private void RecieveMessages() { try { while (true) { string message = reader.ReadLine(); string[] pieces = message.Split(';'); Dictionary <string, string> data = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (string piece in pieces) { string[] keyAndValue = piece.Split(':'); data.Add(keyAndValue[0], keyAndValue[1]); } switch (data["component"]) { case "RC": Program.rc.HandleRequest(data); break; case "CC":; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.Message); GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.StackTrace); } }
public GUIWindow() { InitializeComponent(); CreateChannelTable(); //UpdateChannelTable(); instance = this; }
private void RecieveMessages() { try { while (true) { string message = reader.ReadLine(); Dictionary <string, string> data = Util.DecodeRequest(message); switch (data["component"]) { case "NCC": ncc.HandleRequest(data, null); break; case "RC": Program.rc.HandleRequest(data); break; case "LRM": Program.lrm.HandleRequest(data); break; case "CC":; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.Message); GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.StackTrace); } }
private void ConnectionRequest(bool interDomainConnection) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent ConnectionRequest(" + lastRouterXIP + ", " + lastRouterYIP + ", " + lastSpeed + " Gb/s, InterDomainConnection: " + interDomainConnection + ") to CC"); string message = "name:ConnectionRequest;routerX:" + lastRouterXIP + ";routerY:" + lastRouterYIP + ";speed:" + lastSpeed + ";IDC:" + interDomainConnection.ToString() + ";layer:upper";; }
private Tuple <string, string, int, int> HandleDirectory(string hostX, string hostY) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent DirectoryRequest(" + hostX + ") to Directory"); string routerXIP; int routerXAsId = 0; try { Tuple <string, int> info = directory[hostX]; routerXIP = info.Item1; routerXAsId = info.Item2; } catch (Exception) { routerXIP = "WRONG NAME"; } GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received DirectoryRequestResponse(" + routerXIP + ", " + routerXAsId + ") from Directory"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent DirectoryRequest(" + hostY + ") to Directory"); string routerYIP; int routerYAsId = 0; try { Tuple <string, int> info = directory[hostY]; routerYIP = info.Item1; routerYAsId = info.Item2; } catch (Exception) { routerYIP = "WRONG NAME"; } GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received DirectoryRequestResponse(" + routerYIP + ", " + routerYAsId + ") from Directory"); return(new Tuple <string, string, int, int>(routerXIP, routerYIP, routerXAsId, routerYAsId)); }
public void PrintPath() { string line = ""; foreach (Connection edge in edges) { line += edge.endPoints.Item1.GetRouterID() + "-" + edge.endPoints.Item2.GetRouterID() + " "; } GUIWindow.PrintLog(line); }
public Server(NCC ncc) { this.ncc = ncc; ipAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry(ip).AddressList[0]; server = new TcpListener(ipAddress, port); //TODO: tu jakiś konfig wczytujemy GUIWindow.PrintLog("Control center is waiting for connections..."); server.Start(); new Thread(StartListening).Start(); }
public void HandleClient(TcpClient client) { TcpClient MyClient = client; NetworkStream stream = MyClient.GetStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream); try { string request = reader.ReadLine(); string[] cut = request.Split(':'); if (cut[0].Equals("REGISTRATION") && cut[1].Equals("HOST")) { numOfHosts++; foreach (Host h in ConfigLoader.GetHosts()) { if (h.getIP() == cut[2]) { lock (hostConnections) { hostConnections.AddLast(new HostConnection(h, client, Convert.ToInt32(cut[3]), this, ncc)); } writer.WriteLine("component:NONE;name:RegistrationResponse;succeeded:true"); writer.Flush(); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Host #" + cut[3] + "|" + cut[2] + "| has been registered"); break; } } } else if (cut[0].Equals("REGISTRATION") && cut[1].Equals("ROUTER")) { numOfRouters++; foreach (Router r in ConfigLoader.GetRouters()) { if (r.getIP() == cut[2]) { lock (routerConnections) { routerConnections.AddLast(new RouterConnection(r, client, Convert.ToInt32(cut[3]), this)); } writer.WriteLine("REGISTRATION:OK"); writer.Flush(); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Router #" + cut[3] + "|" + cut[2] + "| has been registered"); break; } } } } catch (IOException) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("One of the network nodes has been disconected"); } }
public void SendRoutingTable(Dictionary <int, int> routingTable) { try { byte[] bytes = Server.SerializeObject(routingTable); stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); string subnetworkTag = id > 5 ? "SN" : ""; //string tag = subnetworkTag.Length == 0 ? asID.ToString() : subnetworkTag; //RouteControl.savedLogs.Add(new Tuple<string, string>(tag, "Sending Connection Table to Router #" + id)); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Seding Connection Table to Router #" + id, asID); } catch (Exception e) { GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.Message); } }
private void PrintLRMLogs() { foreach (Connection connection in ConfigLoader.myConnections.Values) { if (connection.endPoints.Item1.GetRouterID() == id || connection.endPoints.Item2.GetRouterID() == id) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: LinkConnection #" + connection.GetID() + " has stopped working"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Sent LocalTopology(" + connection.GetID() + ", DISABLED) to RC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received LocalTopology(" + connection.GetID() + ", DISABLED) from Internal LRM"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent LocalTopologyResponse() to Internal LRM"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Received LocalTopologyResponse() from RC"); } } }
static void Main(String[] args) { try { args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); new Thread(() => { Thread.Sleep(1000); try { String config = String.Concat(File.ReadAllLines(args[1])); ConfigLoader.loadConfig(config, args[2]); //String config = String.Concat(File.ReadAllLines("./../../../../sharedResources/tsst_config.xml")); //ConfigLoader.loadConfig(config, "1"); //String config = String.Concat(File.ReadAllLines("./../../../../sharedResources/tsst_config.xml")); //ConfigLoader.loadConfig(config); //String config = String.Concat(File.ReadAllLines(args[1])); //ConfigLoader.LoadConfig(config, args[2]); ncc = new NCC(); server = new Server(ncc); if (ConfigLoader.ccID == 2) { interCCServer = new InterCcCommunicationServer(ncc); } else if (ConfigLoader.ccID == 1) { peerConnection = new PeerConnection(new TcpClient("localhost", 12500), true, ncc); } else { childConnection = new ChildConnection(new TcpClient("localhost", 12500), ncc); } GUIWindow.UpdateChannelTable(); } catch (Exception e) { GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.StackTrace); } }).Start(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new GUIWindow()); } catch (Exception ex) { GUIWindow.PrintLog(ex.StackTrace); } }
private void FindRouterConnectionAndSend(Router router, int id, int port, bool log) { foreach (RouterConnection routerConnection in Server.GetRouterConnections()) { if (routerConnection.router == router) { Dictionary <int, int> routingTable = new Dictionary <int, int>(); routingTable.Add(id, port); routerConnection.SendRoutingTable(routingTable); //if(log) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent MatrixConnection(" + id + ", " + port + ") to Router #" + router.GetRouterID() + "'s CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received MatrixConnectionResponse() from Router #" + router.GetRouterID() + "'s CC"); //} break; } } }
