTB_CONTA(TB_CONTA instance);
private void detach_TB_CONTAs(TB_CONTA entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.TB_TIPO_CONTA = null; }
private void attach_TB_CONTAs(TB_CONTA entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.TB_MOEDA = this; }