Exemple #1
        private ROVMessage ReceiveHelper()
            ROVMessage msg = new ROVMessage();

            while (ReadByte() != 0x42)
                ;                        //read in until header byte reached
            msg.command = (byte)ReadByte();
            msg.data    = new byte[ReadByte()];
            byte calculatedChecksum = (byte)msg.data.Length; //start calculating a checksum

            for (int i = 0; i < msg.data.Length; i++)
                //read in bytes one by one, calculating checksum as we go
                msg.data[i]         = (byte)ReadByte();
                calculatedChecksum ^= msg.data[i];
            byte actualChecksum = (byte)ReadByte();

            if (calculatedChecksum != actualChecksum) //see if received checksum matches calculated one
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Received corrupted data (Calculated checksum" +
                                                  " of {0} did not match received {1})", calculatedChecksum, actualChecksum));
Exemple #2
        //custom code for rov serial comms
        public void TransmitRequestOrCommand(ROVMessage msg)
            //assemble header, command, length bytes at front of message
            byte[] temp = new byte[msg.data.Length + 4];
            temp[0] = (byte)0x42;
            temp[1] = msg.command;
            temp[2] = (byte)msg.data.Length;
            //checksum starts as msg length
            byte calculatedChecksum = (byte)msg.data.Length;

            //add all message data in
            for (int i = 0; i < msg.data.Length; i++)
                temp[i + 3]         = msg.data[i];
                calculatedChecksum ^= msg.data[i];
            //add checksum
            temp[temp.Length - 1] = calculatedChecksum;

            //send it off
            Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);
        //handles communication and processing of queue
        private void BackgroundLoop()
            long prevTime      = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            int  thousandCount = 0;
            int  fiftyCount    = 0;

            while (!shuttingDown)
                if (linkActive)
                        //update all queued devices
                        while (devices.Count > 0)
                            //send the request or command
                            devices.TryDequeue(out GenericAbstractDevice device);
                            //if it's a sensor and needs a reply
                            if (device.NeedsResponse)
                                //get the reply
                                ROVMessage msg = port.WaitReceiveData(1000);
                                //update the device's data on UI thread
                                device.Invoke(new Action(() => device.UpdateData(msg)));
                            //redraw the device on UI thread
                            device.Invoke(new Action(device.UpdateControls));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)))
                            //log history before exception for debugging
                            Logger.LogString("Start Communication Log Dump\n" + port.GetHistory() + "\nEnd Communication Log Dump");
                            //cease communication
                            LinkActive = false;
                            //show exception dialog
                            if (CommunicationException != null)
                                CommunicationException(this, ex);
                    //fire timers if necessary
                    if ((DateTime.Now.Ticks - prevTime) > 10 * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond)
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
                        prevTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                        if (thousandCount > 100)
                            thousandCount = 0;
                            if (ThousandElapsed != null)
                                ThousandElapsed(this, null);
                        else if (fiftyCount > 5)
                            fiftyCount = 0;
                            if (FiftyElapsed != null)
                                FiftyElapsed(this, null);
                            if (TenElapsed != null)
                                TenElapsed(this, null);