public RouterConnection(Router router, TcpClient client, int id, Server server) { this.router = router; this.client = client; = id; this.server = server; stream = client.GetStream(); reader = new StreamReader(stream); router.working = true; try { ReceiveKeepAlive(); } catch (Exception e) { GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.Message); GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.StackTrace); } }
private void ReceiveKeepAlive() { new Thread(() => { Thread.Sleep(2000); while (true) { try { string message = reader.ReadLine(); string IDs = message.Split(':')[1]; currentConnections.Clear(); if (IDs.Length > 0) { foreach (string idString in IDs.Split(' ')) { if (idString.Length > 0) { currentConnections.Add(Convert.ToInt32(idString)); } } } if (GUIWindow.ShowKeepAlive()) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: KEEP-ALIVE received from Router #" + id); } } catch (IOException) { PrintLRMLogs(); GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Router #" + id + " has stopped working."); router.working = false; working = false; server.RemoveRouterConnection(this); //redirect route foreach (int connectionID in currentConnections) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent RouteTableQuery(" + connectionID + ") to RC"); Program.rc.FastReroute(NCC.callRegister[connectionID], connectionID); } break; } } }).Start(); }
public int[,] GetLRMarray(int[] connID) { int[,] LRMarray = new int[connID.Length, 90]; int n = 0; try { foreach (int key in connID) { int[] buff = cachedChannels[key]; for (int j = 0; j < 90; j++) { LRMarray[n, j] = buff[j]; } n++; } } catch (Exception e) { GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.Message); GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.StackTrace); } return(LRMarray); }
public void HandleRequest(Dictionary <string, string> data) { switch (data["name"]) { case "NetworkTopology": switch (data["receiver"]) { case "peer": GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received NetworkTopology() from peer RC"); if (data["scenario"].Equals("1")) { //scenariusz #1 GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent NetworkTopology() to child RC"); string message2 = "component:RC;name:NetworkTopology;receiver:child;scenario:" + data["scenario"]; Program.parentConnection.SendMessage(message2); } else if (data["scenario"].Equals("2")) { //scenariusz #2 string hostList = " Hosts = "; foreach (Host host in ConfigLoader.myHosts) { hostList += host.GetHostID() + ", "; } hostList = hostList.Remove(hostList.Length - 2, 2); string routersList2 = "Routers = "; foreach (Router router in ConfigLoader.myRouters) { routersList2 += (router.working ? "" : "!") + router.GetRouterID() + ", "; } routersList2 = routersList2.Remove(routersList2.Length - 2, 2); string linksList2 = " Links = "; string channelList2 = ""; foreach (Connection connection in ConfigLoader.myConnections.Values) { linksList2 += connection.endPoints.Item1.GetHostID() + "-" + connection.endPoints.Item2.GetHostID() + ", "; channelList2 += connection.GetID() + "=" + string.Join(",", connection.GetSlot()) + "-"; } linksList2 = linksList2.Remove(linksList2.Length - 2, 2); channelList2 = channelList2.Remove(channelList2.Length - 1, 1); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("Channel List: " + channelList2); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent NetworkTopologyResponse(" + routersList2 + hostList + linksList2 + ") to peer RC"); string message = "component:RC;name:NetworkTopologyResponse;receiver:peer;routersList:" + routersList2 + ";linksList:" + linksList2 + ";hostList:" + hostList + ";scenario:" + data["scenario"] + ";channels:" + channelList2 + ";connID:" + currentConnectionID; Program.peerConnection.SendMessage(message); } break; case "child": //scenariusz #1, 2 lub 3 GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received NetworkTopology() from parent RC"); string routersList = "Routers = "; foreach (Router router in ConfigLoader.myRouters) { routersList += (router.working ? "" : "!") + router.GetRouterID() + ", "; } routersList = routersList.Remove(routersList.Length - 2, 2); string linksList = " Connections = "; string channelList = ""; foreach (Connection connection in ConfigLoader.myConnections.Values) { linksList += connection.endPoints.Item1.GetHostID() + "-" + connection.endPoints.Item2.GetHostID() + ", "; channelList += connection.GetID() + "=" + string.Join(",", connection.GetSlot()) + "-"; } linksList = linksList.Remove(linksList.Length - 2, 2); channelList = channelList.Remove(channelList.Length - 1, 1); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("Channel List: " + channelList); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent NetworkTopologyResponse(" + routersList + linksList + ") to parent RC"); string message1 = "component:RC;name:NetworkTopologyResponse;receiver:parent;routersList:" + routersList + ";linksList:" + linksList + ";scenario:" + data["scenario"] + ";channels:" + channelList; Program.childConnection.SendMessage(message1); break; } break; case "NetworkTopologyResponse": switch (data["receiver"]) { case "parent": GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received NetworkTopologyResponse(" + data["routersList"] + data["linksList"] + ") from child RC"); if (data["scenario"].Equals("1")) { //scenariusz #1 string hostList = " Hosts = "; foreach (Host host in ConfigLoader.myHosts) { hostList += host.GetHostID() + ", "; } hostList = hostList.Remove(hostList.Length - 2, 2); string routersList = data["routersList"] + ", "; foreach (Router router in ConfigLoader.myRouters) { routersList += (router.working ? "" : "!") + router.GetRouterID() + ", "; } routersList = routersList.Remove(routersList.Length - 2, 2); string linksList = data["linksList"] + ", "; string channelList = data["channels"] + "-"; foreach (Connection connection in ConfigLoader.myConnections.Values) { linksList += connection.endPoints.Item1.GetHostID() + "-" + connection.endPoints.Item2.GetHostID() + ", "; channelList += connection.GetID() + "=" + string.Join(",", connection.GetSlot()) + "-"; } linksList = linksList.Remove(linksList.Length - 2, 2); channelList = channelList.Remove(channelList.Length - 1, 1); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent NetworkTopologyResponse(" + routersList + hostList + linksList + ") to peer RC"); string message = "component:RC;name:NetworkTopologyResponse;receiver:peer;routersList:" + routersList + ";linksList:" + linksList + ";hostList:" + hostList + ";scenario:" + data["scenario"] + ";channels:" + channelList + ";connID:" + currentConnectionID; Program.peerConnection.SendMessage(message); } else if (data["scenario"].Equals("2")) { //scenariusz #2 GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent NetworkTopology() to peer RC"); CacheChannels(data["channels"]); FlagRouters(data["routersList"]); string message = "component:RC;name:NetworkTopology;receiver:peer;routersList:" + data["routersList"] + ";linksList:" + data["linksList"] + ";scenario:" + data["scenario"]; Program.peerConnection.SendMessage(message); } else if (data["scenario"].Equals("3")) { //koniec scenariusza #3 CacheChannels(data["channels"]); FlagRouters(data["routersList"]); LoadMyChannels(); CalculateAllPaths(); } break; case "peer": GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received NetworkTopologyResponse(" + data["routersList"] + data["hostList"] + data["linksList"] + ") from peer RC"); if (data["scenario"].Equals("1")) { //koniec scenariusza #1 cachedData.Add("peerConnID", data["connID"]); CacheChannels(data["channels"]); FlagRouters(data["routersList"]); LoadMyChannels(); CalculateAllPaths(); } else if (data["scenario"].Equals("2")) { //koniec scenariusza #2 cachedData.Add("peerConnID", data["connID"]); CacheChannels(data["channels"]); FlagRouters(data["routersList"]); LoadMyChannels(); CalculateAllPaths(); } break; } break; case "RouteTableQuery": GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received RouteTableQuery(" + data["routerX"] + ", " + data["routerY"] + ", " + data["speed"] + " Gb/s, InterDomainConnection: " + data["IDC"] + ") from CC"); cachedData.Clear(); cachedData.Add("routerX", data["routerX"]); cachedData.Add("routerY", data["routerY"]); cachedData.Add("speed", data["speed"]); cachedData.Add("IDC", data["IDC"]); if (ConfigLoader.ccID == 1) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(data["IDC"])) { //scenariusz #1 string message = "component:RC;name:NetworkTopology;receiver:peer;scenario:1"; GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent NetworkTopology() to peer RC"); Program.peerConnection.SendMessage(message); } else { //scenariusz #4 LoadMyChannels(); CalculateAllPaths(); } } else if (ConfigLoader.ccID == 2) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(data["IDC"])) { //scenariusz #2 string message = "component:RC;name:NetworkTopology;receiver:child;scenario:2"; GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent NetworkTopology() to child RC"); Program.parentConnection.SendMessage(message); } else { //scenariusz #3 string message = "component:RC;name:NetworkTopology;receiver:child;scenario:3"; GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent NetworkTopology() to child RC"); Program.parentConnection.SendMessage(message); } } break; case "SendConnectionTables": //GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received SendConnectionTables(" + data["path"] + ", " + data["connID"] + ") from CC"); currentConnectionID = Convert.ToInt32(data["connID"]); UpdateRoutingTables(, currentConnectionID, false, false); UpdateRoutingTables(, currentConnectionID, true, false); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent SendConnectionTablesResponse() to CC");"component:CC;name:SendConnectionTablesResponse")); break; } }
public void HandleRequest(Dictionary <string, string> data, HostConnection caller) { try { switch (data["name"]) { case "CallRequest": GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallRequest(" + data["hostX"] + ", " + data["hostY"] + ", " + data["speed"] + " Gb/s) from CPCC"); Tuple <string, string, int, int> routerData = HandleDirectory(data["hostX"], data["hostY"]); if (routerData.Item1.Equals("WRONG NAME") || routerData.Item2.Equals("WRONG NAME")) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Host name does not exist"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallRequestResponse(UNSUCCESSFUL)"); RefuseConnection(caller); break; } else if (routerData.Item1.Equals(routerData.Item2)) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Target Host name is the same as the source one"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallRequestResponse(UNUSCCESSFUL)"); RefuseConnection(caller); break; } HandlePolicy(); lastCaller = caller; lastRouterXIP = routerData.Item1; lastRouterYIP = routerData.Item2;; lastSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(data["speed"]); lastIDC = routerData.Item3 != routerData.Item4; if (!lastIDC) { string hostYIP1 = routerData.Item2.Remove(routerData.Item2.Length - 1, 1) + "2"; HostConnection hostConnection1 = Server.GetHostConnectionByIP(hostYIP1); string message1 = "component:CPCC;name:CallAccept;routerX:" + data["hostX"] + ";routerY:" + data["hostY"] + ";speed:" + data["speed"]; hostConnection1.SendMessage(message1); cachedHostYConnection = hostConnection1; GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallAccept(" + data["hostX"] + ", " + data["hostY"] + ", " + data["speed"] + " Gb/s) to other NCC"); break; } string message = "component:NCC;name:CallCoordination;routerX:" + routerData.Item1 + ";routerY:" + routerData.Item2 + ";speed:" + data["speed"] + ";IDC:" + lastIDC.ToString(); Program.peerConnection.SendMessage(message); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallCoordination(" + routerData.Item1 + ", " + routerData.Item2 + ", " + data["speed"] + " Gb/s) to other NCC"); break; case "CallCoordination": GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallCoordination(" + data["routerX"] + ", " + data["routerY"] + ", " + data["speed"] + " Gb/s) from other NCC"); lastIDC = Convert.ToBoolean(data["IDC"]); //odwrotne dzialanie funkcji -- dajemy IP dostajemy nazwy routerData = HandleDirectory(data["routerX"], data["routerY"]); HandlePolicy(); string hostYIP = data["routerY"].Remove(data["routerY"].Length - 1, 1) + "2"; HostConnection hostConnection = Server.GetHostConnectionByIP(hostYIP); cachedHostYConnection = hostConnection; message = "component:CPCC;name:CallAccept;routerX:" + routerData.Item1 + ";routerY:" + routerData.Item2 + ";speed:" + data["speed"]; hostConnection.SendMessage(message); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallAccept(" + routerData.Item1 + ", " + routerData.Item2 + ", " + data["speed"] + " Gb/s) to other NCC"); break; case "CallCoordinationResponse": if (!Convert.ToBoolean(data["succeeded"])) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallRequestResponse(DENIED) from other NCC"); RefuseConnection(lastCaller); } else { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallRequestResponse(ACCEPTED) from other NCC"); ConnectionRequest(lastIDC); //message = "component:CPCC;name:CallRequestResponse;succeeded:true;connectionID:0"; //hard-kodowane connID na razie //lastCaller.SendMessage(message); } break; case "CallAcceptResponse": string status = "ACCEPTED"; if (lastIDC) { if (!Convert.ToBoolean(data["succeeded"])) { message = "component:NCC;name:CallCoordinationResponse;succeeded:false"; status = "DENIED"; } else { message = "component:NCC;name:CallCoordinationResponse;succeeded:true"; } Program.peerConnection.SendMessage(message); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallCoordinationResponse(" + status + ") to other NCC"); } else { if (!Convert.ToBoolean(data["succeeded"])) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallAcceptResponse(DENIED) from CPCC"); RefuseConnection(lastCaller); } else { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallAcceptResponse(ACCEPTED) from CPCC"); ConnectionRequest(lastIDC); } } break; case "CallTeardownCPCC": GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallTeardownCPCC(" + data["connectionID"] + ") from CPCC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent ConnectionRequest(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to CC"); message = "component:CC;name:ConnectionTeardown;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"];; break; case "ConnectionTeardownResponse": GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received ConnectionRequestResponse(" + data["connectionID"] + ") from CC : OK"); if (callRegister[Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"])].GetStartAsID() == ConfigLoader.ccID) { // Pierwszy AS if (!callRegister[Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"])].GetInterDomainConnectionFlag()) { //polaczenie wewnatrzdomenowe GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallTeardownCPCC(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to CPCC"); message = "component:CPCC;name:CallTeardownCPCC;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; callRegister[Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"])].GetTargetHostConnection().SendMessage(message); break; } else { //polaczenie zewnatrzdomenowe GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallTeardownNCC(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to other AS NCC"); message = "component:NCC;name:CallTeardownNCC;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; Program.peerConnection.SendMessage(message); } } else { // Drugi AS GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallTeardownNCCResponse(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to other AS NCC : OK"); message = "component:NCC;name:CallTeardownNCCResponse;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; Program.peerConnection.SendMessage(message); } break; case "CallTeardownNCC": GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallTeardownNCC(" + data["connectionID"] + ") from other AS NCC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallTeardownCPCC(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to CPCC"); message = "component:CPCC;name:CallTeardownCPCC;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; callRegister[Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"])].GetTargetHostConnection().SendMessage(message); break; case "CallTeardownCPCCResponse": GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallTeardownCPCCResponse(" + data["connectionID"] + ") from CPCC: OK"); if (!callRegister[Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"])].GetInterDomainConnectionFlag()) { //polaczenie wewnatrzdomenowe GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallTeardownCPCCResponse(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to CPCC : OK"); message = "component:CPCC;name:CallTeardownCPCCResponse;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; callRegister[Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"])].GetStartHostConnection().SendMessage(message); } else { //polaczenie zewnatrzdomenowe GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent ConnectionRequest(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to CC"); message = "component:CC;name:ConnectionTeardown;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"];; } break; case "CallTeardownNCCResponse": GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallTeardownNCCResponse(" + data["connectionID"] + ") from other AS NCC : OK"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallTeardownCPCCResponse(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to CPCC : OK"); message = "component:CPCC;name:CallTeardownCPCCResponse;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; callRegister[Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"])].GetStartHostConnection().SendMessage(message); break; case "CallConfirmation": if (!Convert.ToBoolean(data["succeeded"])) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallConfirmation(SUCCEEDED: false) from other NCC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallConfirmation(SUCCEEDED: false) to CPCC"); cachedHostYConnection.SendMessage("component:CPCC;name:CallConfirmation;IDC:" + data["IDC"] + ";succeeded:false"); } else { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallConfirmation(SUCCEEDED: true, connectionID: " + data["connID"] + ") from other NCC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallConfirmation(SUCCEEDED: true, connectionID: " + data["connID"] + ") to CPCC"); cachedHostYConnection.SendMessage("component:CPCC;name:CallConfirmation;IDC:" + data["IDC"] + ";succeeded:true;connID:" + data["connID"]); } break; case "CallConfirmationResponse": switch (data["sender"]) { case "CPCC": GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallConfirmationResponse() from CPCC"); if (Convert.ToBoolean(data["IDC"])) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallConfirmationResponse() to other NCC"); Program.peerConnection.SendMessage("component:NCC;name:CallConfirmationResponse;sender:NCC"); } else { if (!cachedSuccess) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallRequestResponse(SUCCEEDED: false) to CPCC"); lastCaller.SendMessage("component:CPCC;name:CallRequestResponse;succeeded:false"); } else { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallRequestResponse(SUCCEEDED: true, connectionID: " + RC.currentConnectionID + ") to CPCC"); lastCaller.SendMessage("component:CPCC;name:CallRequestResponse;succeeded:true;connectionID:" + RC.currentConnectionID); } } break; case "NCC": GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received CallConfirmationResponse() from other NCC"); if (!cachedSuccess) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallRequestResponse(SUCCEEDED: false) to CPCC"); lastCaller.SendMessage("component:CPCC;name:CallRequestResponse;succeeded:false"); } else { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallRequestResponse(SUCCEEDED: true, connectionID: " + RC.currentConnectionID + ") to CPCC"); lastCaller.SendMessage("component:CPCC;name:CallRequestResponse;succeeded:true;connectionID:" + RC.currentConnectionID); } break; } break; case "ConnectionRequestResponse": cachedSuccess = Convert.ToBoolean(data["succeeded"]); if (lastIDC) { if (!Convert.ToBoolean(data["succeeded"])) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received ConnectionRequestResponse(SUCCEEDED: false) from CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallConfirmation(SUCCEEDED: false) to other NCC"); Program.peerConnection.SendMessage("component:NCC;name:CallConfirmation;IDC:true;succeeded:false"); } else { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received ConnectionRequestResponse(SUCCEEDED: true, connectionID: " + data["connID"] + ") from CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallConfirmation(SUCCEEDED: true, connectionID: " + data["connID"] + ") to other NCC"); Program.peerConnection.SendMessage("component:NCC;name:CallConfirmation;IDC:true;succeeded:true;connID:" + data["connID"]); } } else { if (!Convert.ToBoolean(data["succeeded"])) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received ConnectionRequestResponse(SUCCEEDED: false) from CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallConfirmation(SUCCEEDED: false) to CPCC"); cachedHostYConnection.SendMessage("component:CPCC;name:CallConfirmation;succeeded:false;IDC:false"); } else { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received ConnectionRequestResponse(SUCCEEDED: true, connectionID: " + data["connID"] + ") from CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent CallConfirmation(SUCCEEDED: true, connectionID: " + data["connID"] + ") to CPCC"); cachedHostYConnection.SendMessage("component:CPCC;name:CallConfirmation;succeeded:true;IDC:false;connID:" + data["connID"]); } } break; } } catch (Exception e) { GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.Message); GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.StackTrace); } }
private void HandlePolicy() { GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Sent Policy() to CAC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("NCC: Received PolicyResponse(OK)"); }
public bool FastReroute(Call call, int connectionID) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received RouteTableQuery(" + connectionID + ") from CC"); Path oldPath = call.GetPath(); List <Path> paths = null; try { paths = Algorithms.AllPaths(oldPath.endPoints.Item1, oldPath.endPoints.Item2); } catch (Exception e) { GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.Message); GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.StackTrace); } if (paths == null || paths.Count == 0) { //nie istnieje żadna ścieżka -> należy przejść wyżej lub rozłączyć jeśli jesteśmy już na górze return(false); } Path newPath = paths[0]; NCC.callRegister[connectionID].path = newPath; string oldLCs = ""; foreach (Connection connection in oldPath.edges) { if (ConfigLoader.myConnections.Values.Contains(connection)) { oldLCs += connection.GetID() + ", "; } } oldLCs = oldLCs.Remove(oldLCs.Length - 2, 2); string newLCs = ""; foreach (Connection connection in newPath.edges) { if (ConfigLoader.myConnections.Values.Contains(connection)) { newLCs += connection.GetID() + ", "; } } newLCs = newLCs.Remove(newLCs.Length - 2, 2); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent RouteTableQueryResponse(" + oldLCs + ";" + newLCs + ") to CC"); //tutaj dodać do argumentów id LC tylko z tej podsieci GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received RouteTableQueryResponse(" + oldLCs + ";" + newLCs + ") from RC"); //tu też UpdateRoutingTables(oldPath, call.GetConnectionID(), false, true); UpdateRoutingTables(newPath, call.GetConnectionID(), false, false); UpdateRoutingTables(newPath, call.GetConnectionID(), true, false); foreach (Connection connection in oldPath.edges) { if (!ConfigLoader.myConnections.Values.Contains(connection)) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < connection.slot.Length; i++) { if (connection.slot[i] == connectionID) { connection.slot[i] = 0; } } GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent LinkConnectionDeallocation(" + connection.GetID() + ") to internal LRM"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Received LinkConnectionDeallocation(" + connection.GetID() + ") from CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Sent LocalTopology(" + connection.GetID() + ": " + String.Join("", connection.slot) + ") to RC : DEALLOCATED"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received LocalTopology(" + connection.GetID() + ": " + String.Join("", connection.slot) + ") from Internal LRM : DEALLOCATED"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent LocalTopologyResponse() to Internal LRM : OK"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Received LocalTopologyResponse() from RC : OK"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Sent LinkConnectionDeallocationResponse() to CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received LinkConnectionDeallocationResponse() from Internal LRM"); } string[] range = oldPath.channelRange.Split('-'); foreach (Connection connection in newPath.edges) { if (!ConfigLoader.myConnections.Values.Contains(connection)) { continue; } for (int i = Convert.ToInt32(range[0]); i <= Convert.ToInt32(range[1]); i++) { connection.slot[i] = RC.currentConnectionID; } GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent LinkConnectionRequest(" + connection.GetID() + ", " + oldPath.channelRange + ") to internal LRM"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Received LinkConnectionRequest(" + connection.GetID() + ", " + oldPath.channelRange + ") from CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Sent LocalTopology(" + connection.GetID() + ": " + String.Join("", connection.slot) + ") to RC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received LocalTopology(" + connection.GetID() + ": " + String.Join("", connection.slot) + ") from Internal LRM"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent LocalTopologyResponse() to Internal LRM : OK"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Received LocalTopologyResponse() from RC : OK"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Sent LinkConnectionRequestResponse() to CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received LinkConnectionRequestResponse() from Internal LRM"); } GUIWindow.UpdateChannelTable(); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Sent ChannelReallocationResponse() to CC"); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received ChannelReallocationResponse() from Internal LRM"); return(true); }
public static void loadConfig(String config, String id) { ccID = Int32.Parse(id); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(config); int nodeID; int asID; String ip; int port; bool subnetworkRouter = false; //LinkedList<int> ports = new LinkedList<int>(); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; XmlNodeList hostNodesList = root.SelectNodes("/config/hosts/host"); XmlNodeList routerNodesList = root.SelectNodes("/config/routers/router"); XmlNodeList connectionNodesList = root.SelectNodes("/config/cloud/connections/connection"); XmlNodeList controlCenterNodesList = root.SelectNodes("/config/control-centers/control-center"); //HOSTS: LinkedList <Host> hosts = new LinkedList <Host>(); //ROUTERS: LinkedList <Router> routers = new LinkedList <Router>(); //CONNECTIONS: //LinkedList<Connection> connections = new LinkedList<Connection>(); Dictionary <int, Connection> connections = new Dictionary <int, Connection>(); foreach (XmlNode n in controlCenterNodesList) { if (Int32.Parse(n.Attributes["id"].Value) == ccID) { ccListeningPort = Int32.Parse(n.Attributes["listening-port"].Value); break; } } //routery foreach (XmlNode node in routerNodesList) { nodeID = Int32.Parse(node.Attributes["id"].Value); asID = Int32.Parse(node.Attributes["as-id"].Value); ip = node.SelectSingleNode("router-ip").InnerText; subnetworkRouter = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["subnetwork-router"].Value); LinkedList <int> ports = new LinkedList <int>(); XmlNodeList routerPortsList = node.SelectNodes("router-ports/router-port"); foreach (XmlNode portNode in routerPortsList) { ports.AddLast(Int32.Parse(portNode.InnerText)); } routers.AddLast(new Router(nodeID, ip, asID, ports, subnetworkRouter)); } //hosty foreach (XmlNode node in hostNodesList) { nodeID = Int32.Parse(node.Attributes["id"].Value); asID = Int32.Parse(node.Attributes["as-id"].Value); ip = node.SelectSingleNode("host-ip").InnerText; port = Int32.Parse(node.SelectSingleNode("host-port").InnerText); Router neighbor = null; foreach (Router r in routers) { if (r.GetRouterID() == Int32.Parse(node.Attributes["router-id"].Value)) { neighbor = r; break; } } hosts.AddLast(new Host(nodeID, ip, asID, port, neighbor)); } //polaczenia foreach (XmlNode node in connectionNodesList) { nodeID = 0; asID = 0; int portA = 0; int portB = 0; nodeID = Int32.Parse(node.Attributes["id"].Value); String connectionType = node.Attributes["type"].Value; int distance = Int32.Parse(node.Attributes["distance"].Value); double maxBandwidth = Double.Parse(node.Attributes["max-bandwidth"].Value); bool external = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["external"].Value); asID = Int32.Parse(node.Attributes["as-id"].Value); XmlNodeList childNodes; childNodes = node.SelectNodes("endpoint"); if (connectionType.Equals("host-router")) { Host host = null; Router router = null; foreach (XmlNode childNode in childNodes) { int ID = Int32.Parse(childNode.Attributes["id"].Value); if (childNode.Attributes["type"].Value.Equals("host")) { foreach (Host searchHost in hosts) { if (searchHost.GetHostID() == ID) { host = searchHost; portA = 100; } } } if (childNode.Attributes["type"].Value.Equals("router")) { foreach (Router searchRouter in routers) { if (searchRouter.GetRouterID() == ID) { router = searchRouter; portB = Int32.Parse(childNode.Attributes["port"].Value); } } } } if (router != null && host != null) { //connections.AddLast(new Connection(nodeID, host, router, distance, maxBandwidth, external, asID)); connections.Add(nodeID, new Connection(nodeID, host, router, distance, maxBandwidth, external, asID, new Tuple <int, int>(portA, portB))); } } else if (connectionType.Equals("router-router")) { Router a = null, b = null; foreach (XmlNode childNode in childNodes) { int ID = Int32.Parse(childNode.Attributes["id"].Value); foreach (Router searchRouter in routers) { if (searchRouter.GetRouterID() == ID) { if (a == null) { a = searchRouter; portA = Int32.Parse(childNode.Attributes["port"].Value); } else { b = searchRouter; portB = Int32.Parse(childNode.Attributes["port"].Value); } } } } if (a != null && b != null) { connections.Add(nodeID, new Connection(nodeID, a, b, distance, maxBandwidth, external, asID, new Tuple <int, int>(portA, portB))); } } } ConfigLoader.hosts = hosts; ConfigLoader.routers = routers; ConfigLoader.connections = connections; GUIWindow.ChangeWindowName("ControlCenter" + ccID); sortItems(); //foreach (Connection edge in myConnections.Values) { // GUIWindow.PrintLog(edge.GetID().ToString()); //} }
public void RemoveHostConnection(HostConnection hostConnection) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("Host #" + hostConnection.GetID() + " has disconnected"); hostConnections.Remove(hostConnection); }
public static List <Path> AllPaths(Host sender, Host receiver) { if (sender == null || receiver == null) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("One or both host IDs do not exist!"); return(null); } Graph graph = new Graph(ConfigLoader.routers.Count + 1); Router initialRouter = null; Router finalRouter = null; int i = 0; foreach (Connection edge in ConfigLoader.connections.Values) { Node n1 = edge.endPoints.Item1; Node n2 = edge.endPoints.Item2; if (!n1.working || !n2.working) { continue; } if (n1 is Router && n2 is Router) { graph.addEdge(n1.GetRouterID(), n2.GetRouterID()); graph.addEdge(n2.GetRouterID(), n1.GetRouterID()); } else if (n1 is Router && n2 is Host) { if ((Host)n2 == sender) { initialRouter = (Router)n1; } else if ((Host)n2 == receiver) { finalRouter = (Router)n1; } } else if (n1 is Host && n2 is Router) { if ((Host)n1 == sender) { initialRouter = (Router)n2; } else if ((Host)n1 == receiver) { finalRouter = (Router)n2; } } } if (initialRouter == null || finalRouter == null) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("Could not calculate shortest paths (either the IDs are incorrect or graph was incorrectly configured)!"); return(null); } //Console.WriteLine("Paths between " + initialRouter.GetRouterID() + " and " + finalRouter.GetRouterID()); graph.printAllPaths(initialRouter.GetRouterID(), finalRouter.GetRouterID()); List <List <int> > allPathsNodes = graph.allPaths; List <Path> allPaths = new List <Path>(); foreach (List <int> path in allPathsNodes) { allPaths.Add(new Path(path, sender, receiver)); } allPaths.Sort(); return(allPaths); }
public void HandleRequest(Dictionary <string, string> data) { switch (data["name"]) { case "ConnectionRequest": switch (data["layer"]) { case "upper": GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received ConnectionRequest(" + data["routerX"] + ", " + data["routerY"] + ", " + data["speed"] + " Gb/s, InterDomainConnection: " + data["IDC"] + ") from NCC"); string networkCase = ConfigLoader.ccID == 3 ? "SN" : "FirstAS"; string message420 = "component:RC;name:RouteTableQuery;routerX:" + data["routerX"] + ";routerY:" + data["routerY"] + ";speed:" + data["speed"] + ";IDC:" + data["IDC"] + ";case:" + networkCase; GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent RouteTableQuery(" + data["routerX"] + ", " + data["routerY"] + ", " + data["speed"] + " Gb/s, InterDomainConnection: " + data["IDC"] + ") to RC"); Program.rc.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message420)); break; case "lower": GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received ConnectionRequest(routerX: " + data["routerX"] + ", routerY: " + data["routerY"] + ", path:" + data["path"] + ") from parent CC"); List <int> routerID2 = new List <int>(); foreach (string id in data["path"].Split('-')) { routerID2.Add(Convert.ToInt32(id)); } Host hostX2 = ConfigLoader.FindHostAmongAll(Convert.ToInt32(data["endPoint1"])); Host hostY2 = ConfigLoader.FindHostAmongAll(Convert.ToInt32(data["endPoint2"])); cachedPath = new Path(routerID2, hostX2, hostY2); cachedPath.channelRange = data["channelRange"]; Tuple <HostConnection, HostConnection> connections2 = GetHostConnections(cachedPath); Call call2 = new Call(Convert.ToInt32(data["connID"]), true, (ConfigLoader.ccID == 1 ? 2 : 1), cachedPath.throughSN, connections2.Item1, connections2.Item2, cachedPath); NCC.callRegister.Add(Convert.ToInt32(data["connID"]), call2); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent SendConnectionTables(" + data["path"] + ", " + data["connID"] + ") to RC"); Program.rc.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest("name:SendConnectionTables;connID:" + data["connID"] + ";path:" + data["path"])); break; } break; case "ConnectionRequestResponse": GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received ConnectionRequestResponse() from child CC"); if (cachedScenario == 1) { //scenariusz 1 GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent PeerCoordinationResponse() to peer CC"); Program.peerConnection.SendMessage("component:CC;name:PeerCoordinationResponse"); } else { //scenariusz 2 var decoded = Util.DecodeRequest(cachedMessage); GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent PeerCoordination(routerX: " + decoded["routerX"] + ", routerY: " + decoded["routerY"] + ", path:" + decoded["path"] + ") to peer CC"); Program.peerConnection.SendMessage(cachedMessage); } break; case "RouteTableQueryResponse": //GUIWindow.PrintLog("Received RouteTableQueryResponse(" + data["path"] + ") from RC"); if (data["path"].Equals("null")) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Requested connection could not be established"); string message1 = "component:CC;name:ConnectionRequestResponse;succeeded:false"; GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent ConnectionRequestResponse(SUCCEEDED: false) to NCC"); Program.ncc.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message1), null); break; } //tutaj wysyłamy LRMom request o alokacje, potem PeerCoordination jeśli to połączenie IDC bool throughSN = ConfigLoader.ccID == 1 ? false : RC.currentPath.throughSN; Tuple <HostConnection, HostConnection> connections = GetHostConnections(RC.currentPath); Call call = new Call(RC.currentConnectionID, Convert.ToBoolean(RC.cachedData["IDC"]), ConfigLoader.ccID, throughSN, connections.Item1, connections.Item2, RC.currentPath); NCC.callRegister.Add(RC.currentConnectionID, call); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent LinkConnectionRequest(" + RC.cachedData["channelRange"] + ") to internal LRM"); string message2 = "name:LinkConnectionRequest;type:internal;channelRange:" + RC.cachedData["channelRange"] + ";asType:first"; Program.lrm.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message2)); break; case "LinkConnectionRequestResponse": switch (data["type"]) { case "internal": //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received LinkConnectionRequestResponse() from internal LRM"); if (data["asType"].Equals("second")) { if (cachedPath.throughSN && ConfigLoader.ccID == 2) { //tu jeszcze external LinkConnectionRequest string message3 = "name:LinkConnectionRequest;type:external;respond:false;channelRange:" + cachedPath.channelRange; Program.lrm.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message3)); GUIWindow.PrintLog("External LRM: Sent LinkConnectionRequestResponse() to CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received LinkConnectionRequestResponse() from External LRM"); var decoded = Util.DecodeRequest(cachedMessage); cachedScenario = 1; GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent ConnectionRequest(routerX: " + decoded["routerX"] + ", routerY: " + decoded["routerY"] + ", path:" + decoded["path"] + ") to child CC"); Program.parentConnection.SendMessage(cachedMessage); } else { //zwrotka do peera GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent PeerCoordinationResponse() to peer CC"); Program.peerConnection.SendMessage("component:CC;name:PeerCoordinationResponse"); } break; } else if (data["asType"].Equals("SN")) { //zwrotka do parent CC GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent ConnectionRequestResponse() to parent CC"); Program.childConnection.SendMessage("component:CC;name:ConnectionRequestResponse"); break; } if (Convert.ToBoolean(RC.cachedData["IDC"])) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent LinkConnectionRequest(" + RC.cachedData["channelRange"] + ") to extrenal LRM"); string message3 = "name:LinkConnectionRequest;type:external;respond:true;channelRange:" + RC.cachedData["channelRange"]; Program.lrm.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message3)); } else { //connectionRequestResponse string message1 = "component:CC;name:ConnectionRequestResponse;succeeded:true;connID:" + RC.currentConnectionID; GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent ConnectionRequestResponse(SUCCEEDED: true, connectionID: " + RC.currentConnectionID + ") to NCC"); Program.ncc.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message1), null); } break; case "external": GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received LinkConnectionRequestResponse() from external LRM"); try { string listOfRouters = ""; foreach (int router in RC.currentPath.routerIDs) { listOfRouters += router + "-"; } listOfRouters = listOfRouters.Remove(listOfRouters.Length - 1, 1); string message4 = "component:CC;name:PeerCoordination;connID:" + RC.currentConnectionID + ";routerX:" + RC.cachedData["routerX"] + ";routerY:" + RC.cachedData["routerY"] + ";routerIDs:" + listOfRouters + ";endPoint1:" + RC.currentPath.endPoints.Item1.GetHostID() + ";" + "endPoint2:" + RC.currentPath.endPoints.Item2.GetHostID() + ";path:" + listOfRouters + ";channelRange:" + RC.cachedData["channelRange"]; if (ConfigLoader.ccID == 1) { //robimy PeerCoordination GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent PeerCoordination(routerX: " + RC.cachedData["routerX"] + ", routerY: " + RC.cachedData["routerY"] + ", path:" + listOfRouters + ") to peer CC"); Program.peerConnection.SendMessage(message4); } else if (ConfigLoader.ccID == 2) { cachedScenario = 2; cachedMessage = message4; GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent ConnectionRequest(routerX: " + RC.cachedData["routerX"] + ", routerY: " + RC.cachedData["routerY"] + ", path:" + listOfRouters + ") to child CC"); Program.parentConnection.SendMessage(message4 + ";layer:lower;actualName:ConnectionRequest"); } } catch (Exception e) { GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.Message); GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.StackTrace); } break; } break; case "PeerCoordination": try { GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received " + data["actualName"] + "(routerX: " + data["routerX"] + ", routerY: " + data["routerY"] + ", path:" + data["path"] + ") from parent CC"); } catch (Exception) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received PeerCoordination(routerX: " + data["routerX"] + ", routerY: " + data["routerY"] + ", path:" + data["path"] + ") from peer CC"); } List <int> routerID = new List <int>(); foreach (string id in data["path"].Split('-')) { routerID.Add(Convert.ToInt32(id)); } Host hostX = ConfigLoader.FindHostAmongAll(Convert.ToInt32(data["endPoint1"])); Host hostY = ConfigLoader.FindHostAmongAll(Convert.ToInt32(data["endPoint2"])); cachedPath = new Path(routerID, hostX, hostY); cachedPath.channelRange = data["channelRange"]; Tuple <HostConnection, HostConnection> connections1 = GetHostConnections(cachedPath); //GUIWindow.PrintLog(connections1.Item1.ToString()); //GUIWindow.PrintLog(connections1.Item2.GetID().ToString()); Call call1 = new Call(Convert.ToInt32(data["connID"]), true, (ConfigLoader.ccID == 1 ? 2 : 1), cachedPath.throughSN, connections1.Item1, connections1.Item2, cachedPath); NCC.callRegister.Add(Convert.ToInt32(data["connID"]), call1); cachedMessage = "component:CC;name:ConnectionRequest;layer:lower;connID:" + data["connID"] + ";routerX:" + data["routerX"] + ";routerY:" + data["routerY"] + ";routerIDs:" + data["routerIDs"] + ";endPoint1:" + data["endPoint1"] + ";" + "endPoint2:" + data["endPoint2"] + ";path:" + data["path"] + ";channelRange:" + data["channelRange"]; //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent SendConnectionTables(" + data["path"] + ", " + data["connID"] + ") to RC"); Program.rc.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest("name:SendConnectionTables;connID:" + data["connID"] + ";path:" + data["path"])); break; case "PeerCoordinationResponse": GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received PeerCoordinationResponse() from peer CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent ConnectionRequestResponse() to NCC"); Program.ncc.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest("name:ConnectionRequestResponse;succeeded:true;connID:" + RC.currentConnectionID), null); break; case "SendConnectionTablesResponse": //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received SendConnectionTablesResponse() from RC"); try { //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent LinkConnectionRequest(" + cachedPath.channelRange + ") to internal LRM"); string message22 = "name:LinkConnectionRequest;type:internal;channelRange:" + cachedPath.channelRange + ";asType:" + (ConfigLoader.ccID == 3 ? "SN" : "second"); Program.lrm.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message22)); } catch (Exception e) { GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.Message); GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.StackTrace); } break; case "ConnectionTeardown": if (ConfigLoader.ccID == 3) { //CHILD GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received ConnectionRequest(" + data["connectionID"] + ") from Parent CC"); Path path = NCC.callRegister[Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"])].GetPath(); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent SendConnectionTables(" + data["connectionID"] + ", " + path.ToString() + ", disconnect) to RC"); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received SendConnectionTables(" + data["connectionID"] + ", " + path.ToString() + ", disconnect) from CC"); Program.rc.UpdateRoutingTables(path, Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"]), false, true); //Program.rc.UpdateRoutingTables(path, Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"]), true, true); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent SendConnectionTablesResponse() to CC : OK"); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received SendConnectionTablesResponse() from RC : OK"); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent LinkConnectionInternalDeallocation(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to Internal LRM"); string message1 = "component:LRM;name:LinkConnectionInternalDeallocation;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; Program.lrm.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message1)); } else { GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received ConnectionRequest(" + data["connectionID"] + ") from NCC"); // InterDomainConnection: " + data["IDC"] Path path = NCC.callRegister[Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"])].GetPath(); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent SendConnectionTables(" + data["connectionID"] + ", " + path.ToString() + ", disconnect) to RC"); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received SendConnectionTables(" + data["connectionID"] + ", " + path.ToString() + ", disconnect) from CC"); Program.rc.UpdateRoutingTables(path, Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"]), false, true); //Program.rc.UpdateRoutingTables(path, Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"]), true, true); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent SendConnectionTablesResponse() to CC : OK"); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received SendConnectionTablesResponse() from RC : OK"); var element = NCC.callRegister[Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"])]; bool interDomainConnectionFlag = element.GetInterDomainConnectionFlag(); int asID = element.GetStartAsID(); if (interDomainConnectionFlag && asID == ConfigLoader.ccID) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent LinkConnectionExternalDeallocation(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to External LRM"); string message3 = "component:LRM;name:LinkConnectionExternalDeallocation;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"] + ";deleteChannels:true"; Program.lrm.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message3)); } else if (!interDomainConnectionFlag) { //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent LinkConnectionInternalDeallocation(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to Internal LRM"); string message3 = "component:LRM;name:LinkConnectionInternalDeallocation;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; Program.lrm.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message3)); } else { GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent LinkConnectionExternalDeallocation(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to External LRM"); string message3 = "component:LRM;name:LinkConnectionExternalDeallocation;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"] + ";deleteChannels:false"; Program.lrm.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message3)); } } break; case "LinkConnectionExternalDeallocationResponse": GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received LinkConnectionExternalDeallocation(" + data["connectionID"] + ") from External LRM : OK"); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent LinkConnectionInternalDeallocation(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to Internal LRM"); string message = "component:LRM;name:LinkConnectionInternalDeallocation;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; Program.lrm.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message)); break; case "LinkConnectionInternalDeallocationResponse": //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received LinkConnectionInternalDeallocationResponse(" + data["connectionID"] + ") from Internal LRM : OK"); if (NCC.callRegister[Int32.Parse(data["connectionID"])].GetThroughSubnetwork() && ConfigLoader.ccID == 2) { // PARENT GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent ConnectionRequest(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to Child CC"); message = "component:CC;name:ConnectionTeardown;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; Program.parentConnection.SendMessage(message); } else if (ConfigLoader.ccID == 3) { // CHILD GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent ConnectionRequestResponse(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to Parent CC : OK"); message = "component:CC;name:ConnectionTeardownResponse;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; Program.childConnection.SendMessage(message); } else { GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent ConnectionRequestResponse(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to NCC : OK"); message = "component:NCC;name:ConnectionTeardownResponse;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; Program.ncc.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message), null); } break; case "ConnectionTeardownResponse": //Odpowiedz od CHILD GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received ConnectionRequestResponse(" + data["connectionID"] + ") from Child CC : OK"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent ConnectionRequestResponse(" + data["connectionID"] + ") to NCC : OK"); message = "component:NCC;name:ConnectionTeardownResponse;connectionID:" + data["connectionID"]; Program.ncc.HandleRequest(Util.DecodeRequest(message), null); break; } }
private void CalculateAllPaths() { Node startingNode = ConfigLoader.GetNodeByIP(cachedData["routerX"]); Node endingNode = ConfigLoader.GetNodeByIP(cachedData["routerY"]); int speed = Convert.ToInt32(cachedData["speed"]); Host startHost = null; Host endingHost = null; foreach (Host h in ConfigLoader.hosts) { if (startingNode == h.GetNeighborRouter()) { startHost = h; } if (endingNode == h.GetNeighborRouter()) { endingHost = h; } } List <Path> paths = Algorithms.AllPaths(startHost, endingHost); if (paths == null || paths.Count == 0) { //nie istnieje żadna ścieżka GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent RouteTableQueryResponse(null) to CC");"component:CC;name:RouteTableQueryResponse;path:null")); return; } Path chosenPath = null; foreach (Path path in paths) { int[] pathsID = path.getEdges(); int n = DetermineGapNo(speed, path.GetLength()); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("Channel count: " + n); int[,] LRMarray = GetLRMarray(pathsID); int[] indexFromTo = EvaluatePath(n, LRMarray); if (indexFromTo[0] != -1 && indexFromTo[1] != -1) { //GUIWindow.PrintLog("Test: n: " + n + " index from: " + indexFromTo[0] + " to " + indexFromTo[1]); try { cachedData.Add("channelRange", indexFromTo[0] + "-" + indexFromTo[1]); } catch (Exception) { cachedData["channelRange"] = indexFromTo[0] + "-" + indexFromTo[1]; } chosenPath = path; chosenPath.channelRange = indexFromTo[0] + "-" + indexFromTo[1]; break; } } currentPath = chosenPath; //GUIWindow.PrintLog("Path from Router" + startingNode.GetRouterID() + " to Router" + endingNode.GetRouterID() + " at " + speed + " Gb/s"); if (chosenPath == null) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent RouteTableQueryResponse(null) to CC");"component:CC;name:RouteTableQueryResponse;path:null")); return; } int nextConnectionID = currentConnectionID + 1; if (Convert.ToBoolean(cachedData["IDC"])) { nextConnectionID = Math.Max(nextConnectionID, Convert.ToInt32(cachedData["peerConnID"]) + 1); } currentConnectionID = nextConnectionID; string pathString = (chosenPath == null ? "null" : chosenPath.ToString()); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent RouteTableQueryResponse(" + pathString + ") to CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received RouteTableQueryResponse(" + pathString + ") from RC"); UpdateRoutingTables(chosenPath, currentConnectionID, false, false); UpdateRoutingTables(chosenPath, currentConnectionID, true, false); string message = "component:CC;name:RouteTableQueryResponse;path:" + pathString;; }